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Old 04-04-2012, 09:13 PM   #1

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Default Who was the first person to claim Salah of both men and women is same?

Lots of people are against the difference of Namaz between men and women. They support their claim with the hadith "Pray as you see me pray".
I think it was Albani who first gave the explanation of this hadith to mean both men and women should pray in the same manner.
So before Albani was there anyone who said the manner of salah is same for both men and women?
Where/when did this thing originate?
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Old 04-04-2012, 10:23 PM   #2

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Mr. Albani Ofcourse !!!
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Old 04-04-2012, 10:25 PM   #3

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Zakir naik recently.
He said with the hadith number.
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Old 04-04-2012, 11:46 PM   #4

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Zakir naik recently.
He said with the page number.
page number of what ? whose fatwa ?
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Old 04-04-2012, 11:56 PM   #5

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page number of what ? whose fatwa ?
Sorry it was not page number...its the Hadith no. that he quotes
there is a video in youtube. I dont care about these new inventions by Doctor
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Old 04-04-2012, 11:58 PM   #6

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Assalamu alaykum

Their women say aameen loudly and say subhanallah loudly to correct the imam. And the hadeeth was understood after 1300 years.
cant understand...
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Old 04-05-2012, 12:45 AM   #7

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Assalamu alaykum

I mean to say the hadeeth of "pray as you see me pray" holds good for women also was understood by likes of Mr Albani and Dr naik after 1300 years. No scholar understood that hadeeth before.
Jazakallah brother. Thats what I wanted to confirm...so exactly..no one before albani understood this hmm

Mr. Albani Ofcourse !!!
Zakir naik recently.
He said with the hadith number.
Thanks. But Zakir Naik is still alive so the first one is Mr Albani. Anyone else before him hinted on such a thing?

I wonder how people accuse us of "inventing" things when no women before the time of Albani ever prayed the same as men
I call this an innovation in Deen..a bidah
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Old 04-05-2012, 02:02 AM   #8

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Assalamu alaykum

Sister told us that the followers of albanee keep their feet three feet apart. Head high. A funny look it seems.
Well they look like they are fully prepared for an attack by the enemy ready for battle :d
it doesn't look like they are worshiping at all
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Old 04-05-2012, 02:10 AM   #9

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Without resorting to mockery, I have to agree that it is sad what the ghayr muqallid approach to fiqh has led to with regard to postures of salah. The feet are spread wide apart because of the belief that feet must touch those of the neighbors. Meanwhile, the shoulders are not joined because of this large gap, and because the placement of the hands does not allow it; that is, the hands are placed on the chest- more specifically, the upper chest just under the throat with the elbows sticking out. Try to imagine this if you've never seen it before. To me it is a totally unbefitting way to stand in worship; it looks ludicrous and is devoid of humility and respectability.
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Old 04-05-2012, 02:36 AM   #10

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Assalamu alaykum

Sister told us that the followers of albanee keep their feet three feet apart. Head high. A funny look it seems.
Asalamu Alaikum,

And you'd feel uncomfortable as they would constantly try to touch your feet with theirs, which during the prayer creates gap in the saff as they dont mind keeping shoulders close but only the feet (the gap b/w their feet are wide at least more than two feet usually)

Wassalamu Alaikum
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Old 04-05-2012, 03:34 AM   #11

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I wonder how people accuse us of "inventing" things when no women before the time of Albani ever prayed the same as men
I call this an innovation in Deen..a bidah
Br. Umar,
they ll argue with you that people didnt follow the hadith for 1300 years. They ll tell that they have come to correct the people including their forefathers -LOL.
Better tell Salam and avoid the Modern Inventors of Deen.
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Old 04-05-2012, 03:37 AM   #12

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This Man Albani is going to be in deep trouble and will suffer on the day of judgement for creating fitna in the Ummah..
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Old 04-05-2012, 03:40 AM   #13

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I am not back biting - but telling the facts

Once I was praying with Ahle Hadith people, they said me to join the feet I joined the front half of left foot with his right then they asked me to attach completely.
Hmmm, I did. Then I was forced to attach left portion of my body with right of the other person. It was not looking good & I wasnt comfortable.

This is not the way of Muslims. May Allah forgive us.
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Old 04-05-2012, 07:50 AM   #14

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Without resorting to mockery, I have to agree that it is sad what the ghayr muqallid approach to fiqh has led to with regard to postures of salah. The feet are spread wide apart because of the belief that feet must touch those of the neighbors. Meanwhile, the shoulders are not joined because of this large gap, and because the placement of the hands does not allow it; that is, the hands are placed on the chest- more specifically, the upper chest just under the throat with the elbows sticking out. Try to imagine this if you've never seen it before. To me it is a totally unbefitting way to stand in worship; it looks ludicrous and is devoid of humility and respectability.
its not fun when praying taraweeh between two of them especially in summer when people are sweating and they are tall and stocky and their armpits are in ur nose plus you cant get out because ur in the third row and jamat khana is packed but they leave after 8 rakaats
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Old 04-05-2012, 07:53 AM   #15

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This Man Albani is going to be in deep trouble and will suffer on the day of judgement for creating fitna in the Ummah..

Brother, we should not say such things. If his intentions were good, he will be in jannah . Yes, it is a fitnah when his legacy has been that of equating weak narrations with fabricated narrations, but if his intentions were good, we cannot say that he will "be in deep trouble and will suffer on the day of judgement". We should especially not talk like this about those that have already passed away. May Allah have mercy on him.

We should pray for the forgiveness of Muslims that have passed away, not curse them.
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Old 04-05-2012, 08:00 AM   #16

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its not fun when praying taraweeh between two of them especially in summer when people are sweating and they are tall and stocky and their armpits are in ur nose plus you cant get out because ur in the third row and jamat khana is packed but they leave after 8 rakaats

Is it bad that I'm happy salafis only pray 8 rakat? Praying taraweeh next to them is tortuous. Actually, in North America, most people leave after 8.
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Old 04-05-2012, 08:10 AM   #17

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Sadly, the issue of 8 raka'ats of taraweeh is no longer restricted to the Salafis, since many of our desis who are supposed to be Hanafis end up leaving after 8 because it is apparently a popular thing to do outside of the Indian subcontinent.
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Old 04-05-2012, 08:31 AM   #18

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Lots of people are against the difference of Namaz between men and women. They support their claim with the hadith "Pray as you see me pray".
I think it was Albani who first gave the explanation of this hadith to mean both men and women should pray in the same manner.
So before Albani was there anyone who said the manner of salah is same for both men and women?
Where/when did this thing originate?

Actually he wasn't the first to say so, I'm not exactly sure to what extent they (Sheikh Albaani and those who follow him) go to in the salah of a man vs woman, however I do know that the Hanbali Madhab uses this hadith "Pray as you have seen me prayer" to be applicable to men and women, and the only difference between the two is in two issues which come in different ahadith. Those two things are that she gathers her body together in Rukoo and Sujood, and the way she sits. Other than those there is no difference in the Salah of a Man and Woman.
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Old 04-05-2012, 08:51 AM   #19

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Lots of people are against the difference of Namaz between men and women. They support their claim with the hadith "Pray as you see me pray".
I think it was Albani who first gave the explanation of this hadith to mean both men and women should pray in the same manner.
So before Albani was there anyone who said the manner of salah is same for both men and women?
Where/when did this thing originate?
How is it different??? How is the prayer of man different than the prayer of woman.. Maybe this is a hanafi thing... I don't recall men having a different prayer than women in the other madhabs... I heard about this in the hanafi madhab but not the others... I did hear that ibn Abu Sujah text mentions something about according to the Shafi madhab, but that is the only book with anything about it in the Shafi madhab if my memory serves me right... Generally men and women pray the same...
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Old 04-05-2012, 09:40 AM   #20

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How is it different??? How is the prayer of man different than the prayer of woman.. Maybe this is a hanafi thing... I don't recall men having a different prayer than women in the other madhabs... I heard about this in the hanafi madhab but not the others... I did hear that ibn Abu Sujah text mentions something about according to the Shafi madhab, but that is the only book with anything about it in the Shafi madhab if my memory serves me right... Generally men and women pray the same...
It's only slight differences...including what Abu Zakariyyah mentioned about pressing the body close together and to the ground in ruku and sujud, the sitting posture, also placing the hands on chest as opposed to below navel, and raising them up to shoulder level and not up to the ears like men. Also not correcting the imam with their voice. If you have time:

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