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#1 |
I began my study of Gog and Magog more than fifteen years ago in the early 90’s while resident in New York. My subsequent public lectures on the subject never failed to provoke keen interest from my Muslim audiences in several parts of the world. The evidence and arguments presented in the chapter on Gog and Magog in my book, ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’, succeeded in convincing many who read the book that we now live in a world dominated by Gog and Magog. They were easily convinced that the ‘town’ mentioned in the Qur’ān in Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ (21:95-6) was Jerusalem and hence, that Gog and Magog (and Dajjāl) explained the ominously unfolding ‘war on Islam’ with slaughter and destruction of Muslims in so many parts of the world. As a consequence, such readers also understood Israel’s mysterious imperial agenda, and many have been making efforts to extricate themselves and their families from the embrace of Gog and Magog – an embrace that will take 999 out of every 1000 of mankind into the hellfire.
Despite my best efforts, however, I failed miserably, again and again, to convince my learned peers, the scholars of Islam, that Gog and Magog were even released into the world. I earnestly hope and pray that this book might make a difference Insha’ Allah. Islamic Scholar Imran N Hosein Download An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age Introduction by Dr Tamman Adi Chapter One: * The Importance of 'Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age' * Appearance and reality are opposite to each other * Can all of these events be occurring by accident? * Responding to Islamic sectarianism Chapter Four: * A Profile of Gog and Magog * The Qur'an introduces the subject of Gog and Magog * Gog and Magog are human beings * A double-faced people who are capable of swift motion * Possess extraordinary military power * Use 'power' to oppress * Make possible the return of people to their 'town' * Absorb mankind into their global godless melting pot * Can wage 'star wars' * Would target Arabs in particular for oppression * Would be sent/raised only after Jesus ('alaihi al-Salam) has returned and after he has killed Dajjal? * Consume an excessive amount of water * Gog, Magog and the Sea of Galilee * Will take most of mankind into the hellfire hence they are an essentially godless and sinful people * Are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj Chapter Two: * Methodology of study * The Qur'an sits in judgement on the Had?th and not vice-versa * Need to locate 'system of meaning' * Methodology of explaining the Qur'an through application and analysis of external data * Gog and Magog in other scriptures Chapter Five: * Identifying Gog and Magog * Gog is the Anglo-American-sraeli alliance and Magog is Russia * Winston Churchill identifies Gog and Magog Chapter Three: * Explaining terminology * The end of the material universe * The end of history * The Key to the subject of the Last Hour * W 'ad al-akhirah (The Last Warning) Chapter Six: * Have Gog and Magog been released into the world as yet? * Search for the barrier * The strange world today * The Judeo-Christian alliance * Hadith reveals Gog and Magog's release * Water in the world and in the Sea of Galilee * Hadith linking Gog and Magog to Jerusalem * Iqbal, Ansari and Said Nursi Chapter Seven: * Implications of the Release of Gog and Magog * Stages of Release of Gog and Magog into the world Chapter Eight: * Conclusion |
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#2 |
it is a gross inaccuracy to attribute Gog and Magog to one of the current countries/nations of the world, and to assume that they have been released, and to make the narrations of the future a subject of ever changing interpretations, landing in a wide variance from what really the narrations have meant.
the correct orthodox sunni position is that Gog and Magog are yes from the children of Adam, but they have been sealed inside the earth by a wall constructed by Dhul Qarynain. Before this sealing they used to come out and cause havoc to civilizations nearby. They are populating the earth's interior, and they are so numerous that for each one of us there is 99 of them, and none of them dies but leaves behind him many many offsprings. Every day they try to dig out their way out of the wall, but the next day they return back to square one, until one day when they would say by the will of Allah, and then they would succeed to cause an opening and spread out on earth causing destruction, and this will happen during the time of sayidina 'Isa ibn Maryam 3layes salam. Those who give other interpretations that oh the Chinese, or the East Asians, or the Russians, or any other nation that we see on the surface of the earth, are Gog and Magog, are grossly mistaking : -because the Gog and Magog that we know are sealed, whereas these other nations are out on the surface, -before the coming of this Gog and Magog great events are going to happen, Muslims are to conquer Rome and Europe in the West, and India in the East, and their capital will be Jerusalem, and these successes will enrage the Dajjal/AntiChrist who will appear to the world scene for 40 days, gathering all the Jews to retake Jerusalem, claiming to be their Messiah, and as he would be preparing for a final showdown with Muslims in the greater Syria, Sayidina 'Isa ibn Maryam will come down and fight him, and destroy him and his army, he will rule the earth, and the muslims will go back to their nations, and will be in this time that the Gog and Magog will come out and the Muslims will flee and take refuge with 'Isa ibn Maryam on the Mountain close to Jerusalem, and they will invoke Allah, who by His mercy will cause their death and perishing. Now to say that certain nations of today are Gog and Magog and their affliction has become apparent, how are they going to explain the presence of 'Isa ibn Maryam in the midst of Muslims and his rule, as the narrations speak, as a preceeding event before the release of Gog and Magog? it should be known that there are some credible scientific research that point out that the earth in its interior is hollow, has its own energy/nourishing resources, has deep and wide caves, and is as habitable as its surface, and can hold civilizations and millions of people. In fact it is amazing to note that we have in our Islamic traditions, narrations that state the earth is of seven layers and there are inhabitants on those earths,where for them the upper layers of the earth is as amazing, as for us are the skies and what it contains, and in fact many of the ancient legends like those of Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, ancient Anglo Saxon, Nordics etc., all talk about civilizations inside the earth and some of their interaction with the people on the surface. In fact the likes of Goblins, Elves, and their mass reports/sightings by different peoples/cultures at different times, could have some truth to their myths, and if these are human like creatures living inside the earth, then so could the Gog and Magog, who are still there in millions digging out their way out, but only be able to come out when its time truely comes, after great events that would happen on earth. These could be related to the Gog and Magog: and remember as Qadhi Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi has said that if there are mass reports about the same thing by many people, then it is authentic, as in mass reports the iman of the transmitters are not taken into account, as the possibility of lies in very minimal. Also search on youtube for vidoes on "hollow earth" and there are many amazing matters that normal science wont talk about. There are many aspects of this planet of ours and its inhabitants we as of yet dont even know, and the knowledge that we have of matters is but a very few, so just we have a partiality of knowledge of something, doesnt mean we should go and conclude for the whole picture and make claims like those of the evangelics and zionists who always change around their prophecies and place them out of contexts just so that it could suit their limited views of matters. |
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#5 |
it is a gross inaccuracy to attribute Gog and Magog to one of the current countries/nations of the world, and to assume that they have been released, and to make the narrations of the future a subject of ever changing interpretations, landing in a wide variance from what really the narrations have meant. ![]() Goblins and Dwarfs brother? A two hundred odd page thesis vs Goblins and Dwarfs?!? I think you should perhaps take the time to read the book, all your doubts have been dealt with as you can see from the table of contents. ma'asalaamah, |
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#6 |
Likewise it is very shortsighted to criticise a work without studying it he did state why it is inaccurate. we go by our ahadith and what the ulema of ahl al-sunna say. some modernists also say dajjal doesn't need to be an individual but can be the state of israel for example it's interesting that some of the orthodox jews who have been deceived about this state also say their messiah (who is supposed to gather them in palestine) is also metaphorical and the coming of the messiah has been fulfilled with the creation of israel. the non-zionist jews reject that and say israel is a curse on the jews and a deception and that they should still be in exile until God sends the messiah. the sunni position is clear - yajuj and majuj are yet to come - may Allah save us from them. |
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#7 |
i] but they have been sealed inside the earth by a wall constructed by Dhul Qarynain. Before this sealing they used to come out and cause havoc to civilizations nearby. They are populating the earth's interior, and they are so numerous that for each one of us there is 99 of them, and none of them dies but leaves behind him many many offsprings. Where does it say the are INSIDE the earth? Also if Thul Qarnain built a wall to prevent them from escaping, then you should be able to show me that wall, or at the least go and search for that wall. It was a wall made of iron and molten copper, a wall so great the "they could neither scale it nor penetrate it" Read the book, Moulana Imran has even done the work of locating the mountain passes for you so you can go and look yourself! Google Earth hint hint... -because the Gog and Magog that we know are sealed, whereas these other nations are out on the surface, See my first reponse to your inside the earth theory. I invite you to then start digging. Gog and Magog traveled through the only existing pass between two mountains which are very high and barrier-like (assaddain, Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:93) and attacked their neighbors on the other side of the mountains. Dr Tammam Adi Now to say that certain nations of today are Gog and Magog and their affliction has become apparent, how are they going to explain the presence of 'Isa ibn Maryam in the midst of Muslims and his rule, as the narrations speak, as a preceeding event before the release of Gog and Magog? We need to evaluate the Hadith against the Quran. Those that conflict with the Quran should be given a secondary status in the study of the subject. Allah subhanahu wata'aala promised to preserve the Holy ur’ān. But He did not promise to preserve Hadith (reports about hat the blessed Prophet of Islam said or did) or tafseer (Qur’ān mmentary). The confusion about Gog and Magog results from o sources: 1. accepting errors and omissions in tafseer 2. accepting false ahadeeth (hadiths) or hadith misinterpretations that are contrary to the Qur’ān The latter problem can be resolved by adhering to the principle that all ahadeeth must be based on the Holy Qur’ān. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya rahimahullah was a prolific scholar of Qur’ān and Hadith. He memorized the Qur’ān and countless ahadeeth, and was able to instantly recall all the verses and ahadeeth on any subject. He confirmed the above-mentioned principle in his Fatawa and stated that for every good hadith he knew, he was able to cite one or more Qur’ān verses upon which that hadith was based. The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam would state a hadith (containing a decision, a judgment, or an instruction) and then he would cite a supporting Qur’ān verse. The Companions of the Prophet, radiyallahu 'anhum, regularly used this method. Dr Tamman Adi - Introduction, Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the modern World t should be known that there are some credible scientific research that point out that the earth in its interior is hollow, has its own energy/nourishing resources, has deep and wide caves, and is as habitable as its surface, and can hold civilizations and millions of people. In fact it is amazing to note that we have in our Islamic traditions, narrations that state the earth is of seven layers and there are inhabitants on those earths,where for them the upper layers of the earth is as amazing, as for us are the skies and what it contains, and in fact many of the ancient legends like those of Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, ancient Anglo Saxon, Nordics etc., all talk about civilizations inside the earth and some of their interaction with the people on the surface. Legends and science??!?!?! Instead of following myths, take 45 Mins to read the book, then post here if it does not make sense. I can assure you there are no legends and myths used as proof. and remember as Qadhi Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi has said that if there are mass reports about the same thing by many people, then it is authentic, as in mass reports the iman of the transmitters are not taken into account, as the possibility of lies in very minimal. So we should believe everything we see on CNN then ![]() , no disrepect to Ibn Arabi intended, But those mass reports can never be used as proof that overides the Quran and Hadith. This book does not depend on mass reports as your flimsy response does. Also search on youtube for vidoes on "hollow earth" and there are many amazing matters that normal science wont talk about. Masaha'allah ![]() ![]() So here is my "daleel" from youtube (LOL!) also : 50 part series dealing with Dajjal, Gog and Magog etc Full series at: so just we have a partiality of knowledge of something, doesnt mean we should go and conclude for the whole picture and make claims like those of the evangelics and zionists who always change around their prophecies and place them out of contexts just so that it could suit their limited views of matters. I invite you then to expand your knowledge on the subject : What do you have to loose? 1 hour and 1.4mb of download - thats all, maximum. promise! |
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#8 |
Who is the person that can explain this hadith and also believe that gog and magog have yet not been released:
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, "On the day of Resurrection Allah will say, 'O Adam!' Adam will reply, 'Labbaik our Lord, and Sa'daik ' Then there will be a loud call (saying), Allah orders you to take from among your offspring a mission for the (Hell) Fire.' Adam will say, 'O Lord! Who are the mission for the (Hell) Fire?' Allah will say, 'Out of each thousand, take out 999.' At that time every pregnant female shall drop her load (have a miscarriage) and a child will have grey hair. And you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet not drunk, but severe will be the torment of Allah." (22.2) (When the Prophet mentioned this), the people were so distressed (and afraid) that their faces got changed (in color) whereupon the Prophet said, "From gog and Magog nine-hundred ninety-nine will be taken out and one from you. You Muslims (compared to the large number of other people) will be like a black hair on the side of a white ox, or a white hair on the side of a black ox, and I hope that you will be one-fourth of the people of Paradise." On that, we said, "Allahu-Akbar!" Then he said, "I hope that you will be) one-third of the people of Paradise." We again said, "Allahu-Akbar!" Then he said, "(I hope that you will be) one-half of the people of Paradise." So we said, Allahu Akbar." [Bukhari] i am waiting for reply................i am not a debater .............rather i would like to know the exegesis of this hadith from any scholar |
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#9 |
| brother, being a master of linguistics or computer science or islamic philosophy does not make you a master of tafsir and ahadith. it's tiresome to always see such ppl looking down on the ulema thinking they have absolutely no idea. they may make some interesting points, but take it with a pinch of salt. we don't believe in gnomes but nor can we take these words too seriously. |
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#10 |
Brother the introduction is not the book. Its a forward by another person describing the contents of the book. The book is written by Moulana Imran N Hosein, here is some of his background, from the "about" page on his website :
He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi and has studied at sevaral instutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland. He has traveled continuously and extensively around the world on Islamic lecture-tours since graduating from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971, receiving "Ijazatul Ilm" and the Dr. Ansari Gold Medal for High Merit, at age 29 from Moulana Dr Fazlur Rahman Ansari (r) ( ) And he has also written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect. Evaluate the book against the Quran and the Sunnah brother, not against the Qualifications, which even in this case is plentiful ![]() |
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#12 |
brother sahih baba, salam, it seems you know quite a lot about gog and magog. have u seen my above post and can you please answer a short amount........ all i know is what i have read from ahadith, although i haven't read the one you posted. do tell us, if you know something. |
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#13 |
Brother the introduction is not the book. Its a forward by another person describing the contents of the book. The book is written by Moulana Imran N Hosein, here is some of his background, from the "about" page on his website : I have read Maulana's book several times but can you summarise the crux of his arguments (for others) that Gog & Magog have been released? Jazakullah Khairun |
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#14 |
Mainly - Zulqarnain's iron barrier in the Caucasus Mountains, behind which they were imprisoned, has been destroyed - it is no longer there. This barrier was to remain until Allah would cause it to be destroyed and the Yajuj, Majuj would be released to spread fitnah says the Quran. Rasullah (saw) saw a hole appearing in this barrier during his lifetime, and this greatly troubled him. Gog and Magog are a people who will cause widespread generalised fitna (as opposed to a particular type of fitna) - this is happening now through global systems (economic, religious, social) An exiled people will not be able to return to their town until Yajuj and Majuj have been left through says the Quran. The people and town are thought to be Jews and Jerusalem. The Jewish state is already 60 years old today. The ancestry/link of the Western power elite/Zionists is Khazaria - the region directly north of the Caucasus. |
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#16 |
wa iyyakum khair al jaza my dear brothers sahih baba and GenN, may Allah bless both of you, our dear brother mogamdza and everyone else on this board.
Dear brother mogamdza, i have read the book shaykh imran hossein years ago, and i do have a familiarity of the arguements that have been raised, and most respectfully I disagree with them. The arguements presented dont stand what the authentic traditions from our dearest Prophet sallahu 3laye wasalam imply, traditions that are as important as the Quranic verses and should not be discounted. in reply to your questions: firstly about the proof that Gog and Magog are inside the earth, here is the narration: Abu Hurairah reports from the Prophet sallahu 3laye wasalam : "Verily the Gog and Magog dig out the barrier every day, until they reach the point where they see the beams of the sun through the walls, their leader/head informs the others," lets return and we will complete the digging next day", and so when the next day comes the situation of the dig becomes as harsh as the day before. (and so they resume digging again) until comes their appointed time, when Allah wills to send them on the people, at that time they will dig until they see the beams of the sun(from the opening caused in the dig) and their head/leader would say to them," let us return and we will resume our dig the next day by the will of Allah," and so when the next day comes they will find the situation exactly as they left it the day before,so they will complete their digging, and out they come on the people/or gush out on the people (yukhrajuna 3lan nas') , and they will drink out the water sources, and the people will take sheild behind fortresses, and the Gog and Magog will throw their arrows on the sky which will return back them will traces resembling blood. And so when they see this they will say, "We have defeated the people of the earth, and we have got dominance over the inhabitants of the sky," and so Allah will send upon them an infliction that will kill them." Reported by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, and also at Thirmidhi is his Jami'. Note the following: -They dig out on a daily basis from a place that has no sunlight, in so much when they reach a point where they see the beams of sun they stop, clearly indicating that they are in realm of the underworld or underneath the earth digging upwards, and no other nation that is mighty or numerous on the surface on the earth is known for doing the practice of continuous digging of a certain barrier for generations. -the hadith mentions when the day comes when they accomplish their dig, they will "yokhrajun" which lingustically means as as if they are swarming out from something below to a surface or something above, or coming out from something that has enveloped. -their age will witness them drinking out water resources. In fact one hadith from the sahih muslim it is understood that when their first group start drinking from the lake of tiberias, and as they finish and the turn for their last one reaches, they will comment that there once used to be a lake here( in Tiberias' place), indicating their huge swarming numbers that would march forth. this is further indicated by the saying of the Prophet sallahu 3laye wasalam as mentioned in Musnad of Imam Ahmad, "by the one in whose hands Muhammad sallahu 3laye wasalam soul rests, the creatures of the earth will be fattened, and will be grateful for what they will find of meat and blood of the dead hordes of Gog and Magog." So their hordes and great numbers are unlike what is known of the nations of world. -People at that age take sheild in fortresses, indicating a shift in technology, and lifestyles, which is contrary to the situation we see today, and is an indicator people are going to return back to simpler lifestyles like the ancients when these great events are to happen. added to this an authentic narration from sahih muslim states that when Esa ibn Maryam (as) comes and kills the dajjal, Allah will reveal to him that He is going to release Gog and Magog which no one would be able to fight, and so he would gather the people in a mountain and seal themselves there. As for what you have quoted : We need to evaluate the Hadith against the Quran. Those that conflict with the Quran should be given a secondary status in the study of the subject. Quote: Allah subhanahu wata'aala promised to preserve the Holy ur’ān. But He did not promise to preserve Hadith (reports about hat the blessed Prophet of Islam said or did) or tafseer (Qur’ān mmentary). The confusion about Gog and Magog results from o sources: 1. accepting errors and omissions in tafseer 2. accepting false ahadeeth (hadiths) or hadith misinterpretations that are contrary to the Qur’ān The latter problem can be resolved by adhering to the principle that all ahadeeth must be based on the Holy Qur’ān. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya rahimahullah was a prolific scholar of Qur’ān and Hadith. He memorized the Qur’ān and countless ahadeeth, and was able to instantly recall all the verses and ahadeeth on any subject. He confirmed the above-mentioned principle in his Fatawa and stated that for every good hadith he knew, he was able to cite one or more Qur’ān verses upon which that hadith was based. The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam would state a hadith (containing a decision, a judgment, or an instruction) and then he would cite a supporting Qur’ān verse. The Companions of the Prophet, radiyallahu 'anhum, regularly used this method. Dr Tamman Adi - Introduction, Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the modern World it is something very known to all those who have some familiarity with the principles of fiqh, that the Quran and the hadith stand at a similiar significance, and are mutually given a primary status. The hadith is an extension and explanation of the Quran, as Allah says in His book that He brought down the Kitab and the Hikmah, the book(Quran) and the Hikmah/wisdom( Prophetic sunnah ) both from Allah swt. the Quranic verses should be read and explained in the context of the Prophetic understanding, as the fuqaha have said without the hadith, the Quran is incomplete and both of them have an equal standing. No authentic established hadith should be discounted, and if someone does that out of jah'd(deep refusal) knowingly, then according to Qadhi Iyad he/she is out of Islam. The hadith of 'Isa ibn Maryam being in the midst of Muslims before the coming of the Gog and Magog, is one of the most authentic hadith, whose establishment and validity is of the highest degree amongst all orthodox sunni scholars & transmitters, whose ijma has been promised to be under Allah's guidance according to our dear Prophet 3layes salat wasalam, and for this reason imam Muslim collected it in his sahih. To discount this highly authentic narration just to promote a heterodox exegesis, is nothing but an innovation of the worst kind. |
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#17 |
Gog and Magog are a people who will cause widespread generalised fitna (as opposed to a particular type of fitna) - this is happening now through global systems (economic, religious, social) The fitna of Yajuj Majuj will be in the form of physical damaging, destruction of lands and property, widespread killing/bloodshed, and eradication of food and water resources, in so much people will either lock themselves up in their cities behind their city walls/ fortresses, or will be with 'Isa ibn Maryam (as) on a Mountain by Jerusalem. The numbers of Gog and Magog are very huge, larger than any other nation that comes in mind, where Ibn Katheer mentions in his al Bidaya wan nihaya, that for every one of the Gog and Magog that dies he leaves behind 1000 offsprings.
If you look at any other nation whether it be the Russians, the Chinese, East Asians, the Europeans, the Americans, or even the Jews, and the ancient Khazars, then clearly none of them fulfills this criterion. Clearly the Gog and Magog are unknown nations to us now, and will become manifest as they gush out from earth, once 'Isa ibn Maryam (as) comes back. |
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#18 |
Ibn Katheer mentions in his al Bidaya wan nihaya, that for every one of the Gog and Magog that dies he leaves behind 1000 offsprings. |
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#19 |
1 in 23 people are related to Genghis Khan. This is the extent of his empire, how far it expanded. It's a common theory amongst Ulema that the Mongols are descended from the Yajuj wa Majuj. This is further emphasised by the description of the Mongols armies as "hordes" i.e huge in number. They defeated their enemies mainly down to their huge numbers.
The Mongols were a warning from history that muslims in particular should not ignore. Just observing the carnage they left behind is a lesson in self rectification by itself and the impending arrival of Yajuj wa Majuj. The way to visualise their emergence from their inhabitance is like watching ants swarm out of an anthole. The numbers are huge and unstoppable. Not even ant repellant can hold them back! We are living in the shadow of Dajjal and Yajuj wa Majuj. Dajjal for his lies and deception and Yajuj Wa Majuj for their evil, tyranny, barabarism and pure corruption. |
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#20 |
it is something very known to all those who have some familiarity with the principles of fiqh, that the Quran and the hadith stand at a similiar significance, and are mutually given a primary status. The hadith is an extension and explanation of the Quran, as Allah says in His book that He brought down the Kitab and the Hikmah, the book(Quran) and the Hikmah/wisdom( Prophetic sunnah ) both from Allah swt. the Quranic verses should be read and explained in the context of the Prophetic understanding, as the fuqaha have said without the hadith, the Quran is incomplete and both of them have an equal standing. No authentic established hadith should be discounted, and if someone does that out of jah'd(deep refusal) knowingly, then according to Qadhi Iyad he/she is out of Islam. ![]() As an adherent of the 'Maliki Madhhab' one should be well aware that what you state is not absolutely the case. with peace |
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