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Old 02-16-2012, 04:20 PM   #1

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Default Yousef Alkhattab
Who is this guy?Is he a Muslim,a Jew,an agent provocateur,a munafiq or what else?Many thanks.

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Old 02-16-2012, 04:23 PM   #2

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Who is this guy?Is he a Muslim,a Jew,an agent provocateur,a munafiq or what else?Many thanks.

Lolz. He is a Muslim. Some people in IA forums spread rumors on the poor guy.
His blog was discussed recently. : http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...-khattabs-blog
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Old 02-16-2012, 04:49 PM   #3

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Check his vidoes on YT. He is capable of giving inferiority complex to Richard Dawkins! (Search for Joseph Cohen)
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Old 02-16-2012, 05:22 PM   #4

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Thanks for the answers;I am curious to know how he is considered by the Muslim community.Is he considered a fellow Muslim,albeit a rude and controversial one,or a Jewish impostor-munafiq-spy?
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Old 02-16-2012, 05:28 PM   #5

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He's a member of our forum. Perhaps he shall come and reply in this thread,
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Old 02-16-2012, 05:34 PM   #6

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Seeing his troubles with law enforcing authorities it is difficult to believe the imposter possibility.
Seeing his rigidity it is difficult to consider him a treader of the middle course.
Since his arrival at SF is very recent therefore it is unlikely that scholars here have taken a careful look at his thoughts, ideas, beliefs and actions.
Personally I get the impression that he is softening.
But then he is around so it will not be impossible, IA, to request him to clarify the matters.
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:22 PM   #7

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Hi Georgie,

I am a Muslim alhumdulilah. Islam is not based on personalities & opinions. Example being if someone had a username Frankie Fingers and asked: Is Georgie Boy a Muslim or just an insincere najes cross dressing homosexual? Do we consider him a Muslim or just a limp wristed genderly challenged coward that does not have the testicular fortitude to ask a legitimite question at an elementary level?

In your case the answer would be....... We don't know.(because your name is fictional & we have no way to determine your status) In Islam we judge by the apparent,and since I keep the 5 arkan and that can be attested by the communities I live in we would have to say I am a Muslim.

I do thank you for your concern & curiosity. Now if you will excuse me I have to pray Fajr before I become a Jew,murtad according to the Hanbali madhab.

Shalom My Friend,
Yousef Muhammad Cohen al-Ashari al-Maliki
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:34 PM   #8

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Here you are!I just asked a polite,respectful question and you answer with rudeness and vulgarity!Do you really have to call someone you don't know a homosexual and a coward?My sincere opinion is that you are a lonely,frustrated,sad individual then full of bitterness and unmotivated anger towars ANYONE.All your video are full of words like piece of s##t,scum,etc.Is this the way a Muslim is supposed to talk?I have seen loads of Islamic video on youtube,and even the harshest jihadi speaker does not use the annoying and foul language you use,mate!Hasn't it ever crossed your mind that more or less everybody dislike you for this un-islamic way of talking?And please,might you explain why you were ''asked'' to leave the Palestinian territories where you sought to live?
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:04 PM   #9

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He is only joking. He didn't call you a coward nor a homosexual - he is giving an example of what you had done in the original post and doubted his Imaan (which is more severe).
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:04 PM   #10

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Here you are!I just asked a polite,respectful question and you answer with rudeness and vulgarity!Do you really have to call someone you don't know a homosexual and a coward?My sincere opinion is that you are a lonely,frustrated,sad individual then full of bitterness and unmotivated anger towars ANYONE.All your video are full of words like piece of s##t,scum,etc.Is this the way a Muslim is supposed to talk?I have seen loads of Islamic video on youtube,and even the harshest jihadi speaker does not use the annoying and foul language you use,mate!Hasn't it ever crossed your mind that more or less everybody dislike you for this un-islamic way of talking?And please,might you explain why you were ''asked'' to leave the Palestinian territories where you sought to live?
Let us settle this now and here let us make Mubahala on your claim [I"]I was asked to leave Palestine"[/I]. Second, I asked a hypithetical question to a username. Realisticly all that I used as an example could be true. The only way we could tell is if we knew who you are. The flip side of the coin is insinuating that I am a kafir,jasous,ameel,munafiq holds a death penalty if found true. Fact I am Yousef al-Khattab Fact I keep the 5 Arkan bear witness that their is no diety worthy of worship but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is the last and final Messenger alehi salat w salam. Fact, you are full of rage,anger and takfir.

Islam aims at establishing its society on clearness of conscience and mutual trust, not on doubts, suspicions, accusations and mistrust. Hence this ayah mentions the fourth prohibition by which what is to be held sacred among people is safeguarded: O you who believe, avoid (indulging in) much suspicion; truly some suspicion is a sin. (49:12)

The kind of suspicion which is a sin is the ascribing of evil motives, and it is not permissible for a Muslim to impute such motives to his brother Muslim without justification and clear evidence. Because the basic assumption concerning people is that they are innocent, a mere suspicion should not be allowed to result in the accusation of an innocent person. Regarding this the Prophet (peace be on him) said, "Avoid suspicion, for airing suspicion is the most lying form of speech." (Reported by al-Bukhari and others.)

Human weakness is such that no one is free of suspicion and wrong thoughts especially concerning those with whom relationships are not good. However, one must not give in to such thoughts nor go beyond thoughts to action, as stated in the hadith, "If you have a suspicion, do not pursue it." (Reported by al-Tabarani.)

Anyway until you make Mubahala on your claim that I was asked to leave and by whom I was asked to leave, I will not reply. The reason being I am talking to a fictional username at this point. The very least you could do to add legitimacy to your claim is to swear by it in the form of Mubahala. When you do that I will prove to you that was not the case.

Also please note I am not a former Atheist now Islamic Preacher,I am not a ex Hill Billy now Muslim 'preacher',I am not an ex gangster rapper now a for hire speaker on Islam. I am Yousef a father,Chef,taxi driver and husband. Try to understand that many of us that don't make Islam our business often may slip on a few words here and there.

P.S. Did I hit a sore note with that gay thing? I apologize perhaps it was the lower case 'b' in your username. I respect your life choices.

Shalom My Virtual Friend
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:26 PM   #11

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Silly boys.

You heard from him, he is a muslim. Him being rude or polite is a different issue.

Being asked if you are a jew/munafiq is pretty bad, but some people are spreading rumours about you. So he just wanted to the truth.

@have some husn al dhan on each other. Give the benifit of doubt to each other. We are brothers
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:27 PM   #12

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'I have to pray Fajr before I become a Jew,murtad according to the Hanbali madhab.'

LOL I think it's difficult for our fellow brothers in Islaam to accept 'jews' (myself included) into the fold. In the past I was attacked for my 'jewness' on this forum (as if I can change my ethnicity.) Plus, check my madhab...You summed it up for me in the above statement. Be strong bro in your sab'r, you'll get this all the time. Allah (SWT) make it easy for us Insha-Allah.
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:37 PM   #13

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LOL I think it's difficult for our fellow brothers in Islaam to accept 'jews' (myself included) into the fold. In the past I was attacked for my 'jewness' on this forum (as if I can change my ethnicity.) Plus, check my madhab...
If a muslim has prejudice towards you because you were a former jew, then he is narrow minded. Umar(ra) was an idol worshipper in jahaliyya and was on the way to assassinate Rasoolullah and then he became muslim. Is there anyone from this ummah who can match him other than Abu bakr (ra).

Bro you shouldnt be influenced by others idiotic behavior.
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:41 PM   #14

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I NEVER doubted your being a Muslim.I just asked in a civilizes way why some people doubt it;regarding you being basically asked to leave Palestine,I've read it in several youtube comments which I don't remember now because I see dozens of video daily and therefore I cannot link it.But why don't you tell the forum what happened with the Palestinians?
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:52 PM   #15

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Another la madhabi trouble maker is allowed to come on here and arouse unfounded suspicions about the same individual. As far as I am aware (with all due respect to him) brother Yousef is not a public speaker with tens of thousands of followers or the leader of some big organisation or movement so why this persistent 'public' questioning of a single individual? The IA forums have done much in the way of slandering this brother and now their bile is pouring over into sunniforum.
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:53 PM   #16

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I NEVER doubted your being a Muslim.I just asked in a civilizes way why some people doubt it;regarding you being basically asked to leave Palestine,I've read it in several youtube comments which I don't remember now because I see dozens of video daily and therefore I cannot link it.But why don't you tell the forum what happened with the Palestinians?
That has a much nicer flavor to it. My family left Palestine to Morocco where my family holds citizenship.The fool that posts on Youtube is an Atheist stalker who makes claims about me being a spy, then a former spy,then a failed spy. He is a Michael Rivero fan and speaks trash. My status in Palestine was alhumdulilah very good both with the Palestinian Authority who always assisted our family and treated us with respect. Hamas has and does also respect our family alhumdulilah.

Now I still ask you to make Mubahala on our claim that I was asked to leave.

Can you please tell the forum why you chose the name George? St George was a crusader.
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:57 PM   #17

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I am quiet rude but when one dawns on thoab and is a convert, they carry an extra burden. Good adab and measured response is what is expected from revert more so than from others. Br. Rasullah SAW said he came to perfect manner. I personally think our bad adab is a result of dissconnection from islamic spirit from the body of muslim. I would request that you attach yourself to a scholar of Tassawuf and Shairah. A lot of work can be taken from you!! We need european looking muslim who can bridge the gap between the tradition and the soceity. I for one don't think arabs or indo-pakistani can do a good job in this regard generally.
We don't need the likes of Izzidin.
Anyone who claims to be muslim is ought to be considered as muslim unless proven otherwise. Wellcome to the forum anyway br. Yusuf.
Barek Allah feek
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Old 02-16-2012, 08:04 PM   #18

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How could I possibly make Mubahala on it,since it is NOT something I neither believe nor state?I just asked you what happened out of sheer curiosity.I repeat it once more:I DO consider you a 100% Muslims (albeit you definitely lack adhab),I despise people who call you a Jew and I sicerely wish good for you because I understand you had a difficult time(I also guess the Jewish community worl-wide gives you trouble).But PLEASE,try not to use so many vulgar and insultin curses in your web-site and on your youtube comments.
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Old 02-16-2012, 08:11 PM   #19

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When dogs bark, you don't bark at the dogs. In this case zionist are worse then dogs! Often being silent is better then responding. When one responds cleverly and wisely, it is better then a punching someone on their face.
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Old 02-16-2012, 08:11 PM   #20

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How could I possibly make Mubahala on it,since it is NOT something I neither believe nor state?I just asked you what happened out of sheer curiosity.I repeat it once more:I DO consider you a 100% Muslims (albeit you definitely lack adhab),I despise people who call you a Jew and I sicerely wish good for you because I understand you had a difficult time(I also guess the Jewish community worl-wide gives you trouble).But PLEASE,try not to use so many vulgar and insultin curses in your web-site and on your youtube comments.
OK akhi to sum up what ever my family does should be for the sake of Allah. Indeed I could tell all here why we moved but then I loose the hasanat and perhaps my niya would be to boast. I have no reason to tell the forum why we left, but by NO means was I "asked to". I try not to be profane but I do speak to some in a language they better understand.

Fine Regards

I should add that the enemy Zionist entity did mention to us that they will bother us until we either leave or return to their kufr. That was NOT the reason we left either way.
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