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Old 02-11-2012, 01:01 AM   #1

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Default Invest yourselves

Dear Brothers and Sister’s.

I was literally planning to write about this thread since few months, but didn’t get time. Today I am writing this and hope to motivate a few of you to think

Yes… Our ummah today requires heavy investors to uplift our current state. Surely everything is in the hand of Allah but we too need to put effort first and then pray for the help.

You can invest your time, knowledge, skills or even money.

Why can’t we come up with projects which will help our poor brothers and sisters earn a good living? Please don’t think about yourselves... But please think how you can help others through your knowledge and skills.

If your mind is starting to ponder over this, then please contact me…

My MBA Head of Dept. gave us one nasihah 3 years back which prompted me to think over this " If you have skills to earn more.. then please earn... and give it to people who can't earn..."
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Old 02-12-2012, 01:26 PM   #2

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Investing your time

Few days ago, one lady came to my college where I am guest faculty. She came from PMI Institute and is a PMP certified professional.

She told us that she is Project Manager for a reputed company and she works voluntarily for PMI organization to educate students about Project management and becoming true leaders. She said she takes small seminars of just 20 minutes.

I too attended her class and it just a simple short seminar of 20 minutes, but has sent a strong message to students and professors.

we have many brothers who are experienced in various fields.. Why can't we take some of our time and give presentations like this on Islamic values, helping others or motivate our youth to opt for serious career building to obtain a good position and also help others.
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Old 02-12-2012, 02:03 PM   #3

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...You can invest your time, knowledge, skills or even money...
brother. I think you are proposing something beyond individual volunteer efforts here, correct? I don't mean to hijack your post but my opinion on community volunteerism is (and I've been itching to voice this a number of times in other posts but this is a more appropriate context): organized efforts in certain areas are either lacking or ineffective. The example I am specifically thinking about is the situation of family/spousal abuse and neglect. In an ideal world, in that time when the ummah will approximate perfection, insha'Allah Muslim families will fare better. At this time, many families are suffering and struggling. While learning new skills and increasing the family's earning capacity are important too (I recall reading somewhere about the link between financial stress and family problems), I think the two efforts should be launched simultaneously - Insha'Allah. At least in 'the west,' and at least in the context of the communities I've encountered, I feel we really need to acknowledge the problems and step up efforts at finding Islamically sound yet context specific solutions to these problems. Insha'Allah, strong/healthy families will form a strong/healthy ummah.

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Old 02-12-2012, 02:33 PM   #4

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brother. I think you are proposing something beyond individual volunteer efforts here, correct? I don't mean to hijack your post but my opinion on community volunteerism is (and I've been itching to voice this a number of times in other posts but this is a more appropriate context): organized efforts in certain areas are either lacking or ineffective. The example I am specifically thinking about is the situation of family/spousal abuse and neglect. In an ideal world, in that time when the ummah will approximate perfection, insha'Allah Muslim families will fare better. At this time, many families are suffering and struggling. While learning new skills and increasing the family's earning capacity are important too (I recall reading somewhere about the link between financial stress and family problems), I think the two efforts should be launched simultaneously - Insha'Allah. At least in 'the west,' and at least in the context of the communities I've encountered, I feel we really need to acknowledge the problems and step up efforts at finding Islamically sound yet context specific solutions to these problems. Insha'Allah, strong/healthy families will form a strong/healthy ummah.


You are correct.. I mean to develop all sectors of life.. Since I am much into business and use it as a tool to uplift brothers and sisters, you see a lot of my posts related to employment and career. But I don't mean to talk only about these things.

We really need to educate people about family matters too which is very important. Because a family can be happy and thank Allah even if their economy is low and had good relations between them. And I also believe the more money people get, the more lavish they become. When I speak of earning, I only mean reasonable income for oneself and remaining can be distributed to others.

On one facebook group "Be a man, Not a Beggar to ask Dowry" I posted this


Good page.. I don't want to brag, but want to share something about my marriage.

I am an Electrical Engineer worked for 3 years as Team Lead in an MNC and then also did my MBA from Marketing. The following companies were developed by me www.botqhomeneeds.com, www.sendtomyplace.com and www.improvmanagement.com which are private limited companies.

Alhamdulillah in my marriage, I hardly spent 75,000 rupees. And we didn't take even a single rupee in any form. My father told to brides parents, that even if you send items on your will we wont accept and they would be sent straight away because we only will buy what ever required for marriage (only one new bed was brought). Though the brides parents were given flexibility in giving clothes and jewelry to their daughter. Hence apart from a medium sized suitcase, my wife didnt bring anything from her home.

My nikah was in masjid, where only one kind of ice cream was served and I wore just a kurta pyjama. I was busy at office and couldn't buy new chappals, so I wore the same one which I used to wear daily. The new topi which my mother brought for marriage was smaller (which I saw at the last moment), so I wore the same old one.

After nikah everyone went to their own homes. At about 10 PM, only 5-7 ladies went to bride house and brought the bride to our house.

The walima was at our house where only 200 people attended. We did valima in our house only. The items were Mutton Biryani, Chicken 65 and Kaddu ki kheer.

And we didn't print cards or anything. We just invited all people on mobile phones and alhamdulillah all of them came.

I wish each and every muslim brother does marriage like I did. Our life is very joyous and alhamdulillah we also have a lovely daughter now.

Please stop israaf in marriages and lead a simple life. I too have good money to spend lavishly, but I prefer spening it on poor and needy people rather than wasting it on unnecessary things.

Please remember me in dua's
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Old 02-12-2012, 02:35 PM   #5

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Interesting ideas.
But I also feel that our Jama-at bayans are just like that. Only in ijtima we hear long bayans otherwise usual bayan is quite short.
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Old 02-12-2012, 02:50 PM   #6

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Interesting ideas.
But I also feel that our Jama-at bayans are just like that. Only in ijtima we hear long bayans otherwise usual bayan is quite short.

I feel a 20 min spot on bayan will be more powerfull that hour long speeches
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Old 02-12-2012, 08:57 PM   #7

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May Allah (SWT) reward you, your family and everyone who takes part in helping the poor improve their lives, helping strengthen families and helping end oppression.
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Old 02-13-2012, 12:09 AM   #8

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i have been banging on about investing within the muslim community and helping each other in business for a long time, but the fact is that our people have too much greed and also cannot bear to see other people doing well even if it does not take anything away from their wealth. by investing in the muslim community and helping each other we can only make ourselves stronger and the prosperity will be felt by all within the community inshallah.

not so long ago i made a post about a trading system that some communities in the UK operate. the system works without money and cannot be taxed by the government. the system is untainted by the ribah based economy of the kuffar. the system is quite simple. rather than paying for services and goods using money which is subject to loss of value, the members of the system trade with services and goods that the government cannot tax and which do not lose value due to inflation. if we operate this system within our own communities then we will be making our own economy stronger and our whole community will prosper inshallah....but hardly anyone cared to explore this idea, which goes to show how much we care about each other. we only care about ourselves.
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Old 02-13-2012, 12:34 AM   #9

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i have been banging on about investing within the muslim community and helping each other in business for a long time, but the fact is that our people have too much greed and also cannot bear to see other people doing well even if it does not take anything away from their wealth. by investing in the muslim community and helping each other we can only make ourselves stronger and the prosperity will be felt by all within the community inshallah.

not so long ago i made a post about a trading system that some communities in the UK operate. the system works without money and cannot be taxed by the government. the system is untainted by the ribah based economy of the kuffar. the system is quite simple. rather than paying for services and goods using money which is subject to loss of value, the members of the system trade with services and goods that the government cannot tax and which do not lose value due to inflation. if we operate this system within our own communities then we will be making our own economy stronger and our whole community will prosper inshallah....but hardly anyone cared to explore this idea, which goes to show how much we care about each other. we only care about ourselves.

I agree with you... being in this field I am completely aware of what you said.

But, why cant people like you and me come together ?
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Old 02-13-2012, 12:56 AM   #10

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i have been banging on about investing within the muslim community and helping each other in business for a long time, but the fact is that our people have too much greed and also cannot bear to see other people doing well even if it does not take anything away from their wealth. by investing in the muslim community and helping each other we can only make ourselves stronger and the prosperity will be felt by all within the community inshallah.

not so long ago i made a post about a trading system that some communities in the UK operate. the system works without money and cannot be taxed by the government. the system is untainted by the ribah based economy of the kuffar. the system is quite simple. rather than paying for services and goods using money which is subject to loss of value, the members of the system trade with services and goods that the government cannot tax and which do not lose value due to inflation. if we operate this system within our own communities then we will be making our own economy stronger and our whole community will prosper inshallah....but hardly anyone cared to explore this idea, which goes to show how much we care about each other. we only care about ourselves.
A few years back, I joined a freeshare group in my community after reading about the moneyless man. I haven't actually used any of the services nor have I been contacted (there is an element of trust that needs to be there and unfortunately, I just don't feel it in that particular context) but it is an excellent idea well worth pursuing/implementing in our communities. It will likely be 'slow-going' at first but pick-up once people 'get it'.
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Old 02-13-2012, 02:43 AM   #11

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I agree with you... being in this field I am completely aware of what you said.

But, why cant people like you and me come together ?

i am ready to work as part of a strong team but there is not much i can do on my own. let me know if you have something in mind.
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Old 02-13-2012, 11:06 AM   #12

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i am ready to work as part of a strong team but there is not much i can do on my own. let me know if you have something in mind.

Not Known says that:
You can invest your time, knowledge, skills or even money. I have got several suggestions.
(1) To develop and present Islamic perspective of Science to the world.
(2) To develop and present Islamic economics to the world.
(3) To present Islam itself along the lines of Maulana Rehmatullah Kairanvi (RA), Shaikh Deedat (RA) and Dr Zakir Naik.
(4) To develop and present the Islamic perspective on social and cultural issues to the world. (Just see Ramchandra Guha's flippancy here. I'll, IA, augment that post with my own perspective.)
(5) To develop and present the Islamic perspective on Psychology to the world. This one might be the easiest one and most effective one because spiritual and tasawwuf investigations of Muslims have no parallel.
(6) To translate the history, specially of Indian subcontinent, as presented by our scholars, to the world.
(7) Suggest other possible effective Islamic institutions that Ummah can build.

And except for Dawah most of them can be done on keyboard itself!


PS: Post is used here also.
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Old 02-13-2012, 11:53 AM   #13

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Aslm....sir, I have been inspired by your blogs and particularly one little phrase in one of your posts where you mentioned there are people working physicallly among masses, but there is little (intellectually engaging stuff which is what is credible these days) being done online...true, it is, particularly when internet is becoming one of the staple fodder of information for most, moreso the youth, of the community and beyond...and more than 90% of the information one gets through google and wikipedia-ic doors can cause great unease, if not far worse, about islam, to an innocent, easily trusting reader.

Something must also be done on marketing various good islamic efforts on internet, apart from just working on them...

jazaakAllahu khaira for your wonderful efforts and I would love to be of any help, within in my time constraints, you might need/want. My mail nasr999 [@] gmail
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Old 02-13-2012, 12:21 PM   #14

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Take care of the Imaan / Deen and everything will be taken care of. All other 'dunyavi' measures will fail or they may only give temporary relief. But WILL fail eventually.

True bro, in a way that's the highest order, but still, there are millions of other things that need deeper work...directly confronting the problem and the issues are required... for ex, there are lots of people who say and do great things about tawakkul, sacrifice etc., but indulge in gheebat, behave badly with wives...one facet is ok and praiseworthy, the second facet is bad and casts doubts on the credibility of the first facet...

Likewise, there are problems of ummah where ummah wont come to listen to our talks of eeman becoz they are so much disturbed in those problems....also, having a wholistic approach is needed, our work of tabligh is a panacea to many ills and is one of the most important and foundational works one can be associated with..but there are many, many, many other facets in the societal, familial, financial, political and spiritual (as well!), lives of the ummah that needs focused, dedicated effort, with similar vigor and iqlaas....not just working on some aspects of eeman and deen and hoping the rest will take care of itself, for everyone involved....the entire ummah cant be assumed to be of a single temparament, and capacities differ!

forgive me if i mistook your advise to what some brothers of tabligh end up doing - think of tabligh as the only effort needed for the ummah as the cure for every ill and need...
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Old 02-13-2012, 01:38 PM   #15

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i have been banging on about investing within the muslim community and helping each other in business for a long time, but the fact is that our people have too much greed and also cannot bear to see other people doing well even if it does not take anything away from their wealth. by investing in the muslim community and helping each other we can only make ourselves stronger and the prosperity will be felt by all within the community inshallah.

not so long ago i made a post about a trading system that some communities in the UK operate. the system works without money and cannot be taxed by the government. the system is untainted by the ribah based economy of the kuffar. the system is quite simple. rather than paying for services and goods using money which is subject to loss of value, the members of the system trade with services and goods that the government cannot tax and which do not lose value due to inflation. if we operate this system within our own communities then we will be making our own economy stronger and our whole community will prosper inshallah....but hardly anyone cared to explore this idea, which goes to show how much we care about each other. we only care about ourselves.

Interesting ...... what you said in the first paragraph is just human nature. As Muslims we need to work with 'real' people with 'real' faults and not with perceived world of ' Islamic moral perfection ' it dose not exist in the world today and did not exist even in the time of the prophet. The prophet had to deal with much worse then any human.

I like your idea can you explain it bit more ? Not trying to steal your idea ... lol
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Old 02-13-2012, 03:02 PM   #16

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Not Known says that:

I have got several suggestions.
(1) To develop and present Islamic perspective of Science to the world.
(2) To develop and present Islamic economics to the world.
(3) To present Islam itself along the lines of Maulana Rehmatullah Kairanvi (RA), Shaikh Deedat (RA) and Dr Zakir Naik.
(4) To develop and present the Islamic perspective on social and cultural issues to the world. (Just see Ramchandra Guha's flippancy here. I'll, IA, augment that post with my own perspective.)
(5) To develop and present the Islamic perspective on Psychology to the world. This one might be the easiest one and most effective one because spiritual and tasawwuf investigations of Muslims have no parallel.
(6) To translate the history, specially of Indian subcontinent, as presented by our scholars, to the world.
(7) Suggest other possible effective Islamic institutions that Ummah can build.

And except for Dawah most of them can be done on keyboard itself!


PS: Post is used here also.

i feel there are some more things to be added and will put it down soon
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Old 02-13-2012, 07:07 PM   #17

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Interesting ...... what you said in the first paragraph is just human nature. As Muslims we need to work with 'real' people with 'real' faults and not with perceived world of ' Islamic moral perfection ' it dose not exist in the world today and did not exist even in the time of the prophet. The prophet had to deal with much worse then any human.
the kuffar also work with real people with real faults, but they also seem to manage to be professional and work with others.

I like your idea can you explain it bit more ? Not trying to steal your idea ... lol
i want you to 'steal' it. please go ahead.

start here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_e...trading_system

this system can use 'local currencies' or 'credit' systems, or can be based purely on exchange of services and goods.
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Old 02-13-2012, 07:15 PM   #18

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i have been banging on about investing within the muslim community and helping each other in business for a long time, but the fact is that our people have too much greed and also cannot bear to see other people doing well even if it does not take anything away from their wealth. by investing in the muslim community and helping each other we can only make ourselves stronger and the prosperity will be felt by all within the community inshallah.

not so long ago i made a post about a trading system that some communities in the UK operate. the system works without money and cannot be taxed by the government. the system is untainted by the ribah based economy of the kuffar. the system is quite simple. rather than paying for services and goods using money which is subject to loss of value, the members of the system trade with services and goods that the government cannot tax and which do not lose value due to inflation. if we operate this system within our own communities then we will be making our own economy stronger and our whole community will prosper inshallah....but hardly anyone cared to explore this idea, which goes to show how much we care about each other. we only care about ourselves.
intresting this is something similar to what i was thinking about, but i ended up thinking it wasnt possible. please explain more.
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Old 02-13-2012, 07:19 PM   #19

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intresting this is something similar to what i was thinking about, but i ended up thinking it wasnt possible. please explain more.
there is a link in the post above your's to get started.

if enough people can get interested then we can get something moving inshallah. i can help with making a website, design work and promoting the idea inshallah.
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Old 02-13-2012, 09:08 PM   #20

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what if mods create a seperate section like brothers/sisters section and allow interested members in there... is will be a general section but not completely visible. This way we can assure only serious people get into discussions ?

We can put life into many projects
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