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Old 02-15-2012, 11:52 AM   #21

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You will find good muslims like these not just concerned about themselves but the whole of Ummah and humanity . Very true. This we can see before our own eyes when we listen to our mashaaikh. Until Moulana Yunus Patel saheb passed away, he was still holding majaalis and still answering emails sent to him. These mashaaik do not cease to worry about the ummah. There was a quote once I read of Hazrat Abdul Qaadir Jilani from one of his Majlis where he was saying to the gathering that what could he do but talk to them; it's almost a compulsion they feel when they see so many people astray, it pains their hearts.

The last two verses from Hazrat Hakeem Akhtar saheb's poem 'Sukoon-e-Dil' also mention the same view.

Mein thak jata hoon apni daastan-e-dard sai Akhtar
Magar mein kya karoon chup bhi naheen mujh se raha jaata

I get tired of (repeating) my tale of sorrow, oh Akhtar
But what can I do, I cannot remain silent

The fact is that the lovers of Allah are such that they not only want Allah for themselves, they want Allah for the entire world too. They want everyone to go mad with the love of Allah.
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Old 02-16-2012, 04:05 AM   #22

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Let me begin by saying that I desire and pray for all of you to be extremely close to Allah SWT I want to be closer of course but I still sincerely desire for you all to have an extremely beautiful relationship with Him SWT and be extremely pleasing to arRahman SWT. Insha Allah we will all get to enter Jannatal Firdows and when that happens bi’idnillah I invite you all over for hundreds of thousands of years and I mean that. Well have good times insha Allah ta’aala. Bi’dnillah ta’aala that will happen please pray right now for that to happen. Barak Allah ta’aala

Alrighty then, here we go

Firstly, barak Allah Ta'aala and thank you very much for your reply my brother Shuayb
However, as we all know, Allah s' greatness cannot be comprehended by humans (or by any of His creation). So keeping that in mind, I think you should forget about the fact that Allah swt will give you "more" love if you ask Him to give you "more" than the next person, or that He will give someone else "less" because He is giving you "more". In other words, I think you're unintentionally placing limitations on Allah's mercy & treasures, even though you know that they are limitless. Allah can give the entire mankind "more" and it wouldn't have any effect on His treasures. Similarly, He can give the entire mankind "less" and again it would have no effect on His treasures. Allah's treasures are infinite and boundless.
Very true my brother Shuayb. Your point relates to what Bro NNoor was saying that we can’t quantify Allah’s SWT love as though one has to deprive others of Love in order to recieve more. I 150% agree that’s not the case. Allah SWT can grant an infinite number of His SWT servants with abundant love still having more to offer. But that doesn’t mean He SWT can’t provide that love in varying degrees such that only one receives the most love. That’s logically possible wouldn’t you say my bro? Yes of course you would. And in fact this is the case with us- Allah SWT loves the Prophets the most and He SWT least loves that last man who will enter paradise. The order of everyone else’s positions relative to these two extremes is in proportion to their Iman - the more of it we have the more beloved we are to Allah SWT. Allah SWT Knows best.

I highly doubt that on The Last Day it will be said "well you made more dua for yourself and said to give you more attention than everyone else, so good for you here's a spot for you in Janat al-Firdous while everyone else you made (less) dua for is going to be under you in Jannah as per your wishes. Good thing you didn't ask the best for them or they might've gotten your spot". I hope that makes sense & Allah knows best.
I couldn't help but smile when I read that but I think it would sound more like this “well you made more dua for yourself and said to give you more attention than everyone else and strove harder than all others, so good for you here's a spot for you in Janat al-Firdous while everyone else who made less dua for themselves and strove less is going to be under you in Jannah because they don’t deserve it”.

My brother would we blame the brother in the first row of jamaa’at for taking the guy in the back row's potential spot? for 'depriving' him of it? Or is it that guy’s own fault for coming late and being lazy?

Whoever is granted the most love will most definitely deserve it and the rest of us will not be angry at them for that but will ebe angry at our own-selves. A lazy student will never blame a hard working student for their poor grades, they know the hardworking student deserved the top mark and they respect them for that.

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we're better off trying to make dua for everyone else and maybe even make ourselves the last ones we make dua for, and Insha'Allah if we do it with ikhlaas, The Creator will award us accordingly.
Putting others before ourselves in dunya maters is honorable and commendable. Being very generous with our time, money and lives to serve the deen is beautiful but I ask you my bro: would you share your good deeds with HighHopes? Would you withdraw 1000gooddeeds from your ajar bank account and deposit it into mine? Of course you wouldn't because that wouldn’t be considered generosity; it’d be the opposite of humility and/or the opposite of intelligence.

On the day of judgment, none will spare even a tiny speck of a good deed for a loved one. The reality is-though It may sound ugly- being ‘greedy’ for ajar is actually very virtuous and so is being ‘greedy’ for Allah’s SWT love. In fact It’s this greed that drives all those selfless acts Muslims do; they do it because they know of the tremendous reward in store for them if they make those sacrifices so they choose to suffer in the short term to be fantastic winners in the end.

Always remember that the Prophet had fikr and made dua for everyone and he put others before himself, every single time, time and time again. If that hadn't been the case, I don't think any of us would be here on SF as Muslims discussing these things. Allah knows best.
May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong and Allah knows best.

Absolutely, we ought to have fikr for all Muslims my bro and I’m not against that because, indeed, to truly love Allah SWT is to:

love what He SWT loves because He SWT Loves it,
hate what He SWT hates Because He SWT hates it,
love for others that which He SWT loves for them because He SWT loves it For them , and hate for others that Which He SWT hates for them because He SWT hates it for them,

Perfect internalization of this is I think what made our Habib SAW extremely selfless and generous as he SAW was; it’s what made him SAW the epitome of vicegerency because his desire and will rested on the ‘desire’ and will of his Beloved SWT. Wallahua’lam and honestly, I could be completly wrong in everything that I’m saying .

Still, with all that beautiful selflessness, the Prophet SAW never once supplicated for his SAW position of nearness to Allah SWT be granted to someone else instead. In fact our Habib SAW specifically prayed for the waseelah and the fadeelah for himself and no one else because he SAW knew better than all of us that the Love of Allah SWT and nearness to Him SWT is something we can NEVER pass up.

So from now on my bro I hope you and everyone else pray to be granted the most love and attention from Allah SWT.

Thanks again for your reply barak Allah ta’aala. Feel free to comment on anything i said.

Anything I ever say which is good is from arRahmaan SWT for your benefit. The rest is from me and shaytaan. Barak Allah
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Old 02-16-2012, 04:19 AM   #23

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Thank you my bro for your reply barak Allah ta'aala
People much better then any of us are always concerned about not being in the other place. How beautiful and amazing is Allah who makes the heart of his most beloved servants such that they do not think of themselves deserving of paradise.
It’s not about deserving because ultimately, even with all our striving and dua to be the most beloved of Allah SWT, we will never truly deserve it since Allah’s Love is invaluable. So we know we’re not worthy my brother in the least bit but we still hope in Allah’s SWT infinite Mercy to be granted it anyways even though our efforts fall incredibly short.

You will find good muslims like these not just concerned about themselves but the whole of Ummah and humanity . They want the same for others
and they want for others .

Whats more amazing they want for others much better then what they
think they themselves deserve. When they see something good coming to others in this world they feel grateful even though its not given to
them. Its the same for them when they want for others in Akhira the best even though in their mind they are not worthy of those themselves.

Allah I wish I have a small amount of what these peoples hearts are made
of before I die.
Right because they love for others what Allah SWT loves for them i.e. to be greatly pleasing to Allah SWT in every way, inheritors of jannatal firdows, pious, safe, honorable, healthy, happy, …

But if any were asked “Would you like to be the most beloved to Allah SWT?” What would they say? Or if they were asked “Would you like so and so to be more beloved than you to Allah SWT?”, what would they answer? What would you answer? What would I answer? If that young sahabi couldn’t even pass up his turn to drink from the Prophet’s SAW cup because he was sitting to the right of our Habib SAW, how can we ever entertain, for a second, idea of passing up Allah’s SWT exclusive special love? Wallahu a'lam.

But thank you very much for your input and help barak Allah feeka my bro zahed.
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Old 02-16-2012, 04:23 AM   #24

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The fact is that the lovers of Allah are such that they not only want Allah for themselves, they want Allah for the entire world too. They want everyone to go mad with the love of Allah.
But you know my sister sudoku, the sahabah and the Prophet SAW himself never went ‘mad’ in Allah’s SWT love so how can we? Please kindly explain that to me. Thank you barak Allah feeki.
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Old 02-16-2012, 08:12 AM   #25

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When I read this thread, I couldn't help but think about prisoners. I see photos or articles of people in prisons and I think about how there must be at least one person who loves them, cries for them, is hurting to see them behind bars... about how they must have hoped and prayed that their loved one would not end up in prison, or how they must hope that one day they will be free again. And what about those who have been wrongly accused and convicted? Only Allah (SWT) knows.

Or, what about people with addictions and how their families must pray and hope that they are freed from the addictions that consume them. And what about those who have become addicted when trying to be helped (not just in terms of becoming addicted to pain medications but also those who have become addicted to opiates and other substances to dull the pang of hunger etc.). Only Allah (SWT) knows.

I can't help but want to pray and hope that all Muslims will enter jannat and if we humans can attempt to show mercy through our justice system, through counselling and medicine... just think of that 'hope' coming from from Allah (SWT), most Compassionate, most Merciful... hope and pray for Jannatal Firdows for all - we are all a loved one, whether we know it or not.
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Old 02-16-2012, 08:57 AM   #26

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When I read this thread, I couldn't help but think about prisoners. I see photos or articles of people in prisons and I think about how there must be at least one person who loves them, cries for them, is hurting to see them behind bars... about how they must have hoped and prayed that their loved one would not end up in prison, or how they must hope that one day they will be free again. And what about those who have been wrongly accused and convicted? Only Allah (SWT) knows.

Or, what about people with addictions and how their families must pray and hope that they are freed from the addictions that consume them. And what about those who have become addicted when trying to be helped (not just in terms of becoming addicted to pain medications but also those who have become addicted to opiates and other substances to dull the pang of hunger etc.). Only Allah (SWT) knows.

I can't help but want to pray and hope that all Muslims will enter jannat and if we humans can attempt to show mercy through our justice system, through counselling and medicine... just think of that 'hope' coming from from Allah (SWT), most Compassionate, most Merciful... hope and pray for Jannatal Firdows for all - we are all a loved one, whether we know it or not.
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Old 02-16-2012, 09:31 AM   #27

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But you know my sister sudoku, the sahabah and the Prophet SAW himself never went ‘mad’ in Allah’s SWT love so how can we? Please kindly explain that to me. Thank you barak Allah feeki.

This is just a poetic analogy I remembered from somewhere . What I meant to actually say was that the lovers of Allah want that everyone loves Allah Ta'aala just as they do. This is just like when you're 'madly in love' with someone. It doesn't mean you've gone insane or coocoo; it means that you can't live without your lover, every instant you are apart is like a knife piercing through your heart. This is why you read how the lovers of Allah were always sighing with sorrow that they were not with their beloved Allah yet, or how they could not wait to die to finally meet their beloved Allah. And while this is your feeling, you want that others should feel this as well. You want that your beloved Allah should be as beloved to others as He is to you. No matter where you go, He is always on your lips; you just can't help it, you're so in love with Him that that is all you want to talk about.

You can imagine, leave alone nowadays, but even during the times of the salaf, if someone was so obsessed with Allah, they were called lunatics, like Bahlool. And yes there are some who do actually go 'mad', but this is not the purpose of gaining proximity with Allah Ta'aala. Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Daamat Barakaatuhum was mentioning in yesterday's majlis that some people have this weird idea that when they enter the path of tasawwuf, they think they're going to get beautiful dreams and kashf and visions and all that. However, this is not the point nor is it actually true for many. And if you are seeking Allah with true intentions of loving Him, then even if you get all the 'perks' of dreams and all, it won't be more than seeing a pretty bird fly pass your window. You see it, enjoy, and carry on. You don't obsess on the bird afterwards.

In any case, I've digressed. Hope I made sense this time around,
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Old 02-16-2012, 09:54 AM   #28

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Sister HighHopes
Thanks so much for sharing and your wonderful insight .
I like to let you know how I look at the following views youve mentioned because it helps me put my life perspective in order .

I couldn't help but smile when I read that but I think it would sound more like this “well you made more dua for yourself and said to give you more attention than everyone else and strove harder than all others, so good for you here's a spot for you in Janat al-Firdous while everyone else who made less dua for themselves and strove less is going to be under you in Jannah because they don’t deserve it”. You see , Allah treats his servant the way his servant thinks of him to be. There is a hadith on this by the prophet I will try to locate it for you.

So we should never think of him in our terms . I think of Allah as most gracious and merciful who loves to show his love and kindness because it is the highest show of his 'stature' (for lack of a better word ) .

We should have High Hopes just like your log in ID suggests.

There are things in the human nature Allah likes more then anything else. By consciously training yourself to want the best for even the people who might appear to be sinners and non deserving by whatever criteria in the Afterlife and the life here we achieve something special .

We try and achieve a state of generosity in our heart and mind. Now I ask you a simple question , ' If you as a creation of Allah can achieve this state of generosity toward others can you begin to comprehend how Allah will treat you and everyone else ? '

I try and be such but am not close to it , hope to reform myself.

But if any one asked “Would you like to be the most beloved to Allah SWT?” What would they say? Or if they were asked “Would you like so and so to be more beloved than you to Allah SWT?”, what would they answer? What would you answer? What would I answer? If that young sahabi couldn’t even pass up his turn to drink from the Prophet’s SAW cup because he was sitting to the right of our Habib SAW, how can we ever entertain, for a second, idea of passing up Allah’s SWT exclusive special love? Wallahu a'lam. You never know who is more beloved to Allah , it might be the most unlikely person you know. We do not know a persons life from the snapshots we get . We judge from our limited notions.

The one who Allah loves if you love them he will love you also for their sake. I consider myself lowly in the ranks of love , do not dare to call myself a proper lover at all .

But I love Allah's lovers and the most high of them is Prophet

On the day of judgement and on life on this earth Allah will look upon me and you with love and affection more likely for the love we have for his rightful lovers and save us from shame on their behalf.

Allah is most beautiful and he makes his loved ones beautiful in every way.

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Old 02-16-2012, 10:11 AM   #29

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This is just a poetic analogy I remembered from somewhere . What I meant to actually say was that the lovers of Allah want that everyone loves Allah Ta'aala just as they do. This is just like when you're 'madly in love' with someone. It doesn't mean you've gone insane or coocoo; it means that you can't live without your lover, every instant you are apart is like a knife piercing through your heart. This is why you read how the lovers of Allah were always sighing with sorrow that they were not with their beloved Allah yet, or how they could not wait to die to finally meet thei beloved Allah. And while this is your feeling, you want that others should feel this as well. You want that your beloved Allah should be as beloved to others as He is to you. No matter where you go, He is always on your lips; you just can't help it, you're so in love with Him that that is all you want to talk about.

You can imagine, leave alone nowadays, but even during the times of the salaf, if someone was so obsessed with Allah, they were called lunatics, like Bahlool. And yes there are some who do actually go 'mad', but this is not the purpose of gaining proximity with Allah Ta'aala. Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Daamat Barakaatuhum was mentioning in yesterday's majlis that some people have this weird idea that when they enter the path of tasawwuf, they think they're going to get beautiful dreams and kashf and visions and all that. However, this is not the point nor is it actually true for many. And if you are seeking Allah with true intentions of loving Him, then even if you get all the 'perks' of dreams and all, it won't be more than seeing a pretty bird fly pass your window. You see it, enjoy, and carry on. You don't obsess on the bird afterwards.

In any case, I've digressed. Hope I made sense this time around,
Sister, and now I have an observation that spins off of your comments (and takes this conversation off course a bit and for that, I apologize): love is... being here. The bird you mentioned - to me, love is the bird, a promise of sorts of what is to come; a thing to behold and marvel at. To me, to think of death is still premature because I still feel immense awe when I see, a bird, an ant, a human face... to me, these speak of Love and these are the signs I wish to immerse myself in. I can't even imagine how it can get better than that but I know it does get better, infinitely so... I simply am not able to imagine an infinitely more fragrant and beautiful rose as all I see is the most fragrant, most beautiful rose I've ever seen and am still in awe of. The lovers of Allah (SWT) who reached a point where they can sigh with sorrow that they were not with Allah (SWT) yet and can not wait to finally meet Him - that is a level of love I hope to reach yet I can't even imagine it yet, though I feel it (the 'urge'). His Signs, that is where love is: here, everywhere and for everyone to appreciate and contemplate.
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Old 02-16-2012, 11:10 AM   #30

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Yes, Allah does indeed tell us to look at His signs. For an early saalik, Mufti Ebrahim Saleejee mentioned once that they should look at the signs in nature and contemplate on them, like the waves, trees, animals etc and see the power of Allah within all creations. This will bring forth awe and love for Allah, and also make us realize His immense mercy upon us. These are the signs of Allah people should concentrate and learn lesson from, not kashf and dreams etc.

On topic, I feel one should concentrate on increasing our love for Allah Ta'aala (through following His commands and keeping away from sins) otherwise we might lose the focus.

Btw I didn't know you get acacia trees in Canada We certainly get lots in South Africa.
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Old 02-16-2012, 12:08 PM   #31

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... Btw I didn't know you get acacia trees in Canada We certainly get lots in South Africa.
no acacia's here but lots of pine trees (which would give too much of my identity away).
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Old 02-16-2012, 05:41 PM   #32

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On topic, I feel one should concentrate on increasing our love for Allah Ta'aala (through following His commands and keeping away from sins) otherwise we might lose the focus. Nothing brings you closer to Allah then loving his creations .
The question really is not How do we love Allah but How do we become worthy of Allah's love . Only when Allah loves someone do he make them worthy of loving him.

This is the most difficult IBADAH to achieve .
Being generous and loving to Allah's creations in a way which is just and deserving of his attention.

This is the wisdom handed down to us through centuries of generations by the very best people of this Ummah . The Ashekin ( lovers of Allah )
achieved their status this way.

We might not be able to achieve their standard but whatever we try will not be unaccounted for.

You want Allah to forgive you , Forgive his creations and be patient .
You want the best in the Akhira and Here , want the same for all his creations.
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:07 PM   #33

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^^ Yes, that's true. My line about losing focus is mainly about those who go after dreams and kashf as many of us unfortunately do.
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Old 02-16-2012, 08:57 PM   #34

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Nothing brings you closer to Allah then loving his creations .
The question really is not How do we love Allah but How do we become worthy of Allah's love . Only when Allah loves someone do he make them worthy of loving him.

This is the most difficult IBADAH to achieve .
Being generous and loving to Allah's creations in a way which is just and deserving of his attention.

This is the wisdom handed down to us through centuries of generations by the very best people of this Ummah . The Ashekin ( lovers of Allah )
achieved their status this way.

We might not be able to achieve their standard but whatever we try will not be unaccounted for.

You want Allah to forgive you , Forgive his creations and be patient .
You want the best in the Akhira and Here , want the same for all his creations.
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Old 02-16-2012, 09:06 PM   #35

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^^ Yes, that's true. My line about losing focus is mainly about those who go after dreams and kashf as many of us unfortunately do.
I know what you mean and unfortunately there is always that risk that we mistake someone else's guidance as Allah's (SWT) guidance and end up complicating matters rather than simplifying and purifying them. That said, I don't think most of us intend for this to happen but we do need to be careful nonetheless.
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Old 02-17-2012, 01:12 AM   #36

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I think this link from An-Noor blog is relevant to the topic.
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Old 02-17-2012, 02:25 AM   #37

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I think this link from An-Noor blog is relevant to the topic.

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Old 02-17-2012, 04:15 AM   #38

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When I read this thread, I couldn't help but think about prisoners. I see photos or articles of people in prisons and I think about how there must be at least one person who loves them, cries for them, is hurting to see them behind bars... about how they must have hoped and prayed that their loved one would not end up in prison, or how they must hope that one day they will be free again. And what about those who have been wrongly accused and convicted? Only Allah (SWT) knows.

Or, what about people with addictions and how their families must pray and hope that they are freed from the addictions that consume them. And what about those who have become addicted when trying to be helped (not just in terms of becoming addicted to pain medications but also those who have become addicted to opiates and other substances to dull the pang of hunger etc.). Only Allah (SWT) knows.
What wonderful empathy. Thank you my sister Acacia for sharing this. Barak Allah ta'aala

I can't help but want to pray and hope that all Muslims will enter jannat and if we humans can attempt to show mercy through our justice system, through counselling and medicine... just think of that 'hope' coming from from Allah (SWT), most Compassionate, most Merciful... hope and pray for Jannatal Firdows for all - we are all a loved one, whether we know it or not.
Beautiful. But do you think we should pray Gaddafi is granted Jannatal Firdows too?
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Old 02-17-2012, 04:27 AM   #39

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We should pray that Allah (SWT) unites the ummah in justice and compassion and that he grants us all jannah. We should also remember that Gaddafi did not get to his position (nor did any other oppressor) on their own. When it comes to jannat, who are we to judge his Islam, mental state or actions? By doing so, by placing those conditions, exclusions, discriminations, we're in a sense making a statement that is a little wrong, don't you agree? I mean, it is as if we are dictating who should and shouldn't be allowed entry based on our VERY limited understanding. Allah (SWT) is the only judge. Instead, if you are inclined to think of such matters, I would urge you to remember that there must have been people who loved him and were hurt by his actions but also of the actions against him; think of his mother instead (I don't know anything about her but like to imagine she was filled with the same emotions I feel towards my son).

Only Allah (SWT) knows and He will bring us back in perfection so these feelings you have now, may not be present then. And only Allah (SWT) knows.

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Old 02-17-2012, 04:30 AM   #40

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Thank you my sister and you made made perfect sense. barak Allah Ta'aala

... And while this is your feeling, you want that others should feel this as well. You want that your beloved Allah should be as beloved to others as He is to you. ...:
What if we want others to compete for Allah’s SWT special love with everything they’ve got. Wouldn’t that be more pleasing to Allah SWT that all of His ‘ibaad are eagerly trying to win His SWT special love. Just imagine a master with 10 servants, each one trying to outdo the other in pleasing their master Or children with one each one striving to surpass their sibling in serving their parents. How pleased would that make the parents? I don’t think anything could please them more. Wallahu a’alam
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