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Old 03-03-2012, 08:14 PM   #21

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maybe something to do with education and Italy?

Not only that, unfortunately!

We are not inferior. In front of a non-muslim a muslim can never ever be inferior. A person who doesn't know how to read or write a single letter, cannot read time, drive or work a computer BUT has imaan and believes ALLAH is much, much, much more SUPERIOR than a great professor or president who has no imaan, rejects ALLAH as his lord and worships someone other than ALLAH.
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Old 03-03-2012, 08:15 PM   #22

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We are not inferior. In front of a non-muslim a muslim can never ever be inferior. A person who doesn't know how to read or write a single letter, cannot read time, drive or work a computer BUT has imaan and believes ALLAH is much, much, much more SUPERIOR than a great professor or president who has no imaan, rejects ALLAH as his lord and worships someone other than ALLAH.
salam alikum,
so the same exactly I think. The non-muslims categorize people as they dont believe we are equal in front of Allah.
The non-mulsim catergorize everything they set their scales on everything - they give importance to the values, as they like, sometimes they changes it if it suits.
I would not bother at all what they think.

w alikum assalam
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Old 03-04-2012, 02:42 AM   #23

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Interesting point about the inferiority complex...I think its very true. For example, In a non-muslim country, celebrities are often sensationalized in the media and when muslims reach the point that they begin to look up to them, then you know that these muslims are suffering from the inferiority complex.

Generally, we will only aspire to be like a person if we perceive their way of life to be better than ours so a good, practising muslim will always look up to Rasulullah as their role model. But any muslim who consciously or unconsciously takes celebrities or the rich as their role model and actually thinks money, beauty e.t.c is the basis of success in the dunya, then they have definitely been brainwashed and deluded by the dunya, but moreover, they are definitely suffering from the inferiority complex.

It may sound far fetched, but I have seen so many people who are virtually OBSESSED with celebrities, its quite sad really. I put it down to the inferiority complex, if they were proud of being Muslim then they would never look up to someone who is so far from the deen of Allah, just like when someone is proud of being bengali, pakistani e.t.c then they're not embarrassed in being openly nationalist.

Having said that, I do think we should have good manners when speaking to muslims and non-muslims alike, but I guess that's another story.

Great post
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Old 03-04-2012, 03:38 AM   #24

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if we are lagging behind the non-muslims in dunya and behind the salaf in deen, then who is going to rectify this? we know the problem and the solution but we ourselves dont do anything about it.

on the subject of unity i think we need to see who we are uniting with, on thurday i went to get my motorcycle serviced and a ahle hadith started a conversation with me and i nearly got into a fight because he called me a mushrik, on the other hand theres jews out there who are anti-isreal occupation, who would you cooperate with? muslim or the jew? some non-muslims are worth cooperating with and some muslims just aint worth the headache because they result to insults rather then daleel.

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Old 03-04-2012, 05:47 AM   #25

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Dont say that guys, at this moment our ummah is healing up, nchallah after we get rid of our dictators presidents and eliminate all shiaa from our arab countries, true muslims will rule the arab nations and nchallah all arab nations will be united it will be called USI united states of islam/muslims, what im getting at, our ancestors (grand-grand-fathers) let this to happen, if they have done the right thing (if they were true muslims), we wouldnt be like this, and if you look at our new generation you would be amazed mashallah, Islam is spreading fast, and many muslims and non-muslims are aware of that.
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Old 03-04-2012, 08:48 AM   #26

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We muslims suffer from this inferiority complex because we measure 'success' with money, power, technology. But what is the real success? A guy riding down the city entering a 5star hotel with the latest ferrari to have a $20,000 per person Buffet or a Bedouin who lives in the desert who doesn't even own a camel, lives in a tent surviving on dates and water alone, but never misses Tahajjud. Who is the most successful?

Well right now we all will jump to say the beduoin. But the reality is how many times we meet such poor people not glancing at them for a second time, but stare at the posh supercar of millionare and say wow? This is what thats happening to me atleast. We still covet Dunya. We measure success with the wrong yardstick.

Just watch the 2 videos I posted in this thread: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...660#post733660
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Old 03-04-2012, 08:58 AM   #27

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Am i seeing things which aren't there? Or are many muslims on this forum really suffering from an inferiority complex?

I feel that there's too much of a

''That's the reason we lag behind as muslims''

''No wonder muslims are always a bit backward''

''That's why we muslim's are scorned at'' attitudes on SF. (correct me if i'm wrong)

For some reason it bugs me coz people usually show this attitude when they're trying to proof the need for muslims to unite with kuffaar and brelvi's and all and sundry....

Did islaam ever streghnthen with falsehood?
Or with muslims compromising their deen?
Or with muslims getting all chummy with their supposed-to-be enemies?

Okay. Rant over!
Allama Iqbal wrote:

Kuch qadar apni tu nay na jaani, ye beswami ye kam nighae
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Old 03-04-2012, 09:41 AM   #28

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This "inferiority complex" exists in our minds. It affects how we think.
How do we think?

Just now, I read of a Muslim encouraging Muslims to request of the British government to support a UN Peacekeeping force for Syria.
Such "inferiority" is in the mind and results in such defeating, inferior conduct.

The UN is American version of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was the "international organization" which gave the French the "mandate" to invade, occupy, colonize Syria in the first place. The UN is a institution based on kufr international law which has served Western and American global imperialism for decades- how then can Muslims go to the UN for aid?

Why can't Muslim governments act unilaterally against Bashar- why does the Arab League have no ability to act, why do the need UN approval?

The problems are only in our minds, but materialize in haram action.
We have to change what is in our minds in order to return to the correct conduct on the Suratul Mustaqeem.
Yes, we have to follow the Sunnah- the Sunnah has to be not only an individual criterion but along with the Quran, it must be the criterion for society and governance, as well.

And Allah always knows best.
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Old 03-04-2012, 01:50 PM   #29

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My feeling is that being economically and technically strong is not mutually exclusive with being Momin(a). We need our Hafizs and Aalims to become doctors, engineers, scientists, Islamic finance MBAs (or MBAs who can create Islamic financing institutes and banks), etc. We want our this and next generation to be strong in both deen and duniya, like it used to be right after the time RasoolAllah (saw) till about 1300-1400 AD, only then we can counter the inferiority complex in the Ummah. We have millions of Madarsa that churn out molvis (I have utmost respect for all of them), we need to channel some towads making them professionals. We need to work hard towards Asbaab as well, it will help create a wholesome Muslims society that can take care of themselves as well as help the poor, sick and needy.
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Old 03-04-2012, 03:25 PM   #30

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Why Muslims are backward?

Muslims have gone secular both the practising and non practising ones. In Islam, we do not seperate Deen and Dunya. This division is batil. The practising Muslims limit their Deen to Masjid, Madrasah, Khanqahs etc. Hence, they are also secular. Why? They are limiting Deen to Worship alone.

On the other hand, the non practising Muslims find no virtue in implementing Islam in their Daily life, economic, social and political life. This group gets little to no guidance from the first group.

Secularism has affected both the groups of Muslims badly. Till, the British colonised India and other Muslim nations such a division among the masses was literally non-existent.
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Old 03-04-2012, 03:29 PM   #31

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My feeling is that being economically and technically strong is not mutually exclusive with being Momin(a). We need our Hafizs and Aalims to become doctors, engineers, scientists, Islamic finance MBAs (or MBAs who can create Islamic financing institutes and banks), etc. We want our this and next generation to be strong in both deen and duniya, like it used to be right after the time RasoolAllah (saw) till about 1300-1400 AD, only then we can counter the inferiority complex in the Ummah. We have millions of Madarsa that churn out molvis (I have utmost respect for all of them), we need to channel some towads making them professionals. We need to work hard towards Asbaab as well, it will help create a wholesome Muslims society that can take care of themselves as well as help the poor, sick and needy.
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Old 03-04-2012, 03:42 PM   #32

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Why Muslims are backward?

Muslims have gone secular both the practising and non practising ones. In Islam, we do not seperate Deen and Dunya. This division is batil. The practising Muslims limit their Deen to Masjid, Madrasah, Khanqahs etc. Hence, they are also secular. Why? They are limiting Deen to Worship alone.
I feel insular would be a better term to define this group.
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Old 03-04-2012, 06:47 PM   #33

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Dont say that guys, at this moment our ummah is healing up, nchallah after we get rid of our dictators presidents and eliminate all shiaa from our arab countries, true muslims will rule the arab nations and nchallah all arab nations will be united it will be called USI united states of islam/muslims, what im getting at, our ancestors (grand-grand-fathers) let this to happen, if they have done the right thing (if they were true muslims), we wouldnt be like this, and if you look at our new generation you would be amazed mashallah, Islam is spreading fast, and many muslims and non-muslims are aware of that.
Why just "Arab countries"? Alhamdulillah our Islamic Ummah is far wider than just the "Arab countries"..
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Old 03-04-2012, 09:12 PM   #34

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Allama Iqbal wrote:

Kuch qadar apni tu nay na jaani, ye beswami ye kam nighae
What does this mean?
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Old 03-04-2012, 10:03 PM   #35

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My feeling is that being economically and technically strong is not mutually exclusive with being Momin(a). We need our Hafizs and Aalims to become doctors, engineers, scientists, Islamic finance MBAs (or MBAs who can create Islamic financing institutes and banks), etc. We want our this and next generation to be strong in both deen and duniya, like it used to be right after the time RasoolAllah (saw) till about 1300-1400 AD, only then we can counter the inferiority complex in the Ummah. We have millions of Madarsa that churn out molvis (I have utmost respect for all of them), we need to channel some towads making them professionals. We need to work hard towards Asbaab as well, it will help create a wholesome Muslims society that can take care of themselves as well as help the poor, sick and needy.
So making just molvis into professionals will make the Muslims great? I think this is your inferiority complex speaking. All Muslims need right now to achieve greatness (defined as worshipping Allah and establishing it collectively) is to pledge allegiance to one leader in their locality and to have their Zakaat taken by him.
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Old 03-05-2012, 02:52 AM   #36

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I think its alright to acknowledge our backwardness because only then can we take steps to improve. Barak Allah ta'aala
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Old 03-05-2012, 03:11 AM   #37

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We are inferior in non muslims in many dunyawi matters. The world system today is largely shaped and run according to western ideas. muslims are not shaping the world they are mostly adapting and reacting to the dominant paradigm Even muslim majority societies are under western domination. Look all the modern captitalism which has changed our life styles. most of us are wearing western clothes, goto work in cars/buses/trains whose technology has been developed in the west, working on internet developed in the west , work in corporations created on western lines, goto western style doctors.
muslims are eager to migrate to the west. If tomorrow the USA opens free immigration, just look at the long lines whgich will be present in front of the embassy. Intellectually too they are dominant- we are just reactive we really dont have working successful alternative to which people can look upto.
Few muslims would really like to live in a dictatorial islamic state which forces its views on its citizens.
The ulema dont have any real alternative - except "go back to the source" . The islamic state is no real alternative it will be just a bad copy with arabic names and forces people which they dont want to do.
" is to pledge allegiance to one leader in their locality and to have their Zakaat taken by him."
This is the sort of unrealistic expectations which make us look silly.
Goto any apartment complex or any muslim neighbourhood and suggest this. you will be laughed at. A system which does not take into account how many people actually behave in reality is bound to fail. The notion that if only people unite and all follow islam and all will be well is silly. It will never happen
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Old 03-05-2012, 06:51 AM   #38

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So making just molvis into professionals will make the Muslims great? I think this is your inferiority complex speaking. All Muslims need right now to achieve greatness (defined as worshipping Allah and establishing it collectively) is to pledge allegiance to one leader in their locality and to have their Zakaat taken by him.
Since you are not suffering from inferiority complex, can you please elaborate how your suggestion is going to make Muslims Great?
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Old 03-05-2012, 12:25 PM   #39

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It will be good idea to explore our options, at individual, local and state level, to get out of this state of IC.
In deed it should be according to Qur'an and Sunnah but precisely what?
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Old 03-05-2012, 01:52 PM   #40

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Since you are not suffering from inferiority complex, can you please elaborate how your suggestion is going to make Muslims Great?
salam alikum,
strange question. Every believing muslim, who is dealing/struggling with his faith is great. Does not matter if poor or rich, educated or illiterated, black or white, tall or short, woman or man ....- are we not said that we are equal in front of Allah?
What is difficult with this to understand, I dont get it please elaborate.
w alikum assalam
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