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Old 02-13-2010, 11:25 AM   #21

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Habib, who said I was trying not to?
you were getting emotional.
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Old 02-13-2010, 01:11 PM   #22

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How is one not to get emotional, when he sees brothers getting demolished with such lies and accusations? The Ahbash have had accusations flung at them that cannot even be attributed to them with proof?

I have even seen accusations been thrown at this righteous man which are sayings of the leaders of the 4 schools. Espicially of his rlayings of Imam Malik radiAllaahu 3anhu's teachings.

What gets me emotional is when people of ahlusunnah accuse the Ahbash ith lies which were derived from the well known liars (u know who im talking about) that the whole ummah in general is against! Yet people go around with the mentality of, "lets condemn the ahbash with heresay", Allaahu Akbar.
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Old 02-15-2010, 05:16 PM   #23

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How is one not to get emotional, when he sees brothers getting demolished with such lies and accusations? The Ahbash have had accusations flung at them that cannot even be attributed to them with proof?

I have even seen accusations been thrown at this righteous man which are sayings of the leaders of the 4 schools. Espicially of his rlayings of Imam Malik radiAllaahu 3anhu's teachings. Here you go:


So from the commentary on aqeedat tahawiyah:

However, depending on the situation, every individual is mentioned accordingly. The Prophet (salla-llâhu ^alayhi wasallam) mentioned that one of his Companions would be in Hell for having taken from the spoils unrightfully (al-Bukhâriyy): “’innahû fi nnâr”. Similarly, the Prophet (salla-llâhu ^alayhi wasallam) sent after a Companion, who, three times, said: 'I am eating'. The Prophet (salla-llâhu ^alayhi wasallam) said “lâ ‘ashba^a-llâhu batnah”. It means: "May Allâhnot fill is stomach!" (Muslim). The religious obligation dictates warning the Muslims against prohibited actions. Hence, the scholars of Hadîth mentioned such hadîths about these sinful Companions. This does not blemish the fine qualities which the Companions had at large. The second hadith is about Mu'awiyah (ra) and he intends by it to attack him (ra) whereas if you pick up the books of shurooh, this actually is a fadhail of his. I can give you for example the hadith of the Prophet (saw) where he said that one of you will fight for the ta'weel (interpretation) of the Qur'an, and immediately Abu Bakr (Ra) and 'Umar (ra) jumped up that it might be them while 'Ali (ra) was just tying a shoe. Does this make 'Ali (ra) look bad? If you finish the hadith, the Prophet (saw) explained that it will be 'Ali (ra). Any isolated narration, or isolated version can be used by Ahlul Bid'a, whether Nawasib, Rafidha or now, the Ahbash - but the explanations of Ahlul bid'a aren't worth their weight in ink. In the same books, Rasulallah (saw) is recorded as blessing anybody he's insulted, so even if we take the meaning as negative, you have nothing whereas the fadhail of Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) are well known such as his insistence on the navy of the Muslims that the Prophet (saw) predicted.

Does it satisfy you Habashi to be with those who attack a man when the dirt that he steps on is worth more than your life?
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Old 02-15-2010, 05:29 PM   #24

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Lol! Subhan'Allaah Subhan'Allaah, is this your proof? I am embarrassed for you, as yo have called me many names, you have also accused "the cult" and NOT shaykh Abdullaah, now you are "quoting HIM"? I think you are very lost my friend. For you have taken one paragraph out of a whole book.

Why did you not mention the preceding points? Have you failed to realise he is stating a hadith from Bukhari and the likes?! Are you saying that the great scholars of hadith are trying to take a shot at Mu'waiyyah?! Or is there another reason for it, but that your blinding hatred only makes you think this? Just because you are full of hatred, dont attribute it to others. Subhan'Allaah, i do not think you realise the consequences of your words! May Allaah guide you.

Do you wish to insult me by calling me Habashi? I hope not, because I actually like the name...
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:19 PM   #25

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The reason I said I didn't accuse your Imam is because I don't have copies of his books and my understanding of your cult is from people like you who spoke of it. I knew of this and other statements, but unlike you, I didn't want to make an accusation on a man unless I knew I'd be able to support it. Walhamdulillah I was able to find the statement again and do more than simply bring the statements of your ilk to me but your own Imam.

Why did you not mention the preceding points? Have you failed to realise he is stating a hadith from Bukhari and the likes?! Are you saying that the great scholars of hadith are trying to take a shot at Mu'waiyyah?! Or is there another reason for it, but that your blinding hatred only makes you think this? Just because you are full of hatred, dont attribute it to others. Subhan'Allaah, i do not think you realise the consequences of your words! May Allaah guide you. Are you a complete duffer? Firstly, that hadith is from Muslim (rah) - I didn't comment on the one he quotes from Bukhari (rah) because I only know of something similar to that recorded by Bayhaqi (rah), and if he's refering to that one, than he's lying. Secondly, as I already clearly mentioned, Imaam Nawawi (rah) in his sharh mentions the interpretation for this hadith whereas your cult uses this, amongst other things, this which is a virtue of Mu'awiyah (ra), to attack him as a "Sinner Sahabi" outside of the Jamhoor ashab. I have no problem with the hadith genius, but with your cult and it's bid'ati concept of dividing the Sahaba (ra) into "good" Sahaba (ra) and "sinner" Sahaba (ra) when the Prophet (saw) made statements pertaining to ALL of them (ra) and statements about the good of the particular ones that your cult takes problems with.
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:35 PM   #26

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The reason I said I didn't accuse your Imam is because I don't have copies of his books and my understanding of your cult is from people like you who spoke of it. I knew of this and other statements, but unlike you, I didn't want to make an accusation on a man unless I knew I'd be able to support it. Walhamdulillah I was able to find the statement again and do more than simply bring the statements of your ilk to me but your own Imam.

Are you a complete duffer? Firstly, that hadith is from Muslim (rah) - I didn't comment on the one he quotes from Bukhari (rah) because I only know of something similar to that recorded by Bayhaqi (rah), and if he's refering to that one, than he's lying. Secondly, as I already clearly mentioned, Imaam Nawawi (rah) in his sharh mentions the interpretation for this hadith whereas your cult uses this, amongst other things, this which is a virtue of Mu'awiyah (ra), to attack him as a "Sinner Sahabi" outside of the Jamhoor ashab. I have no problem with the hadith genius, but with your cult and it's bid'ati concept of dividing the Sahaba (ra) into "good" Sahaba (ra) and "sinner" Sahaba (ra) when the Prophet (saw) made statements pertaining to ALL of them (ra) and statements about the good of the particular ones that your cult takes problems with.
Did you forget I was able to back up my statement Mohammed, please refer back to the other thread, you will see it. Also, I stated Bukhari and the LIKES, Lol. It is amusing that you wish to twist my words around.

Again, unable to reply without some sort of insult. Nice adab. Did your teacher teach you this? I doubt it, are you the type to take things in their own hands and opinions? I swear to you, not once, in all my years and questioning of these people, have they EVER EVER said anything that remotely resembles ANY hatred for Mu'waiyyah or any spite or ANYTHING. They do as has been done before, narrate ahadith, in their topics and categories and you are ASSUMING many things which are comletely from your on opinion and hatred filled heart.

You have yet to prove where they say they HATE him or even close to what yo are implying? Subhan'Allaah, why do you hate them so?
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:52 PM   #27

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Nice adab. Did your teacher teach you this? My teacher called the Khawwarijj who hated 'Alee (ra) and Mu'awiyah (ra) as dogs. Can you guess who my teacher is?

I swear to you, not once, in all my years and questioning of these people, have they EVER EVER said anything that remotely resembles ANY hatred for Mu'waiyyah or any spite or ANYTHING. Are you sane? So I can call you faasiq and I'm showing you love and utmost respect? What's wrong with you???

They do as has been done before, narrate ahadith, in their topics and categories and you are ASSUMING many things which are comletely from your on opinion and hatred filled heart. Are you incapable of reading? Your Imaam is saying (HIS words, not a hadeeth), "these sinful Companions [meaning Mu'awiyah (ra) and the other one who he suggested will burn in Hell]. This does not blemish the fine qualities which the Companions had at large". He is taking a fazl of Mu'awiyah (ra) and using it to call him an open sinner? Are you totally blind? Sure ashab (ra) can sin but there's a manner of dealing with it prescribed in our religion, rejected by yours. And the division you make has no justification amongst Sunna'...
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:15 PM   #28

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Lol! You obviously have not read on the topic within the books of other Scholars and if other then the Ahbash have said such thing, have you? May Allaah guide you. May I ask, what have you done to research this topic? Read on hate filled websites?

As for the book you mentioned. I think it is safe to say that you have completely distorted the meaning to suit you. May Allaah guide you. Im sure most people are able to read without contempt, as I had done and enjoyed many books from many scholars, and of many groups. How can someone, who is of the Ahbash and is such a liar/ and apparently we are hateful, am such a lover of so many "groups" or cults, as you call them?

How come so many scholars have gone and as Shaykh Abdullaah done, went to them, and they became great comrades? Of course, YOU will point out those that dislike him but will fail to see why. I feel like this is why you have such hatrd for them. If I am wrong, please elaborate, as I am very curious.
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:23 PM   #29

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Irrelevant rubbish. Anybody can see what your Imaam said concerning his hundred-fold superior (ra) and his adoption of the bid'a on dividing sahaba (ra). I have nothing left to add. Our scholars warn away from the Ahbash, and having seen filth like this, they clearly have good reason to do so, may Allah (swt) preserve them.

I feel like this is why you have such hatrd for them. I don't have hatred for anybody, I only feel pity.
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:35 PM   #30

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Again I ask, who are these scholars you mention that you learn from? Sheikh Google? As I have a list of great scholars which think in the contrary of what you say.

Also, why is it irrelevant rubbish when I asked you if you have studied the actual topic instead of the manner you have adopted?
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:36 PM   #31

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I don't have hatred for anybody, I only feel pity.
Ohh yeah... very evident. Lol.
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Old 02-16-2010, 01:51 AM   #32

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what is the view of deviant habashis on hazrat ameer Muawiya ?
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Old 02-16-2010, 06:13 AM   #33

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Salaam Ahmad_shakeel,

The view is pretty general. If anyone were to ask a student of Shaykh Abdullaah, they will tell you they love him, as they love ALL companions. The rest of the things said about them in view of him is from nowhere. I swear, I have never in all my years heard any slander, hatred, ill feelings to ANY of the companions. Even when going on about the issue of his (radiAllaahu 3anhu) ijtihad to go against Ali (radiAllaahu 3anhu), I used to wait for the malice or accusing and so on (because of the things I heard about them), and it never happened.

Subhan'Allaah, I love the Ahbash, but I love the truth of the religion more and the Haqq of great people. So please, do not assume I say things for the benefit of the Ahbash, it is only for the haqq of the truth.

P.s. how do you make (radiAllaahu 3anhu) come up in arabic, i like that.
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:25 AM   #34

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Salaam Ahmad_shakeel,

The view is pretty general. If anyone were to ask a student of Shaykh Abdullaah, they will tell you they love him, as they love ALL companions. The rest of the things said about them in view of him is from nowhere. I swear, I have never in all my years heard any slander, hatred, ill feelings to ANY of the companions. Even when going on about the issue of his (radiAllaahu 3anhu) ijtihad to go against Ali (radiAllaahu 3anhu), I used to wait for the malice or accusing and so on (because of the things I heard about them), and it never happened.

Subhan'Allaah, I love the Ahbash, but I love the truth of the religion more and the Haqq of great people. So please, do not assume I say things for the benefit of the Ahbash, it is only for the haqq of the truth.

P.s. how do you make (radiAllaahu 3anhu) come up in arabic, i like that.

Write this : : (remove this)anhu:
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:29 AM   #35

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Oh, thanks

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Old 02-16-2010, 10:23 AM   #36

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This matter previously raised and their takfeer of modern scholars:

ANSWERED: Who are the habashis? (al-ahbash)

Refutation about their false attributions to the mashaykh (rah) concerning Mu'awiyah (ra) and proofs that Nawawi, Shafi'i and Imaam Bukhari (rah) all did "radi Allahu anhu" for him (ra) from the popular anti-Habashi forum:

النووي يترضى عن معاوية

الشافعي يترضى عن معاوية

(This is besides the inability of the resident Habashi to refute the sharh given on the hadith of Mu'awiyah's (ra) eating his fill).
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:17 PM   #37

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This matter previously raised and their takfeer of modern scholars:

ANSWERED: Who are the habashis? (al-ahbash)

Refutation about their false attributions to the mashaykh (rah) concerning Mu'awiyah (ra) and proofs that Nawawi, Shafi'i and Imaam Bukhari (rah) all did "radi Allahu anhu" for him (ra) from the popular anti-Habashi forum:

النووي يترضى عن معاوية

الشافعي يترضى عن معاوية

(This is besides the inability of the resident Habashi to refute the sharh given on the hadith of Mu'awiyah's (ra) eating his fill).
Subhan'Allaah, i suggest people query who runs this website. What 'aqidah is THIS person from and would be evident as to why they would make up a website such as this. This is indifferent to the point anyway. You say the Ahbash HATE mu'awiyah "anhu" which is a lie and obviously cannot be shown with proof, and there is nothing that exists. Why would they hate him what did he ever do to them personally? Subhan'Allaah, the question is MohammedMufti, why do YOU hate them?

I dont know what else to say. Subhan'Allaah, i tried with all I have and all my patience, and you refuse to believe me even though I am telling you I know the "stance" of Mu'awaiyyah with the Ahbash and you still call me a liar. May Allaah guide you. But I am seriously, lost for words.
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:43 PM   #38

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Subhan'Allaah, i suggest people query who runs this website. What 'aqidah is THIS person from and would be evident as to why they would make up a website such as this. This is indifferent to the point anyway. You say the Ahbash HATE mu'awiyah "anhu" which is a lie and obviously cannot be shown with proof, and there is nothing that exists. Why would they hate him what did he ever do to them personally? Subhan'Allaah, the question is MohammedMufti, why do YOU hate them?

I dont know what else to say. Subhan'Allaah, i tried with all I have and all my patience, and you refuse to believe me even though I am telling you I know the "stance" of Mu'awaiyyah with the Ahbash and you still call me a liar. May Allaah guide you. But I am seriously, lost for words.

First, is that forum run by Naqshabadi Haqqanis? Because, if it is, then we know it is not reliable for information regarding the Ahbash.

Second, forget what is being attributed to the Ahbash. Do you believe Mu`awiya was a fasiq (Naudhubillah), as it appears that that is the accusation?
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Old 02-16-2010, 01:53 PM   #39

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First, is that forum run by Naqshabadi Haqqanis? Because, if it is, then we know it is not reliable for information regarding the Ahbash.

Second, forget what is being attributed to the Ahbash. Do you believe Mu`awiya was a fasiq (Naudhubillah), as it appears that that is the accusation?
I would just like to suggest to check the background of who runs this website and then it would be evident as to how they have taken their approach. Lol! Just look at the name of the domain!

maneatinglizard, never, not once, has any reputable teacher or the Shaykh himself ever mentioned the word fasiq in any teaching I have ever heard or of ANY hatred or anything near it, and ONLY stress that we must love him aswell as the other companions. Once, I even heard someone of them say that it is only mentioned as a moment of history, which is included in the story of Imam Ali and Amir Mu'wiya.

I ask you again, for what reason would they to have any personal hatred for him? All that is said about Amir Mu'awiya is wat is evident in the ahadith of the Rasool 3alayhi salaat wasalaam, nothing more, nothing less.
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:51 PM   #40

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I said Ahbash have malice towards Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) and I've provided the statements from the pen of al-Harawi himself that shows their beliefs that:

- one 'sahabi', is specifically condemned to Jahanam by Rasulallah (saw) himself for unjustly taking from the booty, and they've given as a proof a riwaya purportedly from Imaam Bukhari (rah).
- They take the statement of Rasulallah (saw), "May Allah (swt) not fill his belly" as meaning that Rasul (saw) is cursing Mu'awiyah (ra).
- They divide the Sahaba (ra) into two groups. Good Sahaba (ra) and Sinful Sahaba (ra) and say that Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) and the first Sahabi mentioned are from amongst these.

I think anyone with sound mind can decide for themselves if (1) considering someone as being bound for Jahanam, (2) accursed by the Prophet (saw) with no recourse, and (3) Sinful and outside of the 'awaam of "good", as being people they love or people they hate. In addition to these things, they say other things about Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) and others such as their calling him the first of the unjust kings as opposed to simple as first of the kings. They suggest that Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) broke the treaty with Hasan (ra) on the basis of some weak reports, etc. This has been discussed many times before, in many places with Ahbash far more knowledge and far less dishonest than the local one. Yet another example of a Habashi admitting his cults teaching against saying "Radhi Allahu Anhu" for Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) [compare to the above mentioned links where the brothers brought statements from Imaam Shafi'i (rah) himself amongst others saying 'ra' for him (ra)]
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