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Old 10-17-2009, 07:30 PM   #1

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Default Mountain of Qaf
As-Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are all well!

I was reading from a Naqshbandi website about the "Mountain of Qaf".

Does anyone know what this is?

May Allah preserve the Naqshbandis, ameen.

Jazakallhu Khairun for reading!
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Old 10-17-2009, 08:34 PM   #2

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It is a range of mountains surrounding the earth, and beyond these mountains there is only water. Apparently, most jinn come from there. I've never been to Mountain Qaf, though.
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Old 10-17-2009, 09:44 PM   #3

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www.onlineislamicstore.com has a few page previews of a book called "QAF: the mysterious emerald mountain decoded". The page previews seem to summarize the source of the reference to Mount Qaf pretty well.

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Old 10-17-2009, 10:24 PM   #4

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if im not mistaken it is a mountain located in another dimension that is distinct from this physical/materialistic world where we are present. That dimension is called the a3laam al methal, or the world of symbols, and it is in that world where jabal qaf is located. Those whose hearts get awakened, they get to see the details of those other dimensions of existence.
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Old 10-17-2009, 10:34 PM   #5

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Those whose hearts get awakened, they get to see the details of those other dimensions of existence.

It seems Ibn 'Arabi's companion Musa al-Sadrani really got to see the other dimension of existence:

قال ابن عربي في الفتوحات المكية : (( أخبرنا صاحبنا موسى السدراني وكان صاحب خطوة محمولاً قال لما وصلت إلى جبل قاف وهو جبل عظيم طوق الله به الأرض وطوق هذا الجبل بحية عظيمة قد جمع الله رأسها إلى ذنبها بعد استدارتها بهذا الجبل قال موسى فاستعظمت خلقها قال فقال لي صاحبي الذي كان يحملني سلم عليها فإنها ترد عليك قال ففعلت فردت السلام وقالت كيف حال الشيخ أبي مدين فقلت لها وأنى لك بالعلم بهذا الشيخ فقالت وهل على وجه الأرض أحد يجهل الشيخ أبا مدين فقلت لها كثير يستخفونه ويجهلونه ويكفرونه فقالت عجباً لبني آدم أن الله مذ أنزل محبته إلى من في الأرض وإلى الأرض عرفته جميع البقاع والحيوانات وعرفته أنا في جملة من عرفه فما تخيلت أن أحداً من أهل الأرض يبغضه ولا يجهل قدره كما هم أهل السماء في حق من أحبه الله ... الخ )) [ ص 192 / 5 ، طبعة دار الكتب العلمية ].
Above citation copied and pasted from:
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Old 10-18-2009, 12:32 AM   #6

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After reading the above citation from Ibn 'Arabi's "Futuhaat" a second time, it now appears to me that the words below..

وهو جبل عظيم طوق الله به الأرض وطوق هذا الجبل بحية عظيمة قد جمع الله رأسها إلى ذنبها بعد استدارتها بهذا الجبل
..are Ibn 'Arabi's.

He is describing the Mountain Qaf. He says, "It is a great mountain, with which Allah has wrapped the earth, and He has wrapped this mountain with a great snake, which Allah has joined its head and tail after wrapping it around this mountain."

والله أعلم
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Old 10-18-2009, 12:39 AM   #7

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a snake that encircles a mountain which covers the whole world?!?!?

i seriously hope you guys dont really believe this.

there is no authentic tradition incidcating belief in such a thing.
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Old 10-18-2009, 12:46 AM   #8

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a snake that encircles a mountain which covers the whole world?!?!?

i seriously hope you guys dont really believe this.

there is no authentic tradition incidcating belief in such a thing.
Well, Ibn 'Arabi is actually quoting from some companion (al-Sadrani) who said that he went to this Mountain Qaf and the snake spoke to him and asked him how was Abu Madyan (another Sufi, I think). So are you saying this person al-Sadrani was lying, or Ibn 'Arabi made this up from himself?
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:03 AM   #9

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It's not that crazy; many quantum physicists have come to the conclusion that there are multiple planes of existence, many of which have 7, 12, or even 21 dimensions. The idea that there is a plane of existence comprised of symbols isn't too absurd.
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:17 AM   #10

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It's not that crazy; many quantum physicists have come to the conclusion that there are multiple planes of existence, many of which have 7, 12, or even 21 dimensions. The idea that there is a plane of existence comprised of symbols isn't too absurd.

So you believe in the Mountain Qaf and the serpent around it?
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:24 AM   #11

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those who believe this is crazy and unbelievable, then ask those who have astral projections, they will give testimony of the other plains of existence, beyond the sensual world, they saw. Ask those who had Near Death Experiences, and they will describe matters that seem very amazing, things that are reality but we cant see from this worldly plain.
also not going that far..ask anyone who had vivid or lucid dreams, in which seeing places in grandeur, beauty, sharpness and clarity they never saw before, and seeing spirits of dead ones, learning from them personal realities/situations of which they had no previous knowledge in the awake stage; all of these are realities taking place in spaces and places that are distinct and different from this plain of existence that we see the materialistic world around us.
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:29 AM   #12

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So you believe in the Mountain Qaf and the serpent around it?
I believe it. in fact it has been reported in tawatur from the awliya..from a people who are the farthest from lying or fabricating, who are the proofs of the authenticity of the Prophet Muhammad sallahu aliye wasalam's message, and are signs of God on earth.

not only Ibn Arabi and his contemporaries affirm this, but also the likes of such awliya like asharani have been there to this mountain as well. Its existence has also been confirmed by Sidi Abdel Aziz Ad-Dabbagh..

these places are realities in the a3laam al mithaal.. the dimension which only the hearts that reached some of the highest levels of gnosis and purity witness it, and whose spirits can roam about it.

May Allah sanctify the secret of our masters Ibn Arabi,Ash-Sharani, Jalaladdeen ar-Rumi, and of all the Awliya, who are like different roses of a garden in the Divine presence.
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:35 AM   #13

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So why didn't the Prophet , his companions, the four caliphs, their followers, awliya like Hasan al-Basri and Ibn Sirin, scholars like Abu Hanifa, Sifyan, Malik, Layth, Shafi'i, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and those who followed them, never mentioned these mountains nor the serpent? Why did they never see it?
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:39 AM   #14

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So why didn't the Prophet , his companions, the four caliphs, their followers, awliya like Hasan al-Basri and Ibn Sirin, scholars like Abu Hanifa, Sifyan, Malik, Layth, Shafi'i, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and those who followed them, never mentioned these mountains nor the serpent? Why did they never see it?
Does their not mentioning mean those places dont exist? The people of the tasawuff have their chains back to the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam, and their stations/heartly realities are spiritual inheritences from the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam's secrets. Do you know that the awliya see those places through the prism of the hearts of the Prophets?
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:40 AM   #15

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brother murabit mashallah always good to hear from you......so please tell me who are the scholars of today who know about such realities......i would like names and locations...... who are those that have these awaken visions.......coz its very well known and ive read it in the books of the auliya but hard to find real life examples.........
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:44 AM   #16

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Does their not mentioning mean those places dont exist?
But it does mean that those places are insignificant.

The people of the tasawuff have their chains back to the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam, and their stations/heartly realities are spiritual inheritences from the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam's secrets.
What do you mean the Prophet 's secret? What secret? Why did he withhold this secret from the rest of us?
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:47 AM   #17

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brother murabit mashallah always good to hear from you......so please tell me who are the scholars of today who know about such realities......i would like names and locations...... who are those that have these awaken visions.......coz its very well known and ive read it in the books of the auliya but hard to find real life examples.........
it is always a pleasure to converse with you likewise dear brother, read the dalail ul khayrat according to its given instruction, where reading each day its assigned portion on the weekly basis, continously, and while the salawat is being sent, make sure that in your heart you seek Allah's face/His proximity/ closeness in that and nothing else, and that you see that it is Allah's mercy that the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam's status is so elevated, and it is nothing from your personal effort in reading the salawat, and having a deep attachment to the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam, and honoring him while the salawat is being said, and inshallah keep continuing in this reading of dalail and you will find your Siddiq shaykh, who would be a real wali of Allah and a person whose heart sees from the prism of the angels, and Prophets.

Monitor your dreams while you are reciting the dalail for in them will be your messages, bi idnillah
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:48 AM   #18

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most of these issues are not that important.........i mean in this age when the majority of muslims are not even praying 5 times a day.........then i think there are bigger issues.......but it is interesting as if ibn arabi rh mentioned it then i would like to know.........

the more and more i hear such things then i begin to realize that the simplicity of tableegh is the best option for the ummah......for this reason i want to go jamaat more often........make dua for me......now enigma get ur notepad and pen......
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:52 AM   #19

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so brother murabit.......tell us names and locations or u avoiding my question lol...... tell us about ur experiences because we are indopak people and dont know much about the maliki auliya.......so come on let us in on some of your stories........and by the way who is ur shaykh????
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Old 10-18-2009, 03:00 AM   #20

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But it does mean that those places are insignificant.

What do you mean the Prophet 's secret? What secret? Why did he withhold this secret from the rest of us?
The awliya get to see many things, some of them can be classified as less important than others. They get to see for example the seven skies and its angels, and also the whole world in front of them, where they can see for example where a loved one might be if they are travelling somewhere else, just like when sayidina Umar while in Madina observed another Sahabi in Syria who were in a battle and were facing difficulties, and also more importantly the Awliya can see paradise and hell, and their details and peoples from their hearts.

The spirit of a human being is far bigger than this earth.

About the secret, it is witnessing Allah swt, seeing Him in His power, beauty and glory and seeing Him in His Essence and His Attributes, people are closer to Allah in proportion to what they have of this secret, we all have a portion of this secret when we follow the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam sincerely and worship Allah seeking His face, as with every step we take towards Allah, Allah comes to us two folds, and those that are the closest to the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam, inward and outward, will get to see Allah even more clearer, and will experience the beauty of His face, and coolness of His glory in more excellence.

The Awliya inherit through their teachers these divine witnessing and presence, who in turn from their chain of teachers inherited from the Prophet sallahu aliye wasalam, and just as when being with a perfume seller, some of the perfume falls on the person, likewise those around the awliya get incensed with the secrets they hold, and which appears in those individuals as increase in eman, and motivation of seeking Allah swt with doing more good actions.
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