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Old 03-14-2007, 06:50 PM   #21

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My brother sadly never prayed regularly. He only used to go for Jummah prayers and that too with reluctancy. His friends took him to Shab-e-Jummah in the tableeghi masjid and then to a lecture by a Tablighi on the next Sunday.

I am telling you the truth that he was in tears during that lecture(his second meeting with the Tableeghis) and now he is a pakkah namazi(Alhamulillah) since then. It was a miracle for us and my mother, who used to endlessly pray for his hadayyat day in and day out. I dont mean to say that this happens all the time but I tell you that Tablighis do become a Sabab of Allah`s Hadayah. Then again not all of them maybe effective enough but they are doing a good job in general. Try to look at their good points and advise them about their shortcomings but donnot judge the JAmmat in reference to few bad Jamaatis. Look at the nature of work not the individuals. Do constructive criticisim. In this way we can leave out no on as we have differences with almost every other individual, Alim and school of thought. Be positive,please. Wassalaam
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Old 03-14-2007, 07:09 PM   #22

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Asslamo Allaikum,

I am going to ignore your mocking of the Sunnah of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) about Tableegh and leave you to the judgement of Allah (SWT).

Answers to your questions in order; although I am NOT a Tableeghi!

1) Haji Abdul-Wahhab (Ameer of Pakistan) was asked the question as to why the change is NOT coming in Pakistan when the work is going on; and his reply was as follows:

a) Our efforts are for the ummah and not just Pakistan...

b) If we were to shut shop and just concentrate on Pakistan; you will see a change

c) Personally I disagree with you that there is no change; do you not see all these Madaris and Masajid all the place...People coming to the Deen of Allah (SWT)...

The Deen which Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) brought was complete i.e. when it was time to do "Allah, Allah, Allah" it was done...but when it was time to kill Jews it was done...when it was time to dig a trench it was done..

We find that Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) participated in 27 battles and ordered 55 (including his personal 27)!

Islam is a complete religion....Allah (SWT) has produced great Sufees who covered all aspects of Islam from teaching to Dhik'r to Jihad and it is towards the complete Islam that Tableegh should be done

If you choose to follow Sufees who sat around and did Allah, Allah , Allah while the British colonised our lands, raped and killed our women and gave Fatwaas that the British are a benevolence of Allah in India and Jihad is Haram; then you are welcome to that brand of "Turn the other Cheek: Tassawwuff"

I prefer to follow the Sunnah of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) and get myself injured or even killed in defence of my belief while I am doing "Allah Allah Allah...."

I have noticed that you have not defended my allegations and simply mocked them as superficial!

Lastly I translate the couplet of Allama Iqbal (RA) for you in English:

O man of God! You don't have the courage to face the situation
Go, Sit in Cave and do Allah Allah Allah!

So in the height of tableegh..what has happened in pakistan.
has the khilafah come back????

I cant believe such simplistic logic

It baffles me how people can think like that.

The way forward is everyone should renounce the dunya.

Buy a tasbeeh

And say Allah Allah Allah Allah

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Old 03-16-2007, 05:01 AM   #23

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Im sorry if i was the one who took this topic of-course, topic being when the jamaat is coming to tx?


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Old 04-05-2007, 07:42 PM   #24

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Dear brother Ziad,
I have a very nice brother in my masjid doing the work of da'wah, he spent quite a few years in Dallas where he changed his life around from a 'bad' to a good person with the grace of this work. Currently he has gone to Mexico in jumaat from here in Toronto. I think he'll come back April 18, 2007. he has his brother in either houston or dallas, but either way, i can ask him of someone in this work in houston and get his number and give it to u after april 18 INSHALLAH!. so u can contact that brother and just ask him that where do they have the weekly gathering where they have a speech and hundreds of people come to listen very week. May Allah make it easy for you!
Actually i also changed i used to be very bad before, but thanx to this effort of Dawah. Brother if u have any other questions don't be hesitant to ask me and Inshallah i'll try my best. Hey! i just remmebered Shaykh nazim Mangera spent a few years as an imam in a msjid in Irving, Texas, he must know someone in Houston, this is his email he is usally on MSN:
make dua for me
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Old 04-06-2007, 11:30 AM   #25

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Tablighi Jamaat

It is largely an unpolitical movement. The Tablighis work at grass roots level reaching out to Muslims across the economic and social spectrum.

Originally started in British India, the movement has spread to 150 countries and has an active following estimated to be between 70 to 80 million devout followers.

The Jamaat does not solicit or receive donations. Rather it is self funded by its members and operates on a very efficient model where administrative expenses are almost absent or taken care of by donations from senior members.

The movement asks the Muslims at-large to spend their time and money in spiritual journeys (called "gasht" or in Arabic "khurooj") to seek religious knowledge ("Taleem") and promote the faith. During these scheduled journeys (usually for a specified period of 4 months, 40 days, 10 days, or 3 days), members of each travelling group (called jama'ats) learn the basic tenets of Islam from each other. Apart from these, a list of desired qualities of the sahaba are studied and practiced.

These are:

Conviction of faith - Belief in the oneness of God. This is expanded to mean that the creation cannot do anything without the will of God, but God can do everything without the creation. It also has the adjunct of belief that complete

success in this world and the hereafter is only achieved in following the way of life shown by Muhammad and every other way leads to failure in this world and the hereafter.

Humility & Devotion in Salah - Perfection in observance of prayers.
Acquiring knowledge and remembrance of God.

Good behaviour towards Muslims, and others. Sacrificing ones own needs in order to fulfil anothers needs. Includes respecting ones elders and showing kindness to somebody younger.

Purity of intention. Meaning that all good actions should be solely for the pleasure of God and not for fame or materialistic gain.

Inviting to God - Spending ones time and money in the "Path of God" (Invite towards good action e.g. charity, prayer and calling people towards God), as Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) was the last messenger of God.

This article has been nominated to be checked for its neutrality.

Complete article here

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Old 04-10-2007, 04:59 AM   #26

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Assalaamu 'alaikum,

OT: You get good sufi's and bad ones, good tabligies and bad ones, good muslims and bad ones

In Cape Town(South Africa), for example there are tabligh who are are also on tariqat. There are also groups who deny tassawuf and have a strong wahabi/puritan leaning.
There are tabligh who wear simple clothes and live simple lives then there are others who wear simple cloths and drive big mercs!

I am not a tablighi but I have gone with them on 3days and found them to be very pious, sincere,good natured muslims, who are working towards something positive.

I have also gone with some sufi's for there outreach programs and found the same.

Then I have gone with groups of muslims who are neither sufi nor tabligi and found the same.

My advice - Go along a few times, check it out and decide for yourself which system of Da'wah/Outreach etc is best for you (dont be scared to ask questions), then remember that the members of the other group are also Muslim and also working towards the same goals, but by a different method.


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Old 04-10-2007, 04:01 PM   #27

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tHIS IS WHAT THE ELDERS OF TABLIGH SAID RECENTLY. That you cannot break the truth with the truth. They actively say make dua for all those other efforts of deen which are truth. Im a tablighi and i always make dua for the success and safety of madrassas,masajids,khankahs,maktabs,marakiz etc. Im very close friends with other people who make effort in different ways. so long as the effort being made is in line with shariah, then alhamdulillah. You do get tablighis who are like only tabligh but then again you probably get sufis who say only sufism.
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Old 04-10-2007, 04:12 PM   #28

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I remember hearing from Mufti Saeed Motara, the Mufti Darul Uloom Azaadville that when Mufti Mahmood Gangohi made Itikaaf in the Jamia Musjid of Lenasia, when the In Gusht took place Mufti saheb gave the Bayaan wherein he (ra) said that we should not COMPARTMENTALISE deen and that we should not have the attitude that Tabligh is 'THE' only solution , and that Khanqah is 'THE' only solution. We should learn to work together and acknowledge eachother in a positive way.

Enigma Hafiz Patel is here in south africa. Alhamdullilah we had our old workers jhor this past weekend in Kwazulu Natal, it coincided with the regional Ijtima so the first 2 days were for the Awaam and the last day and a half for old workers....

Inshalla at the end of the month the Johannesburh ijtima will be taking place
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Old 08-02-2007, 06:47 AM   #29

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we should not compartmentalise deen
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Old 08-03-2007, 01:03 AM   #30

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One of the biggest issues people have with the workers of Tabligh is how the Tableegh workers find faults with every single organization/group out there in the world. They feel as if they are the only ones on the truth and everyone else must be criticized. They take the words 'superiority complex' to a whole different level. Then when you look at all the internal conflicts going on in the work, you realize how far they are from being 'superior' and on 'Haq'.

No scholar, no Islamic organization, no Islamic movement is good enough for them. Either you join them, or you're on the wrong and you will be looked down upon. *sigh* That's just so wrong.....I don't understand why they don't get the fact that we all need each other to survive and function as proper Muslims in this world.
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Old 08-03-2007, 01:38 AM   #31

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Maulana eTeacher,

assalamu alaikum,

This is precisely the issue I've had with the brothers from TJ for a long time. I love its members and their sincerity and am constantly inspired by it.

But I have a question that has been bothering me for a while

With so many scholars, muftis, and other great people of learning involved with it, why has that superiority complex not been taken away? Why don't the 'ulama involved with the group actively teach their members organizational adab, cooperation, and the idea that one must understand zaman and makaan. Also, teaching the idea that there are numerous aspects to Islamic Work and da'wah, and no one organization can fulfill all of them?

There are TJ brothers who have spoken condescendingly to fund raising dinners, da'wah activities, training programs, halaqas, and one innocent young TJ brother once told me while we were studying in-depth Seerah with a teacher in the masjid, that I should look at Fazaal-e-Amaal instead and put these "other books" away.

Why has the wisdom of the 'ulama in dealing with the situations of diversity, and broad-mindedness been unable to penetrate into the rank and file of Tableegh-e-Jamaat? They are beautiful brothers, but I cannot hold a single religious conversation with them without getting similar comments as above. Whenever I mention the organization I work for - Young Muslims (YM) - and what we do with youth and the gradual process of islah on the young muslim - they brush it off as games and play

I have no choice now but to just ignore them and do our own work, which I find really sad. can you please give your reflections as how to we can reconcile these problems or at least start working on a way to open the doors of communication and how we can work with the TJ-oriented scholars?

jazakAllah khair, wa alaikum assalam
Abdul Sattar
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Old 08-03-2007, 02:00 AM   #32

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One of the biggest issues people have with the workers of Tabligh is how the Tableegh workers find faults with every single organization/group out there in the world. They feel as if they are the only ones on the truth and everyone else must be criticized. They take the words 'superiority complex' to a whole different level. Then when you look at all the internal conflicts going on in the work, you realize how far they are from being 'superior' and on 'Haq'.

No scholar, no Islamic organization, no Islamic movement is good enough for them. Either you join them, or you're on the wrong and you will be looked down upon. *sigh* That's just so wrong.....I don't understand why they don't get the fact that we all need each other to survive and function as proper Muslims in this world.

I think what you have said above is true to an extent. This problem is evident mostly among those who have not spend adequate time with the elders in Raiwind or Nizamuddin. Certainly, the Tablighi elders, who are scholars of deen, do not approve of this. On the contrary they clearly ask the workers to refrain from any criticism or refutation when giving dawah. They also clearly instruct them to NOT ask the ulema to go out in jamat or have a bad opinion about them if they are busy. They are already doing the work of deen by imparting knowledge, which in and of itself is highly virtuous.

Also, what I have observed is a lot of them have misinterpreted the concept of tauheed-e-matlab, a concept in sulook which signifies the understanding by the saalik that although there might be other spiritual guides of repute, I will only progress through following my Shaykh's advice (reference Imdad-ul-Sulook by Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi ). The whole idea behind this is to attain concentration of purpose so one doesn't get distracted by looking around all the time. It is extremely important to have love and affinity for one's Shaykh in order to progress. This is what the Tabligh elders, who themselves are mostly Chishti through Hazrat Gangohi's silsila mean when they say "kaam to bus yahi hai", in other words, you should devote your time in this effort thinking that only this effort will become the means of my spiritual elevation and rectification. Unfortunately, some naive brothers interpret this to mean that elders are saying only this effort is haq. Allah knows best.
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Old 08-03-2007, 02:05 AM   #33

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I unfortunately have had the same issues, as a sister whose approach to dawah is more modern, kind of like the work YM does, I've had the same issue, I come from a highly tableeghi area, Im not allowed to schedule halaqaats or events at the same time as the taleems, and I was told I would need permission from them before I even started halaqas (I disregarded it, you dont need permission to proprogate deen!).

Some years earlier a sister from the community was slandered by such people, when she started halaqaats, saying that she was leading the youth astray, Astagfirullah.

It also doesn't seem to sit too kindly that sisters on their own merit can organise events etc.

With the younger TJ's its been okay, but the older are just too prone to their ways and thinking. It seems at times reasoning does't work, so in the end all one can say is you your way and me mine.

Allahu A'alam
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Old 08-03-2007, 04:26 AM   #34

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Let me cite another example on how they are so deeply rooted in 'superiority complex':

The Tableegh Masjid/Headquarters. No other group other than Tableegh is allowed to hold any programs in the Tableeghi Markazas. It doesn't matter who you are. You could be the biggest Mufti in the world, you could be a teacher at any of the most prestigious Islamic universities of the world, but you will not be allowed to hold your program in a Tableeghi run Masjid because you have not spent time in Jamat. They will have the most ignorant speakers portraying Islam wrongly from the Tableegh mimbars, but he will be allowed to deliver a lecture because he has spent four months. To them, four months of Jamat gives you the qualification to deliver a speech but ten years at an Islamic University is not good enough.

So no one is allowed to deliver a speech, no one is allowed to make announcements, no one is allowed to hand out any flyers after prayers, no one is allowed to put up any notices in the Tableeghi run masjids. Why? Well because all other efforts are not worthy of being promoted. All other efforts are wrong. All other efforts are a waste of time.

But folks...it doesn't end there.... That's one side of this point.... The other side of the coin......

They think they have a right to hold their programs and their speeches in every Masjid of the world. No one can even make an announcement in any of their Masjids of the world, but they think they have an Allah given right to give their bayans and speeches in every Masjid of the world. This is what you call the height of 'superiority complex'. We are right and everyone else is wrong. We should have free access to every Masjid but no one can hold their programs in our Masjids.

And god forbid....and nooo......if any Masjid prevents them...or any Masjid doesn't allow any Jamat to stay in their Masjid, then that Masjid and the committee of that Masjid are looked down upon and that Masjid is deemed to be a 'liberal-un-Islamic Masjid'. The committee members are deemed to be deviants and they are considered to be from those whom Allah has sealed their hearts. Such committee members are very lucky because special Dua is made for them by the local Tableegh brothers.

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Old 08-03-2007, 05:02 AM   #35

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Let me cite another example on how they are so deeply rooted in 'superiority complex':

The Tableegh Masjid/Headquarters. No other group other than Tableegh is allowed to hold any programs in the Tableeghi Markazas. It doesn't matter who you are. You could be the biggest Mufti in the world, you could be a teacher at any of the most prestigious Islamic universities of the world, but you will not be allowed to hold your program in a Tableeghi run Masjid because you have not spent time in Jamat. They will have the most ignorant speakers portraying Islam wrongly from the Tableegh mimbars, but he will be allowed to deliver a lecture because he has spent four months. To them, four months of Jamat gives you the qualification to deliver a speech but ten years at an Islamic University is not good enough.

So no one is allowed to deliver a speech, no one is allowed to make announcements, no one is allowed to hand out any flyers after prayers, no one is allowed to put up any notices in the Tableeghi run masjids. Why? Well because all other efforts are not worthy of being promoted. All other efforts are wrong. All other efforts are a waste of time.

But folks...it doesn't end there.... That's one side of this point.... The other side of the coin......

They think they have a right to hold their programs and their speeches in every Masjid of the world. No one can even make an announcement in any of their Masjids of the world, but they think they have an Allah given right to give their bayans and speeches in every Masjid of the world. This is what you call the height of 'superiority complex'. We are right and everyone else is wrong. We should have free access to every Masjid but no one can hold their programs in our Masjids.

And god forbid....and nooo......if any Masjid prevents them...or any Masjid doesn't allow any Jamat to stay in their Masjid, then that Masjid and the committee of that Masjid are looked down upon and that Masjid is deemed to be a 'liberal-un-Islamic Masjid'. The committee members are deemed to be deviants and they are considered to be from those whom Allah has sealed their hearts. Such committee members are very lucky because special Dua is made for them by the local Tableegh brothers.


This is indeed tragic. I don't think that the elders in Raiwind or Nizamuddin will ever approve of this type of attitude. I will encourage you to approach them about this matter so something can be done. After all, we all appreciate this effort (at least myself) as it helped me in bringing me closer to Allah
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Old 08-03-2007, 05:18 AM   #36

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Here in North California, if a Mufti or a scholar visists from other places, they always request him to give a talk. Recently a senior Mufti from South Africa visited and he gave a bayan at markaz. But usually they want a brother who has spent time in jamat to give a talk on Shabe Jummah as its their policy.
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Old 08-03-2007, 05:31 AM   #37

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Let me cite another example on how they are so deeply rooted in 'superiority complex':

The Tableegh Masjid/Headquarters. No other group other than Tableegh is allowed to hold any programs in the Tableeghi Markazas. It doesn't matter who you are. You could be the biggest Mufti in the world, you could be a teacher at any of the most prestigious Islamic universities of the world, but you will not be allowed to hold your program in a Tableeghi run Masjid because you have not spent time in Jamat. They will have the most ignorant speakers portraying Islam wrongly from the Tableegh mimbars, but he will be allowed to deliver a lecture because he has spent four months. To them, four months of Jamat gives you the qualification to deliver a speech but ten years at an Islamic University is not good enough.

So no one is allowed to deliver a speech, no one is allowed to make announcements, no one is allowed to hand out any flyers after prayers, no one is allowed to put up any notices in the Tableeghi run masjids. Why? Well because all other efforts are not worthy of being promoted. All other efforts are wrong. All other efforts are a waste of time.

But folks...it doesn't end there.... That's one side of this point.... The other side of the coin......

They think they have a right to hold their programs and their speeches in every Masjid of the world. No one can even make an announcement in any of their Masjids of the world, but they think they have an Allah given right to give their bayans and speeches in every Masjid of the world. This is what you call the height of 'superiority complex'. We are right and everyone else is wrong. We should have free access to every Masjid but no one can hold their programs in our Masjids.

And god forbid....and nooo......if any Masjid prevents them...or any Masjid doesn't allow any Jamat to stay in their Masjid, then that Masjid and the committee of that Masjid are looked down upon and that Masjid is deemed to be a 'liberal-un-Islamic Masjid'. The committee members are deemed to be deviants and they are considered to be from those whom Allah has sealed their hearts. Such committee members are very lucky because special Dua is made for them by the local Tableegh brothers.

Shaykh eTeacher, I agree that there are people like that in the Tablighi Jam'aat at the moment and that they do make mistakes in their approach and attitude towards other Da'wah efforts...

However, I also think that OVERALL, the Tablighi Jam'aat has done (and is still doing) an excellent job in calling people towards Islam and the way their effort covers the entire globe is amazing...

Surely, not ALL Tablighis are like that and not ALL Tablighi Marakiz are like that. Like with any group, I think it's kind of unfair to criticize them generally for their faults and mistakes. After all, many renowned 'Ulama are associated with this work and surely they wouldn't approve of the activities mentioned by you...

There is certainly a need to educate those Tablighis who might be erring in their approach and InshaAllah this can be done with the help of respected elders and 'Ulama I hope...
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Old 08-03-2007, 05:35 AM   #38

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Let me cite another example on how they are so deeply rooted in 'superiority complex':

The Tableegh Masjid/Headquarters. No other group other than Tableegh is allowed to hold any programs in the Tableeghi Markazas. It doesn't matter who you are. You could be the biggest Mufti in the world, you could be a teacher at any of the most prestigious Islamic universities of the world, but you will not be allowed to hold your program in a Tableeghi run Masjid because you have not spent time in Jamat. They will have the most ignorant speakers portraying Islam wrongly from the Tableegh mimbars, but he will be allowed to deliver a lecture because he has spent four months. To them, four months of Jamat gives you the qualification to deliver a speech but ten years at an Islamic University is not good enough.

So no one is allowed to deliver a speech, no one is allowed to make announcements, no one is allowed to hand out any flyers after prayers, no one is allowed to put up any notices in the Tableeghi run masjids. Why? Well because all other efforts are not worthy of being promoted. All other efforts are wrong. All other efforts are a waste of time.

But folks...it doesn't end there.... That's one side of this point.... The other side of the coin......

They think they have a right to hold their programs and their speeches in every Masjid of the world. No one can even make an announcement in any of their Masjids of the world, but they think they have an Allah given right to give their bayans and speeches in every Masjid of the world. This is what you call the height of 'superiority complex'. We are right and everyone else is wrong. We should have free access to every Masjid but no one can hold their programs in our Masjids.

And god forbid....and nooo......if any Masjid prevents them...or any Masjid doesn't allow any Jamat to stay in their Masjid, then that Masjid and the committee of that Masjid are looked down upon and that Masjid is deemed to be a 'liberal-un-Islamic Masjid'. The committee members are deemed to be deviants and they are considered to be from those whom Allah has sealed their hearts. Such committee members are very lucky because special Dua is made for them by the local Tableegh brothers.

Maulana eTeacher - thats what I'm wondering though. There are many 'ulama who have influence over the tableeghi masaajid and are respected by tableegh or are even leaders of tableegh themselves. Why is their influence not used to put a stop to these attitudes?

wa alaikum assalam
Abdul Sattar
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Old 08-03-2007, 07:25 AM   #39

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For all those who criticize, please tell me how much time you have spent in Tabligh. Please do tell if you have brought these issues up to the Ulema of Tabligh, and also what is their response.

The work of Tablighi Jamaat is the work of the Ambiyaa (AS) to spread the word of ALLAAH , any group that is working for the betterment of the Ummah, and is within Ahle Sunnah Wa Jammah is correct, if you Aqeedah differs or your actions differ from Sahih Traditional authentic traditions, then you may be in error.
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Old 08-03-2007, 08:00 AM   #40

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: any group that is working for the betterment of the Ummah, and is within Ahle Sunnah Wa Jammah is correct,.
Unfortunately, it is precisely the many tablighi brothers who I have had in depth conversations and relationships with who DISAGREED with this statement of yours. They held that their mufti saab was correct in EVERYTHING - no questions asked. They also held that TJ was the ONLY way of imitating the Sunnah of the Prophet of Islamic Work.

They go on to call their mufti saab - Ustaadh ul Asaatiza and Faqeeh ul Asr - but cannot even name a single scholar or faqeeh outside of even their ethnic group.

You seem to have misunderstood the criticism. Everyone here loves the brothers of tableegh and respects their dedication and wish to imitate their sincerity. I just don't like their attitude that they bring to masaajid and to any effort of cooperation as well as their idea that if I am not in tableegh, I must be:

A. Uneducated in Islam
B. Not praying
C. Not close to Allah
D. Don't know what it means to love the Prophet.

I will accept that A,B,C AND D could in all likelihood be TRUE. But it is because of my own weaknesses, not because I am not a part of tableegh. How did the world do Islamic work before Maulana Ilyas (ra)?

We don't make these stories up akhi - this attitude from many of our brothers in Tableegh is mutawaatir the world round. I just wish it could be fixed.

wa salaam
Abdul Sattar
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