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Old 07-21-2010, 09:59 PM   #1

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Default women wearing tight clothing

there is a hadith which states along the lines that if a woman wears tight/revealing clothing she will never enter jannah or even smell its fragrance. this this hadith authentic?
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Old 07-22-2010, 09:55 AM   #2

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The hadith does not mention tight/revealing clothing, but the wording is "women who will be naked despite being clothed." Can't help you on the authenticity, but I think its related in Abu Dawud.
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Old 07-22-2010, 10:37 AM   #3

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The hadith does not mention tight/revealing clothing, but the wording is "women who will be naked despite being clothed." Can't help you on the authenticity, but I think its related in Abu Dawud.
Is the meaning of it literal, or more abstract? Does it mean literally "naked" (in a physical sense) despite being clothed, as in like the poster above said with tight clothing or revealing clothing? Or is it more abstract, meaning that despite being clothed, she is :naked" as in too open and revealing of herself as a person (not in a physical sense).
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Old 07-22-2010, 11:29 AM   #4

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Is the meaning of it literal, or more abstract? Does it mean literally "naked" (in a physical sense) despite being clothed, as in like the poster above said with tight clothing or revealing clothing? Or is it more abstract, meaning that despite being clothed, she is :naked" as in too open and revealing of herself as a person (not in a physical sense).
In the OP sense I presume, where women despite being clothed will wear tight and revealing clothing, hence the equivalence of being naked.

The hadith is thus as follows;

Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah’s messenger sallallahu alaihe wasallam having said this, "Their are two groups of people destined for the fire of hell. First, those officials who would carry with them whips looking like the tails of cows and they would use them for whipping people. Secondly, those women who would be naked despite being apparently clothed. They themselves will be inclined towards men and lure them as well. Their heads will be tall like the humps of Bukhti camels, bent onto one side (their hair will be styled in a bun). They will neither enter Paradise nor would they even smell the fragrance of Paradise which can be detected from great distances.
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Old 07-22-2010, 12:32 PM   #5

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Thanks. Yes, reading the whole thing does sound like it means in a physical sense. The fact that it describes the hair, would also mean that the women are not wearing hijab, so not wearing hijab would also be seen as "naked" in that passage.
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Old 07-22-2010, 04:58 PM   #6

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What the hadith explains is something very common. it could be refering to the fabric. today ladies wear clothing covering from head to toe but if it is of those see through fabrics then is she really covered. A lady would not stand infront of you in her underwear but if the top covering her bra is transparent she has no problem with it. we in the time of dajal where what is good will seem bad & bad will seem good. what is naked seems clothed & what is clothed seems naked. At the beach if she is in a bikini she feels ok but when its called underwear even if its I denticle then she would not what anyone to see it, unless if she has one of the those transparent tops that I mentioned.

as for the ladies with the hair well that has become fashion again. the whole ***** cat doll look. skiny jean, loose tops & then the buble on the head. they so perthetic, every one thinks they unique & they all look like mass produced robots.

However onece I was told by a sheikh that the sahabah didnt really understand what was ment by this naration because how could a woman be dressed but naked so they assumed it to be about akhlaaq & adab. they would be dressed like muslims but their hearts were not. today we have lots of those too. & the abayas made in Abu Dhabi are made very atractive, not revealing but the cloth & the way it shines & clings to the body will get a mans attention.
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Old 07-22-2010, 06:59 PM   #7

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In the OP sense I presume, where women despite being clothed will wear tight and revealing clothing, hence the equivalence of being naked.

The hadith is thus as follows;

Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah’s messenger sallallahu alaihe wasallam having said this, "Their are two groups of people destined for the fire of hell. First, those officials who would carry with them whips looking like the tails of cows and they would use them for whipping people. Secondly, those women who would be naked despite being apparently clothed. They themselves will be inclined towards men and lure them as well. Their heads will be tall like the humps of Bukhti camels, bent onto one side (their hair will be styled in a bun). They will neither enter Paradise nor would they even smell the fragrance of Paradise which can be detected from great distances.

when i read this hadith it remindes me of those sisters who wear hijaab that towers over their heads (resembles camels hump) and wear thight clothing.... although wearing hijaab they act like thier is no such thing as islam and do not have an ounce of hayaa in them... this hadith is a perfect description.

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Old 07-23-2010, 03:51 AM   #8

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Jazakallah to the brother who posted the hadith it is one that i have heard being mentioned before but i've never read it in full.

We see some of our sisters who have the hijab and the scarf on and everything and yet when you look at their clothes they cling to the body, they reveal the figure and every time i see a sister in those clothes it reminds me of the hadith 'that women will be clothed but it will be as though they aren't clothed'.

Maybe its the cynic in me but i honestly believe that some people only wear the scarf buecause it saves them having to wake up early and fix their hair.

May Allah save our sisters from this, and grant them modesty and knowledge.
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Old 07-23-2010, 05:13 AM   #9

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Maybe its the cynic in me but i honestly believe that some people only wear the scarf buecause it saves them having to wake up early and fix their hair.
Could it also be that some only wear it because they feel obligated to wear it, or forced? I was just thinking of the other thread posted on this forum about women in hijab using bad language, and it seemed to me that there are women out there who wear it out of obligation rather than out of conviction, if that makes sense. I have met many women who wear hijab, out of choice, and these women don't display any of these negative characteristics that i have heard of in these threads. I can see where, if a woman/ girl is not choosing to wear it out of her own personal convictions and values, but rather feels obligated or forced, then she also may not hold those same convictions and values that it is a symbol of; and therefore, might display qualities that are unbecoming.
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Old 07-23-2010, 05:30 AM   #10

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Could it also be that some only wear it because they feel obligated to wear it, or forced? I was just thinking of the other thread posted on this forum about women in hijab using bad language, and it seemed to me that there are women out there who wear it out of obligation rather than out of conviction, if that makes sense. I have met many women who wear hijab, out of choice, and these women don't display any of these negative characteristics that i have heard of in these threads. I can see where, if a woman/ girl is not choosing to wear it out of her own personal convictions and values, but rather feels obligated or forced, then she also may not hold those same convictions and values that it is a symbol of; and therefore, might display qualities that are unbecoming.

Or they wear it out of choice but for ulterior motives such as getting away with dating, drugs, drink etc. Believe me, these girls exist. The scarf is just that on their heads; a scarf. It's not hijab.

In fact such women sully the meaning of Hijab in my eyes and are the worse form of creation out there. Despicable creatures. Just observing their character, the way they talk, their arrogance is sickening.

This goes for guys in beards as well. (In case I'm accused of being a chauvinist)
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Old 07-23-2010, 06:15 AM   #11

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Let us not forget the same folly that is found in brothers who wear skin-tight clothing.

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Old 07-23-2010, 02:59 PM   #12

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Jazakallah to the brother who posted the hadith it is one that i have heard being mentioned before but i've never read it in full.

We see some of our sisters who have the hijab and the scarf on and everything and yet when you look at their clothes they cling to the body, they reveal the figure and every time i see a sister in those clothes it reminds me of the hadith 'that women will be clothed but it will be as though they aren't clothed'.

Maybe its the cynic in me but i honestly believe that some people only wear the scarf buecause it saves them having to wake up early and fix their hair.

May Allah save our sisters from this, and grant them modesty and knowledge.
hey at least they got a scarf. some woman do not make a fardh ghusal because they will spoil the hair do. some will not whear a scarf because of the hair do.
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Old 07-23-2010, 04:47 PM   #13

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We shouldn´t forget that muslim men also make many mistakes..... one of the biggest problems seem to me to be lowering the gaze...

In the OP sense I presume, where women despite being clothed will wear tight and revealing clothing, hence the equivalence of being naked.

The hadith is thus as follows;

Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah’s messenger sallallahu alaihe wasallam having said this, "Their are two groups of people destined for the fire of hell. First, those officials who would carry with them whips looking like the tails of cows and they would use them for whipping people. Secondly, those women who would be naked despite being apparently clothed. They themselves will be inclined towards men and lure them as well. Their heads will be tall like the humps of Bukhti camels, bent onto one side (their hair will be styled in a bun). They will neither enter Paradise nor would they even smell the fragrance of Paradise which can be detected from great distances.
I´ve heard this hadith many times.... it really shows what a great sin it is... may ALLAH guide us and our sisters in deen!

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Old 07-23-2010, 07:53 PM   #14

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Thanks. Yes, reading the whole thing does sound like it means in a physical sense. The fact that it describes the hair, would also mean that the women are not wearing hijab, so not wearing hijab would also be seen as "naked" in that passage.

They actually wear the Hijab but in a Bun on the top of the head like the hump of a camel which attracts people, as in this type:

our scholars have used this specific Hadith to ban that Type of Hijab, Hadith is SAHIH as far as I know.

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Old 07-24-2010, 06:17 AM   #15

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I hope no one minds me putting in my 2 cents.
I'm not answering from a scholar's point of view.
I can't relate whether the hadith is authentic or if the chain is unbroken, etc.

But want to respond as a sister who was born and raised in the United States - mostly living in or near a major city.

There is a vast difference between modesty as expressed in Islam, and 'Western' ideals of modesty.

I've seen women who consider their clothes to be modest because, technically, fabric is covering almost everything except maybe their face, hands, and feet. However, their clothing is so tight that you can see every bump, bone, and curve. You can see the lines of their underclothing, you can see ribs, you can see hip bones, and they can be wearing pants so tight that they get frequent infections.... (sorry for the TMI but it's true)

This is not modesty. Maybe it's considered so compared to what others could be wearing - miniskirts, low cut tops or tube tops, etc. But if you can see a woman's entire body even when she's dressed - then she will definitely fall into the category of being naked 'while dressed.'

I know how hard it can be when the 'ideals' of fashion being presented on television, in movies, and in magazines is to be 'sexy' and 'stylish' by showing much skin and body form. But the job of most fashion designers and people who sell this sort of 'ideal' is not to protect your modesty or encourage you to a good end. It's to deceive you into a mindset of showing your body while filling their pockets.

{And have you ever wondered why they have spring and fall fashion shows? Why the 'fashions' are constantly changing so that something that was acceptable last summer, is passe this summer? It's only so that you'll feel inferior if you don't have the 'new' product and further fill their pockets by buying their newest lines. }

There are trials and expectations in this life for both men and women. Men aren't exempt and still have to cover themselves -at the very least- between the knee and the navel. Most shorts fall above the knee, and how many men pull their shorts up to cover their navels if they don't have a shirt on? They also have other obligations outside of dress that women don't have(maintaining & protecting the women in their family, jihad, etc.) so we all have responsibilities.

Part of a woman's responsibility is to dress and carry herself with a higher level of modesty. Which given the difficulty so many women have with it, justifies the reward of a woman who fulfills this responsibility - Paradise.

As far as it being seen as an obligation or being forced to wear it - I know of no women who are forced to wear hijab or to dress modestly. I've never heard of anyone being hurt or threatened for dressing a certain way. I have known sisters who wear it because they see it as a 'cultural' way of dressing, and look at American Muslimas with questions as to why they are wearing hijab? I guess to them it's similar to seeing someone obviously not Indian wearing a sari, or someone obviously not Japanese wearing a kimono. Allah knows best how much education they've gotten at home with regards to their Deen.

Sorry this was so long. But I wanted to give another perspective .
Anything good I said was from Allah and any mistakes are mine.
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Old 07-24-2010, 06:23 PM   #16

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Old 07-25-2010, 10:59 PM   #17

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The hadith does not mention tight/revealing clothing, but the wording is "women who will be naked despite being clothed." Can't help you on the authenticity, but I think its related in Abu Dawud.
Sahih Muslim. - Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui
Book 24: The Book Pertaining to Clothes and Decoration (Kitab Al-Libas wa'l-Zinah) >> Chapter 26: THE WOMEN WHO ARE NAKED EVEN IN THEIR DRESSES, WHO DEVIATE FROM THE RIGHT PATH AND LEAD THEIR HUSBANDS ASTRAY

Book 24, Number 5310:
AbU Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said this: Two are the types of the denizens of Hell whom I did not see: people having flogs like the tails of the ox with them and they would be beating people, and the women who would be dressed but appear to be naked, who would be inclined (to evil) and make their husbands incline towards it. Their heads would be like the humps of the bukht camel inclined to one side. They will not enter Paradise and they would not smell its odour whereas its odour would be smelt from such and such distance.

Also this has been narrated in the Musnad Ahmad, hadith number is 8722 and 9751.
There also another narration with similar wording in the Musnad Ahmad narrated by Abdullah bin Amr RA, but it has been classified as Daeef, hadith 7136.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:36 PM   #18

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As a girl 25 years old, I am slim and tall. But I am very confused regarding my dressing sense. I don't know what to wear. I feel very comfortable in jeans with short kurtas. One of my friend asked me to browse fashion clothes website clip everyday. How can I improve my dressing sense? Do you have any other suggestions?
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Old 09-27-2011, 06:16 PM   #19

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As a non muslim, I see a big contradiction when I see quite frequently, muslim women with a hijab and wearing tight fitting jeans & tops. Isnt the whole idea of Islamic dress, not being able to see the shape of the body?
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Old 09-27-2011, 06:18 PM   #20

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As a non muslim, I see a big contradiction when I see quite frequently, muslim women with a hijab and wearing tight fitting jeans & tops. Isnt the whole idea of Islamic dress, not being able to see the shape of the body?
Yes it is.
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