DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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-   -   Islamic Torrent - MOLANA ILYAS GHUMAN db (http://www.discussworldissues.com/forums/islam/253614-islamic-torrent-molana-ilyas-ghuman-db.html)

Mymnnarry 12-19-2011 02:20 PM

Islamic Torrent - MOLANA ILYAS GHUMAN db

I was told by one mufti saab to make CD's of some operations done by Molana Ilyas Ghuman db. I have downloaded most basic videos regarding the problems that hanafi's and tableeghis face. which include

- Defending allegations on fazail e amaal
- Defending allegations on Molana tariq jamil db
- Defending allegations on Behishti zewar
- 20 Taraweeh
- Aqeeda Hayatun Nabi
- Rafay-Yadain
- and some more

It took me some time to download all those videos of molana ilyas ghuman db as they were in small parts. I would like to make 1 torrent file of all those videos so that it becomes easy for other brother/sisters to download them in one shot, instead of downloading each part.
Total Size is around 6.7 GB.

All videos are in urdu and have been download from ahnafmedia.com (Molana's new website).
He is alhamdullillah on a mission to defend Ahnaaf worldwide and we should contribute our bit into this.

IF torrent is a good idea , can someone guide me / suggest me what to do ? how to get started :S

Teeppoodiug 12-19-2011 03:08 PM


Why not put them on YouTube?

Mymnnarry 12-19-2011 03:22 PM



Why not put them on YouTube?
Its already on utube but in small parts. Sometimes its good to get a torrent. All material in 1 click

Mymnnarry 12-19-2011 05:25 PM

i hope this works and helps.


Mymnnarry 12-19-2011 06:26 PM

Geeks help me out :-

Torrent wasn't working . I deleted :S

Teeppoodiug 12-19-2011 06:32 PM


which torrent client are you using?

Mymnnarry 12-19-2011 06:47 PM

utorrent 3.0

Teeppoodiug 12-19-2011 06:55 PM


Geeks help me out :-

Torrent wasn't working . I deleted :S
How come it is not working? Please reupload and i'll give it a try

Mymnnarry 12-19-2011 07:37 PM


Mymnnarry 12-19-2011 07:49 PM

can any confirm if its working or not

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