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Old 03-28-2012, 04:13 PM   #1

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Default Why is birthday haram, and mawlid halal?
Asalamu Alaykum. I heard and read that the major scholars agree that birthday is haram, while they agree that mawlid (birthday of prophet (saw)) is halal.

Why is that?
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:29 PM   #2

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Asalamu Alaykum. I heard and read that the major scholars agree that birthday is haram, while they agree that mawlid (birthday of prophet (saw)) is halal.

Why is that?
Salaamu alaiykum wa rahmatullah
I have yet to be proven how the major scholars agree that the Mawlid is halal? Infact according to my research, the major contemporary scholars agree the Mawlid is haram e.g. from Saudi scholars: http://alifta.com/Fatawa/FatawaChapt...No=1&BookID=10
I guess that also clears your confusion too :P All birthdays are haram.
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:35 PM   #3

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Qibla.com says it is allowed to celebrate mawlid, but against islam to celebrate birthday. And they claim this is the consensus.
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:36 PM   #4

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Old 03-28-2012, 04:39 PM   #5

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Qibla.com says it is allowed to celebrate mawlid, but against islam to celebrate birthday. And they claim this is the consensus.
I do not think that the Qibla people confine the celebration of the Mawlid to the birthday of the Prophet
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:39 PM   #6

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Because if you look at it, the average person such as you and me aren't as great as the prophet (saw), he was the best of creation, He is the creation Allah loves above everything, Allah says in the Qur'an "We have not sent you but as a “Mercy to the worlds” (21:107)". He is more then a human being, what's inside him is immense nuur and light, and it is a blessing for us to send immense salawat and dedicate the whole day to teaching youngers the seerah, and in the night sending salawat on him. However some muslims may say " Isn't that what your supposed to do every day?" , well it is Sunnah, and do dedicate his birthday with nothing haram no dancing no singing but sitting down and talking of the discription of the prophet, his patience, his mercy, his whole life and his companions there isn't a better day to do it in the day he was born!
Allah also says "So Peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies, and the day that he will be raised up to life (again)! (19:15)
" So if Allah , the exalted , the Al-Wise the Greatest, mentioned the name of Isa (as) and said Peace be on him the day he was born..., What about the Master of Isa, Muhammad (saw)?, he said "Ana Sayidul Wali Bani Adam?

All praise and thanks are due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessings of Allāh be upon the master of the whole creation, Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, and upon all of his family and Companions.

Allāh, Most High, says to our Prophet, Muhammad (SAW), highlighting the favours and grace bestowed him, and explaining the status that He holds with Him,

«Allāh sent down the Book and Wisdom to you and taught you what you did not previously know. Allāh’s favour to you was immense»
[al-Nisā’ (4): 113]

Allāh, Most High, has favoured some Messengers over others,

«These Messengers: We favoured some of them over others. Allāh spoke directly to some of them and raised up some of them in rank»
[al-Baqarah (2): 253]

The first part of the verse clearly proves the basic fact that there exists a difference in the levels of excellence; the second part of the verse deals with the distinction between these levels and their greatness. Allāh, Most High, has blessed our Prophet (SAW) in a number of different ways. Amongst them are:

1.He is the master of all. He (SAW) said,

I am the master of the children of Adam without boasting.[1]

‘Master’ is a term referring to one who is described with dignified and illustrious qualities, who possesses excellent and sublime morals and manners. Therefore this hadīth shows that he (SAW) is better than, and superior to, the children of Adam in both abodes – [the abode of this world and the Hereafter]. He is better than them in this world due to his great and noble morals and manners, and in the Hereafter due to the fact that recompense is based upon ones morals, manners and qualities. Consequently, if he surpasses them in this life due to his virtues and qualities, he surpasses them in the Hereafter with regards his ranking and station.

He (SAW) said,

I am the master of the children of Adam without boasting.

in order to show his nation the status he holds with his Lord, the Mighty and Magnificent. Now because the mention of ones virtues is predominantly done by way of boasting, he (SAW) wanted to preclude any possibility of the ignorant thinking that he said this by way of boasting, so he said, ‘without boasting’.

2.He (SAW) said,

In my hands will be the Banner of Praise on the Day of Judgement, without boasting.[2]

3.He (SAW) said,

There will not be a single Prophet on that day: Adam and all those who came after him; except that they will be under my banner on the Day of Judgement, without boasting.[3]

All of these matters that are specific to him go to show his great ranking, a ranking which surpasses Adam and everyone else, this is because the only way one possesses distinguished characteristics is by having virtues and ranking not shared by others.

Wallahi anyone who does not Love the prophet he won't intercede with them on Yawmul Qiyam, the key to going to Jannah is Loving Muhammad (saw), the key to becomin closer to Allah is Loving Muhammad (saw), because he is closer and nearer to Allah then any of us, only him in Yawmul Qiyam will care for his Ummah, every other prophet would not, so celebrate his birthday not infear but in love
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:40 PM   #7

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Qibla.com says it is allowed to celebrate mawlid, but against islam to celebrate birthday. And they claim this is the consensus.
And under what authority and what proof do they say it is halal and it is the consensus? Maybe a means of strengthening their claim, despite being baseless? Besides, Saudi official scholars have made consensus otherwise and I know many other imams who would agree.
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:42 PM   #8

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so celebrate his birthday not infear but in love
Epic fail conclusion, sorry to say akhi even with my limited knowledge. It's best if one remains silent if one is not qualified to discuss such issues.
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Old 03-28-2012, 06:23 PM   #9

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I've noticed my comments have been deleted, i never knew this site was run by Saudi Arabia lol.
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Old 03-28-2012, 06:28 PM   #10

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I've noticed my comments have been deleted, i never knew this site was run by Saudi Arabia lol.
Your comments were not deleted habibi. I just took the conclusion to show that this has no solid correlation with all the things you said before it. We don't deny the high position of the messenger PBUH and our requirement to honour him but my conclusion from your own words would be: "There were no people who honoured the prophet Muhammad PBUH than the sahaba and so we should honour him PBUH like the sahaba did and they didn't celebrate Mawlid" And please don't associate a belief system in Islam with saudi arabia. I'm not even from saudi arabia and nor are most people here.
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Old 03-28-2012, 06:36 PM   #11

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Your comments were not deleted habibi. I just took the conclusion to show that this has no solid correlation with all the things you said before it. We don't deny the high position of the messenger PBUH and our requirement to honour him but my conclusion from your own words would be: "There were no people who honoured the prophet Muhammad PBUH than the sahaba and so we should honour him PBUH like the sahaba did and they didn't celebrate Mawlid" And please don't associate a belief system in Islam with saudi arabia. I'm not even from saudi arabia and nor are most people here.
Ya Akhi, you should know i am a brother, and secondly, if i were to live my life today in every single aspect of the Sahaba and the 2 generations that came after them, i would not be using the interenet nor any device nor eating anything that came after them nor using anything that was invented after them, where are you getting this logic from?, You should know by now that we are living in Aakhirul Zaman, the last age, the last era, and how Islam has been crippled at the hands of the Saudi Government, i mentioned them in ridicule after you kept on saying "Saudi Official Scholars" like they are of high status, these Shuyukh of Saudi Arabia, or atleast most of them, crippled the deen, they are now advising Muslims that they don't have to visit Madina and the Mosque of the Prophet (saw), step by step they are trying to seperate the Ummah from their prophet, and in every single talk they give, they rant about the shi'a, and the Sufi and always they just lecture on bid3ah, since when did Islam reach a level that low?, Mawlid-Ul Nabi is not Haram, how can sending salawat and praising the prophet of allah on the day he was born haram?, i fasted on a monday and throughout the day i had an intention to follow his sunnah and i sent salawat on him, By Allah i saw him in the following night in a dream, and this is a ordinary Monday, the point is, the Ummah today is at its all time low, and that is because of what the grandfathers of King Abdul-Aziz have done by aboloshing and crippled the Khalifah, you now have Starbucks and McDonalds right infront of the Haram.

And yes my comment was deleted and that of brother Caliph, don't lie.
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Old 03-28-2012, 06:50 PM   #12

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these Shuyukh of Saudi Arabia, or atleast most of them, crippled the deen, they are now advising Muslims that they don't have to visit Madina and the Mosque of the Prophet (saw).
Yeah there is a whole book written by a Saudi Scholar by the name of Abi Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdul Al-haadi Al-Hanbali who was born in 705 Hijri that says the same thing as other Saudi Shuyookh. Which is here http://www.alifta.net/Search/ResultD...stKeyWordFound The books name by Abd al-haadi is called "As-Saarim al-munki fi ar-rad 'ala as-subki"

And by the way, the ruling you gave is not what they say about visiting Medina or the Masjid, so fear Allah and speak the truth.
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Old 03-28-2012, 06:53 PM   #13

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Comments were deleted due to a) calling Saudi Ulama bogus (there are a lot of ulama there. b) calling Saudi a Kaafir country (there are a lot of Muslims there, Haramain is there)
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Old 03-28-2012, 07:01 PM   #14

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Sudoku, i respect your reason, but i stand clear in my claims that Scholars of Saudi Arabia or Salafis are waging a war against the Ummah in dividing them from their prophet, Abu Hurayrah(Radiyallahu Anhu) said, "The Prophet(Peace be upon
him) said, 'There will be "dajjals" and liars among my Ummah. They will
tell you something new, which neither you nor your forefathers have
heard. Be on your guard against them, and do not let them lead you
astray.'" (Ahmad)
Abu Mussab

Some of the lies they come up with are ridiculous

"Wiping the face after Du'a is Bid'ah"

one of the scholars of Saudi Arabia Abu mussab wajdi akkari even went that far that he said there is no place in the Hadith that says the prophet wiped his face after the hadith.

In Hadith Abu Dawud Book 8 Hadith Number 1487

Book 8, Number 1487:
Narrated Yazid ibn Sa'id al-Kindi:

When the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) made supplication (to Allah) he would raise his hands and wipe his face with his hands.

there are many more hadiths regarding this action the prophet used to do (saw).

And the point made by brother caliph was wrong although Saudi Arabia was brought together and shaped and built by Kaafirs, they hijacked the Haramain from the Ottoman caliphates with the help of the brits and other europeans also known as "Ahlul Kitaab".
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Old 03-28-2012, 07:27 PM   #15

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Since when did we base our Islam on what the Saudi officials did?

Our Islam is based upon the Quran, Sunnah and the teachings of the pious scholars of the past. If you look at the great scholars, who understood Islam better than us, such as the great Imam ibn Hajar al Asqalani, Imam ibn Kathir, the Mujaddid of his time Imam Jalalud Deen as Suyuti, Imam ibn Jawzi, Ibn Hajar al Haytami, Imam Qastalani (radhiyallah 'anhum) and many more agreed that celebrating and rejoicing at the birth of the Holy Messenger (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam).

If you go to *** you will see all the evidences with scanned pages from their books.
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Old 03-28-2012, 07:30 PM   #16

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one of the scholars of Saudi Arabia Abu mussab wajdi akkari
This just shows how actually ignorant you are, not only is he NOT from Saudi, he is also NOT a scholar at least not in terms of the Saudi Arabian scholarly circle. The only thing he has in common with Saudi is that he resides there, that doesn't make him a Saudi Scholar.
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Old 03-28-2012, 07:32 PM   #17

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Epic fail conclusion, sorry to say akhi even with my limited knowledge. It's best if one remains silent if one is not qualified to discuss such issues.

My brother, don't take this the wrong way, but you might want to consider taking your own advice. You stated in your beard trimming thread that you are not even aware of what fiqh and usool are, yet I have seen you making erroneous posts in a number of threads, from claiming that the Ashairah believe Allah is everywhere, to claiming that Deobandi sufis engage in bidah and that there are no scholars on this forum (There are; although some have left and others just don't post as often as they used to, but I see you are new to the forum so you might not have been aware).
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Old 03-28-2012, 10:19 PM   #18

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My brother, don't take this the wrong way, but you might want to consider taking your own advice. You stated in your beard trimming thread that you are not even aware of what fiqh and usool are, yet I have seen you making erroneous posts in a number of threads, from claiming that the Ashairah believe Allah is everywhere, to claiming that Deobandi sufis engage in bidah and that there are no scholars on this forum (There are; although some have left and others just don't post as often as they used to, but I see you are new to the forum so you might not have been aware).
Fair enough. Jazakallahu khaiyrun
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Old 03-29-2012, 03:51 AM   #19

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I called saudi arabia kafir, but I got my evidences. I believe a country can't be muslim if it is not a Caliphate. If you have no Caliph, it is like you are living in the times of jahilyah.

Anyways, so it still dosn't make sense. Why is mawlid halal and birthday haram? If I tell someone mawlid is haram, they will get very angry on me.
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Old 03-29-2012, 05:48 AM   #20

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Can I please ask why my comment was censored?
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