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Old 01-26-2012, 04:39 PM   #1

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Default Why childrens are not allowed to stand along with us in jamath????
As salam alay kum.

In our area mosque the imam when starting jamath he say's

1. Straight your rows
2. Swithc off your mobiles
3. Send the childrens in last rows of the mosque or in any corners of the mosque.
4. Allah will do raham (mercy) then he starts prayers.

All the small children's who has interest for prayers feel bad.

Why they are doing like this?

Is there is any hadith which says us to not allow childrens with us in jamath?
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:44 PM   #2

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3. 'Send the childrens in last rows of the mosque or in any corners of the mosque.'

I've never seen or heard this before. Where does he get this from?
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:52 PM   #3

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3. 'Send the childrens in last rows of the mosque or in any corners of the mosque.'

I've never seen or heard this before. Where does he get this from?
Wa laikuk as salam

In (city CHENNAI state TN country INDIA) most of the mosques childrens were not allowed to stand with us, even if we take our own children and make them to stand with us, some one will come and suggest us to send them back or suggest us to send in the any corner of the mosque or send them in first floor or second floor.

3. 'Send the childrens in last rows of the mosque or in any corners of the mosque.'
(This he says in Tamil language which i translated in english) if you want i can capture photo of the children standing alone in last rows in our local mosques...
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:53 PM   #4

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Abu Malik Ash’ari (ra) related: The Prophet (saw) would take care of these things before commencing the prayer - that the rows of the men were at the front and the children behind them. The prophet (saw) would then state “This is the Salah of my Ummah” (Sunan Abu Dawood, vol 1, p98)
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:59 PM   #5

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There are rulings for young children regarding this.
Practically, everyone feels uncomfortable when a young child moves/dances/giggles... echetra... by your side in salah.

(This he says in Tamil language which i translated in english) if you want i can capture photo of the children standing alone in last rows in our local mosques... chill out buddy. you seem to be furious.
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:00 PM   #6

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Ok. But I have not seen this in practise before. It could be that sometimes rowdy children may distract the adults from salaah (then it makes sense.)
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:03 PM   #7

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Ok. But I have not seen this in practise before. It could be that sometimes rowdy children my distract the adults from salaah (then it makes sense.)

this is the practice in indian subcontinent. Maybe you are somewhere else.
In gulf, the case is different. All the young children can come and disturb you in your salah. it is quite uncomfortable sometimes.
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:06 PM   #8

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Abu Malik Ash’ari (ra) related: The Prophet (saw) would take care of these things before commencing the prayer - that the rows of the men were at the front and the children behind them. The prophet (saw) would then state “This is the Salah of my Ummah” (Sunan Abu Dawood, vol 1, p98)
Assalamu alaykum

When we take our children to some duniyavi mahfil we take care of our children, we prepare them for the occasion, the discipline to be followed in the crowd. When elders are chatting how should the children behave etc.

But when coming to durbar of Allah SWT, everything is forgotten. I have experienced that the children push one another, many times I was pushed and about to fall etc., their pricking each other, bashing, chit chatting, running from one place to another. etc. But I cannot tell anything to them neither the Imam could say anything, reason this masjid is in neighbourhood of intellectuals.
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:13 PM   #9

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we experience the same thing on the women's sides, the women sit around while their kids are making tawaf of those praying lol
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Old 01-26-2012, 10:30 PM   #10

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From what I have always understood and been taught, the order in a Masjid is brothers, then children, then sisters. This is also what I have observed at just about every mosque I have ever prayed in (in different countries) and also same through family/friends/acquaintances/any Muslims in general. So while I don't have a hadith to back it up, for some reason I don't think that this is a "made-up" thing. Though of course what I think doesn't matter so Insha'Allah the more knowledgeable will jump in with evidence (one sister posted a hadith above which mostly confirms this).

However, I would like to say that I have never heard an iman say out aloud, as the OP is saying, to "send the children to the last rows or any corners of the mosque". I personally would advise that masjid to not say it aloud like that but rather make sure they have an understanding with all the parents to do so by themselves in a more inconspicuous manner rather than making a thing out of it over the microphone as you are saying and taking the chance of the children feeling bad. At the same time, it should be explained to the children that this is how it is, and that when they get older, they will be the ones in the front sending their children to the back.

Further, I would think that this only applies to children who have not yet reached puberty, for after the age of puberty is when accountability for salat and other acts starts, and that is the age when parents have been commanded to start being firm with the children if they refuse to make salat etc. So in my understanding a boy who has reached puberty should be able to stand anywhere amongst the rest of the brothers during salat, including in the front row, and same for girls who have reached puberty should be able to stand anywhere amongst the sisters in jaamat.

Lastly, I personally do not mind if there are kids around during salaat, even if they may be 'running around' and what not, because their hearts are pure and they may be the reason Allah accepts our salat (I actually read that once somewhere on SF and it made sense to me). The kid who's standing next to me swaying back and forth? His heart is 100 times purer and cleaner than my dirty heart and it is Allah's blessing that He has put a pure heart next to me in jamaat, and I should cherish it, not complain about it.

May Allah forgive me if I have said anything wrong.

Allah knows best.

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Old 01-26-2012, 10:51 PM   #11

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Wa laikuk as salam

In (city CHENNAI state TN country INDIA) most of the mosques childrens were not allowed to stand with us, even if we take our own children and make them to stand with us, some one will come and suggest us to send them back or suggest us to send in the any corner of the mosque or send them in first floor or second floor.

3. 'Send the childrens in last rows of the mosque or in any corners of the mosque.'
(This he says in Tamil language which i translated in english) if you want i can capture photo of the children standing alone in last rows in our local mosques...
I was also from TamilNadu & in all parts of India they do this. It is a good practise.
I dont know if there is any supporting hadith for it. I learnt this from elders.

Children make lots of disturbances when they stand in front row. I have personally experienced.

//All the small children's who has interest for prayers feel bad.// ..Which kid said you this?
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Old 01-27-2012, 01:36 AM   #12

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Abu Malik Ash’ari (ra) related: The Prophet (saw) would take care of these things before commencing the prayer - that the rows of the men were at the front and the children behind them. The prophet (saw) would then state “This is the Salah of my Ummah” (Sunan Abu Dawood, vol 1, p98)
Assalamu alaykum

When we take our children to some duniyavi mahfil we take care of our children, we prepare them for the occasion, the discipline to be followed in the crowd. When elders are chatting how should the children behave etc.

But when coming to durbar of Allah SWT, everything is forgotten. I have experienced that the children push one another, many times I was pushed and about to fall etc., their pricking each other, bashing, chit chatting, running from one place to another. etc. But I cannot tell anything to them neither the Imam could say anything, reason this masjid is in neighbourhood of intellectuals*.
Exactly as you said, but *ignorants regd. deen. There's absolutely no problem with sending kids to a corner of the masjid, they can cause nuisance. I've seen that the problems come up only when fathers want to pray salah with their kids but can't or not allowed to, they want to pray right in the middle and also keep an eye on the kid, it does not matter to them if the kids causing a nuisance to others. Frankly, if they want that, they better take their kid and pray at a corner themselves, that what we make them do here.

sis ARAM for the hadith.
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Old 01-27-2012, 02:56 AM   #13

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one of my friend who brings his 5 kids to Masjid, first he takes the kids with him and makes sure that his kids are standing in the back & then he comes to the front row.

I have seen some people who bring their kids in the front row and the kids creates non sense. Neither he prays, his father watches the kid and cant control the kid & wants to ensure that people will watch his concentration. Even other people gets disturbed.
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Old 01-27-2012, 02:59 AM   #14

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Once I adviced a kid in US Masjid. that kid was asking me "Do you I know you?"
I dont know what the idiot(kid's father) taught him. Tomorrow this kid will do all non sense.

There are lots of kids in US masjids, you cant advice/scold them - even though its right.
But in US some masjids, where people still follow Islamic tradition and not following modern trends - Masha Allah, kids are too good. They listen to elders, they tell Salam.
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Old 01-27-2012, 03:37 AM   #15

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A brother (looked Moroccan/Tunisian) who came to the masjid with his son came for taraweeh. His son was standing beside me and he was standing beside his son. His son was constantly moving, coming in the way of my sajdah, leaning on me during qiyam and rukoo' to such an extent that I could've fallen and almost did a few times, and I bore it for 4 raka'ats. After the 4 raka'ats, I asked the brother to take his son to the sides as they were empty. He asked me why and I told him that he is disturbing my salah. The brother took offense and instead of moving his son or with his son, he just swapped places and the guy on the other side was being completely bothered during salah. I know it's not a good thing, but I was happy when they left after 8 raka'ats...
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Old 01-27-2012, 04:02 AM   #16

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A brother (looked Moroccan/Tunisian) who came to the masjid with his son came for taraweeh. His son was standing beside me and he was standing beside his son. His son was constantly moving, coming in the way of my sajdah, leaning on me during qiyam and rukoo' to such an extent that I could've fallen and almost did a few times, and I bore it for 4 raka'ats. After the 4 raka'ats, I asked the brother to take his son to the sides as they were empty. He asked me why and I told him that he is disturbing my salah. The brother took offense and instead of moving his son or with his son, he just swapped places and the guy on the other side was being completely bothered during salah. I know it's not a good thing, but I was happy when they left after 8 raka'ats...
Thats better. Atleast others can pray.
Its parents duty to teach kids Islam in home. In India/Pakistan, if they parents doesnt teach; Imam/Hadrat will tell them to stand in the lat row they will do that. But in US if the parents doesnt teach, if anyone tells in the Masjid, the kid ll ask who are you?. They kid's dad will shout/bark at you. I would like to slap those people outside the Masjid.

Aslo during Taraweeh prayers, many guests come to Masjid for Inspection/special visit. You might end up in fighting with them.
If they regularly come to Masjid, they know you better and you have a good frequency of adjusting.

I had 1 worst experience with a Special Visitor last year.
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Old 01-27-2012, 04:16 AM   #17

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i have a question for those ppl. who are against this issue..i want to ask them..how can u make the kids stand by the corners/in the last row in Makkah Mukrrama..Masjidul haraam and masjide nabawi...

so it can never be possible to do that right... therefore the following hadith regarding this issue is[B] recommended but not obligatory..
Ya its recommended, my Question is why cant we do that?
This question is for the father of the kids who doesnt teach about salah to his kid and stands in the front row with kid.
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Old 01-27-2012, 06:52 AM   #18

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i have a question for those ppl. who are against this issue..i want to ask them..how can u make the kids stand by the corners/in the last row in Makkah Mukrrama..Masjidul haraam and masjide nabawi...

so it can never be possible to do that right... therefore the following hadith regarding this issue is[B] recommended but not obligatory..

If kids are well-behaved, sure. But as soon as not obeying something recommended hampers your obligations (in this case, your salah), it does get elevated beyond a mere recommendation. Also, whenever kids are making a lot of noise during salah, our imam tells us all after salaam to not bring kids younger than 7 to the masjid at all. A lot of the kids who are not behaving properly in the masjid are younger than 7.

Also, if there is an issue with the announcement regarding kids, then why is there not an issue with regards to mobile phones? Not everyone's mobiles ring during salah time specifically. It is not an obligation to turn off the mobiles. But we all know that mobiles are a nuisance and haraam only if they have a musical ringtone.
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Old 01-27-2012, 07:17 AM   #19

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Where should the children stand in Jamaat Salaah? At what age can they join in the saff of adults?

Answer 15440

August 26, 2005

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1. If there is only one mature boy, then he will counted among the non-Baaligh. If the non-mature boys are more in number, then it is Mustahabb to put them in the back Saff. However, nowadays, the children will be made to stand with the elders/adults when 2 or more children get together, they will cause harm to their and adult?s Salaat.

2. The above ruling will only apply to those child who can perform their Salaat and Wudhu perfectly. It is Makrooh to join the very young children into the adult Saff. Moreover, it is not even permissible to bring them into the Musjid. (Ahsanul Fataawa vol.3 pg.280)

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
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Old 01-27-2012, 07:19 AM   #20

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1)In any madhab(Hanafi, shafi, malaki,Hambali) is it allowed for children(na baligh) to pray salah along with men(standing in same saff like men)?

1)In any madhab(Hanafi, shafi, malaki,Hambali) is it allowed for children(na baligh) to pray salah along with men(standing in same saff like men)? Is salah valid if I(Hanafi) pray behind Child(na balig) who(not imam) is standing before me in my before saff?.Please explain role of children in farz jamat. 2) I heard that while in salah we have to position(stand,sit,ruku) in obedient way(as we are standing before Allah Subhanahutaala) with out moving hands(moving to wipe face,adject head scraf like things which will make loseing concentration.). In most necessary situations(not desirable) we can make three times(in entair salah) beyond that salah will be makroo.Here(Saudi Arabia) I am very uncomfortable with this as most of people during salah will adjest headscraf,move there belongins maximum of the times(not there it is far more than three), This makes me loosing concenteation(as they stand beside to me) for that in most of time during salah i will closed my eyes.For this what need to be done? What i Know is correct? 3)Can I make qhada salah in two rakats(for my missing salahs in the past) or like fizar 2 rakats zohar 4 rakats asar 4 rakats(problem is i am not remembered exactly which i missed). 4)Inshallah this year I want to perform Haj,Please guide me with related link for Haj and Umrah Remember me in your Duvas.
Answer 13245

November 20, 2004

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1. Refer below ? Children in the Musjid

2. It is Makrooh to make unnecessary movements in Salaat. You should not distract yourself because of others. You could close your eyes in order not to be distracted by those people.

3. For Qadhaa Salaat, you will have to perform Fajr 2, Dhuhr 4, Asr 4, Maghrib 3, Esha 4 and Witr 3 Rakaats. There is no Qadhaa for Sunnats before and after each Salaat.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Children who do not know ettiquettes of the Masjid and have no knowledge of ritual cleanliness should NOT be allowed to come to the Masjid. Similarly, children who know ritual cleanliness and also know the sanctity and reverence of the Masjid are permitted to come to the Masjid.

The Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'When the child is seven years old, order him to say prayers and when he is ten years old, CHASTISE HIM TO DO SO.' (Mishkaat). It does not mean that when the child is seven years old, he can pay due respect to the Masjid. The instruction and training for prayer can also be given at home. When a child has attained seven years of age and he can show respect to the Masjid and understand ritual cleanliness, he is permitted to come to the Masjid. There is no prohibition for such a child.

Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'Keep your insane people and your children away from the Masjid' (Ibn Maajah). This prohibition is generally flouted nowadays where little children create disturbance in the masjid. Often it has been experienced that little children by their crying distract the father and other Musallees as well. The prohibition is based on the sanctity, reverence and cleanliness of the masjid. It is also improper to bring little children into the Saffs (rows) of adults.
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