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Old 04-05-2012, 04:08 PM   #1

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Default Saudi Women In Olymipics.... =(
At last, Saudi women in the Olympics

When Saudi sports commentator Reema Abdullah carries the Olympic flame for the 2012 London Games, she will write yet a new chapter in the modern history of Saudi women.

Reema will participate in the street-by-street map of the 8,000-mile route for the Olympic torch heading for London.

Every participating nation is expected to field at least one female athlete at the Summer Olympics, Saudi Arabia will be no different. This year, three Muslim countries — Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Brunei — will have smiling female representatives.

Reema, who is also an amateur soccer player, is leading a campaign in Saudi Arabia to allow women to participate in sports and compete internationally. The decision to send a female along with the Saudi team is likely to be welcomed by the majority of the Saudis. Why not, we are finally celebrating the social reforms initiated by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah. This is also a major success for Saudi women as we have essentially barred sports in girls’ schools.

International press reported that Saudi Arabia approved the participation of Saudi women in the Olympics a day after the IOC reported that progress had been made in negotiations with Saudi Olympic officials on sending female athletes and officials to the games. Saudi Arabia has approved such participation as long as their sports “meet the standards of women’s decency and don’t contradict Islamic laws.”

Saudi Arabia has never included women in its Olympic teams. The IOC says progress has been made with Saudi officials to send women to the Olympics for the first time in London. The IOC said that it met with Saudi Olympic officials and that it was “confident that Saudi Arabia is working to include women athletes and officials at the Olympic games in London.”

We have systematically discriminated against women, closing gyms for women and forcing them to play — if any — in unofficial leagues. This is no longer acceptable; I hope all this will change now.

The “change” was not easy; opposition to women’s sports is reinforced by the fact that physical education classes are banned in state-run Saudi girls' schools and now is the time to call for teaching physical education for girls in all schools.

However, despite official discouragement Saudi women have in recent years increasingly been active in demanding their rights. Let me add that we already have success stories. Eighteen-year-old equestrienne Dalma Rushdi Malhas won a bronze medal in the 2010 Singapore Youth Olympics in which she participated at her own accord. I understand that Saudi officials presented a list of several potential athletes for the London Games to the IOC last week. I hope they will all participate and represent our country.

Public sports facilities are exclusively for men and sports associations offer competitions and support for athletes in international competitions only to men. I see no problem that we allow women’s divisions to be opened in the Saudi Olympic Committee, in its various sports organizations and in sports clubs.

[The arab news]
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Old 04-05-2012, 04:10 PM   #2

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Its ^ absolutely DISGUSSSSSTING....
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Old 04-05-2012, 04:18 PM   #3

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I am.just going to erase my comment because people will just criticize me.
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Old 04-05-2012, 04:39 PM   #4

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There are conflicting reports in the newspapers. As you correctly stated the Arab News do have this news however Channel News Asia has just reported today that Saudi Arabia is not officially sending out female athletes however if they participate individually they are free to do so!???

@Muslima1234 - Please refrain from speaking if what you say is without shar'i knowledge. Your commets are extremely dangerous for your Imaan. In Islam women and men are not equal. There is equity and justice not equality. Every word uttered is recorded and will be used on yaum-ul-Qiyaamah. It is not without reason that Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddeeqq use to grab hold of his tongue and chastise it.

I will reproduce the news article below:

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia: The head of the Saudi Olympic Committee has ruled out sending women athletes from the ultra-conservative kingdom to the London Olympics this summer, local dailies reported on Thursday.

Prince Nawaf bin Faisal said, however, that Saudi women taking part on their own are free to do so and the kingdom's Olympic authority would "only help in ensuring that their participation does not violate the Islamic sharia law."

"We are not endorsing any Saudi female participation at the moment in the Olympics or other international championships," he told a press conference in Jeddah on Wednesday.

The Saudi official was reiterating a position he announced late last year, confirming that Saudi Arabia will be fielding only male athletes in London.

"There are hundreds, if not thousands, of (Saudi) women who practice sports, but in private," he said, adding that the sports body has nothing to do with their activities.

Equestrian jumping contestant Dalma Malhas, 18, is likely to be Saudi Arabia's only female athlete at this summer's Olympics, according to media reports.

Malhas won a bronze medal at the 2010 Singapore Youth Olympics without having been nominated by her country, following an invitation from the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The New York-based Human Rights Watch in February published a report damning the systematic exclusion of women from sporting activities in Saudi Arabia.

In July last year, the president of the IOC's Women and Sport Committee, Anita DeFrantz, criticised Saudi Arabia, as well as Qatar and Brunei, for being the last three countries to have never sent female athletes to the Olympics.

Qatar, which is bidding for the right to host the 2020 Olympics, has already announced its firm intention to send female competitors to London.

Channel News Asia
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Old 04-05-2012, 04:42 PM   #5

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Message for King of Saudi
by Mawlana Ahmad Sadek Desai

8 Jamaadil Ula 1433 – 1 April 2012

screams the ARAB NEWS. Yes, at last the evil, faasiq, faajir monarch of Saudi Arabia has denuded himself of every vestige of the Deen. On the verge of falling into his grave he has bared his kufr reality, flagrantly and treacherously cast aside Islam, and in supreme subservience to his U.S.A. master, the king of Saudi Arabia has given the green light for Muslim women of Saudi Arabia to become prostitutes - to parade themselves to the vulgar kuffaar eyes of the Western Kuffaar – to put on exhibition their bodies – to march with the Flame of Kufr and Shirk, the so-called Olympic Flame, which is a flagrant symbol of shirk and kufr.

By granting Saudi women the right to become prostitutes at the behest of his western kuffaar masters and maniupulators, the Saudi king has openly reneged from Islam. This vile, decrepit, senile king does not deserve to hold the title, Khaadimul Haramain Shareefain. This inveterate, spineless lackey and surrogate of the West is NOT Khaadimul Haramain (The Servant of Musjidul Haraam and Musjidun Nabawi). This august, sacred and lofty pedestal is today standing vacant. The Haramain Shareefain today are Orphans. These most Sacred Places of Islam today have no guardian and no servant.

The Ummah is under obligation to make dua that Allah Ta'ala removes the treacherous, faasiq, faajir king who has so treacherously and miserably sold Islam, betrayed Allah, betrayed the Rasool and betrayed the Ummah to remain in his position of licking the najis boots of the Western Kuffaar, the U.S.A. in particular.

What was unthinkable and unimaginable a few years ago is hardcore reality today. At the behest of the West, 'liberating' the women of Islam from the holy Qur'aanic fetters of Hijaab and casting them into the filthy, promiscuous arms of the western kuffaar, the Saudi king has jettisoned his Imaan out from his heart. He has plunged headlong into kufr with his 100% participation in and bankrolling of the kufr interfaith movement aimed at the destruction of Islam. He has opened wide the doors of prostitution and immorality for Saudi women in particular. Innumerable Saudi Ulama of the Haqq have been silenced and assigned into torturous detention for having proclaimed the Haqq of Allah Azza Wa Jal. The Saudi regime is rotten to the core. Muslims are exhorted to supplicate to Allah Ta'ala to replace the current king and his deadwood, corrupt and rotten establishment, and to grant this Ummah a pious Sultan/Khalifah who will once again restore the Standard of Islam and bring the Holy Land under perfect domination of the Shariah, Aameen!
The legalization of zina by the king by way of licensing female exhibition and nudity for the lustful gratification of the western kuffaar heralds the doom of the Saudi regime. Allah Ta'ala states in the Qur'aan:
"And for every nation there is an appointed time. When that time arrives,
It shall not be advanced nor delayed by a moment." http://www.themajlis.co.za/index.php...cles&Itemid=27

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Old 04-05-2012, 04:42 PM   #6

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hmmmm... Meh...

(^ My most useful comment yet)
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Old 04-05-2012, 04:52 PM   #7

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Its sad and disgusting because as muslims we are supposed to take pride in our hayaa (modesty).
What would rasoolullah say about the woman of his ummah - His daughters - running around like monkey's in competition with the kuffaar? We all know how Nabi emphasized that modesty is part of imaan, That a woman must not even leave her house unnecessary, That a woman must not be viewed by any strange man.

Do we ever think about how Rasoolullah feels when our deeds are presented to him and he is informed about how we are PROUDLY, HAPPILY throwing aside all his commands and striving to be like those who don't even believe in Him (the kuffaar)???

If nabi was alive and here today, will muslim women go to the Olympics?

There's nothing wrong with being an athlete, BUT there is alot wrong with muslim woman participating in the Olympics...

As muslims, we are different from everyone else, our religion comes first and foremost - long before our pleasures. We are ALLAH'S slaves and supposed to behave like it.
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Old 04-05-2012, 05:18 PM   #8

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Deleted. I will say this Comparing female athletes to prostitutes is a huge exaggeration and it is a horrible thing to do. Comments and views like this make ne fear for islam and for.humanity.
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Old 04-05-2012, 05:33 PM   #9

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Sister; Sports can be sacrificed for Islam but not Islam for sports.

I was just thinking of this scenario

The announcer shouts "Finally............. Against all the odds.............this year's Miss Universe crown goes to...................... none other than ..............miss xyz .....from saudi Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrabia."
It is possible to play and compete in sports withot sacrificig islam. I compete in sports and i am apracticing muslim
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Old 04-05-2012, 05:39 PM   #10

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It is possible to play and compete in sports withot sacrificig islam. I compete in sports and i am apracticing muslim

To do so at a public venue is impossible. Women may play sports with each other in front of a female audience, but how do you think this is going to accommodated for internationally? Outside of Saudi Arabia, there is no segregation of the sexes at sports venues.
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Old 04-05-2012, 05:45 PM   #11

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Until a Halal alternative to women sports comes up, this sort of incidents will continue to pop up. Just as there are atheists and secularists popping up within the kingdom. And dont expect the muslim world are all saints or equivalent in faith to the sahabah.
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Old 04-05-2012, 05:47 PM   #12

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Deleted. I will say this Comparing female athletes to prostitutes is a huge exaggeration and it is a horrible thing to do. Comments and views like this make ne fear for islam and for.humanity.
you obviously haven't seen the costumes and provocative movements that are used in the floor routines of female gymnastics if you cannot see a similarity there.

sadly men are often quite depraved and they will get thrills out of watching all sorts of female athletes as they are strong and healthy and wear few clothes.

personally, so long as they behave with propriety and wear clothes that cover their forms properly according to Islam then I cannot see what is wrong with Muslim women athletes competing in the Olympics

apart from the fact that if you look into the history of the Olympics it was founded as a pagan festival with gay overtones and was revived by people connected to Freemasonry
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Old 04-05-2012, 07:23 PM   #13

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So what is the solution, till halal alternative comes up, indulge in haraam. The athiest and secularists are under control because of the pressure from muslims around the world on KSA. If they are getting frustrated let them leave the holy land to muslims (Islam) and let them go and enjoy in the society they like.
No. My point was that until you find alternate ssources to spent the energy of women upon as a functioning productive member of society, you would end up with women being attracted to what the west offers. Availabilty of halal sports arenas or other facilities where women can be healthy, competetive, relax and entertain themselves will prevent them being seduced by western bikini sports. If your expecting all women to lock up and stay inside the houses, then good luck with that. If islam preaches hijab, then the leaders of the society should make facilities available for women were hijab can be maintained. Society is not just for men.
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Old 04-05-2012, 07:51 PM   #14

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Assalamu alaykum.

This should be done by women who like to remain healthy, competitive, relax and have entertainment. Sacrifice some money, ask a gym wala, we are in gym for this period of time with a pre-condition that no no-mahram should be around, no filmography, lady instructor and we shall pay proper compensation. Why should the Islamic society contribute for some one's entertainment.
Walaikum assalaam,

But men are the maintainers of women. Remember? You cant have it both ways by expecting women to do them without even giving women appropriate power to do them. A strong Muslims is a better Muslim. That's why its Islamic. And halal matters like wife and children are also a entertainment. Should Islamic govt. keep their hands out of it?
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Old 04-05-2012, 08:57 PM   #15

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After reading some of the comments on this thread I am slightly perplexed about the supposedly dire necessity for women sporting facilities. Could somebody please bring to my attention whether during the time of Rasulullah , the sahaabah or the Khairul Quroon which is the most perfect period of Islam there were any such sporting facilities for women???? If not then the inference that is to made from some posts is that those women must necessarily have been very much inclined to the kuffaar cultures as a place for them to relax, be entertained, unwind were not available.

Rasulullah has forbidden sports for men never mind women. He has said that only three forms are 'entertainment' are permissible for men,

".......Everything with which a man amuses, himself is vain except three (things): a man's training of his
horse, his playing with his wife, and his shooting with his bow and arrow. (Sunan Abi Dawud, Book 14, Hadith No 2507).

Did any the role models of Islam ever sit together in a stadium and waste time in ghaflah and laghw??

Muslims need to rip themselves away from the mental slavery of the kuffaar and their culture.

May Allah guide me and all of us to the correct understanding of His Deen. The understanding of His Rasul and the Sahaabah .

4:115 If anyone contends with the Messenger even after guidance has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that of the Believers (the sahaabah), We shall leave him in the path he has chosen, and land him in Hell,- what an evil refuge!

25:72 Those who witness no falsehood, and, if they pass by futility, they pass by it with honourable (avoidance);

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Old 04-05-2012, 09:10 PM   #16

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After reading some of the comments on this thread I am slightly perplexed about the supposedly dire necessity for women sporting facilities. Could somebody please bring to my attention whether during the time of Rasulullah , the sahaabah or the Khairul Quroon which is the most perfect period of Islam there were any such sporting facilities for women???? If not then the inference that is to made from some posts is that those women must necessarily have been very much inclined to the kuffaar cultures as a place for them to relax, be entertained, unwind were not available.

Rasulullah has forbidden sports for men never mind women. He has said that only three forms are 'entertainment' are permissible for men,

".......Everything with which a man amuses, himself is vain except three (things): a man's training of his
horse, his playing with his wife, and his shooting with his bow and arrow. (Sunan Abi Dawud, Book 14, Hadith No 2507).

Did any the role models of Islam ever sit together in a stadium and waste time in ghaflah and laghw??

Muslims need to rip themselves away from the mental slavery of the kuffaar and their culture.

May Allah guide me and all of us to the correct understanding of His Deen. The understanding of His Rasul and the Sahaabah .

4:115 If anyone contends with the Messenger even after guidance has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that of the Believers (the sahaabah), We shall leave him in the path he has chosen, and land him in Hell,- what an evil refuge!

25:72 Those who witness no falsehood, and, if they pass by futility, they pass by it with honourable (avoidance);

Did any role models use sunniforum.com ? Ofcourse not. Thts a silly argument. The question is whether there is a basis.

The hadith you quote itself is the basis. Idk how u ended up twisted. Furthermore, something being in vain does not mean forbidden. Don't jump the gun there.

And don't forget the hadith of eithiopians dancing with their swords. You seem to be more holy than the salaf in ur approach.

Muslims need to also free themselves from reactionary slavery to kuffar culture. The prophet peace be upon him did not go around and treat the Arab culture to be of taboo and untouchable as the way you treat cultures besides yours.
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Old 04-05-2012, 09:14 PM   #17

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Both men and women should avoid sport in the context it is in the current time.
Any person who wishs to keep healthy should go to his/her local gym which offers non-mixed setting. If he/she does not have this available then they should try exersising at home (or something of that nature).
Any male or female wishing to do a sport related activity should find a time of the week and a suitable place and do it for his/her own benefit(in a halal setting).
We the muslim ummah have no role to play in this waste of time and money! The hellfire is too hot for that.
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Old 04-05-2012, 09:15 PM   #18

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I think it's safe to say we live much more sedentary lives now - sitting at our desks for hours on end, driving rather than walking, eating all sorts of not-so-healthy things.

There is nothing wrong with women (and men) taking part in sports, using facilities that are reserved for them. It may not have been a practice at the time of our Beloved (PBUH) but it shouldn't be suggested that it is wrong to do.

On the contrary, I think women and men should be encouraged to be more active. Also, not everything revolves around a gym however, it is easier to build in 'gym time' into a schedule. Walking, biking, jogging, gardening, hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, kayaking, canoeing, climbing... there are many activities that can be done in groups or alone or with couples (husband/wife).

A healthy, fit, ummah.
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Old 04-05-2012, 09:18 PM   #19

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@brother warea - Provide the basis then.

Give evidence from the Fuqahaa and the Sahaabah where they considered the necessity for such sporting facilities for women. The hadith of the Ethiopians has been misinterpreted to death. If you are correct in your statement please provide for me one statement from the Aimmah, muhadditheen and the commentators who have inferred that sporting facilities for women are allowed from this hadith.

The onus of the proof is on the claimant. If you are unable to provide one such statement then please retract your statement.

you say that my quote in itself is the basis. Basis for what? Sporting facilities for women???? Or only allowing certain forms of 'entertainment' for men??

Following the sahaabah is a command of Rasulullah and the Qur'aan in the verse I quoted. They are our role models.

Any aspect of Arab culture that went against Islam was demolished by Rasulullah . For us there is no culture except the culture of Islam. That should be the aim and the constant struggle within ourselves to conform to this.

Please expound further instead of making general statements.

May Allah forgive us.

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Old 04-05-2012, 09:19 PM   #20

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On the contrary, I think women and men should be encouraged to be more active. Also, not everything revolves around a gym however, it is easier to build in 'gym time' into a schedule. Walking, biking, jogging, gardening, hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, kayaking, canoeing, climbing... there are many activities that can be done in groups or alone or with couples (husband/wife). And this (in a halal setting) is what we the muslims should limit ourselves to. No need to jump on the bandwagon.
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