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Old 03-04-2012, 02:30 PM   #21

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I tried searching threads but I really can't seem to focus on anything at this time and feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of threads so I apologize if this request is a repeat of previous threads.

I suspect that our home is 'unhealthy'. The only thing is that the symptoms that lead me to believe so are not regular, consistent; however, they almost never afflict us when we're outside the home. I will not go into the symptoms of others here but some of my symptoms are: fatigue, feeling down and feeling unable to concentrate (not always, but often enough to make me want to figure out what's going on; and always only in the home).

(I had hoped to pose this question to the sisters when I join the sister's room but I still have not received a call and now feel like I better get a handle on this sooner rather than later.)

I would appreciate some feedback insha'Allah.

Symptoms are unclear.

But in general, recite Surah Baqara daily in the house. If not the complete surah at least the first few ruku and last 2 ruku daily in the house. If possible have the azaan sound in the house for each salaah, like buy one of those azaan clocks or something. Cleanliness of the house is important and not just by vaccuming and such but I also mean like tv and all that. Also, becareful of how people are entering the home. Know that there is a group of jinnaat who wait at the doors of the believers homes and if the believer enters without following sunnah then a huge group of them enter in behind that person and camp out in the house. These are main points to follow no matter where you live.

Note: If you had posted this in the sisters section then SF would no longer have any members in sisters section.
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Old 03-04-2012, 02:39 PM   #22

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btw, what do you mean by lack of concentration? Give an example.
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Old 03-04-2012, 09:01 PM   #23

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From your answer, I assume that you often experience bad dreams (I maybe wrong).

The reason I ask about the bad dreams is because if one always (every so often) have bad dreams, this is one of the signs of jinns/evil spirit haunting.

As sister bint_azam has written regarding virtue of surah alBaqarah, surah alBaqarah is very good to be recited in the house. However, as surah alBaqarah is too long, you can try reciting the ayaat below after every solat;
1- alfatihah
2- alBaqarah 1 - 5
3- alBaqarah 255 (ayatul Kursi), 256 - 257
4- alBaqarah 284 - 286 (ie 3 last ayaat in surah alBaqarah)

May ALLAH protect you and your family from the haunting of jinns and syaitan.

brother. I'd prefer not to discuss dreams so as not to draw any unwanted attention into that area but thank you for indicating any symptoms that may be related to them. Also, thank you for listing the ayahs.

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Old 03-04-2012, 09:07 PM   #24

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Symptoms are unclear.

But in general, recite Surah Baqara daily in the house. If not the complete surah at least the first few ruku and last 2 ruku daily in the house. If possible have the azaan sound in the house for each salaah, like buy one of those azaan clocks or something. Cleanliness of the house is important and not just by vaccuming and such but I also mean like tv and all that. Also, becareful of how people are entering the home. Know that there is a group of jinnaat who wait at the doors of the believers homes and if the believer enters without following sunnah then a huge group of them enter in behind that person and camp out in the house. These are main points to follow no matter where you live.

Note: If you had posted this in the sisters section then SF would no longer have any members in sisters section.
brother for this information. I've been contemplating setting some sort of azaan alarm in the house, I will actually look into this today insha'Allah. Insha'Allah, I will also pay closer attention to the doorway.

Also, for the note; I'm sure it lightened a few moods on the forum (or perhaps it got some to think 'really? why?').

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Old 03-04-2012, 09:24 PM   #25

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btw, what do you mean by lack of concentration? Give an example.
I hope this did not alarm others too much. It does not happen regularly. Let's say it started off maybe happening once a week and now it might happen 2 or 3 times a week and only lasts a short period (not all day long). I didn't list all of the symptoms but only the ones that cause the most disruption to my routine.

An example of how it affects my concentration: normally, I can spend hours searching for information but yesterday, I just couldn't even look through the thread titles to see if there was anything similar to this situation. Likewise, I was unable to read any post beyond 4-5 sentences. No problem any other time, only when 'fuzzy-brain' hits.

Insha'Allah it will resolve soon. I feel like I've made something big of something so insignificant considering all of the hardships Muslims are going through around the world. Last night, after I signed off, another thought occurred to me (connected to a lecture I listened to earlier in the day): perhaps these symptoms are linked to the suffering of Muslims around the world; as they suffer, we feel it in one way or another.

everyone. May Allah (SWT) keep you all well and reward you greatly, and may He give us each the strength to help one another to end the suffering of Muslims worldwide. Amin.

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Old 03-04-2012, 09:32 PM   #26

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Don't stress sis acacia. This is a real problem compared to some other threads on SF where people make issues out of tissues

Btw do you have a healthy diet?

I think i feel quite a few of the symptoms you mentioned when i'm fasting!
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Old 03-04-2012, 09:55 PM   #27

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JazakAllah khayr to each and every one of you for your suggestions (even the ghost-busting suggestion since it lightened my mood and made me smile). As I've mentioned before (for the time-being) SF is pretty much my only connection to other Muslims so: may Allah (SWT) keep you well and reward you greatly for all of your good deeds and particularly for the generosity and compassion you've shown in helping me. Ameen.
Ok again i apologise for the g busting thingy...
Once we moved in this very derelict and old house. real squeaky door opening never stay alone shadows everywhere next room darker and scarier than the first etc. By coincidence, when we decided to plaster lots and lots of masnoon duas all over the house, like sleeping eating going to the bathroom, barakah, long life etc etc i had the most wiered dream, Wallah. These super beings(and I am not afraid of them as i am a ??..myself) actually flying off in hoards and hoards from the house... I never told this to anyone ...
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Old 03-04-2012, 10:33 PM   #28

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And they are as much scared of u as u are scared of them..

wa assalam..
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Old 03-04-2012, 10:50 PM   #29

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Don't stress sis acacia. This is a real problem compared to some other threads on SF where people make issues out of tissues

Btw do you have a healthy diet?

I think i feel quite a few of the symptoms you mentioned when i'm fasting!
sister. Alhamdulillah, I have a good, balanced diet but there are areas I could tweak a bit... after the recent helpful posts on schedules, I built one for myself and insha'Allah I will start fasting certain days too.
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Old 03-04-2012, 10:55 PM   #30

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Ok again i apologise for the g busting thingy...
Once we moved in this very derelict and old house. real squeaky door opening never stay alone shadows everywhere next room darker and scarier than the first etc. By coincidence, when we decided to plaster lots and lots of masnoon duas all over the house, like sleeping eating going to the bathroom, barakah, long life etc etc i had the most wiered dream, Wallah. These super beings(and I am not afraid of them as i am a ??..myself) actually flying off in hoards and hoards from the house... I never told this to anyone ...
More good tips, I'll try posting some duas - especially above the entry door. This place is not as scary as the place you've described so perhaps whatever there may be, will just exit without a big fuss - insha'Allah.
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Old 03-04-2012, 10:59 PM   #31

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And they are as much scared of u as u are scared of them..

wa assalam..
for the reminder.

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Old 03-04-2012, 11:03 PM   #32

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I tried searching threads but I really can't seem to focus on anything at this time and feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of threads so I apologize if this request is a repeat of previous threads.

I suspect that our home is 'unhealthy'. The only thing is that the symptoms that lead me to believe so are not regular, consistent; however, they almost never afflict us when we're outside the home. I will not go into the symptoms of others here but some of my symptoms are: fatigue, feeling down and feeling unable to concentrate (not always, but often enough to make me want to figure out what's going on; and always only in the home).

(I had hoped to pose this question to the sisters when I join the sister's room but I still have not received a call and now feel like I better get a handle on this sooner rather than later.)

I would appreciate some feedback insha'Allah.

From a practical level, you can can try and eliminate certain things in an attempt to deduce what could be triggering the symptoms you are experiencing. Based on your explanations, it's sounds like you are having what neurologists class as 'Functional / Dissociative Symptoms' (see: www.neurosymptoms.org for detailed information on what this is). Things which can cause these are many, and sometimes it is referred to as 21st century syndrome due to the increased use of pesticides and antibiotics in food, chemicals in water (note: look up the effects if fluoride to human health), toxic air (chemicals in perfumes are not regulated, and tests have shown that some contain harmful cacogenics among other things), electro magnetic sensitivity (phone masts, mobile phones, wifi signals etc. have shown to cause a wide array of symptoms in individuals, including fatigue, headache, sharp pains etc.). Although many people show no symptoms with any of these things, there are large groups of people who, even mild exposure cause very serious physical effects (see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14887428). Medical science is still very ignorant and in the dark about a lot of things, and until it catches up people are having to feel embarrassed about experiencing these 'made up' symptoms.

So practical steps:

1. Ensure that you're house wifi is off when not in use (especially at night!)
2. Minimise the use of mobile phones, and if using them, try and use a hand free kit
3. Enquire with local authority about previous industrial use of the site your house is built on as there could be high amounts of land pollution causing such ill effects (I would assume this would be a stronger item to pursue if more than one person in your family is experiencing these symptoms!)
4. Stop the use of perfumes and minimise the use of fragranced products
5. Buy organic and fresh when possible (avoid processed food/meat)

May Allah make is easy on you and your family. Keep in mind the hadith of the prophet (saw):

Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."
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Old 03-04-2012, 11:27 PM   #33

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Recite the Ayahs of Manzil often, It is for protection from jinn, sihr etc. Here is an easy recitation which one can recite Along.


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Old 03-04-2012, 11:37 PM   #34

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From a practical level, you can can try and eliminate certain things in an attempt to deduce what could be triggering the symptoms you are experiencing. Based on your explanations, it's sounds like you are having what neurologists class as 'Functional / Dissociative Symptoms' (see: www.neurosymptoms.org for detailed information on what this is). Things which can cause these are many, and sometimes it is referred to as 21st century syndrome due to the increased use of pesticides and antibiotics in food, chemicals in water (note: look up the effects if fluoride to human health), toxic air (chemicals in perfumes are not regulated, and tests have shown that some contain harmful cacogenics among other things), electro magnetic sensitivity (phone masts, mobile phones, wifi signals etc. have shown to cause a wide array of symptoms in individuals, including fatigue, headache, sharp pains etc.). Although many people show no symptoms with any of these things, there are large groups of people who, even mild exposure cause very serious physical effects (see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14887428). Medical science is still very ignorant and in the dark about a lot of things, and until it catches up people are having to feel embarrassed about experiencing these 'made up' symptoms.

So practical steps:

1. Ensure that you're house wifi is off when not in use (especially at night!)
2. Minimise the use of mobile phones, and if using them, try and use a hand free kit
3. Enquire with local authority about previous industrial use of the site your house is built on as there could be high amounts of land pollution causing such ill effects (I would assume this would be a stronger item to pursue if more than one person in your family is experiencing these symptoms!)
4. Stop the use of perfumes and minimise the use of fragranced products
5. Buy organic and fresh when possible (avoid processed food/meat)

May Allah make is easy on you and your family. Keep in mind the hadith of the prophet (saw):

Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."

brother. I appreciate the hadith reminder.

You have no idea how much I am aware of all of these things. I've spent the last 6+ years eliminating things from our home and diet and now I'm working on making sure it is an Islamic home. Our home is an apartment that is young enough to have not been built with asbestos (and possibly lead paint) but old enough that whatever off-gassing may have been going on, it would have diminished by now (from carpets etc.) Unfortunately, we did not have a lot of options in terms of where to live but our city is so small that whatever airborne pollutants there are, they'd likely affect everyone. Plus, we keep the windows open even during the winter to let air flow through the home and we're on a level where no-one can see into the home so our blinds are almost always open to let in sunlight. We do not use over-the-counter cold medications etc. nor do we use antibiotics (unless absolutely necessary). We supplement with vitamins and herbal products when we're feeling under-the-weather or during certain seasons (I take large doses of vit C when my cat is shedding and we use vit D during the winter). I've eliminated harmful cleaning products and I am very cautious about the types of shampoos and soaps we use. I don't use perfumes (only a dab of scented oil when I stand for salat). I have a mobile but only get a call on it once a week or so - barely use it. We only buy organic, local and fresh produce as much as possible. I've even started growing my own produce. I scrutinize everything that ends up in the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator and try to eat and feed healthy, home cooked food (which means processed foods are avoided though not completely eliminated).

I hadn't thought to turn the wi-fi off during the night so that is something I will try to remember taking care of. for the tips.

Before I posted the OP, I worked through a lot of possibilities and although we can continuously improve, I strongly suspect that there is more going on here than just the physical environment. I did not want to go into too many details about 'symptoms' etc. because I don't really want to dwell on them, I just want to know what additional measures I can take to eliminate those possibilities and make it easier. Alhamdulillah, I've received a lot of help and reminders from everyone here and I can not thank you all enough.

I also want to thank those of you who have drawn attention to potential medical, psychological and environmental triggers and causes. I am really glad you posted here because this information is also very beneficial for us all and insha'Allah many others will read it.

May Allah (SWT) reward you all greatly. Ameen.
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Old 03-04-2012, 11:44 PM   #35

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Recite the Ayahs of Manzil often, It is for protection from jinn, sihr etc. Here is an easy recitation which one can recite Along.

this is very helpful for me, insha'Allah.
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Old 03-04-2012, 11:57 PM   #36

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JazakAllah khayr to each and every one of you for your suggestions (even the ghost-busting suggestion since it lightened my mood and made me smile). As I've mentioned before (for the time-being) SF is pretty much my only connection to other Muslims so: may Allah (SWT) keep you well and reward you greatly for all of your good deeds and particularly for the generosity and compassion you've shown in helping me. Ameen.
This is why I am saying we need more contribution regularly from ulama mashaikheen sulaha on SF, because many people are in this same boat, they have very little interaction with Muslims and SF is for many people the most interaction they get with Muslims.

Back to your concerns on thread - I dont think you have jinn or black magic issues. Possibly you are dealing with great deal of kasl, laziness in worship, and this is common with everyone even big mashaikh experience this. There are two types of kasl, physical and intellectual. Intellectual is a trait of the hypocrites so you have no worries about that kasl, but you might be experiencing physical laziness and the only way to overcome it is to just use your innate courage ask dua and carry out your activities - there is no other way than this. Just use the ton of courage Allah swt has put in you.
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Old 03-05-2012, 12:06 AM   #37

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this may seem silly, but you should check carbon monoxide levels in your house. . .
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Old 03-05-2012, 12:11 AM   #38

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this may seem silly, but you should check carbon monoxide levels in your house. . .
Not silly at all. Good point. You should look into being an amil.
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Old 03-05-2012, 01:15 AM   #39

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This is why I am saying we need more contribution regularly from ulama mashaikheen sulaha on SF, because many people are in this same boat, they have very little interaction with Muslims and SF is for many people the most interaction they get with Muslims.
I don't know about the others here but for us this is a temporary situation, insha'Allah -we are planning on moving cities in a few months so insha'Allah we will be able to connect with others in person.

Back to your concerns on thread - I dont think you have jinn or black magic issues. Possibly you are dealing with great deal of kasl, laziness in worship, and this is common with everyone even big mashaikh experience this. There are two types of kasl, physical and intellectual. Intellectual is a trait of the hypocrites so you have no worries about that kasl, but you might be experiencing physical laziness and the only way to overcome it is to just use your innate courage ask dua and carry out your activities - there is no other way than this. Just use the ton of courage Allah swt has put in you.
brother, I didn't know about kasl but it is definitely another possibility. I ask for patience and consistency after each namaz but I'll add a dua for courage in carrying out my activities as well insha'Allah.
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Old 03-05-2012, 01:17 AM   #40

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this may seem silly, but you should check carbon monoxide levels in your house. . .
I will look into it. I had asked the building management to check the air quality a while back (my fear at that time was mold since the roof had leaked) and everything was fine but then it is possible that they did not check for carbon monoxide at that time. I'll check to see if I can find an inexpensive carbon monoxide kit at the local hardware store.
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