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Old 12-19-2011, 08:51 PM   #21

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tell him how to get set? how to go (walk)? for this, he is here to seek.

he is not thinking like that way per his own sweet will, is really in need.Yes this is too bad, just think if you and me were in his situation May Allah save us all from such. we should expect from ourselves the same situation what others are in as we all are replaceable.

Sister he is a very young boy and any intellectual, in-depth or spiritual discourse is not sufficient for him. He need more. He needs attention. Others, including you, did precisely that. I too joined the company. I have faith in Allah(SWT) that this will be sufficient.
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Old 12-19-2011, 10:38 PM   #22

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I am 15 years old and a practicing Muslim, and I have been one all my life. I recently decided to become more religious and start reading the Quran more often, but the more I read, the weaker my belief in Allah became, I am sickened to say now that I no longer believe in the existence of God, I still pray and do everything a Muslim does but when I pray I feel like I am just moving and nothing else.

I can not help but to have these feelings and I came here looking for someone to convince me that God exists. I know that if there is a God, it is Allah. But here are the reasons for my sickening feelings:

The Quran always says, that the mountains were placed on the Earth to stabilize it, but this is 100% incorrect scientifically.

The Quran always says that Allah raised the sky without pillars, but wait a minute, the SKY doesn't exist, the sky is nothing, there was nothing raised, we went to the moon, there is your proof, we went to mars, we went further than the SKY, the sky is a direction like north/east/west it doesn't exist.

The Quran always says that Allah brought rain from the sky, but we know that rain comes from condensing water, we know every single step in the formation of rain and we can predict when it will rain, doesn't that mean we are predicting the actions of Allah?

The only reason people believed in the Quran is because it was 1500 years ago and their faith became so strong over the years.

1500 years ago ask someone, where did the sun come from, he would be speechless and believe in god. Ask someone where did rain come from, he would be speechless.

How about now, we would say rain comes from condensation, the sun is a star formed by the big bang just like all the other stars.
the shariah law doesn't make sense to me.

All this stuff was easy to believe 1500 years ago but now?

People just built faith from scrap.

Science explained the world, religion is just causing war and messing up my mind.

If God exists why can't it be proved, it is NOT my fault that I don't believe in GOD, what is the point of sending your message through humans and making them convince people, if you are convinced you go to heaven if not hell.

I feel soooo horrible writing this, someone please help and convince me that god exists.
Asalaam Alaikum bro

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Benificent, Lord of the Universe...

I'm going to share somehting with you - here goes! - I was in a similar postion as you when I was around the same age. I could not relate oll all the parts of the jugsaw and in turn failed to put them together. So from the age of thirteen until the age of thirty I was in limbo - neither here nor there - caught in the secular dream and totally far, far away from Allah swt.

What brought to me back to Islam was a lot later in my life when I had been through the trials and tribulations of life. I realised why I was in the pridicament I was in and it occured to me that everything that Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an related to me! It was immense awakening!

So look at your life brother and see what pridicament your in. Ask Allah swt to expand your chest with knowledge and seek forgiveness! And please ask for my forgiveness also.

Brother, science is based on theory and speculation. One theory always replaces another one. The Deen is complete and Rasul of Allah (pbuh) is haq and Allah (swt) is haq.

The Deen is a complete way of life and is not based on theory and speculation. Any difference of opinion is a mercy from Allah swt as long is it is based on Qur'an and Sunnah and is within the confines of Shariah.

Allah (swt) is the Orignator - he is the Orginator of the cause and we are the receivers from its effects whatever it may be, be it rain,snow, etc.

These secular thinkers came up with their theories in 'modern' times while Allh revealed all of these things and more which scientists have not even come to theorise yet in the Qur'an 1400 years ago!

Technological innovationa and advancement of social sciences have not helped human beings move anymore forward - Allah swt challenges humans - bring the dead back to life - literally! Can it be done?

Allah (swt) reveals His mercy through His sign and also His wrath, But His mercy outweighs and encompasses everything.

So have faith brother and for Allah's sake ponder on the signs and look back in history and see how He revealed His signs and message.

May Allah swt give us the true understaning of His Deen. And may He send His choicest belssings on his last and final messenger Muhammad (pbuh) and his family and companions and his Ummah. Ameen.

wAllaHu Alam
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Old 12-19-2011, 11:44 PM   #23

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brother. yes, the case of Sahabah, it would be more appropriate if we say, after they "witnessed" the truthfulness of the Prophet it increased their level of Iman rather thn saying ...were truly convinced after they "witnessed".. Allahu A'lam.

I wanted to stop him from seeking evidences any further just to make him stay there in the category of born Muslims (which is indeed a great favour of Allah) and not to adhere himself one way or the other to the that category of non believer's - dawning realization of a new deity. This is why I asked him to seek Allah's protection through salah and dhikr what we believe we can actually seek refuge with . It seems from his post and post's icon, he is a true believer and has badly hitched up by the whispers of obstinate Satan, so he should better neglect at initial stage otherwise, he will be satisfied with some verses and will doubt others, then surely hadith literature will be up next to his doubts. He should give a break for some time to any translation and tafsir and should focus on saying salah and dhikr Insha Allah. If not, and he want to have some evidences, then it is laudable if brother and sisters provide him with such as they did and doing already. Allahu A'lam.

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Old 12-19-2011, 11:47 PM   #24

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Sister he is a very young boy and any intellectual, in-depth or spiritual discourse is not sufficient for him. He need more. He needs attention. Others, including you, did precisely that. I too joined the company. I have faith in Allah(SWT) that this will be sufficient.
Okay, got it. Insha Allaah may that be sufficient for him.
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Old 12-20-2011, 12:47 AM   #25

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brother. yes, the case of Sahabah, it would be more appropriate if we say, after they "witnessed" the truthfulness of the Prophet it increased their level of Iman rather thn saying ...were truly convinced after they "witnessed".. Allahu A'lam.

sister, I meant it for their conversion, as nothing could be compared to their iman afterwards (after they accepted Islam), for theirs is the generation that Allah Has Praised in the Quran.

Allah Knows best.
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Old 12-20-2011, 12:52 AM   #26

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I am 15 years old and a practicing Muslim, and I have been one all my life. I recently decided to become more religious and start reading the Quran more often, but the more I read, the weaker my belief in Allah became, I am sickened to say now that I no longer believe in the existence of God, I still pray and do everything a Muslim does but when I pray I feel like I am just moving and nothing else..
Do you believe that the Prophet PBUH was a messenger of Allah that received divine revelation from God?
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Old 12-23-2011, 11:12 PM   #27

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sister, I meant it for their conversion, as nothing could be compared to their iman afterwards (after they accepted Islam), for theirs is the generation that Allah Has Praised in the Quran.

Allah Knows best.
Ok brother. Yes, Allah Knows best.
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Old 12-28-2011, 03:24 PM   #28

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This short book is aimed at non-muslims though inshAllah beneficial.
Its called the man in the red underpants.

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Old 12-28-2011, 03:33 PM   #29

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As-salaamualaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,

MashaALLAH ! Alhamdulillaah ! SubhanaALLAH ! Muslims are uniting to help another Muslim. Wonderful. May ALLAH bring more more and more unity in this ummah...ameen.

As Questions were answered in a good manner already. I don't have much to say. The only thing i would say is a story happened with a Scholar. Now I'm not sure if this is very authentic or not but this story does makes sense. If anybody knows about its authenticity then do mention, or else only the gist can be taken which makes sense.

There was a Shaykh it seems who wrote a book explaining the Wahdaniyat of ALLAH Subhaanahuwa Ta'aala in 150 different ways. How it can be proved that there is only one Ilah and that is ALLAH Subhaanahuwa Ta'aala. So, when the time of his death drew near, Shaitan came to him with his one of the best tricks to make him disbelieve in ALLAH. (As I heard that Shaitan comes to a Muslim with his best tricks at the time of his/her death. That's why its said to work on your iman, protect your iman so that we can inshaALLAH take iman from this world) And he told the Shaykh that he can prove the Shaykh wrong about his claim. The Shaykh presented to the Shaitan one proof and another. And the Shaitan proved him wrong with his answers. Till the Shaykh gave all his points and explanation and Shaitan proved all his points and explanation wrong. Then The Shaykh seriously started thinking on this matter in dilemma , on his death bed ! When this Shaykh was in this state, his Spiritual teacher or his teacher who was a Wali of ALLAH, told him tell the Shaitan that I DO NOT NEED A PROOF TO BELIEVE IN ALLAH. As soon as he said that Shaitan couldn't come up with a reasoning and the Shaykh died Alhamdulillaah.

So, this is what came to my mind. If anybody know of its authenticity then please do let me know. Anyways it does give us good lesson.

JazakALLAH Khair
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Old 12-28-2011, 03:37 PM   #30

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Get hold of this book:

"God, Islam, and the Skeptic Mind: A Study on Faith, Religious Diversity, Ethics, and the Problem of Evil"
By Saiyad Fareed Ahmad
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Old 01-05-2012, 12:22 AM   #31

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Thank you everybody, I am happy and thankful to announce that I have regained my faith and am more confident in this religion than ever before.
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Old 01-05-2012, 12:24 AM   #32

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Thank you everybody, I am happy and thankful to announce that I have regained my faith and am more confident in this religion than ever before.
Alhamdulillah, All praise to Allah Ta'ala.
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Old 01-05-2012, 01:33 AM   #33

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MashAllah this thread is amazing. im adding it to my list of subscribed threads so that I can always come back to it for more beenfit in the future inshAllah. There really is no other ummah like the ummah of muhammad salallahu alayhi wassalam. They have their text in pure prestine form, in its original language, hold true to it without having to water it down with nonsense interpretations, are advanced ins cience and frankly much more civilised than my fellow europeans whom consider themselves the best of creation. Alhamdulillah taht I accepted Islam. As a christian there was so much missing that islam has and it truely is a perfect religion and teh haqh and holds all the answers. InshAllah I will benefit from any future posts in this thread also
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Old 01-05-2012, 01:36 AM   #34

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Thank you everybody, I am happy and thankful to announce that I have regained my faith and am more confident in this religion than ever before.
mashAllah great news brother, dont worry im sure everyone goes through this at some point. I think many muslims are muslim by name and just born into teh faith, and at some point they basically revert to islam in the same way an actual revert does, and they realise its the haqh and take it seriously and find their faith in full throttle rather than just being a muslim by name. It seems you have reached this stage brother. Keep seeking knowledge, surround yourself with good practicing muslims and get invovled in the dawah inshAllah and aid Islam, tahts my advice and its usually what people do after they have this realisation of the beatiful religion they were born with but never appreciated properly. Like walking around with a diamond sitting in your pocket and suddenly realising your a millionaire for teh first time except islam is more precious than diamonds and gold
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Old 01-05-2012, 02:31 PM   #35

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Thank you everybody, I am happy and thankful to announce that I have regained my faith and am more confident in this religion than ever before.
This is not only a favour to yourself brother but to us also - we feel fortified. Mubruk and
May Allah(SWT) provide us all the strength to be firm on our faith.
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Old 01-05-2012, 07:08 PM   #36

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May we live and die in His submission, with Ikhlas, alone.ameen
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Old 01-29-2012, 12:56 AM   #37

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Thank you everybody, I am happy and thankful to announce that I have regained my faith and am more confident in this religion than ever before.

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Old 01-29-2012, 02:09 AM   #38

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Thank you everybody, I am happy and thankful to announce that I have regained my faith and am more confident in this religion than ever before.
Asalaamu Alaikum,

Alhamdulillah, brother in future if you have any issues, then be sure to ask here again, or use the islamic search found in my signature. Inshallah you will find all suffiicient answers.
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Old 01-29-2012, 02:22 AM   #39

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Just STOP asking for evidences, do wudu, say Two rakat salah hajaat and don't delay brother, ask Allah for help.
THE definition of blind faith.
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Old 01-29-2012, 02:27 AM   #40

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Keep seeking knowledge
How can he keep seeking knowledge, when people in this thread are saying "stop asking for proof"?

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