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Old 02-14-2012, 02:53 AM   #1

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Default Is it right to pray that all Muslims enter Jannatal Firdows when we know from
ahadeeth that all won't?

And is it nobler to pray “Ya Allah love so and so very much but love me more.”or “Ya Allah love us all very much and make us all extremely pleasing to You” because maximizing Allah’s SWT pleasure is all that matters. The latter seems better yet, how can one be sincere in praying for this when we know that on the Day of Judgment there will be different grades of Muslims?

This is very important to me. Please help if you can.

Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
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Old 02-14-2012, 02:57 AM   #2

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ahadeeth that all won't?

And is it nobler to pray “Ya Allah love so and so very much but love me more.”or “Ya Allah love us all very much and make us all extremely pleasing to You” because maximizing Allah’s SWT pleasure is all that matters. The latter seems better yet, how can one be sincere in praying for this when we know that on the Day of Judgment there will be different grades of Muslims?

This is very important to me. Please help if you can.

Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh

Can you prove that all Muslims won't enter Firdows? Allah can forgive all Muslims and enter them into Firdows if He wills. It is best to pray for the best possible result. In every du'a, we ask of the best result. Why not ask for the best result in the aakhirah?
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Old 02-14-2012, 03:12 AM   #3

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Paradise is made up of as many levels as there are ayaat to be inhabited by the beleivers and i think its creation is proof enough that believers will be its inheritors. There's also the hadith of last man to be taken out of hellfire and entered into paradise. Allah SWT will grant him the least reward in comparison to the other believers and he will be more than satisfied. wa Allahu a'lam
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Old 02-14-2012, 03:15 AM   #4

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We know that only 70000 will enter paradise without reckoning. Can we still pray that Allah :subhan: make all the Muslims enter paradise that way?
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Old 02-14-2012, 03:16 AM   #5

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Paradise is made up of as many levels as there are ayaat to be inhabited by the beleivers and i think its creation is proof enough that believers will be its inheritors. There's also the hadith of last man to be taken out of hellfire and entered into paradise. Allah SWT will grant him the least reward in comparison to the other believers and he will be more than satisfied. wa Allahu a'lam

Although that isn't proof enough, I understand your point. I remembered a hadeeth where the a sahabi was asking if he would be able to visit Rasoolullah and Rasoolullah replied affirmatively. Either way, it is best to ask for the best and the forgiveness of Allah is limitless. It may be that asking for Firdows improves us and makes us better Muslims more likely of entering Firdows.

We have to remember that Du'a is something that can change things that are predestined.
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Old 02-14-2012, 03:27 AM   #6

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Thanks alot for your reply i appreciate it. Is it wrong do you think to want Allah SWT to love us the most and give us the most attention? would that go against wanting for our brother what we want for ourselves?

EDIT With out wronging the Prophets or companions by loving us more than them.
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Old 02-14-2012, 03:35 AM   #7

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It does sound somewhat selfish and frankly, arrogant - because we all know that there are people out there that are more deserving as we can tell from their zuhd and apparent taqwa. We should instead pray that we become worthy of being the most loved - so that we can improve ourselves and become better Muslims. We should also pray so that we are included amongst these pious people, amongst the saaliheen, the saadiqeen, the saabireen, etc.
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Old 02-14-2012, 03:48 AM   #8

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It does sound somewhat selfish and frankly, arrogant - because we all know that there are people out there that are more deserving as we can tell from their zuhd and apparent taqwa. We should instead pray that we become worthy of being the most loved - so that we can improve ourselves and become better Muslims. We should also pray so that we are included amongst these pious people, amongst the saaliheen, the saadiqeen, the saabireen, etc.
I don't think its arrogant my brother. Wouldn't you be so devastated if on the day of Judgement other believers were receiving more love and attention from Allah SWT than you?
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Old 02-14-2012, 03:55 AM   #9

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Allah's love and attention is not limited such that we need to worry about receiving more or less of it than others. After Nabi , the prophets and the sahaba, who Allah loves most is not known, so there's no harm in asking Allah to love all of us, without qualifying the quantity. There is no need to be so specific. In the meantime, perform those actions which attract the love of Allah. May Allah have mercy on us.
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Old 02-14-2012, 04:19 AM   #10

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Allah's love and attention is not limited such that we need to worry about receiving more or less of it than others. After Nabi , the prophets and the sahaba, who Allah loves most is not known, so there's no harm in asking Allah to love all of us, without qualifying the quantity. There is no need to be so specific. In the meantime, perform those actions which attract the love of Allah. May Allah have mercy on us.
Thanks for the reply. wallahu a'lam but i think all Muslims should be vying with one another for Allah's SWT love and affection. At the same time, I think we should love what Allah SWT loves and He SWT loves for us all to be awliyaa. But we know not all Muslims will be and so its impossible for us to sincerly pray for that.
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Old 02-14-2012, 04:28 AM   #11

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I don't think its arrogant my brother. Wouldn't you be so devastated if on the day of Judgement other believers were receiving more love and attention from Allah SWT than you?

It is arrogant if one expects to be better than everyone else. A humble person fears the worst for himself and strives to be a better Muslim because of this fear. If a person asks to be better loved than others in the sight of Allah , then it is a sign of arrogance because others might have more taqwa than him and may be more deserving than him, whereas if a person wants to be exclusive, he believes that he is better than others when he has no idea how Allah has ranked him.

On the other hand, competing to earn good deeds is a praiseworthy act. For example, trying to aim for the first rows in salah is an excellent competition.
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Old 02-14-2012, 06:43 AM   #12

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ahadeeth that all won't?

And is it nobler to pray “Ya Allah love so and so very much but love me more.”or “Ya Allah love us all very much and make us all extremely pleasing to You” because maximizing Allah’s SWT pleasure is all that matters. The latter seems better yet, how can one be sincere in praying for this when we know that on the Day of Judgment there will be different grades of Muslims?

This is very important to me. Please help if you can.

Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
Ofcourse pray for yourself and the whole Ummah. That was the Sunnah of Rasoolullah . Thats how the Imams make Dua in the mosque and thats how we should be praying even in our private prayers. I have never heard of any type of prohibition on making Dua for others. More knowledgeable can correct me if I m wrong.

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said,
“He who supplicates for his brother behind his back (in his absence), the angel commissioned (for carrying dua to his Lord) says: 'Ameen, and it is for you also.'
[Sahih Muslim]

Also when one makes Dua to Allah he/she should ask for Jannatul Firdaus. A part of a lengthy Hadith:

".....so if you ask Allah for anything, ask Him for the firdaus, for it is the last part of Paradise and the highest part of Paradise, and at its top there is the Throne of Beneficent, and from it gush forth the rivers of Paradise.”

Bukhari (Book #93, Hadith #519)
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Old 02-14-2012, 11:22 AM   #13

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Thanks you for your reply my bro abdulWahhab barak Allah

It is arrogant if one expects to be better than everyone else.
We don’t expect to be better than everyone else as if it’s our right. No, of course not my brother. Rather, we strongly desire to be better loved than everyone else. Being ambitious does not make one arrogant, I’d say it’s a manifestation of trust and an excellent opinion of Allah SWT. Wallahu a’lam

If a person asks to be better loved than others in the sight of Allah , then it is a sign of arrogance because others might have more taqwa than him and may be more deserving than him...
My Bro, as we all know very well, none of us deserve the even lowest Jannah and yet we still pray for the highest hoping in Allah’s SWT Mercy and Generosity that it’ll be granted to us. Similarly, we can pray for Allah’s SWT special Love while counting on His SWT infinite Mercy that He SWT can definitely grant it to us even though we know we don’t deserve it.

If there are others more deserving of Allah’s Love SWT then it 100% justified and fair that they get it over us and we should blame ourselves for having failed to receive more Love and attention because, truly, we could have. No one is inherently more pious than anyone else and the fact that someone was able to reach such a high level of zuhd and taqwa is only proof that we all can reach it too, wallahu a'lam.

On the other hand, competing to earn good deeds is a praiseworthy act. For example, trying to aim for the first rows in salah is an excellent competition.
But what is the motivation behind competing in good deeds? Is it not drawing nearer to Allah SWT and gaining His SWT Good Pleasure? Then how is competition in good works different from competition for Allah’s SWT love and attention?

Wallahu a’lam to HighHopes, there’s nothing wrong in wanting to be singled out for Allah’s SWT special Love and we all should aspire to that. Then again I also feel to truly love Allah SWT is to love what He SWT loves simply because He SWT Loves it and I’m confused right now as to whether Allah SWT would rather have us compete for His SWT love or pray all Muslims are EQUALLY tremendously dear to Him SWT. Thank you for your help thus far. May Allah SWT guide us all. Amin Ya Rabb
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Old 02-14-2012, 11:30 AM   #14

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Ofcourse pray for yourself and the whole Ummah. That was the Sunnah of Rasoolullah . Thats how the Imams make Dua in the mosque and thats how we should be praying even in our private prayers. I have never heard of any type of prohibition on making Dua for others. More knowledgeable can correct me if I m wrong.

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said,
“He who supplicates for his brother behind his back (in his absence), the angel commissioned (for carrying dua to his Lord) says: 'Ameen, and it is for you also.'
[Sahih Muslim]

Also when one makes Dua to Allah he/she should ask for Jannatul Firdaus. A part of a lengthy Hadith:

".....so if you ask Allah for anything, ask Him for the firdaus, for it is the last part of Paradise and the highest part of Paradise, and at its top there is the Throne of Beneficent, and from it gush forth the rivers of Paradise.”

Bukhari (Book #93, Hadith #519)

Thanks a lot bro amr. I agree with you but this is my concern:

I’m confused right now as to whether Allah SWT would rather have us compete for His SWT love or pray all Muslims are EQUALLY tremendously dear to Him SWT. Thank you for your help thus far. May Allah SWT guide us all. Amin Ya Rabb If the moderators and bro Sacred Knowledge (or anyone who studies tasawwuf/ tazkiyah) could clarify this for me I would really appreciate it . Barak Allahu feekum
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Old 02-14-2012, 11:42 AM   #15

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Isn't making du'aa for your brother and sister Muslims a way to achieving Allah 's love? This is what I think.

And rather than focusing on how much Allah Ta'aala loves us, I think the aim should be in increasing our love for Allah Ta'aala. The fact that we are trying to gain as much love from Allah Ta'aala as possible shows that Allah loves us. Let Allah Ta'aala love us how much He wills; however in my opinion we should strive to love Allah so much so that we drown in His love.
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Old 02-14-2012, 11:46 AM   #16

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I’m confused right now as to whether Allah SWT would rather have us compete for His SWT love or pray all Muslims are EQUALLY tremendously dear to Him SWT. Thank you for your help thus far. May Allah SWT guide us all. Amin Ya Rabb

No one knows what Allah Ta'ala wants to do with His slaves. Leave that part to Allah the Almighty. We make our Dua and Allah Ta'ala does what is best for us. Don't unnecessary complicate things. Keep it simple. Make Dua for all mankind. Allah is not just merciful He is The MOST Merciful. So don't worry about equality and stuff like that, everyone is happy in Jannah. There is a hadith that mentions that in Jannah when a person of a lower rank meets a person of a higher rank, His looks and garments will become more beautiful to match that of the higher rank. Allah Ta'ala knows how to please His creation. So don't worry about that. Just make the Dua and Allah knows best.
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Old 02-14-2012, 11:49 AM   #17

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Comparison depletes ikhlas. And that is serious.
Let us quit that way of looking at the things.
Of course we would like more and more affection from Allah(SWT) that is human.
It has two aspects. Our capacity is one of them.
We love dates but we can take only a limited quantity of them.
So why wish for more than that?
Thus asking for abundance is enough - whenever comparison thoughts bother then we should just switch over to the abundance mode. O Lord give me abundance.
Then the people of more taqwah are more dear to Lord Most High.
Whenever the desire to get more than others takes us over we should start supplicating for Taqwah. O Lord grant my nafs Taqwah.

Finally the blessings of Jannah will keep increasing. So even the last person entering Jannah will one day end up getting those things that are given to the people of Firdaus in the beginning. Of course the people of Firdaus will be in higher levels by that time.

And anyway since the blessings of Jannah are supposed to be impossible to imagine in this world what are we doing here ....
Let us worry about getting the gate pass for Jannah - that is difficult enough for now.
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Old 02-14-2012, 01:34 PM   #18

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Let Allah Ta'aala love us how much He wills; however in my opinion we should strive to love Allah so much so that we drown in His love.
Sunhan Allah ta'aala so deep these words are. My answer probably lies here…I have to reflect on this more.
Masha Allah :ta’aala: my sister Sudoku thank you very much and barak Allah :ta’aala:.

@My bro amr: Actually, I don’t mean competing for a higher level in Jannah or reward but competing for Allah’s love and nearness to Him SWT which is the real treasure we should covet and may we covet it so. Amin. It’s true Allah SWT knows what’s best for us but we should still beg Him SWT. I believe walhamdullilah that I won’t be wronged in the least bit and He SWT is the Most Generous and Loving, I just want to know which to ask Allah SWT. Wallahu a’lam Thanks a lotfor your reply barak Allah :ta’aala:

There is a hadith that mentions that in Jannah when a person of a lower rank meets a person of a higher rank, His looks and garments will become more beautiful to match that of the higher rank. Wow how beautifully considerate subhan Allah ta'aala!

@my bro Maripat:
We love dates but we can take only a limited quantity of them. Very good point my bro, we can’t handle all of Allah SWT love and beauty. All that’s desired, though, is to be loved more than anyone else. I think each and everyone us ought to pray for this whilst striving our best. Then, he who yearned for Allah’s SWT love the most and strove the hardest, will be granted it insha Allah ta'aala justly. Wallahu a’lam. Thank you for your reply and thoughts barak Allah :ta’aala:
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Old 02-15-2012, 10:23 AM   #19

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Sister, I think you're thinking in 'human' terms on this one. Obviously that will be the case for all of us because that's who we are - humans.

However, as we all know, Allah s' greatness cannot be comprehended by humans (or by any of His creation). So keeping that in mind, I think you should forget about the fact that Allah swt will give you "more" love if you ask Him to give you "more" than the next person, or that He will give someone else "less" because He is giving you "more". In other words, I think you're unintentionally placing limitations on Allah's mercy & treasures, even though you know that they are limitless. Allah can give the entire mankind "more" and it wouldn't have any effect on His treasures. Similarly, He can give the entire mankind "less" and again it would have no effect on His treasures. Allah's treasures are infinite and boundless.

Remember, if you dip a needle into the ocean and pull it out, the small drop or two of water which are on the needle have virtually no effect on the amount of water in the ocean. When it comes to Allah swt's mercy & greatness, it doesn't even get affected as much as the ocean did with that needle being dipped into it. It always, always remains infinite and limitless.

Also remember that as Muslims we have to strive to worry about (have fikr) for all of mankind, more than we do for ourselves. Obviously that is much easier said than done, but that's what we have to strive for. I highly doubt that on The Last Day it will be said "well you made more dua for yourself and said to give you more attention than everyone else, so good for you here's a spot for you in Janat al-Firdous while everyone else you made (less) dua for is going to be under you in Jannah as per your wishes. Good thing you didn't ask the best for them or they might've gotten your spot". I hope that makes sense & Allah knows best.

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we're better off trying to make dua for everyone else and maybe even make ourselves the last ones we make dua for, and Insha'Allah if we do it with ikhlaas, The Creator will award us accordingly.

Always remember that the Prophet had fikr and made dua for everyone and he put others before himself, every single time, time and time again. If that hadn't been the case, I don't think any of us would be here on SF as Muslims discussing these things. Allah knows best.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong and Allah knows best.

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Old 02-15-2012, 11:31 AM   #20

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Just as in worldy life if also makes sense for our aspirations in the Akhira
to Expect the best and prepare for the worst.

People much better then any of us are always concerned about not being in the other place. How beautiful and amazing is Allah who makes the heart of his most beloved servants such that they do not think of themselves deserving of paradise.

You will find good muslims like these not just concerned about themselves but the whole of Ummah and humanity . They want the same for others
and they want for others .

Whats more amazing they want for others much better then what they
think they themselves deserve. When they see something good coming to others in this world they feel grateful even though its not given to
them. Its the same for them when they want for others in Akhira the best even though in their mind they are not worthy of those themselves.

Allah I wish I have a small amount of what these peoples hearts are made
of before I die.
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