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Old 03-23-2012, 12:25 AM   #1

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Default Following only Rasulullah Sallallahualayhiwasallam, not Sahaba?

my sister who lived for five years iun canada now calls herself a salafi. Sister don't go in the name salafi, wahabi, sunni, shafi, hambali, malaki, hanafi etc. Just see weather she is a muslim first of all.

she says that she dont follow any fiqh or imam but the way of Muhammed peace be upon him and sahaba may Allah be pleased with them all. We should follow only Muhammed (Peace be upon him) only, we are not allowed to follow sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) also. Because we are follower of Prophet (Peace be upon him)

she prays her exactly like men pray Can you provide me any valid hadith that say's us men and women to prey in different manner?

and she says bad about our deobandi ulema. What bad she say's? If she say's something bad without valid reason then she is sinner.

she is very hard to convince and she criticizes the four imaams. I dont know what problem she has with four imams?

i dont know about the salafi aqueeda They just follow Muhammed (Peace be upon him) and respect all other's.

and dont want to argue with her but i feel pain for her. No problem you can make dua for her.

she dont believe in tasawuf and she makes fun of it. i dont know what is tasawuf i am not that much knowledgeable.

i want to help her in finding the right way she has been removed She is on correct way only if you want to help her then ask her don't say bad to any one unless she has any valid reason. If she has valid reason also why should we say something bad to others?

and want to convince her but without knowing the truth about salafism its not quite possible.
could my brothers and sisters enlighten me on this subject.
jazaka Allah khair Even i dont know about salafism but people in this sunniforum and all who look's me in real life say's me that i am salafi because i say them i don't blindly follow any imam because any imam has not said us to follow blindly.

The truth is i am muslim.
I am salafi because our muslim scholar's made lot of group's and i feel that salafi is close to quran and sunnah compare to other group's.
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Old 03-23-2012, 12:33 AM   #2

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Sister don't go in the name salafi, wahabi, sunni, shafi, hambali, malaki, hanafi etc. Just see weather she is a muslim first of all.

We should follow only Muhammed (Peace be upon him) only, we are not allowed to follow sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) also. Because we are follower of Prophet (Peace be upon him)

Can you provide me any valid hadith that say's us men and women to prey in different manner?

What bad she say's? If she say's something bad without valid reason then she is sinner.

I dont know what problem she has with four imams?

They just follow Muhammed (Peace be upon him) and respect all other's.

No problem you can make dua for her.

i dont know what is tasawuf i am not that much knowledgeable.

She is on correct way only if you want to help her then ask her don't say bad to any one unless she has any valid reason. If she has valid reason also why should we say something bad to others?

Even i dont know about salafism but people in this sunniforum and all who look's me in real life say's me that i am salafi because i say them i don't blindly follow any imam because any imam has not said us to follow blindly.

The truth is i am muslim.
I am salafi because our muslim scholar's made lot of group's and i feel that salafi is close to quran and sunnah compare to other group's.
brother, you know you said you don't follow anyone but rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm.....you said you don't follow the sahabah

but at the same time you call yourself salafi....salafi claim to follow the salaf....yani the first 3 generation of muslims

so you are saying something different and calling yourself something different

also when you say i don't follow sahaba....what is wrong with following sahaba....did they not follow rasoolAllah ? do you think you can practice and understand Islam better than they did?

you have quran and hadith in books....they had rasoolAllah the perfect Muslim to teach them Islam...do you think you know Islam better than they did?

you seem very confused to me
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Old 03-23-2012, 12:59 AM   #3

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brother, you know you said you don't follow anyone but rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm.....
I follow rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm because it's a duty of a muslim to follow rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm. Quran say's us to follow rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm. and not anyone else.

you said you don't follow the sahabah (R.A) I dont follow sahaba (R.A) because Allah say's in quran to follow only allah and his messenger (Peace be upon him).

but at the same time you call yourself salafi.... Salafi is just a name given by our scholar's nothing else so i don't mind calling myself as salafi.

salafi claim to follow the salaf.... Yeah they follow salaf but they dont blindly follow someone as hanafi or shafi or malaki or hanafi group's.

yani the first 3 generation of muslims Yeah that i understood.

so you are saying something different and calling yourself something different I call myself as salafi because for me there is no other option apart from calling myself as salafi because i feel salafi are only who are close to quran and sunnah. After all salafi is just a name given by our scholar's nothing else. If i say i am not salafi, hanafi, shafi, hambali, maliki if i say i am not in any group and i am just a simple muslim then people shout at me and say i am creating fitna fitna fitna fitna.

also when you say i don't follow sahaba....what is wrong with following sahaba.... Did allah say's us in quran to follow sahaba?
Any of the sahaba said us to follow them?

did they not follow rasoolAllah ? They followed rasool allah s.a.w. because they are followers of rasool allah s.a.w. and we should follow rasool allah s.a.w. because we are followers of rasool allah s.a.w. and we are not allowed to follow sahaba r.a. or salaf or imam's.

do you think you can practice and understand Islam better than they did? No i dont think like that.

you have quran and hadith in books....they had rasoolAllah the perfect Muslim to teach them Islam...do you think you know Islam better than they did? No i dont think i know islam better than they did.

you seem very confused to me Before joining SF i was confused but now i am not confused.
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Old 03-23-2012, 01:08 AM   #4

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We should follow only Muhammed (Peace be upon him) only, we are not allowed to follow sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) also. Because we are follower of Prophet (Peace be upon him)

Narrated Irbad ibn Sariyah: AbdurRahman ibn Amr as-Sulami and Hujr ibn Hujr said: We came to Irbad ibn Sariyah who was among those about whom the following verse was revealed: "Nor (is there blame) on those who come to thee to be provided with mounts, and when thou saidst: "I can find no mounts for you." We greeted him and said: We have come to see you to give healing and obtain benefit from you. Al-Irbad said: One day the Apostle of Allah led us in prayer, then faced us and gave us a lengthy exhortation at which the eyes shed tears and the hearts were afraid. A man said: Apostle of Allah! It seems as if it were a farewell exhortation, so what injunction do you give us? He then said: I enjoin you to fear Allah, and to hear and obey even if it be an Abyssinian slave, for those of you who live after me will see great disagreement. You must then follow my sunnah and that of the rightly-guided caliphs. Hold to it and stick fast to it. Avoid novelties, for every novelty is an innovation, and every innovation is an error. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
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Old 03-23-2012, 01:34 AM   #5

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(Sunan Abu Dawud)

Following is different from blind following.

In our everyday life we are following lot of people's, for example we follow our boss in the office, who is non muslim, so it does not mean we are not following rasool allah s.a.w.

The problem is in blindly following to any one who is from ummah.

Blind following = following someone even if it is against quran and sunnah.
Following = Following someone until he is not against quran and sunnah.

And i hope you understood what is blind following.
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Old 03-23-2012, 01:38 AM   #6

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I follow rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm because it's a duty of a muslim to follow rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm. Quran say's us to follow rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm. and not anyone else.
Salafi is just a name given by our scholar's nothing else so i don't mind calling myself as salafi.

1.Yeah they follow salaf but they dont blindly follow someone as hanafi or shafi or malaki or hanafi group's.

2. I call myself as salafi because for me there is no other option apart from calling myself as salafi because i feel salafi are only who are close to quran and sunnah. After all salafi is just a name given by our scholar's nothing else. If i say i am not salafi, hanafi, shafi, hambali, maliki if i say i am not in any group and i am just a simple muslim then people shout at me and say i am creating fitna fitna fitna fitna.

They followed rasool allah s.a.w. because they are followers of rasool allah s.a.w. and we should follow rasool allah s.a.w. because we are followers of rasool allah s.a.w. and we are not allowed to follow sahaba r.a. or salaf or imam'[/QUOTE]

Self contradictory statements!
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Old 03-23-2012, 01:53 AM   #7

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Following is different from blind following.
This is irrelevant; you made no mention of Taqlid in your other posts. You said:
We should follow only Muhammed (Peace be upon him) only, we are not allowed to follow sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) also. Because we are follower of Prophet (Peace be upon him) I dont follow sahaba (R.A) because Allah say's in quran to follow only allah and his messenger (Peace be upon him). The sayings of Rasulullah contradict what you said. Taqlid has nothing to do with it.
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Old 03-23-2012, 01:58 AM   #8

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Can you provide me any valid hadith that say's us men and women to prey in different manner?
Yes here you are, lots of hadith that highlight the differences between the prayer of men and women

Yeah they follow salaf but they dont blindly follow someone as hanafi or shafi or malaki or hanafi group's. Is your knowledge of Islam more then that of Shah Waliullah's? Do you have more knowledge of Islam than Salahudding Ayyubi? Both of these were great men. You definitely must have heard of them. One was a Hanafi and the other was Shafi! Were they wrong?

Quran say's us to follow rasoolAllah salallahu alayhi wassalm. and not anyone else.
Did allah say's us in quran to follow sahaba? "O you who believe! Follow Allah; follow the Messenger and those of authority (Amr) amongst you." (Surah Al-Nisaa: 59)
You just made a lie. Because the Quran doesn't say not to follow anyone else. In fact the above ayat clearly mentions following the "amr".

Yeah they follow salaf but they dont blindly follow someone as hanafi or shafi or malaki or hanafi group's. They do blindly follow their scholars. Whatever explanation of a hadith is given by Albani, they accept it blindly and if you open your eyes you will see that such explanations of hadith have never been given by anyone else before. For example, a hadith is given in Bukhari and Imam Bukhari's student explained it very different then what today's salafis explain it.

Salafi is just a name given by our scholar's nothing else so i don't mind calling myself as salafi. So if your scholars decide to give the name of "sahabi" to will you not mind calling yourself a sahabi? Then how can you even call yourself a salafi when you know only the first 3 generations are known as the salaf? If you think its ok to call yourself a salafi, then according to your logic you can also call yourself a sahabi!

Here is another verse from the Quran:
"So ask the people of remembrance if you know not." (Surah Al-Nahl: 43)
This is why people "ask" Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi etc when they "know not". Clearly they are only obeying the Quran in doing so.
When you don't know, its better to take from someone who has seen the sahaba (Imam Abu Hanifa) instead of blindly accepting what a salafi scholar explains.

Here are some hadith:
The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah will never allow my Ummah to unite upon misguidance and incorrect beliefs. Allah’s mercy, blessings and protection are with the largest group of Muslims. And he who deviates from this largest group of Muslims will be thrown into Hell.” (Sunan Al Tirmizi Vol.2 Pg.39)

The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “He who deviates from the largest group of Muslims, even as much as a hand span, has himself cut off his connection with Islam”. (Abu Dawud)

Now do some research, find out the largest group of Muslims.
Want to know who they are? It is that group of Muslims who do Taqleed i.e follow one of the Imam.

Blind following = following someone even if it is against quran and sunnah.
Following = Following someone until he is not against quran and sunnah. These so called salafi scholars have put it into the mind of people like you that following the we follow the Imams even if they are against Quran and Sunnah. I CHALLENGE you to post just one fatwa of any Imam which is against a sunnah without the Imam having used ANY hadith or verse of the Quran for that fatwa. There could be hadith which look like they are opposite to what the Imam says but keep it mind, what the Imam says is also based on another sahi hadith!
So when you have 2 different hadith, how are you doing to decide which one to follow? How are you going to decide which is sahi which is daeef? You WILL have to BLINDLY follow some salafi scholars opinion on which hadith to follow when 2 of them appear contradictory.
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Old 03-23-2012, 02:00 AM   #9

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Br. itajamulrahman,

How are you claiming that we should not follow the Sahabah (ra)?
Are you speaking with knowledge?
Do you not know that the Rasulullaah himself said to follow the Sahabah (ra) in many ahadeeth?
Are you then rejecting what the Prophet has asked? Or did you not know of that and made a premature claim?

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Old 03-23-2012, 02:06 AM   #10

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Do you not know that the Rasulullaah himself said to follow the Sahabah (ra) in many ahadeeth?
Are you then rejecting what the Prophet has asked? Or did you not know of that and made a premature claim?
I am sure he wont accept until you show him the hadith with reference Even I have heard of those hadith but didnt know the ref so did not point them in my post.
Can you find those hadith so that this brother understands his statements are very very contradictory to hadith?
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Old 03-23-2012, 02:10 AM   #11

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This is irrelevant; you made no mention of Taqlid in your other posts. You said:

The sayings of Rasulullah contradict what you said. Taqlid has nothing to do with it.
So you say we should follow sahaba r.a. and rasulullah s.a.w. as well?
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Old 03-23-2012, 02:12 AM   #12

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We should follow only Muhammed (Peace be upon him) only, we are not allowed to follow sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) also. Because we are follower of Prophet (Peace be upon him)

The Qur'an says differently...

Allah is pleased with the first to lead the way from the Muhajireen, the Ansaar, and those who followed them with sincerity. Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them such jannaat beneath which rivers flow, in which they will live forever. This is the ultimate success. (This verse clearly illustrates the great status of the Sahabah and it will therefore be wrong to revile them.)


When they (the hypocrites) are told, "Believe like the people (the Sahabah ) believe," they say, "Should we believe like the fools believe?" Behold! It is they (the hypocrites) who are indeed the fools, but they do not know it.

Baqarah: 13
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Old 03-23-2012, 02:29 AM   #13

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So you say we should follow sahaba r.a. and rasulullah s.a.w. as well?
Have you read all the replies on this page?
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Old 03-23-2012, 02:49 AM   #14

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Did allah say's us in quran to follow sahaba?
Any of the sahaba said us to follow them?

And the first forerunners [in the faith] among the Muhajireen and the Ansar and those who followed them with good conduct - Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him [9:100]
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:58 AM   #15

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Taken from Mufti AH Ilyas's booklet: Who are the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'at (pdf)

The Sahabah (R.A.) Are A Criterion Of Right And Wrong
Proof from Qur'an

The Sahabah (R.A.) are a criterion of right and wrong: Haqq (truth) and baatil (falsehood). Allah the All-Knowing has approved of their actions and is pleased with them.
The underlying ayaats adequately prove the above.

1. "You are the best community which has been raised for (the benefit and reformation) of mankind" (3:110);
2. "Thus We have appointed you as a middle nation. that you may be witnesses against mankind" (2:143);
3. "Those who believed and left their homes and strove for the cause of Allah, and those (Ansar) who look them (the Muhajireen) in (i.e. accommodated them) - those are the Believers in truth. For them is pardon and a bountiful provision" (Sura Anfaal - 74);
4. "But the Rasul and those who believe with him strive with their wealth and their lives. Such are they for whom are the good things (Jannat), such are they who will prosper" (9:88)
See also Surahs (Hadeed, 10; Tahreem, 8; Fatah, 29; Taubah, 100; Fathah, 26)

Proof from Ahadeeth
We record a few ahadith of the Divinely Inspired Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) which prove that the way of Sahaabah (R.A.) is approved and accepted by Allah.

1. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has stated.-"All that befell the children of Israel shall befall my Ummah also. The children of Israel were divided into 72 sects, My ummah shall branch out unto 73sects, all of which excepting one millat (which will be the absolved one) will go to Jahannam", The Sahabah (R.A.) asked "which is that millat." The Rasulullah replied: "It is that Millat which follows me and my Sahaabah. (Tirmidhi, Vol. 2. P89)

2. "In whichever country anyone of my Sahabah is buried, he will rise up upon the Day of Qiyamah as a guide, and as a light for the inhabitants of that country" (Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, P.226);

3. "The example of my Sahabah is like that of the stars, whomsoever you follow, you will have received guidance" (Mishkat).

4. “Of all the eras, mine is of the best, then the period of those who are connected with those of my period.... (Bukhari)

5. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: 'Allah, Most High, cast aglance upon the hearts of His slaves, then He chose Muhammad for Risaalat, Then He Cast a glance upon the hearts of His slaves and selected his Companions for him and made them helpers of His Deen and his Ministers. So the work these Muslims (Sahabah) consider as good is also good in the sight of Allah. And the work they consider as bad is also bad in the sight of Allah" (Muatta - P 112)

Wallaahu A'lam.
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Old 03-23-2012, 05:56 AM   #16

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I dont follow sahaba (R.A) because Allah say's in quran to follow only allah and his messenger (Peace be upon him).

Salafi is just a name given by our scholar's nothing else so i don't mind calling myself as salafi.

Yeah they follow salaf but they dont blindly follow someone as hanafi or shafi or malaki or hanafi group's.

Yeah that i understood.

I call myself as salafi because for me there is no other option apart from calling myself as salafi because i feel salafi are only who are close to quran and sunnah. After all salafi is just a name given by our scholar's nothing else. If i say i am not salafi, hanafi, shafi, hambali, maliki if i say i am not in any group and i am just a simple muslim then people shout at me and say i am creating fitna fitna fitna fitna.

Did allah say's us in quran to follow sahaba?
Any of the sahaba said us to follow them?
you don't follow sahabas....but you follow salafi scholars?? did Allah tell you to call yourself salafi? does it say in the quran or sunnah to follow the salafi scholars?
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:02 AM   #17

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Also, at brother itajamulrahman:

Why do you follow Imam Bukhari blindly? Why do you trust his hadeeth collection? Because some scholars said so? Aren't you blindly following these scholars now? Shouldn't you do your own research into this?

You're really confused if you say things like not following the sahaba .
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:10 AM   #18

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walaykum asalaam

unfortunately i have also heard some salafi shaykhs making such statements...the statement suggests

1. the sahabas RA did not properly follow quran and sunnah...na'audhubillah
2. the salafi scholars are superior to the sahabas RA in knowledge...na'audhubillah
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:13 AM   #19

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walaykum asalaam

unfortunately i have also heard some salafi shaykhs making such statements...the statement suggests

1. the sahabas RA did not properly follow quran and sunnah...na'audhubillah
2. the salafi scholars are superior to the sahabas RA in knowledge...na'audhubillah
I have seen this brought up whenever the topic of Hanafis and beards comes up. They say that to trim the beard when it is longer than a fist length is not sunnah and that it is just the practice of Ibn Umar . So, they say not to trim the beard at all, according to their understanding, completely overlooking the fact that they just accused Ibn Umar of going against sunnah.
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:35 AM   #20

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when i hear them talking like that they sound a lot like the shias

another similarity is the way they suggest that nobody really knew Islam until around 200years ago when the salafis popped up....similar to the shia belief of their imams who are infallible....the salafis love to point out the fallibility of the sahabas...the salaf....the 4 imams and all those who followed. None of them truly knew islam like the salafi scholars do....the shias say the same about their imams
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