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#1 |
The creation of an anti-Shia front:
The outcome of the war in Iraq and the de-facto takeover of Iraqi politics by Shia parties as resulted in "push-back" reaction in many Sunni Arab states, in particular in Bahrain and Syria. The behind-the-scenes but direct involvement of Gulf States like Qatar in the war in Libya and the transformation of the Arab League into a "US/NATO invitation committee" clearly shows that the rich oil sheikdoms are becoming concerned and have decided to counter what they perceive as the "Shia crescent's" threat. But let's remind ourselves of what we are talking about here: the Shia crescent is nothing else but a list of countries where the Shia have been systematically and brutally repressed and excluded from the political process either by secularist (Shah in Iran, Saddam in Iraq), Wahabi zealots (Bahrain, Saudi Arabia) or a mix of both (Lebanon). It also happens that these are the parts of the Middle-East in which most oil can be found. In other words, the Shia crescent is nothing else but the territories where the Western Empires have used local Sunni proxies to oppress and impoverish the majority population while stealing their natural wealth. This is what all this nonsense about the "terrorist Mullahs" and the "Shia threat" really is designed to conceal: that the Shia, inspired by Iran and Hezbollah, are engaged in a national liberation struggle which threatens all those billionaires which have been in bed with the British, the USA and the Israelis since day one. Everywhere you look, Sunni leaders, and in particular of the Wahabi type, have been working hand-in-hand with the Zio-American interests, even at the clear detriment of the interests of the local Muslim population (Balkans, Caucasus, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, etc.). Oh sure, there are regular clashes between the US and various Wahabi groups worldwide, but they are tactical, local, in nature. In the big picture the West and the Wahabis have always walked in lockstep with each other (as seen recently in the case of Libya). And don't let the fact that the Shia mostly deny all this deceive you: that denial of the obvious reality is an old Shia survival technique destined to blame any Shia-Sunni tensions on any and all conceivable causes but the obvious one: the religious one. I think that this is a very misguided approach, but it has been historically the one most Shia have chosen: Shias much rather believe themselves to be a part of the big Islamic "Ummah" than to contemplate the outright distressing possibility that most of the Muslim world is hostile towards them (which is what the historical record shows). The civil war in Syria really brought it all out in the open and if in the past one could debate the putative successes of Iranian diplomacy with its Gulf neighbors and the various smiles and hugs it resulted in, but the fact is that Iran's neighbors are now all joining forces against it. Even Turkey, which tends to be cautious in its policies towards Iran is now fully involved in the external intervention in Syria, which is another bad sign for Iran. As for Hezbollah, it always new that all the Arab and Sunni expressions of support for its causes were just that - empty words, lip-service to the personal popularity of Hassan Nasrallah, but that in reality Hezbollah had no other friend or ally except Iran. In his famous 2006 "Divine Victory speech" Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah said the following: The people of Lebanon gave strong proof to all the peoples of the world. The Lebanese resistance provided strong proof to all Arab and Islamic armies. Arab armies and peoples are not only able to liberate Gaza and the West Bank and East Jerusalem, they are simply capable of regaining Palestine from sea to river by one small decision and with some determination. The problem is that when one is torn between two choices and is asked to choose between his people and his throne, he chooses his throne. When he is asked to choose between Jerusalem and his throne, he chooses his throne. When he is asked to choose between the dignity of his homeland and his throne, he chooses his throne. What is distinct about the resistance movements in Lebanon and Palestine is that they chose the dignity of their people, holy places, and freedom and offer their leaders, sons, and dear ones as sacrifices to join the throne of God Almighty. These words are a direct slap in the face of all the hapless Sunni and secular (Baathist) Arab leaders who literally for decades drowned the world in fiery speeches and yet have never achieved anything: from the Wahabi fat cats of the Gulf, to the Masonic Baath leaders of Lebanon, to the "progressive/popular" secular leftists leaders of the various Palestinian factions, none of them ever managed to scure even a modest victory against Israel. Compare that to the Shia who defeated the USA in Iran, then defeated the USA again in Iraq, and then defeated Israel's four brigades, three reserve divisions and entire Air Force and Navy with roughly one thousand second rate Hezbollah soldiers (the best Hezbollah fighters were all kept north of the Litani river). What Hassan Nasrallah is saying is this: the reason why the Arab and Islamic world was always defeated is because it was lead by unworthy leaders who care about their thrones more than anything else. Such talk is tantamount to a death threat to all these leaders and they are now "circling the wagons" under the protection of Uncle Sam and his Israeli overlords to stop the Shia liberation movement. |
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#2 |
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#3 |
But Ahmadinejad's inner circle, especially his chief of staff Rahim Mashaie, have angered Khamenei and other senior Shi'ite clerics for promoting a "deviant current" that they see as threatening to those principles and to their own dominance. Khamenei's backers accuse Ahmadinejad's camp of pursuing an "Iranian" school of Islam, viewed as an inappropriate mix of religion and nationalism. The president berates his rivals for insulting him and has threatened them with jail. "The clerical elite will not back anyone that it perceives to be inimical to its interests," said independent analyst Mohammed Shakeel. "However, the more the president is marginalized, the more he appears to relish the challenge. "His own austere lifestyle and his attempts to portray himself as the champion of the poor provide him with a strong counterbalance with which to see through the end of his term." All is not good in Iran. |
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#4 |
Why are you spouting your nonsense here on a Sunni forum? Alhumdulliah, we are very aware of the dangers to Islam from Shia cult, and we pray that may Allah (swt) destroy their designs. Throughout the history, Shias have been treacherous and vile to Sunnis/Muslims. Shias has been most opressive to Sunnis/Muslims comapred to others, and in their cult books profess that if they lie, cheat or kill Sunnis, they will get Sawab. Shia insult our mothers Aisha and Hafsa (raa), curse companions (raa) of Prophet (saw), and accuse Prophet (saw) of keeping bad company (nauzbillah) and excercising bad judgement (nauzbillah). Can we trust you even after knowing these facts?
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#5 |
Why are you spouting your nonsense here on a Sunni forum? Alhumdulliah, we are very aware of the dangers to Islam from Shia cult, and we pray that may Allah (swt) destroy their designs. Throughout the history, Shias have been treacherous and vile to Sunnis/Muslims. Shias has been most opressive to Sunnis/Muslims comapred to others, and in their cult books profess that if they lie, cheat or kill Sunnis, they will get Sawab. Shia insult our mothers Aisha and Hafsa (raa), curse companions (raa) of Prophet (saw), and accuse Prophet (saw) of keeping bad company (nauzbillah) and excercising bad judgement (nauzbillah). Can we trust you even after knowing these facts? Regards |
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#6 |
I ask the Mods not to allow such people (Shiites) to post long articles (full of lies). (Sonnah vs Shia Debate Forum) |
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#7 |
I ask the Mods not to allow such people (Shiites) to post long articles (full of lies). |
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#8 |
My Brothers in Islam, Mr tranitory and Mr. afriki_haqqand, Do yourself a big favor, please learn International Politics and special interest groups /Lobbies and act like a mature brother. BTW what International Politics and lobbying group concepts are you trying to teach us? Till now from your varios post, there is just one theme, and that is how good Shia leaders such as Asad and Dajjalenijad are, and that if someone counter your cult's teachings and its leaders, they must be an illiterate Wahabi, correct? My advice to you is to make sincere taubah to Allah (saw) and leave the deviant ways of shias and come to mainstream Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaat. |
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#10 |
Well as I said previously, it's obvious what his main goal is, let me quote him from another website:
Labback Ya Hussain (as) or Say Ya Hussain (as) against terrorism Monday, January 19, 2009 Salamun-Alay-kum, I am glad that the Muslim community is paying close attention to our global interest. As you may know, the mourners of Imam Hussain(as) are spreading throughout the world and are kept informed through the global reach of the internet. We are also able to voice our concerns and beliefs more openly than ever before. Yet, even with our mass amount of information and communication, much of the world still doesn't know about Islam, that is, True Islam . All they ever hear, read, or watch deals solely with "Islamic terrorism", "Islamic radicals", and "Islamic fundamentalists". When will they ever learn about True Islam? When will they ever know about the Islam of Imam Hussein (as)? If people ever found out about True Islam, they would know of it as a peaceful religion that helps the oppressed and fights the oppressor. A religion where size and power doesn't hold strong against matters of faith and virtue. We as Muslims have the Ahlul Bayt as a key example to this and we as Muslims must inform them. Whenever I send out emails/articles about oppressed people around the world, I do so not only to share the horrors that spread the corners of the globe, but to bring awareness to such situations, and to build a movement against it. Is this not what Imam Hussein (as) would like us to do? By mentioni g Labback Ya Hussain or Say Ya Hussain(as) against terrorism in my correspondence, I see it as way to spread the message of Imam Hussein (as)...the message that so long as your fighting for a just cause, your victory from Allah can come in many different ways. In turn, this message enable others a chance to know about True Islam and the struggle of Imam Hussein (as). They will be able to find a common example and an excellent role model. I personally believe that our community of over 250 million can easily defend Islam's image in a world where everyone feels the need to tarnish it. We can also help defend the oppressed people of our time. Isn't it about time we made a difference? We have all the materials in hand, all we need to do is communicate our message and bring awareness to our cause. Brothers, I am serving in Islam's int erest as an independent voice that translates basic research into a language that is understandable, reliable, and accessible for the public and in turn, global policymakers. In short, I am helping to bridge the gap between knowledge and policy. I urge all Mourners of Imam Hussain(as) to come forward and join this ongoing global struggle to clear Islam's image and to help those that need our help. Thank You and Regards, Raza Mehkeri Houston, Texas. LINK: |
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#11 |
to Raza Mehkeri
"I personally believe that our community of over 250 million can easily defend Islam's image in a world where everyone feels the need to tarnish it. We can also help defend the oppressed people of our time. Isn't it about time we made a difference? We have all the materials in hand, all we need to do is communicate our message and bring awareness to our cause. " except when the oppressed are sunnis. Probably in your eyes even alawite is better than sunnis, even though khomenei made takfeer on them, hence the silence on the Iran's weapon shipment to the Syria regime? The funny part is the alawite, among them are from bani kalb, which is prophesied by the Prophet ![]() ![]() You should check and ponder upon on a few hadith about the tribulations and calamities that the Muslims of Iraq and Shaam will suffer, and how the Prophet ![]() ![]() ![]() Also taqiya is not the sunnah of the Prophet ![]() ![]() |
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#12 |
to Raza Mehkeri |
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#13 |
Well as I said previously, it's obvious what his main goal is, let me quote him from another website: |
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#14 |
"There is no greater wealth than wisdom; no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture ; and no greater friend and helpmate than consultation".------Imam Ali (as) Knowledge and wisdom are really properties of a faithful Muslims, though lost to him. Get them back, though you may have to get them from apostate. Acquire wisdom and truth from whomever you can, because even an apostate can have them, but unless they are passed over to a faithful Muslim and become part of wisdom and truth that he possesses, they have a confused existence in the minds of apostate. Value of each man depends upon the art and skill which he has attained. One who imagines himself to be all knowing will surely suffer on account of his ignorance. Whoever keeps his affairs in order with God (follows His Orders sincerely ), God will also put his affairs with man in order; whoever makes arrangements for salvation, the Lord will arrange his worldly affairs; whoever advises his own selves, God will also protect him. He is the wisest and the most knowing man who advises people not to lose hope and confidence in the mercy of God , and not to be too sure and over confident of immunity from His wrath and punishment. Like your body your mind also get tired and fagged ; in such case find educational diversion for it. The knowledge is very superficial which remains only on your tongue ; the intrinsic merit and value of knowledge is that you act up to it. How I wonder at a man who loses hope of salvation when the door of repentance is open for him. One who develops the trait of greed and avarice invites degradation; one who keeps on advertising his poverty and ill-luck will always be humiliated; one who has no control over his tongue will often have to face embarrassment and discomfort. Surrender to and acceptance of God are the best companions ; wisdom is noblest heritage ; theoretical and practical knowledge are best marks of distinction ; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem. A wiseman's mind is the safest custody of secrets ; an open and pleasant countenance gets more friends, patience and forbearance will hide and cover many defects. A conceited and self admiring person is disliked by others; charity and alms are the best treatment for ailments and calamities , one has face in after life the deeds that he has done in this world. Man is the wonderful creature, he he see through layers of fat (fatty tissue), he hears through a bone, he speaks through a lump of flesh (tongue). When this world favours anybody it lends him qualifications, attributes and surpassing merits of others; and when it turns it face away from him, it snatches away even his own excellences and fame. Treat people in such a way and live amongst them in such a manner that if you die they weep over you; alive they crave for your company. If you get an opportunity and power over your enemy then, in thankfulness to God for this, forgive him. He is very unfortunate who cannot in his life time gain a few sincere friends and sympathizers, and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them. When few blessings comes your way , do not drive them away through thanklessness. Overlook and forgive weaknesses of generous people , because if they fall down the hand of God lifts them. Failures are often result of timidity and fears ; disappointments are results of uncalled for modesty. Hours of leisure pass away like summer cloud; therefore, do not waste opportunity of doing good. Happy is the man who always kept the life after death in his view, who remembered the day of Reckoning through all his deeds, who led a contended life, and who was happy with the lot that God hath destined for him. If you help a deserving person without his request then it is generosity, and if you help him after his request then mostly it is due to shyness to refuse or fear of reproach. There is no greater wealth than wisdom; no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture ; and no greater friend and helpmate than consultation. Endurance is of two kinds; when you endure unpleasant things coming to you, and when you bear refusal of things pleasing you. Wealth converts every foreign country into your native place, and poverty turns your native place into a strange land. We; Ahlay Baith, hold such central and balancing position in religion that those who are deficient in understanding and acting upon its principles will have to come to us for improvement, and those who are over doing have got to learn moderation from us. When somebody asked Hazrat as how he was getting on he replied, "What do you want to know about a person whose life is leading him towards ultimate death; whose health is the first stage towards illness and whom society has forced out of his retreat?" |
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#16 |
to Raza Mehkeri |
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#17 |
Well as I said previously, it's obvious what his main goal is, let me quote him from another website: |
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#18 |
I knew it!!! from before shiia in our country are like that, they act as robots they dont know anything they just follow shaitan (their leaders) and look @ that raza guy the same story goes into him. |
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#20 |
Raza Mekheri is dumb, blind, and deaf. Or he's a bot. He doesn't want to engage in any real conversation but just floods these forums with inane nonsense. |
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