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Old 12-02-2011, 10:59 AM   #1

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Default Need this STRANGE hadith reference
As salaamu alaykum.

Someone today narrated in a halaqa a supposed hadith wherein someone came to the Rasul (peace be upon him) and claimed to have slept with a dead woman and the prophet (peace be upon him) told him to leave and then Allah, supposedly, reprimanded him and told him "who is the most forgiving, me or you?"

Has anyone ever heard a narration, even if a false one that is recorded somewhere by the Muhadditheen, along these lines?

If so, please let me know as it is causing a bit of an uproar in our masjid.

Jazakallahu Khair.

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Old 12-02-2011, 11:02 AM   #2

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walikum salam

heard a similar hadith in bayans
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Old 12-02-2011, 12:41 PM   #3

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walikum salam

heard a similar hadith in bayans
Any recordings of those bayans?

Furthermore, any info on the qualifications and/or reputation of those giving those bayaans, especially in terms of whether or not they are known for using weak or fabricated hadiths?

Further still, any info regarding the source of the hadith or its authenticity?
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Old 12-03-2011, 12:06 AM   #4

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Old 12-03-2011, 10:57 AM   #5

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I am pretty sure I head it from a Maulana, but of course that doesn't prove anything, because I also repeatedly hear other narrations in bayans which may be very weak or fabricated according to other Ulama. Not saying that this particular narration is problematic, insha Allah someone knowledgeable will answer that.
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Old 12-03-2011, 11:13 AM   #6

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I found it here after searching Google

5. Allah (S.w.T.)’s Mercy is Very Vast

Tafsīr al-Safi mentions under the exegesis of Surah Āli- ‘Imran that one day Sa’ad Ibn Ma’az came weeping to the Messenger of Allah (S). After replying to his Salām the Prophet (S) asked him the reason for crying. Sa’ad said. “O Messenger of Allah! A young man is standing outside the house and weeping upon his youth like a woman mourns the death of her child. He desires to meet you.” The Holy Prophet (S) ordered that the young man be presented to him. Sa’ad came to the Prophet (S) with the youth. He saluted the Messenger (S). After replying his Salām the Holy Prophet (S) asked the young man the reason for his grief. “Why shouldn’t I grieve,” said the young man, “I have committed so many sins that even a few of them are sufficient to earn me Hell-fire. I am sure I shall be punished for my sins.

The Messenger of Allah (S) said,
“Have you attributed partners to Allah?”

“I seek refuge of Allah from attributing a partner to Him.”
“Have you murdered one unjustly?”

“Allah shall certainly forgive your sins even if they are like mountains,” the Prophet of Allah (S) said.

“But my sins are greater than mountains,” said the young man.”
“Even if your sins are heavier than seven earths, seas, mountains, trees and all creatures Allah will condone them.”

“My sins are heavier than all of these,” said the youth.
“Allah will forgive them even if they are heavier than the heavens, stars, Arsh and Kursi.”

“My sins are more than these.”
“Pity on you! O young man! Who is greater, your sins or your Lord?”

Hearing this, the young man fell into prostration and said,
“My Lord is pure, nothing is greater than Him and He is greater than the greatest thing.”
“Would the High and Mighty Lord not forgive your great sins?” asked the Prophet (S).
‘No’, said the young man and became silent.
Then the Holy Prophet (S) said,
“Fie on you, young man, can you tell me about one of your great sins?”

“Yes, for seven years I used to exhume corpses and steal their shrouds. One day a young girl from the Ansars died. After she was buried I opened her grave in the middle of the night and removed her shroud. I was about to return when the Shaitan instigated me, I looked at her body and defiled her chastity. When I was leaving, a voice came from behind her head, ‘Fie on you for the chastisement of Qiyāma! You made me naked and junub (ritually impure). Fie on you for the fire of Hell.’”
Then he said, “O Messenger of Allah (S)! I think I shall not be able to even smell the fragrance of Paradise. What do you think?”

“O Transgressor! Get away from me,” said the Prophet (S), “Lest your fire may burn me! How close you are to the fire!”

He repeated this sentence a number of times and the youth finally went away from there. After taking some necessary items he went to the mountains of Madinah. He used to tie his hands behind the neck and plead for forgiveness. “I am Your sinful slave and degraded servant. I am regretful of my deeds. O Allah! I went to Your Messenger and he sent me away. This has increased my fear. I implore You by Your greatness, do not make me hopeless and include me among Your mercies.” He continued this for forty days. Even the beasts began to take pity upon him. After forty days had passed he asked, “O my Lord! What is Your decision regarding me. If You have forgiven me, inform Your Messenger about it. If You have made a firm decision to punish me, burn me at once or subject me to some other punishment and save me from the degradation of Qiyāma.” Upon this, the Almighty Allah revealed the following ayats on His Messenger (S):

“And those who when they commit an indecency or do injustice to their souls remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their faults — and who forgives the faults but Allah, and (who) do not knowingly persist in what they have done. (As for) these — their reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them, and excellent is the reward of the labourers.”
(Surah Āli- ‘Imran 3:135-136)

As soon as these verses were revealed the Messenger of Allah (S) came out of the door reciting the ayats and smiling. He told the companions, “Who can tell me about the repenting young man?” The companions said, “O Messenger of Allah! He is on such and such mountain.”

The Holy Prophet (S) went to the young man with his companions and found him standing between two rocks. His hands were tied behind him and his face was black due to the heat of the sun. The eyelashes had fallen due to weeping and he was saying: O Allah! You bestowed countless bounties on me and did favour on me. If I could only know whether my abode is Paradise or Hell. O My Lord! My sins are greater than your heavens, earths, Arsh and throne. If I could only know whether You would forgive me or degrade me on the day of Qiyāma.” He was repeating these words and weeping. He picked up sand and put it on his head. Looking at his conditions, the animals and birds around him were also weeping. The Messenger of Allah (S) came to him and untied his hands. Cleaned the soil from his head and said,

“Young man! Good news for you that Allah has accepted your Tawba.” Then he told his companions, “You should repent for your sins in this way” and recited the above-mentioned ayats. In this way the good news of Paradise was conveyed to the young man.

A point needs to be explained here. The Holy Prophet (S) drove away the young man probably because he wanted his fear of divine punishment to intensify to such an extent that it could atone for his deadly sins. That the tears of regret may wash his evil deeds and he may qualify for divine mercy. This was exactly what happened. The more earnest a person is in seeking forgiveness the more he shall be near to divine mercy.
Hence the driving away of the young man became a cause for the young man’s expiation

http://www.*********/repentance.htm I also found this

Mulla Muhsin Hayd al Kashani, an eminent Shi’a scholar who authored Tafsir al Safi,

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Old 12-03-2011, 12:31 PM   #7

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Brother. www.duas .org Is a SHIA WEBSITE....!

Please DO NOT quote from them. Most probably the Hadith is fabricated....!!!!
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Old 12-03-2011, 01:08 PM   #8

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Brother. www.duas .org Is a SHIA WEBSITE....!

Please DO NOT quote from them. Most probably the Hadith is fabricated....!!!!
Hadith Gradings are not based on probalities. Even if it is fabricated it would be mentioned in some book on such narrations.

This is a serious claim. I would suggest to refrain from passing such comments if one is not aware of the Hadith Sciences

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Old 12-03-2011, 01:16 PM   #9

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Hadith Gradings are not based on probalities. Even if it is fabricated it would be mentioned in some book on such narrations.

This is a serious claim. I would suggest to refrain from passing such comments if one is not aware of the Hadith Sciences

We do not take Hadith from Shia sources. Do we Akhi?
One doesn't have to be a scholar to know that the Shias Fabricate Hadith.

Mulla Muhsin Hayd al Kashani, an eminent Shi’a scholar who authored Tafsir al Safi,
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Old 12-03-2011, 02:45 PM   #10

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Brother. www.duas .org Is a SHIA WEBSITE....!

Please DO NOT quote from them. Most probably the Hadith is fabricated....!!!!
Brother amr123

Jazakallah khairan katseeran. i cannot thank you enough for pointing the shia part out. I myself was totally captivated by the fascinating story, until i saw ur post.

Of course we must TOTALLY ABSTAIN from taking our deen from those who curse the sahaabah, legalise prostitution (a.k.a. mut'ah) et al....

Nothing against u bro talib84, after all we are all students (talib) of deen.
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Old 12-03-2011, 03:12 PM   #11

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If so, please let me know as it is causing a bit of an uproar in our masjid.

I am just curious why is it causing an uproar?
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Old 12-03-2011, 04:51 PM   #12

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We do not take Hadith from Shia sources. Do we Akhi?

As far as I know (I heard in a speech by Shaykh Salman Nadwi), There are many shiah narrators of hadith in reliable sunni books and being a shiah is not enough criterion to label a hadith fabricated. However, their narration are not taken when they go against the beliefs of Ahl-us-sunnah.
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Old 12-03-2011, 05:18 PM   #13

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As far as I know (I heard in a speech by Shaykh Salman Nadwi), There are many shiah narrators of hadith in reliable sunni books and being a shiah is not enough criterion to label a hadith fabricated. However, their narration are not taken when they go against the beliefs of Ahl-us-sunnah.

Bro, What I have heard/read is that shias can be a part of the sanad(chain) of a reliable hadith [Can someone confirm this, i m not sure about this even] . Thats not the issue here.


Shias have hadith of their own. Most of them is start like Imam Jafar said... or Imam Fulan said... without any sanad. I m not disregarding the authenticity of Imam Jafar (ra) but the Shias have falsely attributed many hadith to Him WITHOUT a proper sanad to Rasoolullah or the Sahabah.

If you look closely the hadith in question, is there a source for it? Is it mentioned any of the Hadith collections?
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Old 12-03-2011, 05:24 PM   #14

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Bro, What I have heard/read is that shias can be a part of the sanad(chain) of a reliable hadith. Thats not the issue here.


Shias have hadith of their own. Most of them is start like Imam Jafar said... or Imam Fulan said... without any sanad. I m not disregarding the authenticity of Imam Jafar (ra) but the Shias have falsely attributed many hadith to Him WITHOUT a proper sanad to Rasoolullah or the Sahabah.

If you look closely the hadith in question, is there a source for it? Is it mentioned any of the Hadith collections?

The easiest way to check is to look through the books of Tafsir like Ibn Kathir, Ma'ariful Qur'an etc.

Is this story mentioned under Surah Aali 'Imran:135-136?

Definitely not in Ma'ariful Quran, can anyone confirm for the other books of tafsir?

Otherwise it can't be that such a "hot" story escaped the eyes of all our sunni mufassireen for 1300 years right?

If anyone has access to the other tafsir books kindly check through and post your findings here.
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Old 12-04-2011, 04:36 AM   #15

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As far as I know (I heard in a speech by Shaykh Salman Nadwi), There are many shiah narrators of hadith in reliable sunni books and being a shiah is not enough criterion to label a hadith fabricated. However, their narration are not taken when they go against the beliefs of Ahl-us-sunnah.

Doesn't this refers only to those "Alid"-Proto-Shi'as scholars of the early centuries, who did not hold the beliefs held by later proper Rafidi Shi'as?
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Old 12-04-2011, 05:36 AM   #16

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I am just curious why is it causing an uproar?
It is causing an uproar for a number of reasons. Basically what has happened is this person quoting this narration is presenting himself as a "Sufi" of some sort. From all indications to me, he is a Barelvi based on many of the practices that I see him observe and his penchant for narrating weak hadith on nearly every subject.

The uproar has come because the Arabs, Deobandis, and Salafi-types in our masjid have critiqued the narration on a number of grounds, especially because the claim that the Rasul (peace be upon him) asked this person what his sin was, since that is not consistent with what we see in the bulk of the hadith, and because the person in this narration appears to have been, may Allah save us, ignorant of the fact that Allah forgives all sins but shirk! Furthermore, the fact that in none of the more famous Tafsirs that we have at our disposal at our masjid, such as Ibn Kathir, Jalalayn, Nasafi, etc. do we see this narration. On the opposite side, the Barelvis or bidah-inclined laymen are insisting upon the reliability of the narration AND they are insisting on keeping this person as a halaqah leader and/or part-time Khateeb and the rest of us are opposed to this because of this person's penchant for narrating these strange stories that appear to appeal to Barelvis and those who love dramatic narrations.

I hope that this clears it up.
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Old 12-04-2011, 05:38 AM   #17

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I found it here after searching Google

I also found this
Jazakallahu Khair my brother. I think that we will ask him outright if this is the same narration that he was narrating to us in paraphrased form. If so, we will ask him if he saw it here and if not, then in what reliable sunni book.

Thank you for your help brother.

May Allah reward you.
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Old 12-04-2011, 11:29 AM   #18

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He probably took it from Tanbih al-Ghafilin, as the book is translated into Urdu and English.

There are two versions of the incident, both virtually identical with the major difference being the Sahabi who narrates it.
The narration does seem very problematic and Hafiz Ibn Hajr has mentioned that some Hadith masters have classified it as a fabrication, however there does seem to exist a chain for it that might not be fabricated.
Deep research would be required into this narration, until then, rather not quote it, however if someone does quote it, don't jump down their throat.
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Old 12-04-2011, 11:39 AM   #19

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Khusaamdid hazarat.....
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:11 PM   #20

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He probably took it from Tanbih al-Ghafilin, as the book is translated into Urdu and English.

There are two versions of the incident, both virtually identical with the major difference being the Sahabi who narrates it.
The narration does seem very problematic and Hafiz Ibn Hajr has mentioned that some Hadith masters have classified it as a fabrication, however there does seem to exist a chain for it that might not be fabricated.
Deep research would be required into this narration, until then, rather not quote it, however if someone does quote it, don't jump down their throat.
Thank you for once again shedding some light on a detailed issue.

Jazakallahu Khair.
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