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Old 01-06-2012, 12:41 AM   #1

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What is the difference when one is said to have jinn nazar and when one is afflicted with black magic?
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Old 01-06-2012, 01:25 AM   #2

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What is the difference when one is said to have jinn nazar and when one is afflicted with black magic?
Being possesed by a Jinn is usually the work of the Jinn himself, and is often caused by the possessed persons actions. Things like taking drugs or being a drunk can open one up to this, someone who frequents jinn infested areas, or sometimes even from purposefully or accidentilly harming a jinn. I once met a woman who became majnoon when she through a bucket of boiling water out her window, not knowing a jinn was standing there. the boiling water killed the jinn, and the brother of the jinn sought revenge on her by possesing her and mking her harm herself.

Black magic is caused by Jinns as well, but they are jinns either under the control of a sahar or shayteen working with a sahar.
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Old 01-06-2012, 07:15 AM   #3

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Being possesed by a Jinn is usually the work of the Jinn himself, and is often caused by the possessed persons actions. Things like taking drugs or being a drunk can open one up to this, someone who frequents jinn infested areas, or sometimes even from purposefully or accidentilly harming a jinn. I once met a woman who became majnoon when she through a bucket of boiling water out her window, not knowing a jinn was standing there. the boiling water killed the jinn, and the brother of the jinn sought revenge on her by possesing her and mking her harm herself.

Black magic is caused by Jinns as well, but they are jinns either under the control of a sahar or shayteen working with a sahar.

I think you are talking about jinn possession but I am asking about jinn nazar like a person having jinn nazar rather than being possessed. Aren't they different?
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Old 01-06-2012, 07:52 AM   #4

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What is the difference when one is said to have jinn nazar and when one is afflicted with black magic?
Jinn nazar! Havent heard that in a while. Ya they are different, the patient shows different symptoms.
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Old 01-06-2012, 08:07 AM   #5

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Jinn nazar! Havent heard that in a while. Ya they are different, the patient shows different symptoms.

I once asked some one knowledgable about this and he said that jinn nazar is like having jinn with someone but I am sure it is different from getting possessed. If anyone could explain, it would be good.
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Old 01-06-2012, 09:04 AM   #6

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jinn nazar can happen as a result of black magic if the magic is left for a while without being treated. these jinns stay around you and after a while develop lust for you. so then you have an evil eye and black magic problem. they can also evil eye you without magic but its much less common. magic and evil eye are two different beasts. evil eye can just happen, and magic requires a magician, jinns, and an enemy.
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Old 01-06-2012, 09:24 AM   #7

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jinn nazar can happen as a result of black magic if the magic is left for a while without being treated. these jinns stay around you and after a while develop lust for you. so then you have an evil eye and black magic problem. they can also evil eye you without magic but its much less common. magic and evil eye are two different beasts. evil eye can just happen, and magic requires a magician, jinns, and an enemy.

What are the effects of jinn nazar? Is it as bad as black magic?
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Old 01-06-2012, 12:06 PM   #8

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it really depends on the strength of either. there is some very strong black magic and very strong nazar. both can be nasty. nazar symptoms can include but are not limited to: heart palpitations, yellow pallor in skin, sweating, feeling cold, darkness in the skin, restlessness, trouble sleeping, physical sickness, mental sickness, etc. best way to find out is to contact a sheikh who can do istikhara for you and find out for sure.
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Old 01-06-2012, 01:29 PM   #9

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One of major signs of nazar is of course death. Nazar can be fatal.
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Old 01-06-2012, 02:54 PM   #10
ultimda horaf

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may god save all Muslims from such things. Ameen!
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Old 01-06-2012, 04:30 PM   #11

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it really depends on the strength of either. there is some very strong black magic and very strong nazar. both can be nasty. nazar symptoms can include but are not limited to: heart palpitations, yellow pallor in skin, sweating, feeling cold, darkness in the skin, restlessness, trouble sleeping, physical sickness, mental sickness, etc. best way to find out is to contact a sheikh who can do istikhara for you and find out for sure.

you mean only a shaikh can find out if one has a black magic or not?
Let Allah SWT save us all from this. Amin
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Old 01-06-2012, 05:06 PM   #12

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you mean only a shaikh can find out if one has a black magic or not?
Let Allah SWT save us all from this. Amin

Yes, only a shaik can find out whether the person is afflicted by jinn nazar and black magic.
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Old 01-07-2012, 04:31 AM   #13

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you mean only a shaikh can find out if one has a black magic or not?
Let Allah SWT save us all from this. Amin
Shaikh yes, but an amil can also.
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Old 01-07-2012, 05:27 PM   #14

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Jinn possession is when a jinn completely controls the 'sub-conscious mind' of a person;Jinn nazar is when a jinn puts evil effects without actually controlling the mind/body.Both are jinn problems and the treatement is also the same.Jinn possession can only occur in those subjects who are mentally and spiritually weak;Jinn nazar can affect any one !
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Old 01-07-2012, 06:12 PM   #15

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Jinn possession is when a jinn completely controls the 'sub-conscious mind' of a person;Jinn nazar is when a jinn puts evil effects without actually controlling the mind/body.Both are jinn problems and the treatement is also the same.Jinn possession can only occur in those subjects who are mentally and spiritually weak;Jinn nazar can affect any one !

Agree with u Hazrat.. adding my two cents.. the effect of Jinn nazar also varies from person to person.. mostly it presents with uneplained fever.. frightfullness..and depression in adults. and in children it features with bed wetting.. fear of darkness.. loss of appetite etc..

Symptoms start when the patient suffered shock while on seeing something.. I had this distant aunt who was a cheerful person in late 60's.. she lived near a lake that was infamous for shayateen / Jinn sightings.. one evening she went there for some need and came back frightened.. said she saw something... but was too frightened to even speak.. she went into depression.. consulted many psychiatrists.. amils.. but of no use.. she died in that state..

second, I heared ( Bro Maripat kindly confirm its veracity plz.. if possible) That Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar ul Haq sb had a young son who once while walking down some dark alley entered a room and to his shock saw a lady in white with long teeth.. loose hair feeding a baby.. the effect of this was so profound that he devoloped fever.. and died within a few days..

Third , i have a close relative who saw them since childhood .. talks to them .. and feels nothing great about it..

case no.2 children or adults who did not witness Jinn but were seen by Jinn/ shayateen, casting thier nazar, have effects of lesser degree ..

so its always beneficial to read muwazzatain and blow on self / children after fardh salaat.. for nazar related stuff..

wallahu alam..

wa assalam..
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Old 01-07-2012, 06:31 PM   #16

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MashaAllah,very interesting.!
Just to add to your stories,one of our Mashaikh,a very great sahib nisbat shaikh.A few months before his wafat,this Ajez saw him in a dream,that he was sitting with me on the front seat of a car,travelling on a road,suddenly a huge person appeared in front,in the middle of the Road,and shot straight bullets into Hazrat ra.I stopped the car and took him to a nearby muddy house,but he embraced martyardom; Then suddenly I saw him alive in clean White clothes besides his body saying:" I have been killed by Shia jinnat", ...."and I am sooo happy,if I knew I will have such pleasures after death,I would have died long ago".I said,Hazrat I can see you are happy,but what shall we do after you?.Hazrat said "My son,never leave Bara Tasbeeh"
The next morning I went to hazrat and narrated the dream,He just smiled and said, "correct,never leave Bara tasbeeh'!
But then soon after, he developed a strange illness,would be drowsy most of the time,slight disturbance in memory,and in two three months died undiagnosed (Rahema hullah).One of his khalifa told me that in his final days he declared that some Shia jinnat has done Jadu on him.Wallaho Alam.
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Old 01-08-2012, 12:18 AM   #17

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I just wanted to ask this we know there are many adhkars and duas read in the morning and evening for protection, can one still be affected by jadoo or nazar when the person does all the adhkars and duas regularly? Also as far as the shiekh story, I am sure he would be reading duas for protection, how come he was affected by jadoo? Normally muwazzatain cured our beloved Prophet SAW from jadoo, then how come one gets afflicted by such nazar or jadoo when a person has the habit of reciting these things?
Also whats the cure for jinn nazar?
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Old 01-08-2012, 12:40 AM   #18

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I just wanted to ask this we know there are many adhkars and duas read in the morning and evening for protection, can one still be affected by jadoo or nazar when the person does all the adhkars and duas regularly? Also as far as the shiekh story, I am sure he would be reading duas for protection, how come he was affected by jadoo? Normally muwazzatain cured our beloved Prophet SAW from jadoo, then how come one gets afflicted by such nazar or jadoo when a person has the habit of reciting these things?
Also whats the cure for jinn nazar?
Just like shariat is the orders of Allah,Taqdeer is the work of Allah swt.We all have to bow down to it,wether it is a commoner like me or a shaikh like him.Whatever is written in our destiny will reach us,no matter what !There are remedies,which you have rightly mentioned.Just like in physical disease,taking precautionary measures does not mean that a disease will never occur,neither can we say that all the treatement will always cure a disease,Taqdeer will always find us.We all shall ask for afia....and then should adop tafweez for whatever comes our way.After all we are in examination hall,there will be difficult questions and there may be easy ones too.For difficult times we are advised to do Sabr,for easy times there is shukur....and.....wal aqebato lil muttaqeen !
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Old 01-08-2012, 12:43 AM   #19

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Just like shariat is the orders of Allah,Taqdeer is the work of Allah swt.We all have to bow down to it,wether it is a commoner like me or a shaikh like him.Whatever is written in our destiny will reach us,no matter what !There are remedies,which you have rightly mentioned.Just like in physical disease,taking precautionary measures does not mean that a disease will never occur,neither can we say that all the treatement will always cure a disease,Taqdeer will always find us.We all shall ask for afia....and then should adop tafweez for whatever comes our way.After all we are in examination hall,there will difficult questions and there may be easy ones too.For difficult times we are advised to do Sabr,for easy times there is shukur....and.....wal aqebato lil muttaqeen !

True. Just wondered and looked for some clarity. So a person if killed by jinnat will enjoy the martyrdom too like one dying in the path of Allah SWT maashaaAllah.

Also I see here some treatment for nazar
Can this treatment be done by the one afflicted by himself? I know the person who wrote that amal in the link might know better but in case anyone can clarify, it would be helpful inshaaAllah.
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Old 01-08-2012, 12:56 AM   #20

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True. Just wondered and looked for some clarity. So a person if killed by jinnat will enjoy the martyrdom too like one dying in the path of Allah SWT maashaaAllah.

Also I see here some treatment for nazar

Can this treatment be done by the one afflicted by himself? I know the person who wrote that amal in the link might know better but in case anyone can clarify, it would be helpful inshaaAllah.
Unfortunately I am not a scholar,I just narrated a dream.As you you know well dream is not a Hujjat in Ahkam,so I will refer this matter to a mufti.For defence against jinnat,Jadu and Nazar any thing mentioned in Ahadeeth will certainly be better than any other remedy.Just following the words of Rasool ullah sallallho alaihe wa sallam has great barakat.We must always look to our Prophet sallaho alaihe wa sallam for guidance in any matter.
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