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Old 01-08-2011, 03:45 PM   #1

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Default sheikh Hazrat Mahboob Zakariya sahib d.b in GERMANY TODAY 8 JANUARY FOR 2 WEEKS
Assalaam u alaikum wr wbn

Hazrat Moulana Mahboob Zakariya sahib d.b who is a khalifa of Hazrat Wala moulana Hakeem Akhter sahib d.b , and has been bayt with hazrat wala for more then 22 years will be arriving today in germany insha Allah ! ! !

Masha Allah very great buzurg ,he's zikr majalis and speeches are really effective ,i hope all brothers from germany try to attend his majalis .

It's a great opertunity for the brothers in Germany as he comes every year to germany and allready has mureeds in Germany.

If any one wants to contact Hazrat please do contact me and insha Allah will try to get you in contact with hazrat himself.

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Old 01-08-2011, 08:08 PM   #2

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Do you know by any chance his schedule for his stay in Germany or which cities he is going to visit? And who are the hosts in Germany?
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Old 01-08-2011, 08:53 PM   #3

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ahhh yess HAzrat Mehboob zakariya bhai haha MashAllah he is memon and i'm related to him MashAllah he lives in the next street in karachi to me and has bayan every sunday after asr MashALLAh harzat sab is soooo amazing his face, bayan specially!!, his love for Alah u can see on his face sucha beautiful person I love him.. he told me once : how long it takes for a highschool degre? u spend 12 years to get a highscool diploma...so u think the Love of Allah''s degree will come in one day , or one week, or even one year, bhai it takes time" mashaALLAH wi oudlr ecommond every brother who can make it togo I miss him
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Old 01-08-2011, 09:25 PM   #4

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Do you know by any chance his schedule for his stay in Germany or which cities he is going to visit? And who are the hosts in Germany?
Yes Brother masha Allah he was yesterday in Belguim ,he left today morning arround 11 am to a Place next to frankfurt.

he will be having programs in Frankfurt and a town next to Frankfurt, hes staying with Hazrat Moulana Hakeem Akhter sahib d.b mureed Rashid bhaai's house insha Allah and will be there for the next 10 day's insha Allah.

if you want Rashid bhaai's number please let me know ill try to get it for you ,just let me jnow the place where you live and your name.

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Old 01-08-2011, 09:37 PM   #5

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Ah, Frankfurt is too far. I doubt I can make it.
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Old 01-08-2011, 09:40 PM   #6

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Ah, Frankfurt is too far. I doubt I can make it.
Assalaam u alaikum wr wb ,

Brother if you can arrange a place in your locallity where hazrat could make majlis and zikr i'm quiet sure he would be more then happy to come ,insha Allah.

It doesn't have to be a big public !
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Old 01-08-2011, 09:47 PM   #7

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Yes Brother masha Allah he was yesterday in Belguim ,he left today morning arround 11 am to a Place next to frankfurt.
Which masjid did he attend there in Belgium? In Antwerpen perhaps?
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Old 01-08-2011, 09:57 PM   #8

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Assalaam u alaikum wr wb,

No brother Ansari he came to Brussels Pakistani Islamic Center.
He first gave the jumah bayaan and after that he gave a bayaan after isha , and a zikr majlis at the end.
He also had a small majlis at a brothers house on Thursday evening ,alhamdulillah he came kast year also to Belguim.
He comes yearly to germany , he said yesterdat that he will try to come a second time this year.
Why brother Ansari do you know anyone in Antwerp.

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Old 01-08-2011, 10:00 PM   #9

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Assalaam u alaikum wr wb,

No brother Ansari he came to Brussels Pakistani Islamic Center.
He first gave the jumah bayaan and after that he gave a bayaan after isha , and a zikr majlis at the end.
He also had a small majlis at a brothers house on Thursday evening ,alhamdulillah he came kast year also to Belguim.
He comes yearly to germany , he said yesterdat that he will try to come a second time this year.
Why brother Ansari do you know anyone in Antwerp.

Wa alaykumussalaam bhai jhaan

In whole Belgium there is only 1 Deobandi mosque I know of, which is Masjid Khatme Nabuwwat in Antwerpen, a small mosque. I did not know of Brussels Pakistani Islamic Center. Is it a lenient Barelwi mosque perhaps?
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Old 01-08-2011, 10:06 PM   #10

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No brother , there are a few strict deobandi mosques.

There is on Brussels Pakistani Islamic center this was the first deobandi mosqueand its the bigest one as well.

After that it was the oostend mosque.

and then the Khatme nabuwat mosque Antwerpen.

and after that it was the liege mosque.

Alhamdulillah there are also two small maktab only of deobandi's.

Where do you live brother Ansari.
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Old 01-08-2011, 10:27 PM   #11

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No brother , there are a few strict deobandi mosques.

There is on Brussels Pakistani Islamic center this was the first deobandi mosqueand its the bigest one as well.

After that it was the oostend mosque.

and then the Khatme nabuwat mosque Antwerpen.

and after that it was the liege mosque.

Alhamdulillah there are also two small maktab only of deobandi's.

Where do you live brother Ansari.
Does Brussels Pakistan Islamic Center has any Ulama?

I live in Holland near Rotterdam.
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Old 01-08-2011, 10:37 PM   #12

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Yes , Masha Allah that mosque has Belguims first ulema in it.

Moulana Adnaan sahib and Moulana Abdul mannaan sahib.

Khatme Nabuwat center does not have any aalim.

Haji AbdulHameed is not a aalim.
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Old 01-08-2011, 10:42 PM   #13

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Yes , Masha Allah that mosque has Belguims first ulema in it.

Moulana Adnaan sahib and Moulana Abdul mannaan sahib.

Khatme Nabuwat center does not have any aalim.

Haji AbdulHameed is not a aalim.
Yes I have met Qari Abdul Hameed. MashaAllah nice person and works hard against the Qadianis. Has a nice library as well. He was close to Mufti Yusuf Ludhianwi.

Where did Mawlana Adnan and Mawlana Abdul Manan study?
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Old 01-08-2011, 10:44 PM   #14

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Does Brussels Pakistan Islamic Center has any Ulama?

I live in Holland near Rotterdam.
Masha Allah ,

so are ther any deobandi mosques over there?
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Old 01-08-2011, 10:48 PM   #15

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moulana Abdul Mannaan sahib is farigh from rochdale madrassah u.k.

and Moulana Abdul mannaan is Farigh from a big madrasah from faislabad.

Masha Allah great.

there are soon insha Allah Some ulema coming to my house and insha Allah i'm planning to teak them around in Belguim Germany Holland.

would you be ready to help.

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Old 01-08-2011, 10:56 PM   #16

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Masha Allah ,

so are ther any deobandi mosques over there?
Only 1 in The Hague, Masjid Darus Salam, which is more of a Tablighi masjid which Moroccans and other foreigners more visit.

The Deobandis here have been lazy in the 70s and 80s when a lot of immigrants came here. And because most of those immigrants where from villages with a Barelwi background, most of them imported their own Imam cussing Deobandis. Most people who are close to Deoband are Tablighis here who are happy with the situation and are more focused on tabligh, not on aqida, fiqh or tasawwuf.
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Old 01-09-2011, 12:23 AM   #17

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Masha Allah ,

there is the son of Hazrat Moulana Farooq Ahmed Raja sahib d.b Hazrat Moulana Khabaab Ahmed Raja d.b who is coming at the end of this month to our madrassah in Antwerp insha Allah.

if you want i can bring him down to your place insha Allah if you could organise a small program in your locallity .

Is it possible ?

The same insha Allah next month Hazrat Moulana Asif Khalifa sahib d.b Khalifa majaaz of Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammed Akhter sahib d.b is coming down to Antwerp in our madrassah,Insha Allah.
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Old 01-09-2011, 01:25 AM   #18

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Yes Brother masha Allah he was yesterday in Belguim ,he left today morning arround 11 am to a Place next to frankfurt.

he will be having programs in Frankfurt and a town next to Frankfurt, hes staying with Hazrat Moulana Hakeem Akhter sahib d.b mureed Rashid bhaai's house insha Allah and will be there for the next 10 day's insha Allah.

if you want Rashid bhaai's number please let me know ill try to get it for you ,just let me jnow the place where you live and your name.

Jazakallah Khair for posting the info of this sufi shaykh. I live near Dusseldorf which is in the north west of Germany. Please send me Rashid bhai's number to my email address.

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Old 01-09-2011, 01:28 AM   #19

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Masha Allah ,

there is the son of Hazrat Moulana Farooq Ahmed Raja sahib d.b Hazrat Moulana Khabaab Ahmed Raja d.b who is coming at the end of this month to our madrassah in Antwerp insha Allah.

if you want i can bring him down to your place insha Allah if you could organise a small program in your locallity .

Is it possible ?

The same insha Allah next month Hazrat Moulana Asif Khalifa sahib d.b Khalifa majaaz of Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammed Akhter sahib d.b is coming down to Antwerp in our madrassah,Insha Allah.
About which madrasa in Antwerp are you talking about?
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Old 01-09-2011, 01:55 AM   #20

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There is Muhammed Khalil sahib in Antwerpen who was and is the most active deobandi in Belguim , alhamdulillah.
He was the founder of Khatme Nabuwat center in Antwerpen ,and the host of Hazrat moulana Yusuf ludhyanwi r.a ,mufti Nizamuddeen shamzai r.a,mufti Jamil Ahmed Khan sahib r.a and many other elders.

His son became farigh 2 years back and Masha Allah opend a madrassah ,alhamdulillah.

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