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Old 02-10-2011, 01:50 AM   #21

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Hello, thankyou I understand now. I guess I will try harder somehow. I know I sound ungreatful but I have just become overwhelmed with it all. I don't know how my problems will go away but I will try more somehow... I really don't know though whether my situation will get better but I understand better now thanks to your post.
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Old 02-10-2011, 01:50 AM   #22

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Thankyou you are very understanding. I just don't get that if someone is in pain why would god make you go in hell if the person died because they are in pain.

Its not because the person 'died in pain', it is because the person chose to do the unlawful (kill himself).

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Old 02-10-2011, 01:53 AM   #23

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I don't understand why is it haram to kill yourself if your life is full of difficulty and you have nothing. I don't get it if god wanted people to not want to wish that there life would end because of the difficulty they have then why doesn't god end the difficulty? Why do we have to suffer? So i suffer now with all my problems and when I want all my problems to go... I go to hell? I have one problem that comes into my life and then another comes into my life. I get pressure from my family and I have no future. I am trapped in this life and I can't even end it because then I'll go to hell and suffer more. Please explain to me how this makes sense.
....one reason to not kill yourself is evident in the 23 or so replies that you got in just over an hour once you created this thread, meaning that there are too many fellow human beings and muslims out there who do not want there sister to die....you can check the normal activity on the forum and you will see that there are threads that are not replied to for days (especially mine, the idiots dont even bother reading them...)...the fact that so many are taking there time out to advise you and counsel you and guide you suggests that every wants you to live, such is the chemistry of the human being, and this in my opinion is the single strongest reason for you to carry on, This world was created for the prostration the believer makes during salah, everything else is temporary and holds little value, bad times will come to pass ....there is too much beauty in your deen and your dunya for you to quit so early and without the apparent will of your Lord...
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Old 02-10-2011, 01:53 AM   #24

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Just wanted to add, that say a person is going through loads of problems, but they keep striving despite the pain and hurt they are receiving, then when they die they will also be counted as shaheed (martyr) in the sight of Allah . I actually just heard this today in a lecture. Perhaps Allah made me listen to that lecture today so that I may pass the message on here
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Old 02-10-2011, 01:54 AM   #25

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Hello, thankyou I understand now. I guess I will try harder somehow. I know I sound ungreatful but I have just become overwhelmed with it all. I don't know how my problems will go away but I will try more somehow... I really don't know though whether my situation will get better but I understand better now thanks to your post.

If the problems do not go away, you can always go away from these problems without ending your life. Go to mastoorat jamat. If you are not married, get married. Sisters will be better able to advise you if they know more about your circumstances .
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Old 02-10-2011, 01:56 AM   #26

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No I mean't pain as in suffering with depression and hardship which lead them to kill themselves. Which is dying in pain.. but then going to hell to suffer for killing yourself to stop suffering. :S Anyway abuwahbabs post made me understand better. And thankyou for your previous response I appreciate it.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:00 AM   #27

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Sister, please do read the book sudoku suggested. it will help you.

I remember a time, in my teenage years when I went through a traumatic time. With hindsight now and looking back at the trigger, I'm surprised that I took it as badly as I did, but to my defense, I was a teenager then so all of life's problems were hugely inflated. I had little understanding and little experience and thought noone understood my problems.

The one thing that pulled me back from the brink, from the constant recitation of Surah Yusuf. I had it recorded in a beautiful, beautiful recitation by Shaykh Ahmad Ajmi and I would sit for hours in the dark and listen to it, reciting alongside. It prompted me to study the tafseer of Surah Yusuf and I would comtemplate on how great Sayyadina Yusuf's :as: problems were in comparision to my own. The sadness that I felt at his trials and tribulations and those of his father Yaqoob :as: seemed to dwarf my own and yet their trust in Allah and steadfastness was unwavering. I can honestly say that contemplating over this was what pulled me through. The words of the Quran seemed to be all the more beautiful in my sensitive state.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:07 AM   #28

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Hmm yeah I need to be more patient and sorry I didn't mean to generalize but every person has suffering so I got angry when you said men have temptations in this life due to the societies we live in. But so do women but the kind of temptations we have are different I think. Well mine are and others. My problems lie with having to act and look a certain way to get on with this society to merge without doing wrong. But yes I need to be more patient I know. Thanks for your response.

Sorry to hear that you found some men as such. I gave that example to show that everyone has his own "suffering" in this life, but Allah created you and me with the power to overcome it. This fact is refereed in the last two verse of Suratul Baqarah.

Whatever the case is, Sabr is totally different than "suck it up". When you put trust in Allah, make proper tawakkul, go with it and make proper Sabr then your short life becomes a blessed one with lots of rewards which is the way to please Allah. Are we not living to please Allah not matter what? That's what Sabr is about.

Our beloved Prophet advised us that whenever we encounter any calamity in our life, we should think about His demise - which is the greatest calamity of all - then our suffering will fade away.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:09 AM   #29

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Thanks thats comforting to know

Just wanted to add, that say a person is going through loads of problems, but they keep striving despite the pain and hurt they are receiving, then when they die they will also be counted as shaheed (martyr) in the sight of Allah . I actually just heard this today in a lecture. Perhaps Allah made me listen to that lecture today so that I may pass the message on here
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:12 AM   #30

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Thanks I will look up the book and listen to the recitation. I'm glad you got through it I hope I do too. Yeah reading the quran had previously helped me I will try to read more.

Sister, please do read the book sudoku suggested. it will help you.

I remember a time, in my teenage years when I went through a traumatic time. With hindsight now and looking back at the trigger, I'm surprised that I took it as badly as I did, but to my defense, I was a teenager then so all of life's problems were hugely inflated. I had little understanding and little experience and thought noone understood my problems.

The one thing that pulled me back from the brink, from the constant recitation of Surah Yusuf. I had it recorded in a beautiful, beautiful recitation by Shaykh Ahmad Ajmi and I would sit for hours in the dark and listen to it, reciting alongside. It prompted me to study the tafseer of Surah Yusuf and I would comtemplate on how great Sayyadina Yusuf's :as: problems were in comparision to my own. The sadness that I felt at his trials and tribulations and those of his father Yaqoob :as: seemed to dwarf my own and yet their trust in Allah and steadfastness was unwavering. I can honestly say that contemplating over this was what pulled me through. The words of the Quran seemed to be all the more beautiful in my sensitive state.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:54 AM   #31

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Oh I'm sorry. Let's all sit in a circle and sing kumbayah then. Life is not 'polite'. The fact is that killing one's self over what is essentially nothing of importance is beyond idiotic. In fact i find it offensive that some one even considers it, and justifies such nonsense with emotion based rubbish.
No brother, I never said life was polite or fair, but perhaps as a fellow Muslim you can treat other fellow Muslims with respect and dignity. This forum, our RELIGION, is a place, a community, to which we give a kind hand, provide information, and help fellow Muslims who may be lost to find their way back to the right path of Islam inshaAllah. She is struggling with the cruelty of society, and you a proving that cruelty by not being helpful in seeing her realize KINDLY why it is not a good idea to kill herself. I see you treating her and others here with harsh words and and no compassion to the ideals of typical human suffering from the temptation of Shaitan. You should not find it offensive brother, please...I ask you that. I ask you to see it as a chance to help a fellow Muslim understand why it is not right, how Shaitan is trying to tell her to take her own life for no valid reason, why she is only making a mistake that way. Yet, please be nice no matter how much you say it offends you.
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Old 02-10-2011, 04:00 AM   #32

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Your life does not belong to you,your body is not your property.It all belongs to Allah swt.How can you interfere in someone else,s property.
Majzoob ra says:
zakhm pe zakhm kha ke ji
Apne laho ke ghont pi
Ah na kar labon ko si
Ishq he dil lagi nahi

Meaning:Ours and our Lord,s (swt) relation is that of Ishq,tasleem o raza.So whatever comes from him,just take injury after injury,drink the bitterness of your miseries,but keep your lips tight,no words of sorrow should come out of your mouth,as it is the deadly game of LOVE and not a joke.
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Old 02-10-2011, 04:03 AM   #33

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Kind words/Nasiha is Sadaqa. May Allah give us all the ability to perform this act in the manner of the prophetic sunnah.
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Old 02-10-2011, 04:43 AM   #34

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I don't understand why is it haram to kill yourself if your life is full of difficulty and you have nothing. I don't get it if god wanted people to not want to wish that there life would end because of the difficulty they have then why doesn't god end the difficulty? Why do we have to suffer? So i suffer now with all my problems and when I want all my problems to go... I go to hell? I have one problem that comes into my life and then another comes into my life. I get pressure from my family and I have no future. I am trapped in this life and I can't even end it because then I'll go to hell and suffer more. Please explain to me how this makes sense.
Prophets (most beloved servants of Allah swt) were tested severely, far much worse than how we are.
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Old 03-06-2012, 01:58 PM   #35

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I don't understand why is it haram to kill yourself if your life is full of difficulty and you have nothing. I don't get it if god wanted people to not want to wish that there life would end because of the difficulty they have then why doesn't god end the difficulty? Why do we have to suffer? So i suffer now with all my problems and when I want all my problems to go... I go to hell? I have one problem that comes into my life and then another comes into my life. I get pressure from my family and I have no future. I am trapped in this life and I can't even end it because then I'll go to hell and suffer more. Please explain to me how this makes sense.
Assalamu Alaikum,

I hope you are feeling better and moved on with your life.
But I feel the same way. I am just like my username says because nothing good (I mean the main things) is happening to me. I also had a good life as a child and only regrets and remorse of why I didn't turn my life better.
I feel if I could end my life I would not face my problems anymore. Still don't have enough strength for suicide. I worry about health and would like something better to happen to me.
Anyway, when I created this username I didn't know but now I know. I am possessed by jinns and my life is a misery because I had to live with these parasites for decades. I have a normal life and I dont know what happiness means anymore. I don't haave many things to make me smile. I have hate for the people that made my life hell. If only they could suffer the way I suffer in THIS LIFE.
Maybe you should check out. Chances are you are possessed too. The jinns that enters the body in the case of sihr and ayn can tourment your brain and think for you. You think it is you but it is them and their own state of mind. The problem with me is it is taking too long and I was loaded. If you don't have that much of those stupid cruel little creatures in you then you can get rid of them faster or hopefully you are very young and can take the time with them. I don't want to scare you but it is a possibility. I have suffered from depression and wrote numerous messages on muslim forum complaining about the difficulty to get married and move up in my life and nobody ever told me to use Ruqia (quran read on you to cure you from jinns and shaytan). If you cant get married people think you must be ugly or something because they can see you behind the screen. Anyway, good luck. But I have the same question. Life sucks big time and I am so close to depression.
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:18 PM   #36

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Old 03-06-2012, 07:22 PM   #37

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Brother / sister.

Maybe I can give some insight with regards to myself

Two years ago I was on top of the world. I had a high paying job / cars / houses etc etc. I was in the peak of my health, I would work out daily and enjoy life as much as possible. I had no worries and cares about little

Suddenly I was hit with an illness that even after two plus years and literally 30 plus medical examinations only Allah
Knows what it is.

I can barely stand and faint and fall down. My eye sight is slowly leaving me. My body shakes and I have seizures in my
sleep. My left leg has blood building and not flowing so I may loose a leg. I have lost most of my memory including
Quranic recitation.

Indeed it hits me and I at times feel lost. It hurts me most when I have a new baby girl and I worry that Allah may take
me home soon. But I never give into the cursed shaitan and think of suicide why do we want him to win.

I force myself daily to work and hide my illness I faint at work and hide it and throw up constsntly in the bathroom.
Allah has a plan for me and I am glad he has given me this illness. What if I lost my Imaan by living the high life as I was

Take care never forget Allah
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