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Old 03-13-2007, 06:52 AM   #1

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Default Tablighi Jamat - Amazing Effort of Din
anyone of you guys know the schedule of the jamaat, and anyone know when they come to houston, TX?
stadiaKab is offline

Old 03-13-2007, 09:15 AM   #2

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Yep, i do have some contacts in houston, ill get them soon
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Old 03-13-2007, 10:18 AM   #3

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do u know when they will be doing something in houston
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Old 03-13-2007, 11:33 AM   #4

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this is off topic,but does any1 know how one joins tablighi jamaat?
I don't mean on a 3-day trip,but like actually become a member,go to one specific masjid,and you know call Muslims to practice Islam.
Can you be a non-indo-pakistani and join?
What I mean is, some tablighi jamaat members live in an area,and they go to a masjid there all the time (for all 5 prayers)and call muslims to Islam,etc. How does one become a tj member like that??

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Old 03-13-2007, 12:04 PM   #5

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this is off topic,but does any1 know how one joins tablighi jamaat?
I don't mean on a 3-day trip,but like actually become a member,go to one specific masjid,and you know call Muslims to practice Islam.
Can you be a non-indo-pakistani and join?
What I mean is, some tablighi jamaat members live in an area,and they go to a masjid there all the time (for all 5 prayers)and call muslims to Islam,etc. How does one become a tj member like that??

They are always looking to expand their membership, so you will have no problems joining. Just find one of them and tell them that you are interested, and he will insha'llah make everything easy for you.

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Old 03-13-2007, 12:10 PM   #6

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this is off topic,but does any1 know how one joins tablighi jamaat?
I don't mean on a 3-day trip,but like actually become a member,go to one specific masjid,and you know call Muslims to practice Islam.
Can you be a non-indo-pakistani and join?
What I mean is, some tablighi jamaat members live in an area,and they go to a masjid there all the time (for all 5 prayers)and call muslims to Islam,etc. How does one become a tj member like that??

Tabligh means to deliver the message. The great blessing of Tabligh effort is that its so simple. There are no membership or donation forms. Its all voluntary.
Offcourse, you can be a non-indo-pakistani and do effort of Tabligh. Infact, in other countries such as Middle East, a lot of brothers doing the effort of Tabligh are arabs. I myself have seen many converts in Canada doing the effort of tabligh. My suggestion to you whenever you see a tabligh gathering, just join them and they will be more than happy to accomodate you.
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Old 03-13-2007, 01:59 PM   #7

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sorry, I should be more specific.
I'm just asking out of curiosity about that. I think they're great masha'Allah and their work is great may Allah reward them.
Im just wondering how they work-mashaAllah, they come to the masjid 5 times a day,jummah,lectures, etc alhamdulillah,how do they earn a living? Do they as TJ members have a system set up for jobs?

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Old 03-13-2007, 03:00 PM   #8

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actually as far as i know they do this part time..usually they are working at other places..

well most of them as i know...

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Old 03-13-2007, 05:31 PM   #9

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There is no such thing as membership.

Its open to anyone and everyone. Just go to the masjid and when they do their taleem (read from a book, fazail e amal), sit and listen.

They are all really friendly and will help you understand things etc.
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Old 03-13-2007, 06:54 PM   #10

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Asslamo Allaikum Brother,

Tableeghi Jamaat (organisation in English) is not a registered party, group or organisation as such; therefore there is no membership.

Even the name 'Tableeghi Jamaat' was not given by any of the scholars who are involved it; it is affectionately called that in India/Pakistan becauase the group is involved in Tableegh (Dawah: propagation of Islam).

Tableegh (Dawah: propagation of Islam) is a DUTY on all Muslims & it is born out of many verses of the Qu'raan and Ahadeeth, such as:

And whose words can be better than his, who calls (people) towards Allah, and performs good deeds, and says: " I am one of those who submit to Allah

"(O Prophet! Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) preach to them (the Truth), for preaching proves very beneficial for the Believers

O Muslims! there must be a group among you who would invite people to Good; and would command them to do good deeds, and would prevent them from forbidden things; and these are the people who will attain salvation. " (Surah Aal-i - Imran: 104)

Tableegh (Dawah: propagation of Islam) is something that the Muslims have been pretty lax in the last 800 years so it was restarted and organised by a scholar of India called Maulana Ilyas (RA)

Please see his biorgraphy here: http://www.central-mosque.com/biographies/milyas.htm

After his death, the 2nd Ameer was his Son Maulana Yusuf Kandhlawi (RA)

Please see his biorgraphy here: http://www.central-mosque.com/biographies/myusuf.htm

Please note that Maulana Yusuf Kandhalwai authored a book called 'Hayatus-Sahaba' (Life of the companions of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) which is a great book for all to read mentioned here: http://www.ikitab.com/index.php3?men...ge=&associate=

After Maulana Yusuf Kandhlawi (RA)'s the 3rd & the last Ameer was Maualan Inaamul Hasan (RA) and you can read about him here: http://www.central-mosque.com/biographies/minaam.htm

After his death there has been no official one Ameer (leader) and instead there is a Shura (conultative body) consisting of 3 Scholars who decide the affairs....

As to your last question; Tableeghi Jamaat don't provide any jobs or financial support as such; on the contrary they recommend a person to spend his own time and money when going in the path of Allah (SWT) for Tableegh (Dawah: propagation of Islam) as Allah (SWT) has commanded in the Qur'aan....

Tableeghi Jamaat do have a program which is as follows:

1) Everyone should at least go out of their locality for 4 MONTHS in their life-time for Tableegh (Dawah: propagation of Islam). This is usually in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh as most of the shcolars of Tableeghi Jamaat are there

2) As a top-up Everyone should at least go out of their locality for 40 days every-year...This can be within the country (US, UK, Europe, where-ever)

3) As a top-up Everyone should at least go out of their locality for 3 days every month; this would be another Masjid in an adjacent city or town close to you.

4) Everyone should visit & invite Muslims to Allah (SWT) twice a week for an hour or so:

a) 1 day Muslims around your local Mosque
b) The other day in the week Muslims around another Mosque of your city

5) Everyone should attend 5-10 minutes of Ta'leem (reading of Ahadeeth) in your Mosque

6) Everyone should attend 5-10 minutes of Ta'leem (reading of Ahadeeth) in your Home

7) Everyone should spend some time EVERYDAY in your local Mosque to think and work as to how every single Muslim in your area starts to practise Islam fully.

Please see any local Brother in your Mosque for more details and to actually go out (for 3 days) to actually experience this.

sorry, I should be more specific.
I'm just asking out of curiosity about that. I think they're great masha'Allah and their work is great may Allah reward them.
Im just wondering how they work-mashaAllah, they come to the masjid 5 times a day,jummah,lectures, etc alhamdulillah,how do they earn a living? Do they as TJ members have a system set up for jobs?

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Old 03-13-2007, 11:25 PM   #11

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Salam alaikoum ;

I have a little question ;

what is the reason why " jama'a tabligh " do only make dawa'a to muslims and not to non muslims who are also in need of it and who I think have this right to know about Islam ( maybe more than some born muslims who chose to live another live rather than to follow their religion ) ?

Jazakallah khayran
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Old 03-14-2007, 01:08 AM   #12

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From my discussions with them and the answer given to me personally:

'It is a misunderstanding that we DON'T give dawah to Non-Muslims; there are plenty of reverts who became Muslim as a result of Dawah given by Jamaats travelling all over the World. Yes we do concentrate on Muslims as we beleive that it is pivotal for the Muslims to come back to the Deen and Allah (SWT)'s help, victory and succour is dependent on Muslims following the deen...right now we have a problem that Muslims are leaving the Deen; how can you do anything else when your own house is on fire? so we don't deny giving dawah to Non-Muslims and utilise every oppurtunity that comes our way, but we concentrate on Muslims!'

By Maulana Ahmed Laat

P.S: I have off course paraphrased to the best of my memory.

Salam alaikoum ;

I have a little question ;

what is the reason why " jama'a tabligh " do only make dawa'a to muslims and not to non muslims who are also in need of it and who I think have this right to know about Islam ( maybe more than some born muslims who chose to live another live rather than to follow their religion ) ?

Jazakallah khayran
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Old 03-14-2007, 03:20 AM   #13

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There is no such thing as membership in Tableegi Jamat.
Really? You should tell some of the other people here who want to become members.

Let us not mislead people about what is actually going on in their work: the Tableeghi Jamaat are trying to recruit people into their group. If you don't want to call it "membership", then fine: there is no point in arguing about semantics when the reality is as clear as it can get.

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Old 03-14-2007, 03:25 AM   #14

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Tableegh (Dawah: propagation of Islam) is something that the Muslims have been pretty lax in the last 800 years so it was restarted and organised by a scholar of India called Maulana Ilyas (RA)
This is not true: the Sufi tariqas have been extremely active in propgaating Islam during the last 800 years. Think of how many people became Muslims through the efforts of Sheikh Uthman dan Fodio or Hajj Umar ibn Tal (sp?).

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Old 03-14-2007, 06:49 AM   #15

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so anyone know when the jamaat is coming to houston tx?
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Old 03-14-2007, 09:37 AM   #16

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Really? You should tell some of the other people here who want to become members.

Let us not mislead people about what is actually going on in their work: the Tableeghi Jamaat are trying to recruit people into their group. If you don't want to call it "membership", then fine: there is no point in arguing about semantics when the reality is as clear as it can get.

Brother there is no such thing as hiring, firing or retiring in the jamat. This work is work for all the Muslims.
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Old 03-14-2007, 10:11 AM   #17

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Really? You should tell some of the other people here who want to become members.

Let us not mislead people about what is actually going on in their work: the Tableeghi Jamaat are trying to recruit people into their group. If you don't want to call it "membership", then fine: there is no point in arguing about semantics when the reality is as clear as it can get.


I know your stance on Tablighi Jamaat, but let me ask you this, have you ever gone out on Jamaat? You can not base your entire stance on a group based on seeing a limited amount of its members, this jamaat is reviving the Fitrah of the Ambiya (AS), to give dawah.

In actuality every single Umati of Nabi-e-Karim ummah, is a Tablighi Jamaati, because the cause of TJ is simply to call others but firstly yourself to the cause of ALLAAH .

Many salafi and most people who have problems with the Jamaat have problems because of the structure, 3 days etc. These are simply the obersvations and input of the Ulema-e-Kiraam, who give their lifes for this deen, we ar Ahlus-Sunnah Wa Jamaah'. We follow the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the consensus of the 'Ulema-e-Kiraam.

You may say that the Jamaat is very imposing, that is because it should be, night and day 24/7 we should be praising the Name of ALLAAH , there should never be a pause, and the glorification of ALLAAH 's Name will bring us strenghth and Rahma, in essence this is the "motto" of the Jamaat.

I have been with the Jamaat since i was 10 years old,( i say this with no kibr) and never have i felt that such imposing is in a negative way, rather the more the jamaat pushes you to come out, the more they are strengtheing their own deen. While with the Ulema, we learn that we must firstly strengthen ourselves, by reminding our brothers of this deen, this constant reminder will grant us the love of ALLAAH and HIS Rasool
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Old 03-14-2007, 10:17 AM   #18

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so anyone knoe when the jamaat is coming to houston tx?

Akhee, in every locality you should look for the Markaz (center of effort) there you will find when exactly certain Jamaats are leaving, when bayaanat are being given etc.

i will again call my contact in houston, but i think he may have moved.
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Old 03-14-2007, 06:25 PM   #19

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So in the height of tableegh..what has happened in pakistan.
has the khilafah come back????

I cant believe such simplistic logic

It baffles me how people can think like that.

The way forward is everyone should renounce the dunya.

Buy a tasbeeh

And say Allah Allah Allah Allah

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Old 03-14-2007, 06:27 PM   #20

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The amaals that the elders have put forward for us to fulfil and practise are many. If they are expanded intellectually you will realise that they are all encompassing in the lives we lead today. The misconception that Tablighi's do not get involved in administrative affairs and leadership within our communities is also proven to false.

Firstly we are encouraged to learn and out into practise the 6 points. I will not elaborate on each point as I am quite sure that those present on this forum have the sufficient knowledge to expand and understand as well as inculcate each point in their lives.

1. Imaan (Belief in the Kalimaf)
2. Salaat
3. Ilm (Knowledge) and Thikr (Remembrance of Allah)
4. Ikraam (being of benefit to mankind and all the creatures of Allah most great)
5. Ikhlaas (Sincerity)
6. Striving in the Path of Allah , and propagation and reviving the Islamic spirit.

Then we are encouraged to Fulfil the Amaals of the Musjid. These amaals are set out so that our Masaajid can come alive 24 Hours a day like the Musjid of Nabi (saw) was in the illustrious days of the past. These amaals are:

1. Propagation and Reviving of Islam.
2. Learning and Teaching
3. Thikr
4. Ibadaat
5. Khidmat

Then we are encouraged by our Elders to establish certain Amaals which will help us to do our Tabligh in such a manner that we are always concerned with our reformation and helping others to benefit from this too. These are:

1. Daily we should have Mashura (consultation) in our Musjids. This is used to plan our work as well as to iron out any issues we might have.
2. In Gusht and Out Gusht once a week. Brothers from another area will come to our Musjid to meet the muslims of our area and we will go to theirs to meet brothers from their area. And to revive deen.
3. Daily taleem in the Musjid and for our women folk to benefit we should have it in the Homes.
4. Once a week we should have a ladies taleem, where women from the area will gather at one place to do the Taleem. At least once a month they should be addressed by one man from the Musjid.
5. Once a week we should have a GENERAL mashura where all the various musjids meet to discuss any issues, plan and execute certain Needs in terms of the upliftment of Tabligh in each area.
6. We should spend at least 2.5 hours a day in our musjids, to execute all these activities
7. We should spend one night per week at a given Musjid where all the musjids from our town will meet. Talks will be given, meals served, bother sleep over and Taleem is read. Here too services such as security, cooking, cleaning of the Musjd etc… are done.
8. We should spend 3 days a month, in a near by locality for the upliftment of deen.
9. We should as beginners try to go for 4 months to India and Pak and Bang to learn this work, thereafter we will be eligible to travel to other parts of the world for Tabligh
10. If 4 months is too long we should go for 40 days to nearby province for Tabligh
11. As per the school holidays we should take out students for 10 days at a time for Tabligh.
12. Ijtima's are generally held once a year in each province

If you need clarification on any specific point, you may ask and I will inshallah try to answer.

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