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Old 01-30-2006, 08:23 AM   #1

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Default Respect and the Differences of Opinion

this servant will attempt to post some beneficial excerpts, in verbatim, from Adab aur Ikhtilaaf-e-Rai (Respects and the Differences of Opinion), a talk in booklet form originally given by Hakeem ul Islam Hadhrat Maulana Qari Muhammad Tayyib .


I have witnessed the fact that Hadhrat Moulana Thanwi differed on numerous subjects from Moulana Ahmed Raza Khan Sahib, Allah's mercy be upon him. Their differences covered the topics of Qiyaan, Urs, Meelad, etc. but in spite of this, whenever his name happened to be mentioned in a Majlis, he used to say, "Moulana Ahmed Raza Khan Sahib."

On one occasion an individual sitting in the Majlis mentioned his name without adding "Moulana" to his name saying, "Ahmed Raza Khan." Hadhrat became angry and scolded him saying, "He is an Aalim after all in spite of the fact that there are differences of opinion between us, you are disrespecting the position he has been granted. How can this be correct? Differences of opinion is another matter altogether. It is a separate issue that he considers me to be on error pertaining to certain issues. What is the meaning of such condescension, such disrespect for him?" Moulana Thanwi took exception to the fact that the term "Moulana" was not used for the person who opposed Hadhrat Moulana Thanwi and who was totally disrespectful to Hadhrat Thanwi .

Moulana Thanwi was from among the Ahl-e-Ilm, the people of knowledge. If and when someone's name occurred he used to consider respect for that person to be necessary. Even though it was a person who bore absolute enmity towards him, he never allowed respect to leave his side.
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Old 01-30-2006, 10:27 AM   #2

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Jazakumullah for that reminder. Insha Allah we can all benefit from that. I had always wanted to put that up as well
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Old 01-30-2006, 10:32 AM   #3

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Old 01-30-2006, 04:26 PM   #4

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ulema e haq also
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Old 01-31-2006, 05:22 AM   #5

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let us work together for the greater good
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Old 02-17-2006, 07:19 AM   #6

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I have heard of the incident regarding Moulana Nanotwi's (RA) dealing with those who passed Fatawa of Kufr on him. Some of the special students of Hadhrat were with him in Delhi. Among those present were Hadhrat Shayk-ul-Hind Moulana Mahmood-ul-Hasan, Moulana Ahmed Hasan Amrohi and Haji Ameer Shah Khan Sahib Marhoom. Moulana Ahmed Hasan Sahib, while sitting with his friends, said, "Brothers, the Qiraat of the Imaam in Laal Kuwa Masjid is excellent. Let us go and perform our Fajar Salaah behind him."

Hadhrat Shaykh-ul-Hind became angry and said to him, "Don't you feel ashamed, didn't you have any skin over your face to make such a suggestion considering the fact that he classifies our Hadhrat with kufr and you ask us to perform Salaah behind him?" He adopted a very severe tone of voice.

This discussion was heard by Hadhrat Nanotwi (RA) who said nothing at the time. The next morning, Hadhrat Nanotwi, accompanied with his students, went to the same Masjid to perform Fajr Salaah. He went and performed Salaah behind this Imaam. The Salaah was completed with Salaam.

Being strangers, the Muqtadis (followers) asked who they were, realising from their dressing that there were scholars of Deen. They asked, "Who are you?" It came to their knowledge that this was Moulana Qasim Nanotwi (RA) while the others with him were his students, Hadhrat Shaykh-ul-Hind Moulana Mahmood-ul-Hasan Sahib and Moulana Ahmed Hassan Muhaddith Amrohi.

The Imaam was left dumbstruck and wondering, "Day and night do I label him as a Kaafir in spite of which he has come to perform his salaah behind me." The Imaam himself went forward and shook hands, saying, "Hadhrat! I used to label you as a Kaafir but am ashamed today considering the fact that you have come and performed Salaah behind me."

Hadhrat said to him, "It is no big deal for I have taken full cognisance of the driving force behind your stance which I also fully appreciate due to which your honour has increased even more in my heart."

"Why is this so? It is on the basis of the information which reached you that I derided Allah's Rasool ( ). The fervour of Imaan came to the fore and demanded of you to label me as such. Nonetheless, I have but a single complaint. You should have investigated the correctness of that report. All the same, the basis of your passing a Fatwa of Kufr was, insult to the Allah's messenger ( ). Whenever any Muslim happens to insult or disgrace Allah's messenger ( ), it will necessitate passing a Fatwa of Kufr. It will cause the person to leave the fold of Islam."

He thereafter said, "I appreciate the sense of honour demanded by your Imaan. Yes! The complaint I have is that you should have at least once determined the veracity or falsehood of the report that reached you. I have therefore come in order to tell you that the report that has reached you is incorrect. I too, consider such a person who insults and disgraces the beloved messenger of Allah ( ) to the slightest degree, as having left the fold of Islam.

"If you are still not convinced of the fact, I am prepared to accept Imaan on your hands right now,


The imam now falls at Hadhrat's feet.

The fact of the matter is, those Hadhraat were the embodiment of humility for the sake of Allah . The respect for everything connected to Allah was so firmly entrenched in them that there was not even the slightest whiff of Nafsaaniyat in them. Let alone mocking and belittling those that opposed and hated them, they were not unappreciative of such opposition.

In fact, they lowered themselves to the extent that they could say, "Those who label us as Kaafir, do so on the basis of their strength of Imaan. The only thing they should have done was to investigate whether we do belittle and disgrace Allah's messenger ( ) or not. Whether we are, Allah forbid, the enemies of Rasoolullah ( ) or his friends? Such investigation was Waajib upon them and they should not have passed judgement without inquiry."

The object of my speech is to entrench the fact that respect and honour, civility, culture refinement are the basis, the foundation of Deen to which Aarif Roomi (RA) has indicated:

From Allah do we seek the ability to respect.
For one bereft of respect is deprived of the bounty of Allah
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Old 02-19-2006, 12:29 AM   #7

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Masha'Allah, Subhan'Allah what a beutifull story.
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:11 PM   #8

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JazakAllah for sharing these...

I was at the recent talk of shaykh riyad ul haq, and his so beautiful in his points, he said, that, if one really looks at arguments, they are never between ulama, or when you read "this debate" or this argument, its rather normal people using "this shaykh" and that shaykh to hold a debate, whilst in reality the shaykhs never had anything against each other and never said anything about the other, we normal people have done that.

its a really true point, ulama never argue nor have seen to argue with others, whilst the normal people argue, using their names plus give others the bad image of the ulama they use.

he also mentionshed imam abu hanifah and imam malik, how imam abu hanifah used to sit infront of imam malik, like a son infront of his dad, to give respect, whilst one was 40 and the other very young, when learning from each other... subhanAllah..

more posts dear shaykh..
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Old 11-23-2006, 04:24 PM   #9

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Maulana if there are any more examples please do share them with us!
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Old 11-23-2006, 06:30 PM   #10

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SubhanAllah, excellent examples brother
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Old 11-23-2006, 06:41 PM   #11

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Insha'Allah we will unite again...
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Old 11-23-2006, 07:12 PM   #12

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Insha'Allah we will unite again...

JazakAllah Khair for the posts wonderful they were.
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Old 11-23-2006, 07:21 PM   #13

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JazakAllah for sharing these...

I was at the recent talk of shaykh riyad ul haq, and his so beautiful in his points, he said, that, if one really looks at arguments, they are never between ulama, or when you read "this debate" or this argument, its rather normal people using "this shaykh" and that shaykh to hold a debate, whilst in reality the shaykhs never had anything against each other and never said anything about the other, we normal people have done that.

its a really true point, ulama never argue nor have seen to argue with others, whilst the normal people argue, using their names plus give others the bad image of the ulama they use.

he also mentionshed imam abu hanifah and imam malik, how imam abu hanifah used to sit infront of imam malik, like a son infront of his dad, to give respect, whilst one was 40 and the other very young, when learning from each other... subhanAllah..

more posts dear shaykh..
would this speech of his be available online
and, are these two the same? Shaykh Yusuf ryad ul haq and the one u have mentioned?

..http://www.aswatalislam.net/DisplayF...x?TitleID=2124 if so, here are some more speeches by him.

Wa'alikum As'salaam.
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Old 11-23-2006, 07:50 PM   #14

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his full name is Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq. somethimes people just refer to him as Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq, or Shaykh Abu Yusuf
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Old 11-24-2006, 04:54 AM   #15

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Allot to learn indeed
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Old 11-27-2006, 10:56 AM   #16

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The Mashaaikh write that if a person is bay`at to a Shaykh in whom some action contrary to the Sunnah is supposedly observed and intends to relinquish his bay`at with such a Shaykh and become bay`at to a Shaykh who is steadfast on the Sunnah. The Mshaaikh unanimously state that Bay`at with such a Shaykh should be given up but not a single word of disrespect towards that Shaykh be uttered. Never utter an audacious statement regarding that Shaykh. It is totally impermissible to go around and publicise one's disrespect in different quarters, otherwise, damage will be done to one's spirituality.

Suppose, for instance, one differs with any Aalim on some Mas'ala, on some matter. It is totally permissible to differ on the Mas'ala when one honestly considers oneself to be on the truth but under no circumstances can it ever be permissible to react with disrespect, to jeer and mock at him. Beacause to disrespect, mock and jeer is harmful to Deen while to differ with love is the essence of Deen.

If the respected readers wish, I can perhaps do a regular podcast reading from the book and post it here.
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Old 11-27-2006, 11:45 AM   #17

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SubhanAllah, jazakAllah, please do post more.
How can a person decide between two shaykhs?
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Old 11-27-2006, 11:50 AM   #18

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Yes, please start a regular podcast.
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Old 11-30-2006, 04:41 AM   #19

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From Aapbeeti (autobiography) of Hadhrat Shaykh al-Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya

Much can be said on this topic, given today's political and indeed religious climate. We need to learn from those who know better that most of the time it is not a case of 'I'm right and you're wrong', but that differences are natural and can be a mercy upon the Ummah. More detail on the topic can be found in Shaykh's (rahmatuallahi 'alayh) 'Al E'tidaal'.

I recall a very interesting incident in this regard. During the time prior to Partition [the division of India into India and Pakistan] Hazrat (Maulana Husain Ahmad) Madani was a very staunch supporter of the Congress [a political party opposing the partition of India]. Everybody till today knows of his commitment to the Congress. On the opposite side, we had Maulana (Ashraf Ali) Thanwy and Maulana Zafar Ahmed, the present Sheikhul-Islam of Pakistan, who were staunch supporters of the League [a political party supporting the partition]. They were in no way any step behind Maulana Madani in their ardour. They used to attack each others' views from the mimbar, in Jalsas, pamphlets etc. The bitterness and severe nature of the fight was evident for all to see.

But as fate would have it, both Maulana Madani and Maulana Zafar Ahmed were my guests. When Maulana Zafar Ahmed visited me, he always stayed for a few days , whereas Hazrat Madani always had flying visits, sometimes lasting hours, or at times even just minutes.

Once during that era of political opposition, Hazrat Zafar Ahmed was my guest for a few days. Although he was my guest, he was residing in the Madrassa guest room.

I had gone to the Darul Talaba. A boy came to inform me that Hazrat Madani had arrived and he was at the kachaa ghar [a label given to Sheikhul Hadeeth's home due to its simplicity]. I felt as if the earth had been removed from under my feet. Even now when I think about it, I feel the apprehension and fear for what could become a tremendous outburst. Quickly, I went to the old Madrassa and told Maulana Zafar Ahmed that Maulana Madani was also around and was at home: "Hazrat will only stay for an hour or half an hour - not more. Please do not come there. After he has eaten, I will call you."

May Allah reward Maulana Zafar Ahmed Saheb well! He asked me: "Why is that so? What harm will there be due to my presence? I will come along now."

I practically begged him not to come but the more I tried to persuade him against it, the more adamant he became. He said: "Do not worry. Hazrat Madani is my Elder. If he should say anything, then I will not reply and will remain silent."

Finding him very adamant, I went to the kachaa ghar and told Maulana Madani: "Hazrat Zafar Ahmed has been here with me for a few days. He is my guest. I have asked him not to come along and that I would call him after you leave." Hazrat Madani answered: "Why? What can he steal from me and what can I steal from him?"

As this conversation was going on, Maulana Zafar Ahmed entered. When Hazrat saw him, he got up with pleasure all over his face, shook hands with him saying: "O, so Abbul Deek is also here?" (Deek means a cock. When Maulana Zafar's son, Maulana Umar Ahmed, was born, then Maulana Madani jokingly referred to Maulana Zafar Ahmed as Abbul Deek on meeting him).

Maulana Zafar Ahmed kissed Maulana Madani's hands and they began talking like friends, asking each other about their health and their families. I was still quite apprehensive, fearing an outburst and reading to myself, "Ya Rabbi Sallim" (O Lord, protect us from a calamity).

Hazrat Madani left about three quarters of an hour later and only then was I able to relax. Not a single word of politics was uttered. Maulana Zafar Ahmed said: "Bring mithai!"

I said to him: "Certainly, but Hazrat Madani is more close to me than you are. I was frightened; if Maulana Madani had uttered one threat or scolding, then what could have happened?"

Maulana answered, "But I told you from before that I would keep quiet. Even if he should attack me, I would not have said a word. I do not for a moment doubt Maulana's high position and greatness, but what can we do? We consider the support of Congress to be harmful to the interests of Muslims. For this reason we feel ourselves forced to oppose his views in newspapers, pamphlets, posters and lectures from the mimbar."

Elsewere in Aapbeti Hadhrat Shaykh al-Hadith writes: I have a great disliking for fighting over questions about which there is a difference of opinion. I look upon the differences among the 'Ulama as a mercy, as I have said in Al-E'tidaal.

While discussing another subject he writes: Maulana Mufti Kifaayatullah, the president of the Jamiatul Ulema (may Allah grant him very high rank), although I was in opposition to his politics, was very kind to me. He used to treat my views and suggestions with a lot of respect and dignity. In many religious and political questions he used to quote my views with repect although they differed from his: "Some sincere scholars of this opinion. I believe..." Such kind words were even used in his pamphlets. There are many occasions when he quoted my views respectfully although they opposed his views.

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Old 11-30-2006, 05:32 AM   #20

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I reccomend people to read a book called Boundaries of Differences from the Discourses of Faqihul Ummat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi compiled by Mufti Muhammad Farooq Saheb Merrrati

Here is an sample:

In 'Arwahe Thalatha' Moulana Mohammed Yahya Saheb is reported as saying, Moulana Rashid Ahmed Ganghohi told me, "Molvi Yahya, Ahmed Raza Khan has been refuting me for some time now. Please read his writings to me." I replied "Hadrhat I am unable to do this." Hadrhat inquired, "why?" I said, "Hadrat, there is vulgar language in his writings." Hadhrat then said, "What is there in distant abuse, it is of no use, read it to me so that we may at least ponder over his writings, prehaps he has written sme valuable facts, we can then retract our view." I said, "Hadhrat, this duty I cannot do."

Hadhrat Hakeemul-Ummat remarks in the footnotes of this incident, "Allahu Akbar! What devotion to the truth that's overcome by the search for it, one is not moved or effected by the enemies indecency. Moulana Yahya's saying, "I cannot do this" is in conformity to the sayings of Hadhrat Ali , "I cannot wipe out the title" (Addressing Rasulullah when the disbeliever's demanded that the word Rasulullah be omitted from the treaty of Hudaibiyah) There are many many more passages from this Kitab if you want I can write them out on a seperate thread everyday or something

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