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Old 09-09-2011, 03:11 AM   #1

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Default Alhamdulillah my classes have started, plus i disconnected internet
Assalamu alaykum

I had my first class with the mufti in sheffield.

We went through some masaa'il in tahara and also he gave me permission to sit in his hadeeth class and tafseer class with some other students. All of his students are actually salafi except for one brother strangely.

Really beneficial. Serious about knowledge. inshAllah I will be getting a lot of benefit from these classes. We started on ta'leemul haqh but he wants me to bring mukhtasar al quduri on friday for our next class.

He teaches all day every day mashAllah, really his lessons are the best way to seek knowledge in sheffield.

I plan to try to master hanafi fiqh with him inshAllah while I do my qur'an and tajweed with a salafi brother aswell as my arabic. Ill also be trying to attend shaykh haithams sabeel courses three times a year and the mercy mission al kauthar courses for a bit of extra general knowledge and an iman boost and to see the latest projects inshAlllah. So thats my plan.

I also disconnected internet which will be off in a few days inshAllah so that I dont waste time as I give myself 3 years to memorise the qur'an with excellent tajweed, learn arabic, and get a strong grasp of hanafi fiqh inshAllah with understanding of all the main masa'il of our ibaadah inshAllah so I dont like all this time wasting online and debating and throwing my akhirah away.

Feel free to post your plans here to, inshAllah we can check on each other and encourage each other now and then. I jjust finished suratul inshiqaq so I got about 5 surahs of jz amma left.

Please post up what surah your on, what your goals are and inshAllah we'll all check back now and then to see how far we got and to motivate ecah other. I gave my 3 year plan and after that I plan to move on to tafseer with its usool and hadeeth with its science inshallah as the phase 2 of my plan but tahts in 3 years time inshALlah. ill be interested to see your plans too inshAllah.

By cutting of from people via the net i also hope to improve myself internally, learn far more self control, enable myself to not speak except when there is benefit. i have much character reformationt o to work on and thats a continual process inshallah so make dua for me for successs inshallah.

any articles on charecter reformation would be great inshALlah as id like to change a lot regarding my conduct inshAllah as its very important. knowledge will not have its ful benefit on me and others if i dont have correct character and tahts the most difficult thing to learn
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Old 09-09-2011, 03:22 AM   #2

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Is this Mufti Deobandi???
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Old 09-09-2011, 03:50 AM   #3

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Great to read all of this, may Allah accept your commitment and keep you under His guidance. ameen.

As for the character reformation part, personally I think te best way is to physically attend such gatherings where islah is concentrated upon, under good rightly guided shuyookh. I think we need to remember the importance of good company, the Sahabah were "sahabah" due to their suhbah with Rasoolullah .
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Old 09-09-2011, 03:58 AM   #4

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Is this Mufti Deobandi???
the muft is deobandi. I dont see any issue with it though. hes not into a mumbo jumbo. pure ilm mashAllah.

If I can take from imam nawawi and ibn hazm and ibn hajr etc then why not deobandis whom are able to benefit me a lot inshallah?
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Old 09-09-2011, 03:59 AM   #5

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Great to read all of this, may Allah accept your commitment and keep you under His guidance. ameen.

As for the character reformation part, personally I think te best way is to physically attend such gatherings where islah is concentrated upon, under good rightly guided shuyookh. I think we need to remember the importance of good company, the Sahabah were "sahabah" due to their suhbah with Rasoolullah .
ameen. if you have any details of somewhere like this in sheffield let me know. agreed, good coimpany pays dividends, if you can actually find good company in the first place
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Old 09-09-2011, 03:59 AM   #6

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may ALLAH SWT make it easy for you and INSHALLAH you become a source of guidance to others.
just by reading your post you have given me a motivation boost.JAZAKALLAH BROTHER DAWUD.
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:07 AM   #7

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Does he believe in Wahdatul-Wujood, what are his views of Ibn Arabee and Hussain mansoor Al-Hallaj?
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:10 AM   #8

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Dawud have you been to Green Lane Masjid?
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:16 AM   #9

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Dawud Apples are of great benefit to the body but not when they have been injected with poison
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:18 AM   #10

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Does he believe in Wahdatul-Wujood, what are his views of Ibn Arabee and Hussain mansoor Al-Hallaj?
Why does it matter? Why do you care what is happening to them? It is because of ignorant salafis like you that people who are coming into the deen get deviated due to useless b.s. like trying to figure out whether or not certain scholars long time ago did shirk or not.

Brother Dawud Beale has taken a very logical and amazing step in sitting in the company of a scholar in order to learn ilm. Most probably this scholar doesn't even know the details of these people. Why do you have to distract him?

I find your question to him very very stupid.

One new brother who was interested in deen recently is asking me questions about if ibn Arabee was guided or not when he doesn't even know basics of taharah and salat.

Be rest assured the ulema of Deoband are rightly guided.
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:21 AM   #11

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Dawud have you been to Green Lane Masjid?
yeah i been to green lane masjid a few times. they dont call deobandis kafir though
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:21 AM   #12

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Did I make the little Deo upset maybe its nap time for you its ok don't fight the sleep
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:22 AM   #13

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jazak allahu khair for everyones words of support. Please keep posting your words of encouragement as its nice to have a good convo with everyone Also please do post your aims and goals in ilm also inshAllah
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:25 AM   #14

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I feel sorry for you Dawud, but its up to you
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:28 AM   #15

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that's some nice aims you have fixed yourself. That is encouraging for you and us.
You're right we won't learn and reform ourselves through jidal on the internet.
Your idea of fixing objectives and then coming back after a few years is great, may be you should open a new thread so many people participate in it.

Remember us in your du'as.
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:35 AM   #16

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Dawud do you know of Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai?
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Old 09-09-2011, 04:43 AM   #17

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Did I make the little Deo upset maybe its nap time for you its ok don't fight the sleep
Maybe its night time where you are in England but in Canada its 4 in the afternoon. You definitely made me upset in trying to distract brother Dawud from his noble objective.

What a novel way to gauge one's aqida by finding out one's opinion on ibn Arabi and Hallaj.

What if someone never heard of them. How will you guage their aqida then?

And you continue by saying you feel sorry for brother Dawud? Is he going to the shaykh to take a course on how to commit bida' and shirk?
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Old 09-09-2011, 05:23 AM   #18

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I am very happy to hear about your progress brother Dawud inshaAllah Allah (swt) will bless me with a teacher that I can learn from as well. Encouraging post keep it up, maybe even use this thread as a journal of some gems you learn you could share with us
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Old 09-09-2011, 05:26 AM   #19

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I feel sorry for you Dawud, but its up to you
why bro, we are going through qurtubi, mishkaat, mukhtasar al qaduri and many more classical works. How many classical books of ilm have you been through so far?
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Old 09-09-2011, 05:27 AM   #20

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I am very happy to hear about your progress brother Dawud inshaAllah Allah (swt) will bless me with a teacher that I can learn from as well. Encouraging post keep it up, maybe even use this thread as a journal of some gems you learn you could share with us
definitely inshAllah I will post some things up here from time to time inshAllah t'ala
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