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Old 09-08-2011, 10:51 PM   #21

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Brother Dawud,
Don't be so suspicious. lol. Perhaps you can lighten the tone of the last post a bit.
I know you said the it generally, but that 'could' include me. It feels bad when i am accused of something i have not even thought about.
Its ok brother it wasnt aimed at anyone specifically, I met with big opposition from the sufis when i came into islam and wanted to go to dubai coz they said its full of wahhabis so I know some people are against it for that reason. However some may have legitimate fiqh concerns and so i dont make it specific as I cant say whos intention is good and whos isnt, if taht makes sense
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Old 09-08-2011, 10:52 PM   #22

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btw somali sister, I suggest you take this course if you have time as you'll need it if you live near saudi inshAllah:

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Old 09-08-2011, 10:53 PM   #23

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whether its permissable or not im not qualified to say. Be careful that some people on this forum are heavily sufi biased and woudlnt want you to move to a middle eastern country so it may bias what they tell you.

If someone tells you its haraam they need to bring the evidence, not the other way around.

So far one hadeeth was brought to you and that mentioned travelling for more than three days and your only going to be travelling for about 8 hours.

Dont let people make haraam for you what Allah didnt make haraam for you as this is the behaviour of the mushrikeen

Ur attitude is really saddening to me.

I'm a sufi and I advise everyone to come to Saudia!
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Old 09-08-2011, 10:55 PM   #24

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Its ok brother it wasnt aimed at anyone specifically, I met with big opposition from the sufis when i came into islam and wanted to go to dubai coz they said its full of wahhabis so I know some people are against it for that reason. However some may have legitimate fiqh concerns and so i dont make it specific as I cant say whos intention is good and whos isnt, if taht makes sense
Wow thats bad. Yea you are right one has to have legitimate fiqh concerns to stop someone from moving to middle east. But in this case i think there is scope for some concerns in the case of the sister. Lets see if we can get a scholarly opinion.
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Old 09-08-2011, 10:56 PM   #25

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I'm a sufi and I advise everyone to come to Saudia!

See brother Dawud, we can't generalize i guess.
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Old 09-09-2011, 12:23 AM   #26

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iska warren walaalo?

I advise you to move. I wont say its halal as to make something halal or haraam is a heavy burden, but in light of the situation here in the UK Id say move and never look back inshAllah. Take a brother with you on the plane if possible inshAllah but either way, europe is no place for a muslim, we all need to be leavingin ASAP inshALlah
JZakAllah walaalo I'll definitely take your advice on board. However I slightly disagree with the Europe thing. Even muslin countries are corrupt and full of fitna. It's the individual's choice which path to follow and whom we interact with. It's all about having clean heart and healthy imaan. No matter which corner in the world you are residing, Allah is everywhere and sees your actions. I know a lot of good brothers & sisters in London and alhamdulilah nothing is stopping me from practicing my deen.
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Old 09-09-2011, 12:26 AM   #27

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btw somali sister, I suggest you take this course if you have time as you'll need it if you live near saudi inshAllah:

Thanks but I'm not planning to live no where in Saudi! MashaAllah it's the holiest place on earth but culture plays a bigger role for most Saudis than religion Allahu caclem
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Old 09-09-2011, 12:57 AM   #28

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you'll be near saudi as you'll be in UAE which is right next to saudi so you'd be crazy not to do your hajj and umrah while in the UAE hence:


its a great course thats on in london that will help you on how to make your umrah and hajj rituals. take a look at least. If your in UAE you shoudl defo do your hajj and umrah as it will be much easier for you inshAllah from the UAE. You have looked at a map right and know how close UAE is to Saudi?


the deen is strong in saudi mashAllah btw. Its the least cultural out of the muslim lands although its not perfect of course like any country right now.

Btw, there is an oppinion that its wajib to make hijra from the lands of the disbelievers to the lands of the muslims and there is an oppinion that its recommended to do so. For example, how do you know the muslims wont be in concentration camps next week? It isnt going to stay like this for ever. its very likely that muslims at some point will have to leave. The porphet said so in a hadeeth that the muslims will flee rome to the lands of the muslims and a war will break out and at the end of that war the dajjaal comes out. then your really lucky if your near saudi as thats where the dajaal cant get to (makka and madinah)
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Old 09-09-2011, 01:05 AM   #29

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I heard anyone who dies in Madina will be allowed to be buried there. Thats one big merit.
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Old 09-09-2011, 02:22 AM   #30

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the hadeeth says three days. She wil only be travelling less than a day. She will not be considered as a traveller once she takes residence in dubai. In hanafi fiqh you wouldnt be considered a traveller if you went to dubai to live for a year, and you wouldnt take the hukms that apply to a traveller.

And Allah knows best
Despite the journey being less than a day she will still be classed as a traveller (musafir). I believe this hadith is an indication of distance and not time.

This is why our ulema state that a person becomes a traveller once they have covered a distance that a person walking would have in 3 days.
I believe it is based on an average day, average conditions and of average fitness. This is how the commonly quoted 48 miles is calculated. This figure is actually quite recent and through history it has differed. Also traditionally 'shariah' miles have been quoted but this distance is not the same as the 'mile' we are accustomed to.
Some ulema from England based on their own research and calculations have even suggested that the figure should be close to the 36 mile mark.

I hope that the ulema on this forum will explain this in detail and correct the mistakes that I have surely made.

And Allah knows best.
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