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#1 |
I hope that most of the readers of my post would know what the term "apologetics" means. Only some Muslims know apologetics as a field and are aware of the tricks and techniques used in this field. Dr Zakir Naik is also an Muslim apologist. People think that Naik is "unbeatable" but its untrue.Just like Naik , Christian apologists are trained in Qur'anic studies and they will use Qur'an to prove Christianity right and average Muslim would not even stand a chance of arguing with them.This is a "professional field" but Muslims generally don't know this. Extremist Christians are hell bent in proving Islam "wrong", and saving "Christianity" from it,these days. As Islam grows stronger and stronger in the 'post-Christian' secular West,propaganda of haters is rising exponentially with it.There are many,many apologetic sites AGAINST Islam working day and night to mislead people about Islamic beliefs. ***************,Faithfreedom,Carm and thereligionofpeace are few such sites that are heavyweights in spreading propaganda against Islam.Unfortunately many gullible Muslims fall pray to such sites and leave Islam and become Atheists or Christians due to their lack of knowledge about the field of apologetics. There are also very good Islam-Defending apologetic sites on the internet....The biggest such site is Christianity is a great site but some of the stuff in this huge site is of 'low' quality'. This site does a great job of providing "rebuttals" to alegations on Islam and Prophet (SAW) but regarding Islamic studies,it is not that good.There are also other Islam-defending Muslim apologetic sites that most of you guys probably won't know.. I myself dont believe every muslim needs to be taught answers to these issues, i think good quality sites shud be available for those who need the answers. Ive noticed a pattern with apostates. They were weak in islam before apostating. They immitated kafir identities like goths, gangstas, liberals, anarchists etc, they listened to music, they knew little of islam, didnt have strong practicing friends, werent actively involved in dawah or attending events, their households werent proper islamic (usually westernised parents), they had little knowledge of islam etc. So i think we need to focus on stregnthening the islamic identity inshallah, our youth should ware islamic clothing, should go to islamic schools, should only be allowed to hang out with practicing muslims, shud be prohibbitted from movies and music, shud be encouraged to learn islam with rahmah and in an interesting manner, activites shud be organised for them etc. My friend was 18 and a somali muslim. He immitated the gangster clothing and listened to gangsta hip hop music and hung out with gangster friends. He's now dead rahimahullah. why did his parents allow him to dress and act this way? It lead to his death. There is no way i will tolerate my children coming home with headphones blearing and gangster clothing etc. When i first moved to sheffield with my wife i was at my in laws during ramadan and my 13 year old sister in law wasnt even fasting, she was chilling with a non practicing friend and was listening to music etc. She now wears a jilbaab and attends circles and hangs out with religious friends and is much better alhamdulillah because i know how to talk to her. I have 9 brother and sister in laws. If we all take care of our families first and then put any spare time on cousins, neighbours etc. Stregnthening the imaan of the ummah is really important right now. Thats why it frustrates me that people waste time on salafi vs deobandi. If u take a class of muslims in an inner city school, maybe 2 or 3 are salafi, 3 or 4 are strong practicing deobandi youth who attend jamaat etc, and the rest are very weak in their deen, know nothing of islam, are listening to western music, some are into drugs, gangs etc. The majority of our youth are totally lost and susceptable to kufr and we're worried about getting those 2 or 3 salafis to become deobandi or vice versa |
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#2 |
Salam Alaykum,
I agree that comparatively small disputes concerning delicate Fiqhi matters are strange for those Muslims who see the disasters that are taking place in the field of Muslims vs. non-Muslims. However, there are some issues that are of importance when discussing with certain groups. For example, when it comes to Qur'an-only people, their objections have to be studied deeply because we have to learn to appreciate how knowledge is transmitted in Islam, and what is the level of correctness of the reports we have from the Prophet (SAW), and how it relates to deducing rulings and the fundamentals of belief in Islam. Also, when it comes to Twelver Shias, we have to really stress the same matter we have with Quranists, since they live in a conspiracy-driven world where information passed by person to person is more believable that contradicting evidence from masses of people transmitting to other masses of people. Also of importance are the discussions we have with the anthropomorphists hiding amongst the Muslims, since many times their arguments are basically the same as those of Hindus, Christians, etc., and at the very least we would learn how to refute the supposed "Islamic evidence" they may bring forth on anthropomorphism. |
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#3 |
Assalam alikum
Moderators please remove the names anti-islamic sites at OP. Imp. thing is not to use google when searching for answer. Use or that's in my signature. It's essential for muslims to understand islam first. This tactics was the reasons Rahmatullah Alhindy and Deedat stared their mission. |
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#4 |
Salam Alaykum, I agree that fiqhi issues need to be left well alone aswell as the taqleed vs ghayr taqleed debate which both sides arent as different as people think and its an issue to leave people to do what they choose either way. I agree that serious deviations that fall into kufr need to be dealt with such as ithna ashariyyah and qur'aaniyyoon because kufr is a serious threat to the ummah right now and that includes major deviations which we should protect ourselves and families from. Same goes for qadianis, haqqanis etc. But the one thing i disagree with is the anthromorphist bit. Reasin being, if someone is a genuine anthromorphist, i.e. They say allah looks like a human being, big beard, walks around etc like the christians, this is kufr and needs to be dealt with, but doesnt exist in our times. Salafis arent upon kufr and the major deobandi ulema never made takfeer of the salafis and their position has generally been very warm to the salafis so we shud only refute groups which the kibaar ulema made takfeer of. I havent seen one group in existence today whom the kibaar ulema made takfeer of on the basis of tajsim, tamtheel etc, and usually this accusation is one that laymen use to justify attacking salafis. Ironically those same people scream the importance of taqleed of ulema till the cows come home. The really ironic thing is, the madkhali salafis have been the ones who attach themselves to the ulema in practice the most out of all groups and will never preceed ulema on an issue, whilst many taqleed proponents are only giving lip service whilst i notice them say whatever they feel like in reality with no consultation with the ulema first. So i agree with the need to refute serious deviations, but dont think salafis shud be included in that category unless the ulema preceed you in that. They have made takfeer of quranis, qadiyanis etc so its essential these groups are refuted as they are a cancer to the ummah and becoming one of these is no different to becoming an outright murtad, maybe they are even more dangerous because of their disguising themselves as muslim, same goes for secularists etc |
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#5 |
It was the deos who made tafkeers of pervezis and their likes long before the salafist. Arabian peninsula in 20s and 30s were not of any great importnace unlike Al Hind to the bristish imperalist. The french simply opted for assimilation tactics and Italian opted for mass murder. They were hesitent in making tafkeer of qadiyanis on the ground that most of their follower in the early days of this batil gruop were ignorant msulims who didn't even know the basics. The deos thought these people could be turned around. Untill now most of the scholastic quality rebuttle against pervezis and qadiyanis are by Deo scholars in urdu. Others seem to have just rehashed it. Its not a competition bro, if deos wrote some good rebuttals of qadiyanis and quranis then this is to be commended mashallah. Try to calm down a bit bro |
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#6 |
It was the deos who made tafkeers of pervezis and their likes long before the salafist. Arabian peninsula in 20s and 30s were not of any great importnace unlike Al Hind to the bristish imperalist. The french simply opted for assimilation tactics and Italian opted for mass murder. They were hesitent in making tafkeer of qadiyanis on the ground that most of their follower in the early days of this batil gruop were ignorant msulims who didn't even know the basics. The deos thought these people could be turned around. Untill now most of the scholastic quality rebuttle against pervezis and qadiyanis are by Deo scholars in urdu. Others seem to have just rehashed it. |
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#7 |
Br. Dawud Are you aware of the organisation khatme Nabuwat. Its prime focus and specialised in dealing with Qadiyanis. Most peple who know about the qadiyani fitnah and have been exposing them closely linked to this organisaton. Perhaps they don't have a nice pamphlet or nice office or a logo as a badge of honour. One point we should add that a lot of scholastic work against secularism is produced by scholars of shams i.e syria, ezypte and former deo luminaires etc. As for your second point My statement about the lamadhabist is true? What is their prime concern - on a another thread, you defended the lamadhabist obsession with writing books and said rebuttleing is a waste of time and much more bigger issue to address. We all agree. Who are obsessed with refuting - not the traditional scholars but the lamadhabist proponent. Anyway, i will not say anymore on the la madhabit subject. Is there any book comparing the actions different colonial powers? Allahualam |
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#8 |
| ( ) ![]() ![]() This is indeed an Important Issue. All these fitna is just a prologue to the fitna of Dajjal. We need to prepare ourselves by first strengthening our Imaan. The highest honour in Islam after the Prophets is the Siddiq the one whose Imaan is unshakable. Best example is Abu Bakr As Siddiq (ra), He never ever doubted Rasoolullah ![]() Second aspect is acquiring Ilm (knowledge) from the correct sources, The righteous Ulema. We lack in Islamic knowledge and understanding of Deen. If we have proper understanding of Deen then such things won't bother us ![]() May Allah Ta'ala protect us from such Fitna. Ameen. |
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#9 |
![]() That's why I'm 20 and started this website when I was 19: I try to answer as many Christian arguments, Atheist arguments, Jewish arguments as I can, as quick as I can. Been very busy with school, but what I can say is that the Islamic apologetic community is growing and expanding, there are more older people who take part in the da'wah, but it is difficult to find reliable brothers and sisters who can dedicate their time to responding to allegations against Islam. wa Allaahu Alam. |
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#10 |
Of course, it is a big difficulty, since the normal Muslim will have to learn about Aqeedah to a huge degree of proficiency before he can answer the true objections of the disbelievers. For this also a good degree of farsightedness needs to be there and help from the 'Ulama, since not all objections need to be answered, rather the base has to be attacked and then from there everything else can be explained properly to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. |
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#12 |
Asalaamu alaikum,
Like the brother above said; don't use google, instead use, i'm sure we've got every single Muslim apologetic site there is, well, we've searched hard for any others, but I'm sure we must have all if not most there. The database is huge and i've personally been able to find everything i've ever looked for. Going to update it soon aswell, so that you can copy and paste search links, sorta how you can do it like this with google - Also with SI, it helps the Muslim websites go up in rank in the Google searches. |
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#13 |
I don't think there is one book. These are document in history books by the historian world wide. I prefer the history of indo pak because they have been successful in combatting the onslaught of imperialist influence more then the others. Hijaj do not count as untill recently they were insignificant in the geo politics and were not sophisticated enough to do anything as they were managed by the ottomons. ![]() ^ |
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#14 |
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#16 |
In just 19 years , how did you learn all the sciences of Islamic fiqh , Hadiths and Qur'anic literature etc? And I think that the Imams of the Mosques in Muslim world should be given training in apologetics. They should be made familiar with the arguments of Christian missionaries and apologists against Islam, and they should be trained to how to respond to these arguments. Muslims should be taught about apologetics. Not that every Muslims must be made an apologist but Muslims should be told that what kind of 'objections' Christians/non-Muslim can hurl against their faith and from "where and how" to find answers to such allegations. |
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#17 |
Dr Zakir Naik said that it is sufficient to prepare answer to about a score of questions (only twenty questions) - and that he has done himself. His answers are available in a booklet and then there are lectures also. After that there is enough material available on the net to engage even the most dogged Christian evangelist - by the permission of Allah(SWT). It depends what one wishes to do. If one wants to remove the doubts from the minds of the Muslims, then Insha Allah this will be enough. If we are talking about non-Muslims coming to Islam, I personally think a more in-depth approach has to be taken.
Of course, the coming of the people into Islam is all due to the turning of the hearts by Allah (and so is the one who remains within Islam only be to remain because Allah has blessed him with this favor), but from the point of view of the arguments that we can provide (the only job we can do from our side), I think that the philosophical justifications of other religions can be studied in depth by those who are capable of doing so (such as the 'Ulama), and Insha Allah in that way perhaps more people may see the strength of Islam and that we are extremely serious about the way we present Islam. |
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#18 |
It depends what one wishes to do. If one wants to remove the doubts from the minds of the Muslims, then Insha Allah this will be enough. If we are talking about non-Muslims coming to Islam, I personally think a more in-depth approach has to be taken. I suppose the Christian populace, which is mostly western, too has that inclination. So I suppose there is need for the in-depth approach too. But then I have heard from senior du-aat that those who will accept Islam do not have these deep questions on which we spend lives to rebut. Any invitee trying to hold on to a da'i can be referred to serious scholars - with profit to both the da'i and the invitee. That is what scholars are for. Guidance is from Allah(SWT) and it makes practical sense if we can scan the whole world, as quickly as we can, with the direct proposition : Recite there is no god but God - you shall succeed. It takes little bit of assertion and initiative but I feel that it is a good idea to be taken to its logical conclusion. Of course, the coming of the people into Islam is all due to the turning of the hearts by Allah (and so is the one who remains within Islam only be to remain because Allah has blessed him with this favor), but from the point of view of the arguments that we can provide (the only job we can do from our side), I think that the philosophical justifications of other religions can be studied in depth by those who are capable of doing so (such as the 'Ulama), and Insha Allah in that way perhaps more people may see the strength of Islam and that we are extremely serious about the way we present Islam. Agree. |
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#19 |
[QUOTE=abid786;725163][QUOTE=Dawud Beale;724835] should go to islamic schools, should only be allowed to hang out with practicing muslims
What's the purpose of moving to a western country if you are going to try to emulate the failing societies of Islamic countries? I didnt move to a western country I was born here, and Im a british citzen of white ethnicity so its difficult to secure citzenship in other countries. Plus this is my homeland so im more than entitled to live here. That doesnt mean if I live here I have to let my child wear miniskirts and have abortions and one night stands and a ruined liver etc. I think its more than sensible to isolate my child from the bad in society. Doesnt have anything to do with immitating muslim countries, it has to do with common sense. the young practicing muslim kids are kind to their parents, dont drink or do drugs, dont have sex outside of marriage, aim to do well in studies and get a good job and raise a family, of course id rather my child turns out like this, what parent wouldnt |
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#20 |
Wow Mashallah! You are quite young and responding to James White in your website.Impressive. ![]() ![]() John of Damascus. Raymond Lull. Abraham Geiger. William Muir. Peter the "venerable". Just these five and you will have every single argument ever waged against Islam from atleast one of these people. When you've read their works ( has a few), you'll realise how easy it is to respond to them, all it takes is a little patience to understand why they're arguing against Islam and you'd find yourself realising that nothing has changed, they simply feared Islam because it was different to them, therefore they feared something which challenged their power. Same with Christians today, do you think a Christian reading Bible on TV, making millions a year is going to really understand Islam? Nope! Just using old arguments to make them sound intellectual. In just 19 years , how did you learn all the sciences of Islamic fiqh , Hadiths and Qur'anic literature etc? Fiqh: Hanafi (Shaykh Faraz,] Ahadith wa Qur'aan: Shaykh Muhammad Mustafa al Azami [has numerous extremely detailed books]. And I think that the Imams of the Mosques in Muslim world should be given training in apologetics. They should be made familiar with the arguments of Christian missionaries and apologists against Islam, and they should be trained to how to respond to these arguments. Muslims should be taught about apologetics. Not that every Muslims must be made an apologist but Muslims should be told that what kind of 'objections' Christians/non-Muslim can hurl against their faith and from "where and how" to find answers to such allegations. I found that the Qur'an answers them best, but what the people need is for someone to educate them on the adab (decorum) of da'wah wa tabligh, otherwise you have people just pointing to verses and screaming at each other that they're wrong. If we follow the Sunnah, it's easy to guide anyone, as long as Allaah wills. wa Allaahu Alam. |
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