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Old 03-20-2012, 10:01 PM   #1

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Default [Video] Shaykh Hamza Yusuf crying

Could anyone please translate what he is saying in this video?

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Old 03-20-2012, 10:43 PM   #2

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Could anyone please translate what he is saying in this video?

Same here. I posted this on my FB page yesterday and got blasted by a Salafi friend :P
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Old 03-20-2012, 10:55 PM   #3

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Same here. I posted this on my FB page yesterday and got blasted by a Salafi friend :P
That's exactly where I have taken it from and I do remember reading that comment you're talking about.

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Old 03-20-2012, 11:07 PM   #4

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Plain jealous of his Arabic - nothing to say about the intensity of imaan.
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Old 03-20-2012, 11:15 PM   #5

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Plain jealous of his Arabic - nothing to say about the intensity of imaan.
Exactly! This is something I have always had in my heart but never expressed except to my own self.
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:26 AM   #6

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Ok, so a quick translation that is not 100% correct due to the level of the Sheikhs arabic and my english

"In reality what I think is that if muslims were given victory today then they would not be capable/not prepared to handle that responsibility. In my opinion, I think that Allah swt will give us victory when we are capable/prepared to deal with it.
Why? I'am proud, and one of the most things that I'am proud of is that when the Nabi a.s entered Mecca after they fought him for 23 years (begins to cry), he said "leave today for you are the free" which means there is no need to fear. I mean these are people that fought him for a great period of time, however this is the best of creation, he differs from the rest of mankind, he is the best of creation!
He said, "there is no need to fear whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan". Abu sufyan the one who fought him with harshness.

Similarly Salah Al Dinne I'am proud that when he entered Al Quds he dealt with them in such a supreme way that even the englishmen have attested to his favours and virtues, I want this Islam as this is what I became attached to I did not become attached to the revenge, the loathing and the hatred, I'am just being honest

So the way I see it is that when muslims have those characteristics that are the heart of Islam then Allah SWT will give us victory, I have no doubt, but this victory will be with 'hilm' (mercy/ treating those with mercy who treat you with harshness) so that those who come after us are proud of us and don't see us as those who claim to be ruling according to Gods commands and burn churches, as that man did when those Christians were his dhimma, in reality he is an embarrassment to Islam. Although, he has lived, and his actions are recorded in history and the one who followed him, the Khalifa who rebuilt the church anew and apologised to the christians for what happened, this is the one who we are proud of we are not proud of a man of vengeance and hatred but a man who is just, a man who handled his responsibility and this is what we ask of our brothers.

As the Dr. has already mentioned, Jihad for us is fard we do not deny that at all and this is a right for all people, that they defend themselves but what we want is jihad and not war and there is a difference. Because, Jihad is to raise the word of God and not for revenge (missed a part here) but it is only to raise the word of God and if the goal is to raise the word of Allah SWT then I have no doubt that this ummah wil be given victory but if the goals are not for this then from the tawfik (translation?) of Allah SWT that this umma will not be given victory.

Because they an embarrassment for this the ummah and an embarrassment to our history and to the Prophet peace be upon him. I mean our Umma is his Ummah and if we do not follow his supreme Sunnah that he paved for us then we have no right to say (doesn't finish) as Allah SWT says in the Quran "are you Muslims" that is the question are you Muslim?"

I'm sure there are mistakes in this quick translation but Inshallah you can basically understand what he is saying.

السلام عليكم
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:56 AM   #7

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Plain jealous of his Arabic - nothing to say about the intensity of imaan.
Don't be insha'Allah, but praise Allah for it, and pray for his continued health and ability to beautify this language, this Islam and that you too may if Allah wills, will have a good grasp of arabic too.

I agree that just hearing him speak in Arabic makes me cry.

As for intensity of imaan - may Allah increase us all muslims with such, imaan, ihsaan and wisdom and humility.

To Nasrullah242 - God bless you for that translation, that was amazing, and sent me to tears again.
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Old 03-21-2012, 01:19 AM   #8

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"In reality what I think is that if muslims were given victory today then they would not be capable to handle that responsibility. In my opinion, I think that Allah swt will give us victory when we are capable of dealing with it.
he raised amazing point!!!
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Old 03-21-2012, 02:26 AM   #9

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Thanks for the brother for translating it.

SubhanAllah his Arabic is amazing, inspiration to go and learn arabic (wouldn't know where to start thou)
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Old 03-21-2012, 02:37 AM   #10

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Don't be insha'Allah, but praise Allah for it, and pray for his continued health and ability to beautify this language, this Islam and that you too may if Allah wills, will have a good grasp of arabic too.

I agree that just hearing him speak in Arabic makes me cry.

As for intensity of imaan - may Allah increase us all muslims with such, imaan, ihsaan and wisdom and humility.

To Nasrullah242 - God bless you for that translation, that was amazing, and sent me to tears again.

Ameen. Ditto... very powerful.

brother Nasrullah242.

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Old 03-21-2012, 03:17 AM   #11

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Ok, so a quick translation that is not 100% correct due to the level of the Sheikhs arabic and my english

"In reality what I think is that if muslims were given victory today then they would not be capable/not prepared to handle that responsibility. In my opinion, I think that Allah swt will give us victory when we are capable/prepared to deal with it.
Why? I'am proud, and one of the most things that I'am proud of is that when the Nabi a.s entered Mecca after they fought him for 23 years (begins to cry), he said "leave today for you are the free" which means there is no need to fear. I mean these are people that fought him for a great period of time, however this is the best of creation, he differs from the rest of mankind, he is the best of creation!
He said, "there is no need to fear whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan". Abu sufyan the one who fought him with harshness.

Similarly Salah Al Dinne I'am proud that when he entered Al Quds he dealt with them in such a supreme way that even the englishmen have attested to his favours and virtues, I want this Islam as this is what I became attached to I did not become attached to the revenge, the loathing and the hatred, I'am just being honest

So the way I see it is that when muslims have those characteristics that are the heart of Islam then Allah SWT will give us victory, I have no doubt, but this victory will be with 'hilm' (mercy/ treating those with mercy who treat you with harshness) so that those who come after us are proud of us and don't see us as those who claim to be ruling according to Gods commands and burn churches, as that man did when those Christians were his dhimma, in reality he is an embarrassment to Islam. Although, he has lived, and his actions are recorded in history and the one who followed him, the Khalifa who rebuilt the church anew and apologised to the christians for what happened, this is the one who we are proud of we are not proud of a man of vengeance and hatred but a man who is just, a man who handled his responsibility and this is what we ask of our brothers.

As the Dr. has already mentioned, Jihad for us is fard we do not deny that at all and this is a right for all people, that they defend themselves but what we want is jihad and not war and there is a difference. Because, Jihad is to raise the word of God and not for revenge (missed a part here) but it is only to raise the word of God and if the goal is to raise the word of Allah SWT then I have no doubt that this ummah wil be given victory but if the goals are not for this then from the tawfik (translation?) of Allah SWT that this umma will not be given victory.

Because they an embarrassment for this the ummah and an embarrassment to our history and to the Prophet peace be upon him. I mean our Umma is his Ummah and if we do not follow his supreme Sunnah that he paved for us then we have no right to say (doesn't finish) as Allah SWT says in the Quran "are you Muslims" that is the question are you Muslim?"

I'm sure there are mistakes in this quick translation but Inshallah you can basically understand what he is saying.

السلام عليكم
JazakAllah kyran for the translation...and yes his arabic was beautiful,Marsha Allah.
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:14 PM   #12

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Those who are criticial of hamza yusuf are not jealous of his arabic. Have you ever wondered why shaykh nuh keller does not face the same criticism that hamza yusuf gets. Hamza Yusuf is very knowledeable, has done loads for deen etc but there is no doubt that he has said some wrong things...a good example. An imam told me in the harmain sharif that shaykh hamza yusuf told him after 9/11 to shave his beard off as he was creating fitna. This is just 1 example out of many that I can give you. On the other hand shaykh hamza yusuf has some really good lectures on the education system, food of the prophet sallahuwaslaam...purification of the heart etc. His taweel of some of the signs of the day of judgement in a lecture which he gave some time prior to 9/11 was criticized by many scholars as well. He is without doubt a sincere person, has knowledge and effects the masses but at the same time there are many clear mistakes in his discourses. He is also the proponent of minority fiqh with his teacher shaykh abdullah bin bayyah...The approach has been well critiqued by shaykh nuh keller.

Another point to consider about shaykh hamza yusuf is that many times he gives very vague remarks due to the position that he is in. For example he will say something but not mean it. When some people in london were once criticizing him for some remarks he stated that 'war is deception'. He uses this tactic a lot when dealing with the media, harsh american audiences etc....
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Old 03-21-2012, 03:35 PM   #13

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@Sister Khadijah
sister for your very kind remarks.
brother for the transcript. I know the amount of effort that might have gone into it.
Those who are criticial of hamza yusuf are not jealous of his arabic. Have you ever wondered why shaykh nuh keller does not face the same criticism that hamza yusuf gets. Hamza Yusuf is very knowledeable, has done loads for deen etc but there is no doubt that he has said some wrong things...a good example. An imam told me in the harmain sharif that shaykh hamza yusuf told him after 9/11 to shave his beard off as he was creating fitna. This is just 1 example out of many that I can give you. On the other hand shaykh hamza yusuf has some really good lectures on the education system, food of the prophet sallahuwaslaam...purification of the heart etc. His taweel of some of the signs of the day of judgement in a lecture which he gave some time prior to 9/11 was criticized by many scholars as well. He is without doubt a sincere person, has knowledge and effects the masses but at the same time there are many clear mistakes in his discourses. He is also the proponent of minority fiqh with his teacher shaykh abdullah bin bayyah...The approach has been well critiqued by shaykh nuh keller.

Another point to consider about shaykh hamza yusuf is that many times he gives very vague remarks due to the position that he is in. For example he will say something but not mean it. When some people in london were once criticizing him for some remarks he stated that 'war is deception'. He uses this tactic a lot when dealing with the media, harsh american audiences etc....
As our Tablighi brothers say that when you introduce your brother then ignore his 99 short comings and mention 1 good quality he has the same is true here. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf might not be in the same league as Shaykh NHM Keller but his is a heart warming presence. Both of these Masha-ikh are way far better than the earlier crop of western Muslims who just could not overcome perennial tendencies. By the grace of Allah(SWT) our traditional Masha-ikh too have reached the west by now but for some time I feel that originally western people will have an advantage over them because they understand the local culture and values. May Allah(SWT) provide Barakah in the efforts of both of the parties who are working for the same goal.
And all Praise is due to Allah(SWT) only.
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Old 03-21-2012, 03:47 PM   #14

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Very true brother. May ALLAH bless everybody ameen.
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Old 03-21-2012, 04:23 PM   #15

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I have a question.

Was not the seige on Banu Qurayza in revenge? Or when Mu'tasima came to the aid of the woman who called out for him? Or is this called something else?

edit: I mean Qaynuqa, not Qurayza.
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Old 03-21-2012, 04:31 PM   #16

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sudoko surah taubah verse 14 is relevent in this regard. Which mufti or shaykh will ever discuss these verses though?
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Old 03-21-2012, 04:35 PM   #17

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I'll read the tafseer
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Old 03-21-2012, 04:45 PM   #18

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I have a question.

Was not the seige on Banu Qurayza in revenge? Or when Mu'tasima came to the aid of the woman who called out for him? Or is this called something else?

Taking them to task for treason. The Makkans were Opponents
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Old 03-21-2012, 04:49 PM   #19

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Taking them to task for treason. The Makkans were Opponents
Sorry, I meant Banu Qaynuqa rather than Qurayza.
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Old 03-21-2012, 08:34 PM   #20

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Ok, so a quick translation that is not 100% correct due to the level of the Sheikhs arabic and my english

"In reality what I think is that if muslims were given victory today then they would not be capable/not prepared to handle that responsibility. In my opinion, I think that Allah swt will give us victory when we are capable/prepared to deal with it.
Why? I'am proud, and one of the most things that I'am proud of is that when the Nabi a.s entered Mecca after they fought him for 23 years (begins to cry), he said "leave today for you are the free" which means there is no need to fear. I mean these are people that fought him for a great period of time, however this is the best of creation, he differs from the rest of mankind, he is the best of creation!
He said, "there is no need to fear whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan". Abu sufyan the one who fought him with harshness.

Similarly Salah Al Dinne I'am proud that when he entered Al Quds he dealt with them in such a supreme way that even the englishmen have attested to his favours and virtues, I want this Islam as this is what I became attached to I did not become attached to the revenge, the loathing and the hatred, I'am just being honest

So the way I see it is that when muslims have those characteristics that are the heart of Islam then Allah SWT will give us victory, I have no doubt, but this victory will be with 'hilm' (mercy/ treating those with mercy who treat you with harshness) so that those who come after us are proud of us and don't see us as those who claim to be ruling according to Gods commands and burn churches, as that man did when those Christians were his dhimma, in reality he is an embarrassment to Islam. Although, he has lived, and his actions are recorded in history and the one who followed him, the Khalifa who rebuilt the church anew and apologised to the christians for what happened, this is the one who we are proud of we are not proud of a man of vengeance and hatred but a man who is just, a man who handled his responsibility and this is what we ask of our brothers.

As the Dr. has already mentioned, Jihad for us is fard we do not deny that at all and this is a right for all people, that they defend themselves but what we want is jihad and not war and there is a difference. Because, Jihad is to raise the word of God and not for revenge (missed a part here) but it is only to raise the word of God and if the goal is to raise the word of Allah SWT then I have no doubt that this ummah wil be given victory but if the goals are not for this then from the tawfik (translation?) of Allah SWT that this umma will not be given victory.

Because they an embarrassment for this the ummah and an embarrassment to our history and to the Prophet peace be upon him. I mean our Umma is his Ummah and if we do not follow his supreme Sunnah that he paved for us then we have no right to say (doesn't finish) as Allah SWT says in the Quran "are you Muslims" that is the question are you Muslim?"

I'm sure there are mistakes in this quick translation but Inshallah you can basically understand what he is saying.

السلام عليكم
he raised amazing point!!!
Nasrullah for the translation.

The anecdotes of Hazrath Maulana Ilyasji rh:


Replying to the question raised, viz. "Why are Muslims not granted rulership and leadership in the world?" he replied: "When we do not fulfill the commandments of Allah and refrain from the forbidden in our personal lives over which we have full control and there is no obstacle or compulsion, then how is it possible that we be entrusted with the governing of this world. It is only through the decision of Allah that the believers may be granted government on the earth so that they may seek His pleasure and establish His laws in this world. Now, when we are not doing this in the sphere of our own choice (in our individual lives), how can it be expected, when tomorrow we are given the reins of government. we shall do so?"

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