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Old 01-02-2012, 11:03 PM   #1

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Default One God, One Book, Many Divisions...

If this picture of the Islamic world does not make you sad...

Brothers, let your differences go and embrace the one thing you have in common! Allah and the Quran!
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:37 PM   #2

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Catchy title but that reason doesn't stand on firm grounds. One can also argue the number 4 (or any other number for that matter) and their significance: 4 sacred months throughout the islamic year. 4 importantly divine books. 4 important angels. 4 rightly guided khulafaa' (Even they differed on minor things) 4 Madhaahib etc. etc...

The first 4 categories don't make me sad but last 5 categories as well as the majority grey area do make me worried.
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:39 AM   #3

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..i second.. the title of the thread!

@OP...what is the difference between shia and sunni?
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:41 AM   #4

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Salam 'Aleykum,

This is more correct:http://www.spiritrestoration.org/ima...and%20Shia.jpg

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Old 01-03-2012, 12:44 AM   #5

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Most of the Shi'ah have differences between Sunni that relate to core aspects of Aqeedah...

Yallah Tripoli.....Allah yatool 'umruk.
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:46 AM   #6

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Jews, Christians, and Muslims would stand together saying that they worship the same God against Hindus, Buddists and others.

Then when they unite, they would stand against each other saying that each is the 'better' religion and fight each other -- Muslims vs. Christians vs. Jews.

And when the Muslims unite, they would fight each other because of their differences --- Sunni and Shiiaa against each other.

And after the Sunni unite, they would fight each other because of their differences --- Madhhab this and Madhhab that.

And then when the Madhhab unite, they would fight among themselves again on certain sayings here and certain sayings that.

When God sent Islam, he sent it to unite the people with the Khatim al Anbeyaa' (the last of the Prophets) under a Holy Book that would stand against the corruption that has inflicted the other Holy books before it... and yet you believe that there SHOULD be 4 (FOUR!) divisions between Muslims.

Mohammad (SAAW) would probably cry if he saw how his nation is divided against itself.
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:50 AM   #7

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..i second.. the title of the thread!

@OP...what is the difference between shia and sunni?
Salam 'Aleykum,

There are huge differences, we need a huge book to cover all the differences, I'll give you a small sample, read this thread:
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:52 AM   #8

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@op..post#6 makes sense though...

but do u have any idea to join shia and sunni..to make one ummah..
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:54 AM   #9

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Jews, Christians, and Muslims would stand together saying that they worship the same God against Hindus, Buddists and others.

Then when they unite, they would stand against each other saying that each is the 'better' religion and fight each other -- Muslims vs. Christians vs. Jews.

And when the Muslims unite, they would fight each other because of their differences --- Sunni and Shiiaa against each other.

And after the Sunni unite, they would fight each other because of their differences --- Madhhab this and Madhhab that.

And then when the Madhhab unite, they would fight among themselves again on certain sayings here and certain sayings that.

When God sent Islam, he sent it to unite the people with the Khatim al Anbeyaa' (the last of the Prophets) under a Holy Book that would stand against the corruption that has inflicted the other Holy books before it... and yet you believe that there SHOULD be 4 (FOUR!) divisions between Muslims.

Mohammad (SAAW) would probably cry if he saw how his nation is divided against itself.
Salam 'Aleykum,

Violence and fighting is wrong, people can differ in opinion and they can discuss their differences in a proper respectful way... When was the last time you heard a Hanafi kill a Shafi'i because the Shafi'i raised his hands in prayer? when was the last time you heard a Salafi killed a Maliki because this guy does Taqleed and the other doesn't?

I've never heard of this and if it happened at some point then that's because of ignorance and stupidity.
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:56 AM   #10

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this makes sense though...

do u have any idea to join shia and sunni..to make one ummah..
Salam 'Aleykum,

You need to study huge volumes of books from both Sunni and Shia and learn everything about them, then based on your research you can write a huge book that studies the steps that must be taken to truly unite them.

( Just noticed I use the word Huge a lot but I use it properly)
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:57 AM   #11

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Salam 'Aleykum,

There are huge differences, we need a huge book to cover all the differences, I'll give you a small sample, read this thread:

i encourage the title of the thread.. since OP wants to make one Ummah.. so i am eager to know its solution...
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:58 AM   #12

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..i second.. the title of the thread!

@OP...what is the difference between shia and sunni?
Differences are many, but I consider all the reasoning behind it unfounded. The dispute between Shia and Sunni comes many years after Mohammad's death, and that within itself should be a clue that shows that it is fitna.

And people that say that the differences between them are items of Aqeeda have forgetten that the differences do not come out of the Quraan, as we all share the same exact book. The differences come only from those that spoke and ruled after the death of Mohammad (SAAW), and for what? For political gains and domination; disputes over the rule of the Islamic empire. Two hundred years after the death of Mohammad (SAAW), the "Saheeeh" books are written claiming this and that and claiming it to be the sayings of Mohammad the Prophet... and they follow it with "Isnaad" which was their 'filtering' process of figuring out which Hadeeth is correct and which Hadeeth was a lie... and yet all 4 of those major Hadeeth books on the Sunni side forgot ONE important filter, which is: if the saying contradicts the QURAAN or not... and this is probably true for the Shiaa side also.

Why listen to someone that says "I heard so-and-so say that so-and-so say that he heard the Prophet Mohammad SAAW say... " when you have ALLAH's words right in your hands TELLING YOU everything you need to know...
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:03 AM   #13

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Differences are many, but I consider all the reasoning behind it unfounded. The dispute between Shia and Sunni comes many years after Mohammad's death, and that within itself should be a clue that shows that it is fitna.

And people that say that the differences between them are items of Aqeeda have forgetten that the differences do not come out of the Quraan, as we all share the same exact book. The differences come only from those that spoke and ruled after the death of Mohammad (SAAW), and for what? For political gains and domination; disputes over the rule of the Islamic empire. Two hundred years after the death of Mohammad (SAAW), the "Saheeeh" books are written claiming this and that and claiming it to be the sayings of Mohammad the Prophet... and they follow it with "Isnaad" which was their 'filtering' process of figuring out which Hadeeth is correct and which Hadeeth was a lie... and yet all 4 of those major Hadeeth books on the Sunni side forgot ONE important filter, which is: if the saying contradicts the QURAAN or not... and this is probably true for the Shiaa side also.

Why listen to someone that says "I heard so-and-so say that so-and-so say that he heard the Prophet Mohammad SAAW say... " when you have ALLAH's words right in your hands TELLING YOU everything you need to know...
Salam 'Aleykum,

It is a political fitnah but the Shia turned it into a religious fitnah, try telling that to the Shia though since according to them the religion was still on-going and new laws were being revealed even after the death of the prophet SAWS.

As for the rest it is the usual weak Quranists argument.
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:03 AM   #14

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Differences are many, but I consider all the reasoning behind it unfounded. The dispute between Shia and Sunni comes many years after Mohammad's death, and that within itself should be a clue that shows that it is fitna.

And people that say that the differences between them are items of Aqeeda have forgetten that the differences do not come out of the Quraan, as we all share the same exact book. The differences come only from those that spoke and ruled after the death of Mohammad (SAAW), and for what? For political gains and domination; disputes over the rule of the Islamic empire. Two hundred years after the death of Mohammad (SAAW), the "Saheeeh" books are written claiming this and that and claiming it to be the sayings of Mohammad the Prophet... and they follow it with "Isnaad" which was their 'filtering' process of figuring out which Hadeeth is correct and which Hadeeth was a lie... and yet all 4 of those major Hadeeth books on the Sunni side forgot ONE important filter, which is: if the saying contradicts the QURAAN or not... and this is probably true for the Shiaa side also.

Why listen to someone that says "I heard so-and-so say that so-and-so say that he heard the Prophet Mohammad SAAW say... " when you have ALLAH's words right in your hands TELLING YOU everything you need to know...

As we all know problem is already out there...it would only be appreciated though...if u have any solution for this issue..
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:09 AM   #15

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Jews, Christians, and Muslims would stand together saying that they worship the same God against Hindus, Buddists and others.

Then when they unite, they would stand against each other saying that each is the 'better' religion and fight each other -- Muslims vs. Christians vs. Jews.

And when the Muslims unite, they would fight each other because of their differences --- Sunni and Shiiaa against each other.

And after the Sunni unite, they would fight each other because of their differences --- Madhhab this and Madhhab that.

And then when the Madhhab unite, they would fight among themselves again on certain sayings here and certain sayings that.

When God sent Islam, he sent it to unite the people with the Khatim al Anbeyaa' (the last of the Prophets) under a Holy Book that would stand against the corruption that has inflicted the other Holy books before it... and yet you believe that there SHOULD be 4 (FOUR!) divisions between Muslims.

Mohammad (SAAW) would probably cry if he saw how his nation is divided against itself.

good post! but solution??
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:16 AM   #16

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As we all know problem is already out there...it would only be appreciated though...if u have any solution for this issue..
Start small. Why are we, in this FORUM, brothers in Islam, and yet label ourselves as "Hanafi" and Shafi'i, etc? Why are we segregating ourselves even at the small points that have nothing to do with the core? What USE does this segregation serve other than to divide Islam?

And the Shiia and Sunni getting together is not a battle for this forum or even for today -- the cracks between Muslim brother are big and deep! Notice that nobody here in this forum would refer to Shiia as our brothers in Islam because they almost consider them to be a different religion. Perfect example is the person that posted the 2nd map saying it is more 'Correct', as if that kind of division is more proper than other divisions.

People have to free themselves of the herd instinct of following the crowd and get rid of the mentality of "them vs us". Throw out the differences and embrace the common core. I admit, it is a utopia vision in such a messed up situation that we live in now... but that is how I feel and that is why I despise those "books" that only create conflict...
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:30 AM   #17

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Start small. Why are we, in this FORUM, brothers in Islam, and yet label ourselves as "Hanafi" and Shafi'i, etc? Why are we segregating ourselves even at the small points that have nothing to do with the core? What USE does this segregation serve other than to divide Islam?

And the Shiia and Sunni getting together is not a battle for this forum or even for today -- the cracks between Muslim brother are big and deep! Notice that nobody here in this forum would refer to Shiia as our brothers in Islam because they almost consider them to be a different religion. Perfect example is the person that posted the 2nd map saying it is more 'Correct', as if that kind of division is more proper than other divisions.

People have to free themselves of the herd instinct of following the crowd and get rid of the mentality of "them vs us". Throw out the differences and embrace the common core. I admit, it is a utopia vision in such a messed up situation that we live in now... but that is how I feel and that is why I despise those "books" that only create conflict...
Here I am discussing with two of the biggest Shia online and I call them "brothers". So you're wrong lol.
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:36 AM   #18

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Here I am discussing with two of the biggest Shia online and I call them "brothers". So you're wrong lol.
Glad I am if that is true -- I am new to the forum and don't see the Shia yet.
But tell that to the people that are being killed in Iraq...


It might not be the best example of the situation on the ground, but it gets the point across of how despicable things are.

Islam is no different than Christianity back in the day when Protestants and Catholics used to fight each other... for shame!
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:43 AM   #19

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Start small. Why are we, in this FORUM, brothers in Islam, and yet label ourselves as "Hanafi" and Shafi'i, etc? Why are we segregating ourselves even at the small points that have nothing to do with the core? What USE does this segregation serve other than to divide Islam?

And the Shiia and Sunni getting together is not a battle for this forum or even for today -- the cracks between Muslim brother are big and deep! Notice that nobody here in this forum would refer to Shiia as our brothers in Islam because they almost consider them to be a different religion. Perfect example is the person that posted the 2nd map saying it is more 'Correct', as if that kind of division is more proper than other divisions.

People have to free themselves of the herd instinct of following the crowd and get rid of the mentality of "them vs us". Throw out the differences and embrace the common core. I admit, it is a utopia vision in such a messed up situation that we live in now... but that is how I feel and that is why I despise those "books" that only create conflict...

yes..i agree with u 100%...i too want to add that...especially revert muslims and kids are very confused about these divsions... but now the problem is who will tie the bell on the cat's neck. so my opinion is.. try to find the solution of this issue and present it to the ummah and then hope for the best outcome..Inshaa'Allah..
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Old 01-03-2012, 01:47 AM   #20

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Contrary to expections, negation of madhab and hadiths leads to greater fitna as you'll have to repeat history by reinterpreting the Quran and re-formulating principles and over which a 1000 sects will emerge all claiming to follow the right Quran while someone will even go on to claim that certain Quranic verses are daeef.

Sunni's instead tap onto the rich history of realiable scholarship connecting us to the Prophet saas.
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