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Old 12-05-2011, 10:22 PM   #1

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Default Why and how bankers use some Islamists and Jihadists as useful idiots ?
You can find some sincere activists within those Islamic groups involved in Jihad and politics.
However, if they are not aware of the big picture, they may turn into useful idiots.

Check this for more.

Western Elites Secretly Still Building Islam?

( be aware of female pic)

It is clear that what is currently taking place in Tunisia is not a popular revolution. There were no clear demands from the demonstrators, there was no organized opposition leading the masses, and even Islamic voices have so far been silent. [The fact that there was no full scale revolution] is a positive sign...so what actually happened, and led to President Ben Ali going into exile? Of course, this pressing question will continue to be asked during the coming phase, and may take a long time to answer, considering that we are now facing conflicting information, and Tunisia remains a country that is somewhat ‘closed' towards almost all of the Arab world, and its media. Our satellite channels seemed uninterested in reporting genuine facts. – India's Issy

Dominant Social Theme: The Muslims are coming and must be confronted. Never mind that we provide the funding.

Free-Market Analysis: Is the war on terror a success? The Anglo-American elite needs an enemy if the authoritarianism that is rising in the West is to continue – because despotism (and globalism) is more easily created when there is an outside enemy. But fighting against 100 Al Qaeda soldiers in Afghanistan is not anybody's idea of a substantive threat. And the Taliban are evidently and obviously fighting an occupying force.

What if the powers-that-be had decided to do what they could to expand the Muslim threat – and thus expand (in the Western mind anyway) the specter of resurgent, militant Islam? A cynical idea isn't it, dear reader. It is merely speculation, but there are reasons to explore it further. Bear with us.


In a nutshell, the international bankers needs an enemy to implement a polic state world wide. They
need to show the Western people that Islam is a threat to them. Islam is coming to attack them.
Then they can not see the real benefit of Islam : Islam does not allow usury !! usury based banking empire
will collapse if Islam comes to their life !!

More on bankers is here.



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Old 12-06-2011, 08:38 PM   #2

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More insight.

Islamist Tide Re-emerges?


An initial article of ours on the issue of the Islamic resurgence in the Middle East was entitled, "Western Elites Secretly Still Building Islam." You can see it here.

At the time it caused a bit of controversy but we believed it to be accurate. And it doesn't seem any less so today. As we have learned from covering these events, much of what governments and think tanks state about current events is actually the OPPOSITE of reality.

So it makes sense. If Western elites explain that the West is at war with "radical" Islam, you ought to lift the covers to find out if the West is actually building up the threat it claims to be trying to eradicate.

See, the elite's dominant social themes are only implemented for one reason, it seems: to create world government. Anything that aids in this effort is promoted relentlessly. And it certainly – regularly – helps the elites to have an ongoing war, a big one, too.

It's a two-part process. In order to move toward global governance with all due speed the Anglosphere power elite has to create a growing global economic depression, or so it seems. (Out of chaos, order, etc. ...)

But when young people have neither jobs nor hope, you might run into trouble. You might end up destabilizing your OWN back yard. And for this reason, war becomes a very attractive option.

War is, in fact, the best possible solution if you're trying to continue to build a new world order. No room for protest, really. It kills many of the best and brightest and generally puts unruly youth into a kind of military confinement where they are watched and drilled rigorously.

Within this context, then, we're not surprised that militarism is on the rise. Islam is obviously the preferred target and the West's antagonism to Islam has been growing for a decade now.

Yes, the West is in a sense at war with Islam, or at least its more "radical" elements (supposedly), Al Qaeda. But as we've pointed out numerous times, this seems to us and to many others a kind of phony war.

In fact, the US Congress just this last week is trying to pass a law basically making it a criminal offense for Americans to criticize the legitimacy of their "war" with Al Qaeda. Of course, America's never formally declared war but that doesn't seem to bother the esteemed politicians who voted for this latest bill. It really is a pretty far-fetched scenario ....

This US-produced war on terror has lost so much legitimacy that Senators are trying to make it illegal to DOUBT it. You can see a previous article on the subject here: NDAA, The Smell of Fear.

Of course, there's plenty of tension to go around:but I'd make the argument it may be manipulated tension. How is that almost every military engagement being entered into by America and NATO has, potentially, as an end result, the establishment of more and more Islamic governments.

We've been covering this for a year now – and it's happening. Back in October, Tunisia's Islamist Ennahda party won 90 seats in the country's 217-seat assembly. This was a group banned under former president Ben Ali's regime. Now the Ennahda party has three times as many seats as the largest secularist party in the republic. And here comes Egypt. Is this any coincidence?

How many secular countries have the US and NATO destabilized now? Here's a list: The Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Nigeria and Iraq – all countries that might have been considered secular or perhaps Christian, and all are either up-ended or under attack.

Even the Lord's Resistance Army that US President Barack Obama just decided to try to eradicate is putatively Christian. And under UN auspices, yet another Islamic state was created when Sudan was basically divided into an Islamic North and a Christian South. The power likely remains with the North.

Of course, it could be coincidence, I suppose. But the US especially needs an outside enemy because it suffers from numerous conflicting trends within the larger electorate. Given the economic problems that the US (and the West) faces, war or at least military tension is bound to be seen as one solution by the political elite. Tunisia I just mentioned. But just this week, Egypt seems to have fallen into place. A Reuters article makes the case with a good deal of breathlessness:

Ultra-conservative Islamists may have won 20 to 30 percent of the vote in the first leg of Egypt's three-stage parliamentary vote, an outcome that has surprised and alarmed many Egyptians. They are worried about what this might mean for freedoms and tolerance in the Arab world's most populous nation.

Salafis look certain to emerge as a vocal bloc in the first legislature since Hosni Mubarak was deposed, confirming the historic changes under way since the removal from power of a man who dealt with Islamists mostly as enemies of the state.

Their influence over officialdom could reach further still, depending on cooperation with other Islamists also doing well in the election, namely the long-established Muslim Brotherhood which looks set to win more seats than any other group.

Their role will also hinge on the system of government that emerges from a transitional period steered by the army generals who took over from Mubarak. The military has been silent on the election result, urging Egyptians to vote but not taking sides.

Thanks to what we call the Internet Reformation, the Anglosphere power elite is under pressure as never before. And the best way to alleviate pressure is to start a war, or better yet create an implacable enemy.

Back when the Gutenberg Press began to make a difference in terms of informing people about their lives, religion and culture, the number of wars and the duration of their timelines seems to have risen dramatically. What is called the Peasant War went on for some 30 years across Europe – and yet today one might be hard-pressed to explain exactly what it was about in all its permutations.

When the history of the current era is written – if it is written from the standpoint of the current elites – I doubt historians will find it any more feasible to explain how these wars got started or for what reasons. War is politics by other means. What we're seeing today seems to bear out that point again. Doesn't make it any more pleasant.
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Old 12-07-2011, 04:36 AM   #3

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The real USELESS IDIOT are those who accuse and defame the Mujahidin.
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Old 12-07-2011, 11:21 AM   #4

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astaghfirullah the most stupid article I've ever seen. People should meet mujahideen before copying some slander from the internet.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:58 AM   #5

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astaghfirullah the most stupid article I've ever seen. People should meet mujahideen before copying some slander from the internet.
Alas !! Some Muslims can be bought on false promises !! Check this.

Libyan Rebels Fought the Globalists' War

How the Devil paid.


by Tony Cartalucci

Editor's Note: This is an update from an April 20, 2011 article titled, "Libyan Rebels Fighting the Globalists' War: How the Devil Pays."

November 25, 2011 - In April 2011, it was written:

"After rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi [aka Hakim Belhaj] admitted to being trained in Afghanistan and subsequently fighting American troops there, and admitting many of the rebel fighters now joining him in Libya had similarly returned from Afghanistan as well as Iraq, it must strike them as tremendous irony that the same Americans they were filling pine boxes with overseas, are now protecting their lives and handing them an entire country to rule over.

Of course in life, nothing is quite that simple. The rebels seem to forget that just months ago Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was also the recipient of similarly ironic support from the West. In the end, it appears it was merely a ploy to disarm and infiltrate Qaddafi's regime ahead of a US funded, armed, and supported militant uprising. The betrayal does not end there, with the militant rebels in tanks and fighter jets, brandishing newly procured weaponry flowing over the Egyptian border with Washington's full knowledge and in direct violation of UNSC r.1973, the corporate owned media has continuously branded these militants as Libyan "civilians" and Qaddafi's attempts to restore order in his country as an inhumane "massacre."

The intent is to fully justify any means necessary to remove Qaddafi from power, and so the rebels think, hand the country and its riches over to the green shoots of democracy led by the valiant Al Qaeda-linked militants that toppled a tyrant. What woeful ignorance."

It seems that in due time, the folly of Libya's rebels has been completely realized. After it was revealed that the newly unelected "PM" of Libya, Abdurrahim el-Keib, is in fact a long time servant of Western powers, in particular, oil giants British Petroleum (BP), Shell, France's Total, the Japan Oil Development Company, and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, it is now revealed that his government is moving swiftly to exclude the most vicious fighters involved in his NATO-backed ascension to power. The Guardian has reported this week that Al-Qaeda/LIFG commander Hakim Bilhaj has been excluded as defense minister from el-Keib's cabinet in favor of Osama al-Juwali, chief of the Zintan military council.

The Guardian's article is literally titled, "Libyan PM snubs Islamists with cabinet to please western backers," and could provide no better bookend for April 2011's analysis as to the true nature of Western power projection and the betrayal that awaits all who help propel it along. Belhaj's well-being is now related directly proportional to the resistance he puts up to his predetermined fate. Should he decide to hang up his hat as a mass-murdering terrorist and quietly disappear, he may live a long, uneventful life. Should he attempt to contest his betrayal, the same fate met by those he helped remove from power will be his own.

El-Keib's days are also numbered should he stray from the path laid before him by Wall Street and London. Knowing this would give those like Belhaj and others seeking power the perfect opportunity to test his resolve in executing the West's directives in the face of a mobilized Libyan opposition. Should el-Keib heed the anger of his people, he will be the next one hiding in Tripoli's tunnels from NATO bombs. Conversely, should he decide to crush the will of the Libyan people and those being shunted out of power, NATO's ground troops may still make landfall to provide "stabilization" while el-Keib carries out his treacherous work.
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Old 12-08-2011, 04:06 AM   #6

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The real USELESS IDIOT are those who accuse and defame the Mujahidin.
The bankers ( see the book "Merchant of Venice ") are much smarter than you. They follow Hegelian dialectics.


We can see how the power elite advances from country to country on its way to building an Islamic Crescent that will serve as a foil to further inflame phony Western wars of terror. We've written about this numerous times before.

The power elite that really controls the US army is intent on expanding its control over the Middle East and Africa. These wars allow them to extend control while creating a phony enemy. The elite (using NATO) bombed Libya back to the "stone age" using the justification that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was a threat to his own people. But ultimately, thanks to a war that wasn't a war (but a peacekeeping action) tens of thousands of Libyans perished.

The putative rationale for the elites' abilities to enter any country it likes has to do with the 2005 abrogation of the Treaty of Westphalia. It was the UN's approval of R2P, the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine, that ended the Westphalia Treaty and ushered in this current age of aggressive "deterrence."

The idea is that states have a primary role to play in shielding their populations from genocide. If the state abdicates this role, the "international community" should provide additional resources from mediation to political structures. Finally, if genocide is still threatened, the larger community must use diplomatic and even military action to ensure that civilians are safe.

No state is safe anymore except the ones that obey Anglosphere dictates. That's one reason the death of Gaddafi was shown in such detail. It was a warning. Syria is on notice, and as this video shows, it is already being destabilized. Here's the description of this video that originally appeared over at Euronews:

Syrian army defectors have launched their first attack in the eight-month uprising against President Bashar al Assad. It is said they have struck a major security facility. The news comes after more than 70 people were killed in yet more clashes between Syrian security forces and protesters. Meanwhile Turkey has increased its pressure on the Assad regime with talk of cutting power supplies. Once keen to cultivate ties with President Assad, Turkey's leadership now opposes his crackdown on dissent.

And here is a comment from a viewer in the YouTube thread: "Army defectors? HAHA ! Those are just foreign mercenaries who are based at Syria's borders who now pretend they are Syrians and Army defectors ! Don't believe this Euronews bull!"

More on bankers .
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Old 12-08-2011, 04:24 AM   #7

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More info about how Syrian rebels are getting aids from Hillary Clinton , the great saviour of ??????

Of course , you may find sincere Mujahedins fighting aganist Assad at the grassroot level. But, what about the art of manipulation at the big level. ? Who benefits in the long run ?

Just think about the creation of Pakistan for the sake of Islam !!

The same hoax is getting played again and again.



Editor’s Note: Because the US and NATO members were not censured after their openly illegal war in Libya, the same players are marching forward again in complete contravention of international law, taking sides and helping to escalate a civil war in Syria, will is a prelude to a planned attack on Iran. Hillary Clinton is acting in the official capacity as a US Secretary of State, and therefore cannot supply logistical, military support, cash and arms directly or via a third party to an international force currently based in Turkey for the purposes of over-throwing the government in a legitimate sovereign nation. The very same al-Qaida mercenaries used by the US and UK intelligence services in Libya are now being used to overthrow the government in Syria. For this and other crimes, she should be put in the dock, but unfortunately the US (conveniently) never signed up the the Hague’s ICC. Meanwhile, none of Clinton’s rogue actions are being discussed or debated in Congress, and certainly there is no declaration of war to be voted on. US is now officially engaging in an open, completely corrupt, pure mafia-style foreign policy. Americans need to to take action now, before people like Clinton push the West further towards a highly likely World War III scenario.

December 6, 2011

Mrs Clinton is expected to speak with seven opposition members in Geneva, where she is to give a speech on human rights. It will be her second meeting with opposition members in six months, following a similar gathering in Washington in July.

The United States, the European Union and Turkey have all imposed sanctions on Syria for the violence and the Arab League has announced plans to try to pressure President Assad to end the violence.

Syrian authorities say they are fighting foreign-backed “terrorist groups” trying to spark civil war who they claim have killed some 1,100 soldiers and police since March.

US officials offered no further details on Mrs Clinton’s planned meeting, which will take place on the second day of a five-nation trip to Europe.
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Old 12-08-2011, 10:34 AM   #8

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The real USELESS IDIOT are those who accuse and defame the Mujahidin.
astaghfirullah the most stupid article I've ever seen. People should meet mujahideen before copying some slander from the internet.
Jazakallah khairan katseeran to our heroes Brother umar_italy and london786!!!

For defending the honour of the Mujaahideen Fee Sabeelillah...

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:

A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you say about a man who loves some people but cannot catch up with their good deeds?"

Allah's Apostle said, "Everyone will be with those whom he loves."

(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 190)

Subhanallah what a great honour! May Allah raise us amongst those whom we love, ameen.
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Old 12-08-2011, 10:37 AM   #9

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They wish to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah is to perfect His light even though the disbelievers dislike (it).

(Surah As-Saff Ayat 8)
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Old 12-08-2011, 05:25 PM   #10

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Jazakallah khairan katseeran to our heroes Brother umar_italy and london786!!!

For defending the honour of the Mujaahideen Fee Sabeelillah...

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:

A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you say about a man who loves some people but cannot catch up with their good deeds?"

Allah's Apostle said, "Everyone will be with those whom he loves."

(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 190)

Subhanallah what a great honour! May Allah raise us amongst those whom we love, ameen.
brother, your mention of that hadith was very dear and "emotional" to me, if this makes any sense.

Anyway, I wonder when will this guy get banned?

Ok, SF chose not to discuss Jihad-related subjects, I can understand, but how can we tolerate people disparaging Mujahidin by half-baked idiot analysis copied from paranoid nazi-communist kuffar websites?
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:32 PM   #11

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all pawlak is doing is control + C and control + V with the articles from conspiracy theory websites, come on man produce something original to have some intellectual debate on this forum
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Old 12-09-2011, 03:21 AM   #12

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all pawlak is doing is control + C and control + V with the articles from conspiracy theory websites, come on man produce something original to have some intellectual debate on this forum
Don't have any illusions about the usury-loving bankers who govern us. They are practicing satanists. They don't care about Muslims, Europeans,Pakistanis,
women, children, or anyone but themselves. But they will adopt a pious pose to advance their pernicious agenda of setting up a world government which have a capital Jerusalem. Check this buliding in



The Israel Supreme Court is the creation of one elite family: the Rothschilds. In their negotiations with Israel, they’ve agreed to donate the building under three conditions: the Rothschilds were to choose the plot of land, they would use their own architect and no one would ever know the price of its construction. The reasons for those conditions are quite evident: the Supreme Court building is a Temple of Masonic Mystery Religion and is built by the elite, for the elite.
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Old 12-09-2011, 03:28 AM   #13

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astaghfirullah the most stupid article I've ever seen. People should meet mujahideen before copying some slander from the internet.
Its not the problem of Mujahideens , rather the bankers and their minions like ISI , MI5 and MI6 who exploit those sincere people to implement the world government.
Check this.



Has the course of History been directed by a small group of people with common interests? The paintings and pictures of the great men of the past centuries reveal a common thread which links them together. Is it a coincidence that many of them hid one of their hands when posing for a portrait? It seems unlikely. We’ll look at the Masonic origin of the “hidden hand” and the powerful men who used the sign in famous portraits
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Old 12-09-2011, 09:21 PM   #14

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The depth of deception used by bankers to fool the Muslim youths is amazing. More examples of fooling the Western people can be seen here.



This seems to be the way the Anglosphere power elite works. They create economic chaos and then use it to create wars and additional authoritarianism. It is all part of a larger effort at creating what we call "directed history."

The power elite controls governments around the world, especially Western governments. Thus, it needs only manufacture a crisis in order to come up with a solution. Then its paid and craven enablers "write" the historical narrative. Future generations are not supposed to understand how badly they've been fooled.
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Old 12-15-2011, 01:47 AM   #15

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Who benefits from the atttack on Turkish Politicians ?

Al-Qaeda plotted attack on Turkish Parliament, report says

The indictment stated that documents found at the militants’ address had labeled Turkey a war zone (dar al-harb) and its statesmen were described as “renegades.” The state system was described as “evil.” One document stated that it is more beneficial to fight against Turkey than against the US or other Western countries.

Police seized documents in the house and found printed dialogues of Internet chats between the militants and senior organization leaders from Afghanistan. These documents advise: “Just stay calm during interrogations, if you ever get caught. Don’t ever accept the allegations. Don’t give any information regarding the organization.”

Militants were captured at a house in Ankara’s Sincan district, where militants had been trained on how to use Kalashnikov rifles, and recorded these trainings on DVDs. The police operation against the al-Qaeda militants first began when a family of an al-Qaeda militant called police and said their son had been kidnapped by the Turkish arm of al-Qaeda.
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Old 12-15-2011, 04:59 PM   #16

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Bankers with their minions in secret services like CIA and ISI are expert in manipulating the sincere Muslim youths on false promises. Although , some bloggers claim that those youths are mentally retarded, the reality is complex. They are not idiots, rather dupes. The art of manipulation can do wonders if you know the art. Check this.


On September 11, 2001, the shadow CIA and shadow Mossad implemented their long-term plan to spread terror into the hearts of the American people and the people of the world. They took care of all the behind-the-scenes operations, financing, and logistics to make the 9/11 attacks happen, but what they needed most was a global Islamic brand. Al-Qaeda was the perfect choice.

In order to make the people of free democratic nations submit to the authoritarian and surveillance designs of Washington's fascist globalization agenda, policymakers needed a Big Bad Wolf to menace the minds of residents of the new global village. Al-Qaeda terrorists embodied the enemy role and enabled the real terrorists in the shadow CIA, shadow Mossad, and shadow MI6 to get away with murder.

The prisoners of the mass media and the totalitarian state believe al-Qaeda is a real entity and that the war on terror is a legitimate war. These children also believe Santa Claus is coming to their house on midnight this Christmas. In their childish minds, giving up their rights to the state will make them safe, and leaving out milk and cookies will make Santa Claus happy.

How can people be so dumb? How can they be fooled again and again? That's like asking how can the sun be so hot? Some facts are just facts. The sun is hot, and people are dumb.

If it wasn't for the handiwork of the shadow CIA, nobody would have heard of al-Qaeda. The American deep state recruited, trained and funded al-Qaeda terrorists which they used in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union, in America against the American people, in Libya against Gaddafi, and now in Syria against the current regime.

Over the years, al-Qaeda terrorists have become the shadow CIA's perfect fall guys for acts of state terror. Most of these terrorists are mentally retarded, clueless, and unemployed young men.

Mankind has been fooled throughout its existence. Over the centuries, all societies have come under the dominion of power-mad cult leaders whose mass brainwashing campaigns make Jim Jones look like a boy scout in the woods.

Authoritarian societies, like the ones in America and Iran, are held together through cult worship of the State and political messiahs. Khomeini and Reagan, two political messiahs of the modern age, and two very good actors, both knew how to manipulate the poor masses of their countries and take power for themselves in the name of patriotism.

It is not really hard for soulless rulers to make the people believe a version of reality and history that is patently false. It is truly the norm for " The People" to readily fall for big lies and follow destroyers and traitors who they believe are their saviors and defenders.

There is a stupid belief held by 9/11 truth deniers that the American government didn't kill 3,000 American citizens on 9/11 because American leaders are not evil enough to plan the mass murder of innocent civilians. According to these idiots, America is a free society with a free press. They believe in "government incompetence," not in "systematic evil," because they think evil people hide in the shadows and like to avoid the critical inspection of society.

The passive and gullible sheep-minded fools don't like to believe that the most evil people on the planet do their work out in the open in front of millions of people, like Hitler, Stalin, Khomeini, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush II, Cheney, Gingrich, Obama, Bibi Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, etc. These actors of history and world statesmen are basically demonic cult leaders. People who hang on their every word think that life would be better if they follow such leaders and that it is a heresy to question the basic premises of their policies.

But some of us know better because we remember history. We remember that Hitler was applauded and Stalin was loved. And we know that blind obedience is what makes free societies commit suicide.

We know that Bush and Obama have led what can only be called a 21st century witch hunt against terrorists. Their mastery of the fragile American psyche is nothing new. American history is filled with examples of leaders who identify some evil beyond the bounds of civilization and law in order to scare the people and acquire greater power and privileges for themselves.

The two biggest historical examples are the Salem Witch Hunt in the late 17th century and the Communist Hunt in the 20th century. Witches and communists were viewed as agents of evil who needed to be hunted down and killed. Due process of law does not apply to "agents of evil," and subversive traitors.

In the 21st century, terrorists have replaced witches and communists as the embodiment of evil which the totalitarian State must destroy to defend the security and sanity of the people.

It is the honorable and holy job of CIA, MI6, and Mossad hunters to demonize the innocent civilians and resistance fighters of the countries they invade and occupy as "terrorists" and then kill them.

If terrorists weren't invented then the CIA, MI6, and Mossad would be out of work. And the military-industrial complex would be obsolete.

What would four-star generals do in a world without evil, terrorism, and national security threats? Can you imagine these people playing golf all week? I'm sure most of them would blow their brains out because they would be essentially useless to society and their stars would mean nothing.

So, to prevent the dramatic transformation of the present system of militarism and corporatism, we all have to play make-believe and pretend that there are evil terrorists out there, in the wild forests of the unknown, beyond the realm of civilization, who want to kill us and burn down our cities.


Wake up , guys.
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Old 12-15-2011, 05:14 PM   #17

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Wake up , guys.
we are awake. Cant you go to sleep for a few months?
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Old 12-15-2011, 05:16 PM   #18

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If you do not know the big picture , you can not figure out the depth of deception engineered by the bankers. Check this.


There is no threat of Islamic fundamentalism to America and the West. The clash of civilizations between the West and Islam is just public theatre for the global masses. The war on terror is a collective sideshow. It gives the dogs of war in both camps something to chew on and boost their weak male ego. Its main function is to entertain people, distract them, keep them afraid, and attract their energies, sympathies and emotions so that they don't concentrate on the bigger picture.

Another reason the war on terror is being fought is to destroy both Islamic Islamic civilization and Western civilization, and thereby consolidate economic, military and political power in a new global technocratic civilization, upon the ashes of both destroyed worlds.

So the main event is not a clash of civilizations, but the destruction of mass humanity and industrial civilization. By the time the curtains are pulled down on the war on terror show and the actors of history have left the stage, a couple of billion people will be dead due to engineered crises like a global plague, a global economic depression and a global starvation.

But there is a huge difference today that may prevent the elite from accomplishing their political and spiritual goals. In this apocalyptic age, the Internet gives those of us with the eyes to see and the minds to think the unique opportunity to not only witness the unfolding of the elite's plan for mass destruction and mass death, but put an end to it.

The shadow side of both politics and life is being revealed under the sun of a new age. These are revolutionary times and the forces of darkness can no longer hide their evil plans, atrocities, crimes, and lies from humanity.
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Old 12-17-2011, 02:12 AM   #19

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Great insight on Central Asia which need to be looted by the bankers.


If a believable world-wide terrorist organization can be created practically out of thin air, then how many real terrorists does it really take to create a popular perception of a growing terrorist menace? With its “al-Qaeda” project, the CIA has perfected its mastery of a process for creating pseudo-terrorists and weaving terrorist legends around them. Since the official start of the terror war, we have demonstrated our mastery of this black art to the world. Even though our leaders and the national media like to claim that we are locked in a deadly terrorist war with this Islamist organization, secret services in the know understand that “al-Qaeda” is merely a phantom outfit, existing only on paper, to be called forth whenever US inroads are needed anywhere in the world.

Every functioning spy agency knows by now that a few terrorist legends have been blended together to create the impression of a widespread terrorist internationale, to serve America’s secret plans. The only real connection between “al-CIA-da”-linked terrorist groups anywhere is the common denominator of the CIA hand, or the CIA-created al Qaeda brand-name. The CIA has turned mass-murder into an art form, creating a prototype of roving gangs of militants, mercenaries, or hired criminal thugs, who provide cover stories for any missions to terrorize the local populations or to attack designated targets. Anyone who has been paying attention would have learned of our skills and adapted them towards their own ends by now, simply by plugging into the lively “al-Qaeda” mythology for themselves.

Which government is behind the alleged “Islamists” of Central Asia–American, or copycat competitors? Did Kazakh President Nazarbayev manufacture his own “Islamists,” in order to justify a wave of political repression, just as Bakiyev allegedly raised the specter of Mullah Abdullo and the IMU to provide cover for ethnic rioting that was unleashed in the Osh region in southern Kyrgyzstan? Did Uzbek President Islam Karimov claim that unseen “terrorists” blew that railroad bridge to cover his feud with Tajikistan? Or, were all of these faceless terrorists (some of them operating under the name of unheard of militant outfits) real, working for meddling outside powers? That is the nature of a covert war environment—nobody knows what to believe, so everybody is suspect. Such an environment is created with the intention of fostering suspicious paranoia among real resistance forces. It is part of the divide and conquer strategy.

This is what is happening all over Central Asia. In Uzbekistan, phantom “terrorists” have allegedly blown-up a railroad bridge, not on the main rail line being used to supply NATO, but on a side route which only services Tajikistan. This rail blockage comes after months of sporadic service, because of an ongoing railroad war of attrition with Uzbek President Karimov, over the Rogun Dam issue. In Tajikistan itself recently, the government has revived the memory of Mullah Abdullo and bands of phantom Islamists, to cover up government repression of religious dissidents. If a group ever existed anywhere, it remains forever useful to deceitful individuals who want to invoke the image of killer Islamists to cover their own tracks.

The term “militant Islamist” describes a particular, rare type of individual, one who follows a deviant version of Islam, and is highly trained in the military arts. The people who are usually blamed for isolated terrorist attacks have been religious students, who have somehow become radicalized and motivated to take-up arms, allegedly in defense of their faith. It takes outside intervention to train and arm these new militants, after they have gone through religious indoctrination. Somebody has to provide the military hardware they rely on. Every terrorist group has such backers or sponsors. Identifying the state terrorist backer is even more difficult than identifying secret terrorists.

In a spyware, it is often impossible to tell which side is benefitting from the violence, or which side is responsible for it. It is sometimes even harder to know whether the event is intentional, or simply coincidence. It is sometimes possible after the event has passed to understand which side has gained advantages from the violent terrorist incident, with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. This is why hard analysis of the many ongoing international confrontations has us all looking backwards, in order to anticipate what the future may hold (perhaps this explains the prevailing paranoia in the conspiracy research community). In Central Asia we see traces left behind from many, widely dispersed terrorist events, forming an evidence trail that unlocks secret events from the past, giving us insight into the forces that will be destabilizing the CIS countries in the future.

All the players in the Central Asian spyware have adapted their games to the new realities. Everyone is now singing the same tune, expressing the same fear of future “Islamists” and narco-terrorists that might be migrating outward from Afghanistan after 2014. Both East and West claim to offer protection and order in the face of this common terrorist threat. There is an unspoken consensus on the true nature of these Islamist terrorists and an understanding that the real terrorist threat comes from those who protect the narco-terrorists and their deadly products. The real terrorists are those government forces which have banded together in secret to manufacture “radical Islam” and to push it onto unsuspecting Muslim populations.

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Old 12-28-2011, 02:18 AM   #20

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The UK Daily Telegraph recently posted an article entitled, "How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?" Anybody reading the Daily Bell this past year will not be surprised by this headline, nor the article itself. Turns out that the writer is reporting on "a new evil [that] is sweeping the Middle East" – and that evil is violence against Christians.

"How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?" the article asks. "The Americans have gone now, and Iraq's Christian communities – some of the world's oldest – are undergoing an exodus on a biblical scale."

The article does not only mention Iraq and makes it clear that the anti-Christian sentiment is broad-based: "The attacks, which peak at Christmas, have already spread to Egypt, where Coptic Christians have seen their churches firebombed by Islamic fundamentalists ...

"In Tunisia, priests are being murdered. Maronite Christians in Lebanon have, for the first time, become targets of bombing campaigns. Christians in Syria, who have suffered as much as anyone from the Assad regime, now pray for its survival. If it falls, and the Islamists triumph, persecution may begin in earnest."

Early in January 2011, we predicted this. In an article entitled, "Western Elites Still Secretly Building Islam," we wrote about the West's strategic undermining of non-religious or Christian regimes in the Ivory Coast, Tunisia and Egypt. Here's an excerpt:

Is the war on terror a success? The Anglo-American elite needs an enemy if the authoritarianism that is rising in the West is to continue – because despotism (and globalism) is more easily created when there is an outside enemy. But fighting against 100 Al Qaeda soldiers in Afghanistan is not anybody's idea of a substantive threat. And the Taliban are evidently and obviously fighting an occupying force.

What if the powers-that-be had decided to do what they could to expand the Muslim threat – and thus expand (in the Western mind anyway) the specter of resurgent, militant Islam? A cynical idea isn't it, dear reader. It is merely speculation, but there are reasons to explore it further ...

We are proposing a new stage in the manipulated war on terror. Having built up the Middle East through enormous cash infusions, the Anglosphere is continually expanding the role of fundamental Islam and may even be prepared to overthrow old and trusted allies to do so. The war on terror so far has not proven very terrible (except to Afghan and Iraqi citizens) but if the Jasmine revolution "spreads" throughout the Middle East, resurgent, fundamentalist Islam may indeed become a reality.

Right on time comes this article in the UK Telegraph, almost exactly a year later, demanding that the British foreign office do more to help victims of Arab prejudice. It's an amazing article only because it is so predictable and (surprise) neglects to provide a frame of reference that would explain the rising violence.

Why would the article neglect a frame of reference? Because the Anglosphere power elite that wants to create world government, needs to continually manufacture enemies – to create fear. We call this fear-mongering the production of "dominant social themes."

The idea is to frighten Western middle classes into surrendering wealth and power to a variety of globalist institutions that the power elite has built and put into place – and is now expanding on. These include the UN, IMF, World Bank, ICC, BIS, etc.

One of the biggest memes the power elite employs is war. Through war, all sorts of authoritarianism can be enhanced and the globalist agenda expanded efficiently in ways that it never could be otherwise. But in order to have war, one must create an enemy. And at this task Western elites are most efficient. Here's some more from the article:

These dividing lines are now being made into battle lines by hardline Salafists, who are emerging as victors of the Arab Spring. They belong to the same mutant strain of Sunni Islam which inspired al-Qaeda. Their agenda is sectarian warfare, and they loathe Shia Islam as much as they do Christians and Jews. Their enemy lies not over a border, but in a church, synagogue or Shia mosque.

The Salafists may be detested by the Muslim mainstream. But as they are finding out, you don't need to be popular to seize power in a post-dictatorship Arab world – you just need to be the best organised. The West is so obsessed with government structure that it doesn't notice when power lies elsewhere, and Islamist death squads are executing barbers and unveiled women in places like Basra.

Two years ago, the idea of such bloody sectarianism would have sounded like a macabre fantasy in a country as civilised as Egypt. After al-Qaeda bombed a church on New Year's Day, Muslim elders sat in the front pews forming a human shield and defying the terrorists.

But moderate Egyptians are now losing this power struggle. The killing has started, with another 25 Copts murdered in October. Tens of thousands of Egypt's Christians have already joined their Iraqi counterparts in exile: as Iraq proved, one death can lead to a thousand emigrations. The Salafists are finding it staggeringly easy to realise their fantasy of a "purer" Egypt.

Without explaining the triggering principles of Western intelligence manipulation of Islamic cultures, the article attributes the violence to the nascent Arab Spring. Of course, as is well known in alternative media circles, the Arab Spring itself is an incipient Western invention.

The US State Department and apparently the CIA, through various facilities such as AYM, have sponsored a far-flung youth movement of rebellious young men and women who have been trained to use various tools, including social media, to cause unrest in their home countries. Apparently, these same tactics have been used to create Occupy Wall Street unrest.

"The Arab Spring was always going to mean danger for religious minorities, unleashing the Islamic extremists who previously were kept at bay," the article informs us. We also learn that religious persecution was not a hallmark of previous (overthrown) regimes. "For all their evil, the old secular tyrants abused their victims equally, whether they wore the cross, hijab or skullcap."

The article damns the British foreign office as being "typically slow to recognise the gathering threat, despite repeated warnings." Of course, the obvious reason for this slowness is that the unrest in the Middle East is being deliberately provoked by MI6 – along with counterparts in DC and Tel Aviv.

You won't read such speculation in this article, however. The rationale pro-offered is psychological rather than strategic: "It might be that the Foreign Office sees this as part of a soppy equalities agenda, unworthy of diplomatic attention. Those who have raised the issue directly with William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, say he is unenthusiastic."

Predictably, the psychological speculation is buttressed by that old rationale: ignorance. "The Foreign Office did not realise the full evil of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans until it was too late: it did not take civil tensions seriously enough. It can do better now, making clear that it regards religious cleansing as an emerging evil that ought to be confronted wherever it is being incubated."

Really? It's funny how much Western foreign policy is larded with ignorance and stupidity. The Anglosphere, for all of its abilities to win wars and dominate the world, is constantly making elemental mistakes: the Treaty of Versailles, Yalta, the emergence of Communist China, etc.

Now as we watch militant Islam emerge from the shadows, we are informed yet again that Western powers-that-be are being caught unawares. "Outright religious oppression is quietly ignored, from Saudi Arabia to the Maldives."

Well, of course it is! Hey, stay tuned. More to come!
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