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Old 03-15-2012, 03:30 AM   #21

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Shaykh Fasus what is your shaykhs name?
And how to get in contact with him?
What tariqa does he teach?
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Old 03-15-2012, 03:55 AM   #22

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I wonder why people comment on stuff which they have little to no knowledge of- let alone experience.

Before anything let me tell you that jinnaat are more scared of us than we are of them. They use their strength; the unknown, mystery etc. against us to scare us. Humans usually fear the unknown, jinnaat are unknown they are in gaib, so we naturally fear them. Its all a mind game for the most part but thats no reason to get over confident and let your guard down because sometimes they do get down to it and come as assasins to kill people.

Amaliyaat has very little to do with a persons deen and taqwa, it has some play in it but moreso it is a practice people learn similar to medicine/law/whatever. A person becomes an amil by either learning the science from an experienced amil or if he becomes a buzrugh he will attain the ability on his own as a result of his spirituality. This is such a field, due to the amount of things one learns to do, its difficult to control the nafs and keep it under check unless the person already has his nafs in check before entering it. Its very tempting, lots of temptations in this field especially financially. Financially there are many temptations, one can make a lot of money.

There are two types of amils; good amil and bad amil. Bad amils have no fear of answering to Allah swt tomorrow. They will utilize anything and usually enter into haraam and shirk methods in doing their amals. They will even go to such low as to use jinnaat. They will even attempt to kill good amils using bad jinns and muakkils.

Muakkils are a bit different than jinnaat from my understanding, I could be wrong. I think muakkils are a creation between angels and jinnaat, because they seem stronger than jinnaat to me. They are bigger than jinnaat but smaller than angels. Angels are the strongest in that group. Rather than attempting to capture and enslave jinnaat a person should do such actions which bring angels in his house (salaat, Quran tilawat, durood recitation, good deeds in the house etc. keeping house pure and clean).

Muakkils are really pious creatures. In order to utilize them you have to do some really intense amals though, they are very difficult to do, but if you can do them the muakkils will make their appearance to you. A young inexperienced amil should never attempt this route without the guidance of his teacher, he can really hurt himself. If they make their appearance to a person they come in the form of beautiful men with sunnah attire on and turbans, usually green turbans. They always encourage good and forbid evil. They will encourage the person to stay pure, use attar, keep in state of wudhu, visit graveyard often, recite Quran etc. all good things. If they agree to help, they will usually give a person something, a ring, a tasbih, a stick, something. If you need their help in something you use that thing in the manner they tell you to use it in and they will make their appearance and ask you what you want. It could even be money, they might tell the amil if you need my help take 2 pennies and give it to a poor person and I will make my appearance. They appear usually when you are isolated. Amils will utilize them to beat up jinnaat. Muakkils dont do anything evil. Now this is where the temptation kicks in. "Bad amils" will try to utilize muakkils, a stronger creature than themselves, for bad things. They will attempt to trap these muakkils by means of their bad amals; this is very dangerous. The first chance the muakkil gets free he will try to kill the amil.

Bad amils either trap jinnaat and use them or make friends with them and use them.

Trapping jinnaat, enslaving them and using their powers to do stuff is an old and disgusting practice. Sending jinnaat to peoples homes to disturb them, break up unions, possess people, this is an old and disgusting practice. Jinnaat are free creatures just as we are. Usually these amils/magicians will trap non Muslim jinns because Muslim jinns will not do the haraam they are asked of doing. Even if they do it by force of the master, once the good amil asks them to leave they will leave and they wont return. The khabees non Muslim jinns will still assail upon their victims despite being told to leave. In most cases you have to burn that jinn and kill him to get him to stop harrassing the victim. I was involved in a jinn case and the jinn being utilized was a hindu jinn. The jinn and I had a couple of encounters and finally he came and sat on me. It was a battle. Everytime I would go towards the masjid I would get a really strong headache. One day I purposefully went to the masjid and sat in the masjid for nearly 2 hours despite the intense headache. I wanted him to suffer as he was making me suffer. Jinnaat harrass like none other. They are like little kids, even in the way they set up their sentences and such, they behave like children. You always have to talk to them with a commanding stern voice but not harsh not mean, dont start a fight for no reason but always remember Allah swt has given you strength over them. So the non Muslim jinnaat are generally used to do dirty work after they get trapped by these bad amils. The best way to get rid of them is to hurt them somehow or to just burn them. Burning jinnaat though takes a strong heart and its gotta be done after a lot of thought because it might bring about a bigger problem as their family and friends might come seeking revenge. This route should be avoided hattal imkaan, as long as one can, maybe threaten the jinn and send him away is a better option if the jinn agrees to going away. Because they live long lives they will wait until the amil turns old and grey and then seek their vengence; kick him when hes down. An amil always should maintain his protection. The best is to always stay in a state of wudhu as nothing can touch him then, even the toughest jinn assasin cant touch him. Every good amil has one amal he does, which he keeps hidden from everyone, for his protection, this is very necessary. Ya, its got a bit of drama involved also.

Sometimes the bad amil and shaytaan/bad jinn will make a deal and work together - the amil will worship the shaytaan and he will help the amil do his dirty work or the shaytaan will send a small henchman to do the dirty work for him. His objective is to get the child of adam to worship him. But the bad amil has a hell of a time worshipping the shaytaan. The amil has to go to such extent as eating feces, drinking urine, staying impure for weeks at a time in order to please the shaytaan. In some cases, the amils wife/daughter/son will be utilized to do worship of the shaytaan in a complete nude state. Its really disgusting stuff. They will use Quran in a disgusting manner and do really evil things descecrating the sacredness of the Quran in order to please the shaytaan. In exchange, the shaytaan will help them carry out their evil deeds.

If a person is spiritually strong enough and someone sends as jinn after him he can simply snatch that jinn away from that person lol jinnaat can sense fear and they can sense spirituality. The more fear in a person the more they bother him. The greater his spirituality the more they fear him.

In some cases, as in the case of really prominent shaikhs, the good jinnaat will come to help them. Those people who are the beloved of Allah swt, Allah swt makes the heavens and earth subservient to them. The heavens and earth come to help them in their time of need. The muslim jinns, they will have love for the shaikh as much as we do, they will come to offer their help to the shaikh for the sake of Allah swt. They will come stay in the shaikhs sohbat just as we like to. They will come sit in the shaikhs dars as we do. They will become students of the shaikh out of their love for him, to learn from him. If anyone messes with the shaikh they will come fight for the shaikh just as any of his human students would.

Daily recitation of Surah Baqara, even a part of it such as the first 2 rukus of Surah Baqara and the last, Amanar Rasoolu, in the house, this is really good against jinnaat. They start to feel as if they are on fire. If there is a jinn in the house and someone recites Surah Baqara the jinn takes a huge blow and falls as far back as the eyes can see from that house. Recitation of Surah Baqara in the house regularly is really good against many evil things. Television is a very evil thing and should not be in the house.

These salafi people are funny btw, they say all this tawhid and anti amaliyaat stuff but as soon as they are touched by a jinn they come running for protection - i have seen them. As hard as salafis come off with their tawhid slogans, when they are frightened they are like little kittens. Its cute.

As far as using the mothers name and such: A Muslim girl had gotten into a very bad relationship, haraam, and was heading towards Hinduism. I had to use her name and her mothers name in an amal to break their union and cause a fight between the two parties. She did not venture near hinduism after. Would you say that what I did is shirk and its bad or what I did is good?
Amazing stuff!
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Old 03-15-2012, 02:25 PM   #23

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can any brother or sister clarify if it is haram or not to control the jin?

Selamu Aleikum wa rrahmetullah
Can jinn be controlled ?

On association with jinn (seeking protection)
Surah alJinn, verse 6
"And persons among mankind have been seeking refuge with persons of the jinn, so that they (men) increase them (the jinns) in evilness".

wallaahu a'lam.
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Old 03-15-2012, 03:34 PM   #24

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Can jinn be controlled ?

On association with jinn (seeking protection)
Surah alJinn, verse 6
"And persons among mankind have been seeking refuge with persons of the jinn, so that they (men) increase them (the jinns) in evilness".

wallaahu a'lam.
Buzrughs have said its haraam to enslave them but ya there are ways to enslave them.
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Old 03-15-2012, 04:53 PM   #25

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@shaykh Fusus, of-course what you did is good.

apart from that, what do you say of a person who without asking loves to speak of his spiritual experiences, I had met such a man, in his 60s, he keeps saying he has jinns and angels sitting with him during his zikr, jinns listen to him, he's hugged jinns etc... but to be honest, , he is also someone who never misses tahajjud or namaz.
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Old 03-15-2012, 05:24 PM   #26

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Buzrughs have said its haraam to enslave them but ya there are ways to enslave them.
In "Wiqayah al-Insaan Min al-Jinn Wa al-Syaithon", Sheikh Wahid Abd al-Salam Bali mentioned several practices that are HARAAM in expelling jinn (exorcism) from the patient's body. Among others:

  1. asking help from jinn
  2. swearing in the name of jinn
  3. imprisoning jinn

wallaahu a'lam
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Old 03-15-2012, 05:41 PM   #27

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------------- 8< ----- snip ------ 8< -----------

Suliman(as) used Jinns as far as we know. If asking Jinns or commanding Jinns to do something is shirk then what was Suliman(as) doing?? Ofcourse Suliman(as) was given Dominion over Jinns. But Would Allah make something that can be Shirk associated with a Nabi(as)?
Nabi Sulayman a.s. was able to control jinns as that was a mukjizat given by ALLAH. The sovereignty over land, air and jinns is not given to anyone except to him a.s. alone. Jinns dare not lie to prophet Sulaiman a.s.

wallaahu a'lam
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Old 03-15-2012, 08:06 PM   #28

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can any brother or sister clarify if it is haram or not to control the jin?

Selamu Aleikum wa rrahmetullah
Wa Alaikum Assalam

Not if you are Prophet Sulaiman (as)

but if you are doing things that are in every way like shirk to get them to do things for you like some modern people do, what do you think?

best to stay away from Jinn if you can InshaAllah
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Old 03-15-2012, 08:13 PM   #29

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A relative of my wife was approached by Muslim Jinn several times over a long time.

They used to say do such and such a thing for us and we can always be friends.

Through the mercy of Allah that person's father was a Sheikh and when they told him

he warned them that even if they were Muslim Jinn it was perilous to associate with them.

He told the person that they must tell those Jinn that they would not do things for them,

when this was said the Jinns never went to that person again.
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Old 03-16-2012, 03:37 AM   #30

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@shaykh Fusus, of-course what you did is good.

apart from that, what do you say of a person who without asking loves to speak of his spiritual experiences, I had met such a man, in his 60s, he keeps saying he has jinns and angels sitting with him during his zikr, jinns listen to him, he's hugged jinns etc... but to be honest, , he is also someone who never misses tahajjud or namaz.
I would say okay cool thats nice but I am not much impressed by someone who talks and kisses jinnat.

Angels join in the zikr anyways for all people alhamdulillah we are all blessed by this.
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Old 03-16-2012, 03:42 AM   #31

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Currently there is a patient who has a Homosexual jinn on him can you believe that?? Male jinn in love with a male human being - thats too much brotherly love!
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Old 03-16-2012, 03:52 AM   #32

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@shaykh Fusus, of-course what you did is good.

apart from that, what do you say of a person who without asking loves to speak of his spiritual experiences, I had met such a man, in his 60s, he keeps saying he has jinns and angels sitting with him during his zikr, jinns listen to him, he's hugged jinns etc... but to be honest, , he is also someone who never misses tahajjud or namaz.
Also, the above mentioned things are no spiritual experiences.
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Old 03-16-2012, 03:58 AM   #33

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Currently there is a patient who has a Homosexual jinn on him can you believe that?? Male jinn in love with a male human being - thats too much brotherly love!
What?! You know this man personally? That's the strangest thing I've heard in a while lol
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Old 03-16-2012, 05:41 AM   #34

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I have heard of cases where a jinn is used to 'check' up on someone without their knowledge and approval. Is this haram?
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Old 03-17-2012, 07:01 PM   #35

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I have heard of cases where a jinn is used to 'check' up on someone without their knowledge and approval. Is this haram?
I have asked one of my teacher, and he replied that is HARAM.

I asked again, if it is HARAM in totality or conditional (ie is there any case/situation where asking help from jinn is permissible) and he replied it is HARAM TOTALITY.
(see my posting above #26, which I quoted Sheikh Wahid Abd Salam Bali writing in his kitab "Wiqayah al-Insaan Min al-Jinn Wa al-Syaithon")

And after that he recited the verse 70, surah al-Isra'
وَلَقَدۡ كَرَّمْنَا بَنِىٓ ءَادَمَ وَحَمَلْنَـٰهُمْ فِى الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ وَرَزَقْنَـٰهُم مِّنَ الطَيِّبَـٰتِ وَفَضَّلْنَـٰهُمْ عَلَىٰ كَثِيْرٍ۬ مِّمَّنْ خَلَقْنَا تَفْضِيلاً۬
Verily We have honoured the children of Adam. We carry them on the land and the sea, and have made provision of good things for them,
and have preferred them above many of those whom We created with a marked preferment.
He said, ALLAH swt has honoured us (humans) and has prefered us above many of His creations.

It is not "proper" for sons of Adam to ask from jinns as we are prefered by ALLAH above them. If anyone need asking help, it should be the other way round (ie the jinn seek assistance from us). Sons of Adam should ask help and seek help from ALLAH, not from a creation which is much lower in preference than us.

Wallaahu a'lam.

nb: Im just relaying what was explained to me by one of my teachers. May ALLAH swt forgive me if Ive not properly relayed the explaination.
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Old 03-17-2012, 08:42 PM   #36

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I would say okay cool thats nice but I am not much impressed by someone who talks and kisses jinnat.

Angels join in the zikr anyways for all people alhamdulillah we are all blessed by this.
Also, the above mentioned things are no spiritual experiences.
but doesn't a person have to be on a much higher spiritual plane for him/her to be experiencing such things..
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Old 03-17-2012, 10:24 PM   #37

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I have asked one of my teacher, and he replied that is HARAM.

I asked again, if it is HARAM in totality or conditional (ie is there any case/situation where asking help from jinn is permissible) and he replied it is HARAM TOTALITY.
(see my posting above #26, which I quoted Sheikh Wahid Abd Salam Bali writing in his kitab "Wiqayah al-Insaan Min al-Jinn Wa al-Syaithon")
Jazakum'Allah for your reply.
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Old 03-18-2012, 03:00 AM   #38

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you see that, you people are talking jinn so much that they came and shut SF down for a day, now lets change the topic!
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Old 03-18-2012, 08:48 AM   #39

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.......The prophetic example and that of the early generations do no mention the strategy of asking for your mothers name to diagnose magic/possession or to treat. So how is it justified?
For example, nowadays almost every Aamil asks u for ur mothers name and ur date of birth or address as a central part of the solution. I am told this is used to communicate with the Qareen of the affected individual. Point is, this is not an established practise from the Sunnah or even early history of Islam. However today it is a central method in gaining a solution. Few are those who only restrict themselves to the Sunnah.
Asking for mother's name. Is it permissible ?

I have asked one of my teachers regarding mentioning of the patient's name & his/her mother's name in du'a/ruqyah for treatment.
He replied that he had a talk/discussion with one of the senior educators (in Islamic medicinal science) regarding mentioning mother's name in treating patient. The senior had said there is a reference in Islam regarding using mother's name, but my teacher said he had forgotten the reference / nas / dalil.

I have done a slight research, and found one hadith Tabrani, from Abu Umamah r.a.

عن ابي امامة رضي الله عنه قال :إذا أنا مت فاصنعوا بي كما أمرنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال :إذا مات أحد من اخوانكم فسويتم التراب على قبره فليقم أحدكم على رأس قبره ثم ليقل يافلان ابن فلانه ، فإنه يسمعه ولايجيب ثم يقول يافلان بن فلانه فإنه يستوي قاعدا ثم يقول يافلان بن فلانه فإنه يقول أرشدنا يرحمك الله ولكن لاتشعرون فليقل :اذكر ما خرجت عليه من الدنيا شهادة ان لاإله الا الله وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله وأنك رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا وبمحمد نبيا وبالقران اماما، فإن منكرا ونكيرا يأخذ كل واحد بيد صاحبه ويقول :انطلق بنا ما يقعدنا عند من لقن حجته؟ فقال رجل يارسول الله فإن لم يعرف أ مه قال ينسبه الى امه حواء يافلان بن حواء
رواه الطبراني .ويقول الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني في كتابه التلخيص الحبير :”وإسناده صالح وقد قواه الضياء في أحكامه” ا هـ

Abu Umamah r.a. said; "when I die, do onto me as commanded upon us by an-Nabi s.a.w.
Rasulullah s.a.w. said; "whenever one of your brothers dies, level the soil on his grave, then one among you should stand at the head of his grave and say, "O Fulan bin Fulanah (mention his mother's name)", verily the deceased hears it but does not reply. Then call again, "O Fulan bin Fulanah (mention his mother's name)", he (the deceased) will rise and sit. Call again, "O Fulan bin Fulanah (mentioning the mother's name)", verily he will answer, "Give us direction, may ALLAH have mercy upon you", but you do not realize .....
Hadith Tabrani. According to Hafiz Ibnu Hajar Al-Askalani in his kitab Al-Tahlisul Habir "the sanad is a good sanad". This hadith is further strengthen by Imam Al-Hafiz Ad-Dhiya in kitab Ahkam.

Wallaahu a'lam.

nb: forgive my poor partial translation.
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Old 03-18-2012, 03:00 PM   #40

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you see that, you people are talking jinn so much that they came and shut SF down for a day, now lets change the topic!

Brother, could I have your email id please need some help
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