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#1 |
I am 15 years old and a practicing Muslim, and I have been one all my life. I recently decided to become more religious and start reading the Quran more often, but the more I read, the weaker my belief in Allah became, I am sickened to say now that I no longer believe in the existence of God, I still pray and do everything a Muslim does but when I pray I feel like I am just moving and nothing else.
I can not help but to have these feelings and I came here looking for someone to convince me that God exists. I know that if there is a God, it is Allah. But here are the reasons for my sickening feelings: The Quran always says, that the mountains were placed on the Earth to stabilize it, but this is 100% incorrect scientifically. The Quran always says that Allah raised the sky without pillars, but wait a minute, the SKY doesn't exist, the sky is nothing, there was nothing raised, we went to the moon, there is your proof, we went to mars, we went further than the SKY, the sky is a direction like north/east/west it doesn't exist. The Quran always says that Allah brought rain from the sky, but we know that rain comes from condensing water, we know every single step in the formation of rain and we can predict when it will rain, doesn't that mean we are predicting the actions of Allah? The only reason people believed in the Quran is because it was 1500 years ago and their faith became so strong over the years. 1500 years ago ask someone, where did the sun come from, he would be speechless and believe in god. Ask someone where did rain come from, he would be speechless. How about now, we would say rain comes from condensation, the sun is a star formed by the big bang just like all the other stars. the shariah law doesn't make sense to me. All this stuff was easy to believe 1500 years ago but now? People just built faith from scrap. Science explained the world, religion is just causing war and messing up my mind. If God exists why can't it be proved, it is NOT my fault that I don't believe in GOD, what is the point of sending your message through humans and making them convince people, if you are convinced you go to heaven if not hell. I feel soooo horrible writing this, someone please help and convince me that god exists. |
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#2 |
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#3 |
I am Arab, I understand. First there is, wa alqyna fel ardhi rawasi an tameed bekum everywhere
then wa anzalna min assamaa maa'n fa then rafaa asamawat beghair amaden tarawnaha very common phrases. I have exams, so I don't have time, tomorrow I will check back on this thread, but for now just pray that I am eventually lead to the truth, because this is very stressful for me. |
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#4 |
Bismillah Ir-Rehman Ir-Raheem
Assalam-Alaikum Brother Satellite: May Allah guide you, me, and all of us to the Straight Path. Thank you, Brother, for coming to the Forum and entrusting us with your questions; we hope Insha-Allah we will be able to justify your trust in coming to us. Brother, first and foremost, Islam is indeed the religion of Truth. I am 100% sure about this, and the reason I am sure is because not only did I look into other religions before my heart submitted to Islam but I used to identify myself as an atheist at one point in time. What you need to understand, Brother, is that you are perhaps misreading or misunderstanding the relevant ayats of the Quran. Brother, however, I believe your real problem is not per se the ayats of the Quran but the lack of knowledge of why Quran is a miracle and why we should treat it as such or even believe in this book as Revelation. Consequently, I am going to Insha-Allah link you to two videos that should help you in this regard. After you have watched the videos, I or anyone else can Insha-Allah help clear up any misconceptions or doubts in regards to particular ayats that have arisen in your mind from reading the Quran. Insha-Allah, this is a step-by-step process for you and one in which we can Insha-Allah help you step-by-step. Brother, here are the links: Divine Speech Prologue 1 and Divine Speech Prologue 2. Finally, Brother, be patient with yourself, because you are seeking knowledge and it takes time to learn knowledge. And Brother, also be patient with us, as we Insha-Allah answer your questions. If I have said anything that is good and true, it is from Allah, and anything other than that is my own mistake. |
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#5 |
D zakir naik is usually a good resource for people in satellite's situation. I know this one Berber, who was completely non-religious (more of an agnostic), but when he first heard Dr zakir naik speak Islam made sense, and the existence of his creator was pretty much proven to him. br sattelite, you shud try to look up videos on youtube by Dr. Zakir Naik regarding the creation of the world, Islam and Science, and things along those lines. |
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#6 |
I am 15 years old and a practicing Muslim, and I have been one all my life. I recently decided to become more religious and start reading the Quran more often, but the more I read, the weaker my belief in Allah became, I am sickened to say now that I no longer believe in the existence of God, I still pray and do everything a Muslim does but when I pray I feel like I am just moving and nothing else. |
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#7 |
I am 15 years old and a practicing Muslim, and I have been one all my life. I recently decided to become more religious and start reading the Quran more often, but the more I read, the weaker my belief in Allah became, I am sickened to say now that I no longer believe in the existence of God, I still pray and do everything a Muslim does but when I pray I feel like I am just moving and nothing else. I'm gonna delete your other questions as those can easily be answered from googling the web. If God exists why can't it be proved, it is NOT my fault that I don't believe in GOD, what is the point of sending your message through humans and making them convince people, if you are convinced you go to heaven if not hell. ![]() Don't be so frustrated. There are many passages in Quran that you can study to verify that Quran is indeed from Allah ![]() For example, no where in any document found on Earth (and nothing about it from the Greek either) that the pyramids were built using baked clay. Those were information from more than 3000 years ago, and yet Quran revealed it to us. If you notice, almost all the revelations about science and archaeology were directed towards the non-believers (as if it's confirmed from the beginning that these non-believers will be the ones to find what's been revealed to our Prophet ![]() [Quran 28.38] And Pharaoh said to his people: "I have not known a god for you other than myself; so Haman, light me a fire to bake clay so that I could build a rise high enough, maybe I see Moses' god whom I think is a liar." link: Another good example would be the City of Iram, the City of Thousand Pillars. You should also read about the prophetic hadiths. How did the Prophet ![]() I guess that's all for now. If you have other question, feel free to post them here. ![]() |
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#8 |
Asalaam A short book aimed at non-muslims though inshAllah beneficial. Imaan is from the heart no matter how rational islam may be or how irrational it may seem. LIsten to some qiraat mishary al afasy is good and build up a connection with the Quran, do istikhara for guidance as you have then asked Allah to guide you through authentic and recommended ways. Some recommended books on the heart by a sound shaykh. You are not alone, I myself and many people on this forum have been through what you are going through, with me it was before I was baligh I believed in evolution etc. This was due the education system that was being taught to me, dissalussionment with family and watching tv which influenced me as a teenager to believe everything contrary to Islam. Even if something was plain true of islam to the point if someone showed me a miracle I would have said its a fault of my eyes, this was a gradual process of hard heartedness to an extreme which Alhamdulillah Allah saved me and I kept a connection to the masjid, a person experiences ups and downs in ones imaan based on environment, this happens to me a lot so I have start trying to connect myself with a spiritual mentor through which I derive great benefit, listen to speakers like Abdur Raheem Green as I feel he will appeal to you. I have no knowledge of the family or society environment you come from so thats why I feel somewhat limited. Listen to Qiraat and start to connect yourself to other branches of deen which will keep you motivated e.g. ilm, tabligh, dawah, tasawwuff, hifz. Don't detach yourself from Allah's deen as from experience if I was to live/die in my previous state I don't even like to think what would be the condition of my heart and my soul. This occurred before I was baligh so I am not advertising sin, refuting science are for someone else from my experience your a teenager who's heart needs to be mended, turn back to Allah once and ask for forgiveness and start a new life, your society,family, money, status won't help a person succeed with real success in this life or the hearafter if there is no imaan. Are you aware that a True Believer’s Heart (Qalb) is valued seventy times more by Allah than the Kaaba ? He says " If anything can contain Me, it is the Heart of my Believing Servant". It has been said, that if Allah glances at the Kaaba with His Mercy (Rahamath) once in the day, He focuses the glance of His Mercy(Rahamat) towards His Believing Servants Heart (Qalb) Seventy times in a day. Allah Hu Akbar! Sorry for the long post. Keep in touch please, don't let inexperience drag you down, try to act upon the advices. Ask for guidance and inshAllah you shall be guided. Shaykh Saleem Dhorat: “If a person owns a house, then he will seldom admire it’s good points, however frequently look to detect any small fault or niggles in his house [Because (especially in the UK) houses are expensive and it can take a lifetime to pay-off. Houses are generally regarded as big investments]. For this small fault the person becomes restless worried constantly and hoping that this small fault doesn’t become a greater fault becoming a bane and causing misery”. This made sense to most of the audience and everybody could relate to this example. Shaykh then added; “Then this is how a Muslim should regard the ‘building of our Imaan’”. [With this Shaykh was elaborating on the numerous faults that a person has within but doesn't concern themselves with rectifying them. These eventually turn into a major faults and go towards even collapsing 'the building of Imaan' - Disbelief (Kufr)]. Asalaam Your brother in Islam Abdul Haseeb |
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#9 |
I am 15 years old and a practicing Muslim, and I have been one all my life. I recently decided to become more religious and start reading the Quran more often, but the more I read, the weaker my belief in Allah became, I am sickened to say now that I no longer believe in the existence of God, I still pray and do everything a Muslim does but when I pray I feel like I am just moving and nothing else. The Quran always says that Allah raised the sky without pillars, but wait a minute, the SKY doesn't exist, the sky is nothing, there was nothing raised, we went to the moon, there is your proof, we went to mars, we went further than the SKY, the sky is a direction like north/east/west it doesn't exist. Here's a video on the heavens (made by Arabs, by the way) The Quran always says that Allah brought rain from the sky, but we know that rain comes from condensing water, we know every single step in the formation of rain and we can predict when it will rain, doesn't that mean we are predicting the actions of Allah? Allah says Yanzilu min as-samaai maa. He sends rain down from the sky. What's wrong with that? Doesn't RAIN fall from the sky? The only reason people believed in the Quran is because it was 1500 years ago and their faith became so strong over the years. 1500 years ago ask someone, where did the sun come from, he would be speechless and believe in god. Ask someone where did rain come from, he would be speechless. 1500 years ago, people looked at the sun and thought that was god, and they worshipped it. Without the Quran, there would be a lot more people doing just that. How about now, we would say rain comes from condensation, The Quran is quite prophetic on the clouds and rain. See There's nothing there that science wouldn't corroborate. Noun (2:164:36) wal-saḥābi and the clouds وَتَصْرِيفِ الرِّيَاحِ وَالسَّحَابِ الْمُسَخَّرِ بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ لَآيَاتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يَعْقِلُونَ (7:57:12) saḥāban clouds حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَقَلَّتْ سَحَابًا ثِقَالًا سُقْنَاهُ لِبَلَدٍ مَيِّتٍ فَأَنْزَلْنَا بِهِ الْمَاءَ (13:12:8) l-saḥāba the clouds هُوَ الَّذِي يُرِيكُمُ الْبَرْقَ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَيُنْشِئُ السَّحَابَ الثِّقَالَ (24:40:13) saḥābun a cloud يَغْشَاهُ مَوْجٌ مِنْ فَوْقِهِ مَوْجٌ مِنْ فَوْقِهِ سَحَابٌ (24:43:6) saḥāban clouds أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يُزْجِي سَحَابًا ثُمَّ يُؤَلِّفُ بَيْنَهُ ثُمَّ يَجْعَلُهُ رُكَامًا (27:88:8) l-saḥābi (of) the clouds وَتَرَى الْجِبَالَ تَحْسَبُهَا جَامِدَةً وَهِيَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحَابِ (30:48:6) saḥāban (the) clouds اللَّهُ الَّذِي يُرْسِلُ الرِّيَاحَ فَتُثِيرُ سَحَابًا فَيَبْسُطُهُ فِي السَّمَاءِ كَيْفَ يَشَاءُ (35:9:6) saḥāban (the) clouds وَاللَّهُ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ الرِّيَاحَ فَتُثِيرُ سَحَابًا فَسُقْنَاهُ إِلَىٰ بَلَدٍ مَيِّتٍ (52:44:8) saḥābun Clouds وَإِنْ يَرَوْا كِسْفًا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ سَاقِطًا يَقُولُوا سَحَابٌ مَرْكُومٌ the sun is a star formed by the big bang just like all the other stars. And how does this contradict the quran? the shariah law doesn't make sense to me. It didn't make sense to me, until i took my time to sit with scholars and understand it! All this stuff was easy to believe 1500 years ago but now? People just built faith from scrap. Science explained the world, religion is just causing war and messing up my mind. Most of the wars started in the past 60 years have been started by countries that claim to have no state religion. So how is religion causing wars? If God exists why can't it be proved, it is NOT my fault that I don't believe in GOD, what is the point of sending your message through humans and making them convince people, if you are convinced you go to heaven if not hell. For Heavens sake, you're 15! You haven't even come across those proofs yet. Of course they exist. Study ilm-al-kalaam and learn the proofs, if you want. but to say they dont exist? Nonsense! As for having to be convinced, Allah has given you free will. You must use it to believe, and if you stubbornly refuse, that is your fault, not Allah's. I feel soooo horrible writing this, someone please help and convince me that god exists. Study Islam in a traditional setting. That is the only way you will meet real Ulema with real knowledge, who can put your mind at ease. ps. Hope your exams go well! You seem to be a very inquisitive boy, so i think you should get very good grades |
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#10 |
You should also read about the prophetic hadiths. How did the Prophet |
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#11 |
could you reference that please? i mean hadiths relating to the arab spring. thanks ![]() I meant it (Arab Spring) generally as to relate to the changes which propagated between the era as exactly as the hadith tells us. It's the hadith about the rightly guided caliphate, biting kingdom, oppressive rulers and so on which was quoted by scholars and imams across Egypt during the protest against Hosni Mubarak. I've read other hadith that says the chaos would be ensuing until the zuhoor of Imam Mahdi ![]() ![]() |
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#12 |
I am 15 years old and a practicing Muslim, and I have been one all my life. I recently decided to become more religious and start reading the Quran more often, but the more I read, the weaker my belief in Allah became, I am sickened to say now that I no longer believe in the existence of God, I still pray and do everything a Muslim does but when I pray I feel like I am just moving and nothing else. Firstly, when you Google for answers to your questions, please use the following site (it will bring you answers from authentic islamic websites) - I'll answer this one - The Quran always says that Allah raised the sky without pillars, but wait a minute, the SKY doesn't exist, the sky is nothing, there was nothing raised, we went to the moon, there is your proof, we went to mars, we went further than the SKY, the sky is a direction like north/east/west it doesn't exist. Completly different translation to this - 13:2 (Asad) It is God who has raised the heavens without any supports that you could see, and is established on the throne of His almightiness; [4] You should read the tafsir to understand the meaning of this verse. |
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#13 |
![]() It appears brothers have accurately rebutted the false claims that the Quran does not correctly present geology, meteorology, or cosmology. I would add that the 'sky' or 'skies' over the planet earth are INDEED real!!! The atmospheres protect the planet from harmful radiation, from meteors and other space debris, retain beneficial C02 and heat while releasing other material, and provide an enclosed planetary weather system of a relatively consistent habitatable temperature, radiation level, moisture level. According to almost all scientists, planet earth's atmospheres are critical to all life on earth. I don't usually recommend Wikipedia as a source, but this particular wikipedia page accurately presents a survey of Earth Sciences, including the 5+ atmospheres surrounding the planet: |
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#15 |
Don't worry brother Inshallah once you obtain some deep knowledge of the Quran all your questions will be easily answered.
Just ensue that you don't waste anytime reading the propaganda thats out there if you don't have a firm foundation in understanding the Quran. Also, I recommend you find a reliable tafseer to help you study the Quran, Maariful Quran is good in this regard as it provides a good translation of the Quran along with a deep commentary. The video of Dr. Zakir Naik that the brother posted is also a very good source to answer your questions. |
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#17 |
![]() Rasoolullah ![]() ![]() |
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#18 |
![]() Brother you need some strong evidence or proof to believe in Allah the way you want to??? Do you even know what Iman is we are talking about? To believe in unseen, untouched, unheard. which means you will believe in what your Nafs has never check up on. And to believe once you discover or been confirmed about the matter, comes under the definition of Witness and not Iman. yes Mohammad s.a.w and Quran are the witness there for us, but you were not suppose to recite the verses to judge and doubt them and compare then with human researches and studies. Many of the scientific advances were been proposed, appreciated and approved in one period while rejected in next with more experiences and acknowledgement. you should doubt these human, -----ists failure,have not reached to discover the truth. They are in progress, you may say, in various fields. btw who is going to give you the proof about the existence of Hell or heaven? the Jin or the spirits? the Jibril and the sahaba? so it means you will not believe in them? when Hadrat Ali r.z (a child when has) accepted Islam did he r.z asked for some solid proofs? Just STOP asking for evidences, do wudu, say Two rakat salah hajaat and don't delay brother, ask Allah for help. and then Think who can be my creator? can the Name ALLAH be a fake one? can Surah Rahman be a human work? subhanAllah. you will start believing Allah. If your Nafs/satan insists you to provide evidences then just neglect them. may Allah help you out and save us from such evil whispers.ameen. ![]() |
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#19 |
Help! I stopped believing in God (Allah) he is not thinking like that way per his own sweet will, is really in need.Yes this is too bad, just think if you and me were in his situation May Allah save us all from such. we should expect from ourselves the same situation what others are in as we all are replaceable. ![]() |
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#20 |
![]() sister, Some of the sahaba also were truly convinced after they "witnessed" the truthfulness of the Prophet ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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