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Old 03-08-2012, 11:07 PM   #1

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Default A Question about Seyyed Hosein Nasr

I wanted to ask if anyone knows what tariqa Seyyed Hosein Nasr belongs to?

JazakAllah kyran

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Old 03-09-2012, 12:54 AM   #2

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I don't think he's part of any tariqah but he is a perennialist Shia and not a scholar in any sense of the word. I feel he should be avoided at all costs

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Old 03-09-2012, 01:12 AM   #3

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I don't think he's part of any tariqah but he is a perennialist Shia and not a scholar in any sense of the word. I feel he should be avoided at all costs

JazkAllah kyran Brother

But don't Hamsuf Yusuf supports him..and a number of people on this forum supports Hamsuf Yusef.
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Old 03-09-2012, 02:19 AM   #4

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The "tariqa" Nasr belongs to is called the "Maryamiyya" and it was founded by the arch-heretic and blasphemer Frithjof Schuon, a.k.a. Isa Nuruddin, who claimed to have been granted khilafat from Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi. However, all Schuon received was a written permission from al-Alawi's deputy Ibn Tunis in which he was allowed to spread Islam and accept people into Islam...something which one hardly needs a permission to do and is incumbent upon Muslims anyhow. Yet many of Schoun's followers will insist that this document is an appointment as muqaddam.

Read more here: http://au.academia.edu/MarkSedgwick/...uenonian_Sufis
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Old 03-09-2012, 02:24 AM   #5

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JazkAllah kyran Brother

But don't Hamsuf Yusuf supports him..and a number of people on this forum supports Hamsuf Yusef.

No, I don't think so

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Old 03-09-2012, 03:46 AM   #6

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I wanted to ask if anyone knows what tariqa Seyyed Hosein Nasr belongs to?

JazakAllah kyran

He follows the Maryamiyya branch of the Shadhili tariqa... He is also a Sunni Muslim, who is Maliki I believe... Although he says he is sunni in aqida, he has deviated from the sunni Muslims with regards to other religions... He believes salvation can be attain by all religions, when Sunni Muslims believes salvation is only through Islam...
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Old 03-09-2012, 04:57 AM   #7

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He follows the Maryamiyya branch of the Shadhili tariqa... He is also a Sunni Muslim, who is Maliki I believe... Although he says he is sunni in aqida, he has deviated from the sunni Muslims with regards to other religions... He believes salvation can be attain by all religions, when Sunni Muslims believes salvation is only through Islam...
assalmu alaykum

how can he be muslim if he believes there is other ways to success in the akirah than the shariah of Muhammad peace be upon him??
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Old 03-09-2012, 08:25 AM   #8

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No, I don't think so

Here is a video of Seyyed Nasr supporting Zaytuna College...


Another video of him with Zaid Shakir[Hamza Yusef sidekick]


So why do some have problem with Seyyed Nasr but not Hamsuf Yusuf.
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Old 03-09-2012, 11:35 AM   #9

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i go to grad school where he teaches. he is a shia. he is perennialist. his tariqah has been mentioned above. he is a big confused jumble of beliefs.
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Old 03-09-2012, 03:03 PM   #10

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assalmu alaykum

how can he be muslim if he believes there is other ways to success in the akirah than the shariah of Muhammad peace be upon him??
The simple answer is: He can't be. Perennialism is Kufr: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...i-amp-Kashmiri

Perennialism is one of the major fitna facing the Muslim Ummah in West. 'Ulama in the past have refuted this fitna and there is a need to counter this disease once more. Imam Sayyid Anwar Shah Kashmiri (may Allah have mercy on him) has quoted a fatwa of Imam Shihab al-Din Khaffaji al-Maliki (may Allah have mercy on him) in his magnum opus Ikfar al-Mulhidin from Nasim al-Riyad Sharh Shifa',

He writes,

“…One who does not call the people of other religions as kafir due to any reason: He says: Therefore (because of the uncertainty of takfir of those who misinterpret and distort clear-cut and unanimous nusus), we regard a person kafir who does not call the followers of other religion as kafir or hesitates to call them kafir, or doubts in their kufr, or thinks their religion is right, though he claims himself to be Muslim and calls other religions other than Islam as false, then also he is kafir who does not call the people of other religions as kafir; since this person opposes Islam by opposing to call kafir as kafir and this is belying and refuting religion. (In short, not calling any person not following Islam as kafir is tantamount to oppose and refute Islam, and that individual is kafir.)”
Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller has the following to say about the issue: http://www.masud.co.uk/ISLAM/nuh/amat.htm

...only Islam is valid or acceptable now that Allah has sent it to all men, for the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) has said,

"By Him in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, any person of this Community, any Jew, or any Christian who hears of me and dies without believing in what I have been sent with will be an inhabitant of hell" (al-Baghawi: Sharh al-sunna 1.104).

This hadith was also reported by Muslim in his Sahih by `Abd al-Razzaq in his Musannaf, and others. It is a rigorously authenticated (sahih) evidence that clarifies the word of Allah in surat Al 'Imran

"Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam will never have it accepted from him, and shall be of those who have truly failed in the next life" (Qur'an 3:85)

and many other verses and hadiths. That Islam is the only remaining valid or acceptable religion is necessarily known as part of our religion, and to believe anything other than this is unbelief (kufr) that places a person outside of Islam, as Imam Nawawi notes:

"Someone who does not believe that whoever follows another religion besides Islam is an unbeliever (like Christians), or doubts that such a person is an unbeliever, or considers their sect to be valid, is himself an unbeliever (kafir) even if he manifests Islam and believes in it" (Rawda al-talibin, 10.70).

This is not only the position of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence represented by Nawawi, but is also the recorded position of all three other Sunni schools: Hanafi (Ibn 'Abidin: Radd al-muhtar 3.287), Maliki (al-Dardir: al-Sharh al-saghir, 4.435), and Hanbali (al-Bahuti: Kashshaf al-qina', 6.170). Those who know fiqh literature will note that each of these works is the foremost fatwa resource in its school. The scholars of Sacred Law are unanimous about the abrogation of all other religions by Islam because it is the position of Islam itself.
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Old 03-09-2012, 09:55 PM   #11

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assalmu alaykum

how can he be muslim if he believes there is other ways to success in the akirah than the shariah of Muhammad peace be upon him??
Acts of kufr don't necessarily make you a disbeliever. Anthropomorphism is kufr but we don't lable salafis disbelievers.... A Muslim who prays five times a day is renewing shahadah at least five times a day.... Perhaps through this renewal Allah will forgive us all for our known and unknown acts kufr that we commit all the times... Allah's mercy exceeds His wrath.... And it is not though acts that we will be saved but through Allah's mercy...

So I personally don't consider him a kafir... He is Muslim with some imperfections... So he is no different then any other Muslim in my eyes... Because I haven't met a perfect Muslim....

And Allah knows best.
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Old 03-09-2012, 10:26 PM   #12

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Acts of kufr doesn't necessarily make you a disbeliever. Anthropomorphism is kufr but we don't lable salafis disbelievers.... A Muslim who prays five times a day is renewing shahadah at least five times a day.... Perhaps through this renewal Allah will forgive us all for our known and unknown acts kufr that we commit all the times... Allah's mercy exceeds His wrath.... And it is not though acts that we will be saved but through Allah's mercy...

So I personally don't consider him a kafir... He is Muslim with some imperfections... So he is no different then any other Muslim in my eyes... Because I haven't met a perfect Muslim....

And Allah knows best.
so if someone believes that hindus, buddhists, christians will go to jannah even though they reject Allah and his Rasool peace be upon him and this according to you is minor kufr. so the mushrikeen in the time of the prophet peace be upon him might be in jannah even though they rejected him. i don't how to you this is minor kufr.

Sahih International 3.19
Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah , then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account.

Sahih International 3.85
And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.
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Old 03-09-2012, 10:34 PM   #13

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Assalamu alaykum

untold truth since your a maliki

Al-Qaadi ‘Ayyaad said: hence we regard as a kaafir everyone who follows a religion other than the religion of the Muslims, or who agrees with them, or who has doubts, or who says that their way is correct, even if he appears to be a Muslim and believes in Islam and that every other way is false, he is a kaafir

(Al-Shifaa’ bi Ta’reef Huqooq al-Mustafaa, 2/1071)
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Old 03-09-2012, 10:50 PM   #14

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so if someone believes that hindus, buddhists, christians will go to jannah even though they reject Allah and his Rasool peace be upon him and this according to you is minor kufr. so the mushrikeen in the time of the prophet peace be upon him might be in jannah even though they rejected him. i don't how to you this is minor kufr.*
The deen is simply... I don't try and make things complex... Allah shows mercy to those who are merciful... So I try to be merciful... I don't judge anyone a disbeliever who has said, "la ilaha illallah Muhammadan rasullah." that
decree is between them and Allah.

All I know is I won't be saved by my deeds... But only through Allah's mercy will I be saved.... So anything where I can get His mercy on my side that's what I'm aiming for...

I'm not saying you have to agree with me...*

If people want to sit up here and reflect and draw analogies as to why this person or that person is a disbeliever... That's fine...

But for me, I try to find as many excuses I can to make everyone a believer... I try to figure out ways that it possible for everybody to be forgiven... That's my personality...

And I'm not going to change... At same time I'm not demanding that you be like me... Cause i could be wrong... Be how ever you want...*

That is how I feel about the issue.

And Allah knows best.
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Old 03-09-2012, 11:22 PM   #15

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So I personally don't consider him a kafir... He is Muslim with some imperfections...
His "imperfection" is unabashed devotion to a perennialist heretic who used to make nude paintings of sayyida Maryam. If this is only a small imperfection to you then you have no ghayrah...
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Old 03-10-2012, 12:07 AM   #16

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Acts of kufr don't necessarily make you a disbeliever. Anthropomorphism is kufr but we don't lable salafis disbelievers.... A Muslim who prays five times a day is renewing shahadah at least five times a day.... Perhaps through this renewal Allah will forgive us all for our known and unknown acts kufr that we commit all the times... Allah's mercy exceeds His wrath.... And it is not though acts that we will be saved but through Allah's mercy...

So I personally don't consider him a kafir... He is Muslim with some imperfections... So he is no different then any other Muslim in my eyes... Because I haven't met a perfect Muslim....

And Allah knows best.
Your understanding of 'Aqidah is seriously warped.

The deen is simply... I don't try and make things complex... Allah shows mercy to those who are merciful... So I try to be merciful... I don't judge anyone a disbeliever who has said, "la ilaha illallah Muhammadan rasullah." that
decree is between them and Allah.

All I know is I won't be saved by my deeds... But only through Allah's mercy will I be saved.... So anything where I can get His mercy on my side that's what I'm aiming for...

I'm not saying you have to agree with me...*

If people want to sit up here and reflect and draw analogies as to why this person or that person is a disbeliever... That's fine...

But for me, I try to find as many excuses I can to make everyone a believer... I try to figure out ways that it possible for everybody to be forgiven... That's my personality...
That's not about personality, nor about being kind/tolerant/easy-going, that's about 'aqidah.
Saying "la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah" is not enough if at the same time one holds beliefs who contradict even just one of the necessarily-known-by-everyone basics of Islamic belief (i.e. daruriyat ad-Din): in such cases one will still be considered a kafir.

Look at the wars of apostasy conducted by Hadrat Abu Bakr against those who refused to pay/denied the zakah: those people called themselves Muslims, said the Shahadah, even performed prayers and fast, but still, they were considered as non-Muslims/kuffar by the ijma' of the Sahabah , due to their negation of a basic element of our Din.
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:04 AM   #17

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EDIT: I did not read all your comment, sorry about that.

On a side note you said
...they were considered as non-Muslims/kuffar by the ijma' of the Sahabah ...
(I'm just trying to correct my understanding of what happened and/or remind you) Was Abu Bakr (RA) not the only one who wanted to go to war with them in the beginning and was HE not the one who said zakah is a part of islam like salah?
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:38 AM   #18

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Also because people are starting to talk about Aqheedah I just want post two reminders,

-Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani commenting on the Aqidah of ‘Allamah Ibn Taymiyyah's and others Scholars.

-Sheikh ul hadith Mufti Abu Nauman Abdur Raheem short talk about Aqheedah.
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:49 AM   #19

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On a side note you said
(I'm just trying to correct my understanding of what happened and/or remind you) Was Abu Bakr (RA) not the only one who wanted to go to war with them in the beginning and was HE not the one who said zakah is a part of islam like salah?

As far as I know, even though he was "the only one" at the beginning, soon thereafter all the Sahabah came to agree with his position.
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Old 03-10-2012, 02:59 AM   #20

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As far as I know, even though he was "the only one" at the beginning, soon thereafter all the Sahabah came to agree with his position.
Alhamdullah, yeah thats what I remember. May Allah guide you, me and us all. Ameen.
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