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Old 07-08-2010, 02:36 AM   #21

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No, no one is, tripoly sunni... Many people who have written about fana', like Imam al-Haddad, make clear that they do NOT mean hulul or ittihad.
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Old 07-08-2010, 02:56 AM   #22

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No, no one is, tripoly sunni... Many people who have written about fana', like Imam al-Haddad, make clear that they do NOT mean hulul or ittihad.
Because this part below confused me completely

"the universe is full of God's 'reflections' (anvaar); therefore fana fi shaikh is ultimately fana fi-Allah just as fana fi Rasul too is ultimately fana fi-Allah--because God alone exists ultimately, really. When a Mureed forgets himself in the love of his Shaikh (or Rasul-Ullah) he transcends the duality/relativity of 'you' and 'me' to attain Oneness, i.e. God."
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Old 07-08-2010, 03:53 AM   #23

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What that particular user says isn't important until he references it to a scholar that we know of, since I cannot judge it myself as I have no knowledge of these matters, as they are in the most part realted to experience...
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Old 07-08-2010, 07:22 AM   #24

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By Any chance are some people implying that God is everyone and everyone is God and That I am god and you are God ect.... You know, That sorta thing?
No one is saying that, and no true practitioner of tassawuf beleives that.

In most cases, this kind of knowledge is not elaborated on in the public sphere. The reason: people mis-interpret the language of tassawuf, and then based on that mis-interpretation, they come to ignorant conclusions, and sometimes make blasphemous statements for or against tassawuf and the awliya.

the concept of Fana is a universal concept in tassawuf, but the understanding of it usually comes after one has been intiated into a tarriqa and been accepted as a mureed of a qualified mursheed. If you are having trouble grasping the concept of fana, and wish to understand it or even obtain it, FIND A SHEIKH. Do not make the internet your mursheed, do not search the anals of the web for this knowledge because you can easily become misguided. Just as many salafi brothers have tryed to acquire this knowledge on their own and when they witness deviancies which exist the became disgruntled at any group under the banner of tassawuf.
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Old 07-13-2010, 12:40 AM   #25

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the apparent 'deviancies' of tasawuf are due to the supra-relative nature of the experience of Ultimate Oneness --which transcends all dualties/relativity in time and space, transcending 'you' and 'me' makes one also transcend 'now' and 'then', 'here' and 'there', etc.
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Old 07-13-2010, 12:48 AM   #26

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Murid's adab of a Shaikh should be based on Ayah no 70 of Surah-i-Kahaf--but only if had known this 17 years ago I wouldn't have lost the most precious thing in this universe--the current full of lutf-o-karam that I used to experience in my heart on eye-contact with Shaikh Amin Sahib--which I lost due to an act of disrepect on my part--but I did not know then what that current was-- it was what we read in books as a subject given to me as an object-- a direct experience of the spirituality of Syedna Muhammad (Sal-Allahu alaihay wasalam)--also experienced in heart to heart contact with Shaikh Sahib as a feeling somewhat akin to a feeling of cold filling the chest --so real that it would be felt on back as a kind of numbness on the back if one would sit reclined to a wall for some time--and it was no inert feeling--it formed the basis of istikhara in everyday life and would guide one exactly in accordance with shariah--but that current was perhaps a concentrated sharpened form of that feeling and wouldn't have left anything disliked by the Prophet in the heart-only if I hadn't lost it, I would have found wilayat in days or weeks, but it was not to be --I lost that current-on-eye-contact when I mentioned my love for a girl in front of the Shaikh (in the hope of his praying for our marriage) and I am still grappling with the problems of Nafs 17 years later
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Old 07-13-2010, 01:08 AM   #27

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may God make all readers of my post experience the spiritual flights of Idrisia in the company of Shaikh Amin Sahib of Multan--a true Fana-fi-Rasul Shaikh-i-Tareeqat--Wallah, Billah--let me swear by God---his heart is all Noor, and one would find only Noor in his company -- but ony if due respect is maintained
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Old 07-13-2010, 02:38 PM   #28

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By Any chance are some people implying that God is everyone and everyone is God and That I am god and you are God ect.... You know, That sorta thing?
God can be like anything, but nothing can ever be like God
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Old 07-13-2010, 03:09 PM   #29

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God can be like anything
Pretty kinda christians think.
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Old 07-13-2010, 06:28 PM   #30

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The Christians believe in the opposite of the second part of my statement which you have not quoted--they think that Jesus is like God (Subhan-Allah-i-ama yasifun)--which is not the same as saying that God can be like anything (in a theophany -- a subjective perception of the Objective Reality)--internally/unitively/in a state of supra-relative Oneness in the heart; the errors occur when people try to externalise/objectify something that is essentially unitive (and valid only for a certain supra-relative state transcendent of 'you'/'me', here/there, now/then, etc.) in a dualistic/relativistic world as a universal fact even for people who are not in that supra-relative unitive state of Ultimate Oneness; the universal objective reality for the world of relativity and the relativity-bound mind is the second part of my statement, i.e. nothing can ever be like God; one is the matter of heart, other the matter of mind.

Anyway, I seek God's forgiveness for anything wrong in my speculations at the mental level, AstaghfirUllah, W-Allahu Alam bi-sawab.
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:16 PM   #31

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God can be like anything, but nothing can ever be like God
May Allah give u hidaya..
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Old 07-23-2010, 01:58 PM   #32

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very much jazakallah to brth.Mujahid Abdullah.brth who is ur shaykh?ur posts are bold speaking.may Allah remains u as his humble servant.also dua for me and all SF members seeking Allah's raza through this path of tariqat and tasawuf.
now look what Ghausl waqat, Arif billah, hazrat aqdas,maulana shah ABDUL QADIR RAIPURI قدس سرہ رحمۃ اللہ علیہ رحمۃ واسعۃ ابدا said about Tasawur-e-shykh;
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Old 07-23-2010, 02:15 PM   #33

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My mursheed is Sheikh Syed Mubarek Ali Shah Jillani, Alhumdoillah.
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Old 07-23-2010, 02:24 PM   #34

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a more detail needed pls. country? city? silsila? age?
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Old 07-23-2010, 02:46 PM   #35

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Pakistan. lahore, Qadri via Sultan Bahoo(RA), not sure? I think he is around 65 - 70, I never did the math and we dont celebrate his birthday.
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Old 07-24-2010, 01:14 AM   #36

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Imam-ul-mujahideen hazrat syed Ahmad raibrelvi shaheed رحمہ اللہ refused to do tasawur-e-shaykh infront of his murshid;who was the greatest shaykh ghaus/qutub hazrat maulana shah ABDUL AZEEZ muhaddes dehlvi رحمہ اللہ son of hujjatul islam hazrat shah WALI ULLAH muhaddes dehlvi رحمہ اللہ
{ref:Tareekh Dawat-u-Azeemat, vol 6 by Hazrat maulana ABUL HASSAN ALI nadvi رحمہ اللہ}
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Old 07-24-2010, 01:25 AM   #37

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why he do so;he himself wrote in detail in one of his book
{ref:Tareekh Dawat-u-Azeemat, vol 6 by Hazrat maulana ABUL HASSAN ALI nadvi رحمہ اللہ}
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Old 08-12-2010, 11:32 PM   #38

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May Allah give u hidaya..
Let me explain "God can be like anything but nothing can ever be like God" in other words--God cannot be enclosed by anything but is disclosed by everything good and beautiful.
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Old 08-13-2010, 12:57 PM   #39

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Let me explain "God can be like anything but nothing can ever be like God" in other words--God cannot be enclosed by anything but is disclosed by everything good and beautiful.
That is why I disputed the statement of some Tableeghi Jamaat members that "Allah k siwa tamam naqshay mitao"; they should have said: "Allah k siwa tamam najaiz naqshay mitao" because "jaiz naqshay" are nothing but God's Noor.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:44 PM   #40

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I think the reason for my last post not leading to a discussion was Urdu-- let me translate: the tableeghi jamaat brothers said, "Erase all patterns except Allah", which I disputed with the argument: "Erase all illegal/ungodly patterns except Allah", because the "legal/godly patterns" are nothing but God's Noor.
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