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Old 10-11-2005, 08:00 AM   #1

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This is a general trend that people who have little in-depth knowledge of Islam are quite impressed by the speeches of the ghair-muqalideen.
Asalamu alaykum,

Whose fault is that?

I watch some of our madrasah trained maulvis give the most boring parrot fashion "so and so book says such and such" answers that they would put anyone to sleep.

People would rather hear what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said with a correct explanation from our shuyukh when they answer a question rather than "in our mazhab it is like that - I don't know the reason, it is in a book somewhere".

Alhamdolillah at least in the West we have some excellent speakers giving talks from amongst the traditionally trained shuyukh [home grown or from abroad]. They seem to be far more in touch with the needs of the modern times. They also present fiqh, and Islam in general in a far more appealing manner to the masses. Sh. Hamza Yusuf, Sh. Nuh, Sh. Muhammad al-Ya'qoubi and others come to mind.

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Old 10-22-2005, 08:00 AM   #2

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"Annoyed eh? Bro, try to look from the correct side of your binoculars. If you look into this closely you will find the love for Allah Ta'la. Wouldn't one 'hasanah' matter at the time of your hisaab? "

Brother are you trying to claim that I have no love for Allah? I really dont think you are authorized to make such a wild claim
And what I am saying is that that shouldnot be the basis for the whole khutba.....we have greater worries....i mean it is for Allah to decide if you get the hasanah or not.....if you live a 100km from a masjid then obviously you wont walk....its just common sense....and you would hope that you get hasanah for going that distance to a masjid.

"The ulama are like real flowers while the 'self proclaimed' scholars are like flowers made out paper. If you look at both kinds of flowers from far, you may find the paper flowers more beautiful, but as you keep going closer you will obviously notice the huge difference between both of them.
flower flower..."

uh...........oooooooooooooook and your point is??????
what in the world are you trying to state? "flower flower?"
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Old 10-26-2005, 08:00 AM   #3

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whoa....about the whole shereton deal....she does not, i repeat she does not only speak to the opressed women....she does after all travel the world...and people educated people as well go to great lengths to hear what she has to say. And tell me brother what in the world does chai have anything to do w/ it .......? A person is there to gain knowledge not to drink black tea!!!!! its sheraton that gives the tea at that price....but what does that have to do w/ her teaching i am completely at a loss of words (partially the reason for me rambling on and on) about what kali chai has anything to w/ it. I mean if people want to listen to her then they invite her and as an aalimah it is her duty to share her knowledge! I mean she is sponsered by people they invite her around the globe....its not that she needs a pulpit from where she can rant.
and...uh....according to a sahih bukhari hadith when asked what part of the women can be seen; Ayesha (peace be upon her) pointed to her hands and face.........
so.....your point is???????????????????
and on the side note i have no idea what your talking about because she does cover her face as well. That's your problem that you don't know about that Sheraton stuff. Are you serious in saying that Oppressed women of the society go to shereton to listen to her?

As far as the hadeeth of Syyeda Ayisha (Radhi Allahu Ta'ala Anha), that is Satr, as it clearly mentions , but to the zahiris, this is not understandible. so your point is.......?
And now that she covers her face, better ask her why she did not before??

And She's an aalimah? Since when? Which Sheikh does she have ijazah in hadeeth, fiqh, etc?excuse me, but I don't consider Orientalist-Taught Mullanis to be aalimah, rather a fitnah for the society.

It is indeed you, who needs to come out of the nutshell again. Blindly defending a lady without knowledge of her background is easily understandible. It's called prejudice. You're pathless because you're a wanderer, and would follow wherever your heart wills. A follower of need is indeed a pathless.

what aalim ru talking about? u cannot just make wild claims like that....w/o authentication or proof of any kind... See the link, it has evidence. An honest "mullani" does not need to do that sort of fraud.

^ This was supposed to beposted hours ago, but thanx to the server, I couldn't
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Old 10-26-2005, 08:00 AM   #4

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sorry....bro.....i am not able to read urdu...therefore i cannot read what it states.

however....it looks like an article from the newspaper......in which case it could clearly be a lie after all the paper exists to sell itself not to give out factual information.
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Old 10-27-2005, 08:00 AM   #5

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an ex shia turned sunni aalim maulana Shahid muavia of faisalabad a very special student of hazrat molana Ameen Safdar okarvi(ra) is a great manazir of ahlesunnah aswell i talked to him about this matter and he said he put some questions foreward tp dr Farhat hashmi but she refuses to answer them saying they are too complicated and i dont wanna talk about it ,anyway he is working on it and soon he will write some thing on it hez just a bit short of wasaail at the moment but with Allahz help inshallah he will soon
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Old 11-02-2005, 08:00 AM   #6

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Remember I was speaking in a genrality of the mullahs; i never said that *all the mullahs are like that ....

However can you truthfully make a claim that the brightest and the smartest and the most intelligent people in pakistan as they say "Cream of the cream" become mulanas.........can you say the quality of these maulanas and their knowledge is even comparable to those respected Imams?

In those times where the cream of the society were them!
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Old 11-02-2005, 08:00 AM   #7

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[I]"not that you find nowadays among the pakistani maulanas.. to the extent that i was extremly annoyed when in one of my visits to pkstan the entire jummah khutbah was on if you get the same hasanah if you walk to the masjid or drive! i mean come on.......lets get on w/ that when i left pkstan 6 years ago...this is what i heard....and after i visited 6 years later this is again what i heard!!!
* remember i am speaking in a generality of only the pakistani mullahs.
Annoyed eh? Bro, try to look from the correct side of your binoculars. If you look into this closely you will find the love for Allah Ta'la. Wouldn't one 'hasanah' matter at the time of your hisaab?

Generally speaking obviously....the trend in Pakistan is that the maulanas are people who did not want to study ...... did not want to go to skool....so their mothers would put them in madrasas to become mullahs....and it is these very mullahs that run the clergy and run around giving fatwas on the most important part of our lives. Weird eh? And may I ask , on how many fatawa have any one acted upon? Of course almost none of them. And yes, the schooling they recieved is much more higher then the "a for apple , b for ball" schooling today.

The ulama are like real flowers while the 'self proclaimed' scholars are like flowers made out paper. If you look at both kinds of flowers from far, you may find the paper flowers more beautiful, but as you keep going closer you will obviously notice the huge difference between both of them.
flower flower...
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Old 11-14-2005, 08:00 AM   #8

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She's basically a ghayr muqallid "salafi" but does not use that name.
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Old 11-19-2005, 08:00 AM   #9

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brother usman gave reference before too:


And more from his site:




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Old 01-03-2006, 08:00 AM   #10

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Just when the topic is about to cool down, my old cold site makes it hot :

See this

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Old 01-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #11

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Asalamu alaykum,

Whose fault is that?

I watch some of our madrasah trained maulvis give the most boring parrot fashion "so and so book says such and such" answers that they would put anyone to sleep.

People would rather hear what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said with a correct explanation from our shuyukh when they answer a question rather than "in our mazhab it is like that - I don't know the reason, it is in a book somewhere".

Alhamdolillah at least in the West we have some excellent speakers giving talks from amongst the traditionally trained shuyukh [home grown or from abroad]. They seem to be far more in touch with the needs of the modern times. They also present fiqh, and Islam in general in a far more appealing manner to the masses. Sh. Hamza Yusuf, Sh. Nuh, Sh. Muhammad al-Ya'qoubi and others come to mind.

Well...have you heard of Shaykh Aboo Yusuf Riyadh Al Haqq, as well Maulana Ahmed Ali, both of them do tend to move teh masses as well...and from what I learnt they happen to be madresa trained. But of course they're from the 'West'

There are many interesting scholars from the Indo Pak subcontinent as well who have captivated the masses in a compelling way.
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Old 01-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #12

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actually it is not me who is parrotfed it is you....

I never claimed that all the scholors are bad....i just said the maulvis that i have talked to.....which are a lot..........i have never been impressed by what they say because they think inside the box.....they refuse to listen to any other explanation...............
For e.g. i met a maulana sahib who claimed to be an authority on Islam who was part of the sippah sahaba.....and carried out attacks against our shia brothers calling them kaafirs???
you expect me to regard ppl w/ such shallow thinking??

I was not parrot fed about them....yes i was prejudiced...before i met many of them.....as i was about farhat hashmi......but the image that i had in mind of the maulvis still stands....they (not all of them) are incapable of any form of acceptance....they want everything done their way and if somebody tries to argue w/ them ... they automatically become Kaafirs.

Plus.....scholors constantly fight among themselves and give contradictory fatwas (which are basically educated opinions). Eg....some of the scholors in palestine state that suicide bombing Israeli civilians.....is jihad and they will be raised in ranks in the hereafter.....
even though it goes against the teachings of the Prophet who prohibited suicide of any kind and especially the killing of civilians

and remember not to take the scholors as rabb beside Allah.....for that is exactly what the jews did w/ their Rabbis
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Old 01-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #13

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As sallamu alaikum

After reading some of the posts here, it would seem that there might be a problem with the person in question. However, I don't think that we should defame her character or say things about her that might incriminate us before Rabb Ta'ala.

As for why she didn't wear a niqab before, then people change. Not everyone is raised wearing a niqab. There must be some good deed that you do now which you didn't do a year ago.

Wa alaikum as sallam
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Old 01-25-2006, 08:00 AM   #14

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In regards to your first statment; the Quran specifically says that we have made this religion easy for you.
Not hard .......... so to impose on yourself useless unprescribed hardships that were never taught by the prophet are pointless Islam is easy to follow as it is, it's not that it can be "modified" to be made easy according to your will. Since you're a pathless, no use debating with the munkir of Ijma.

And on your second remark...... I cant speak for all the scholars in Islam but as long as i lived in pakistan specifically nobody listens to the jibber jabber the mullahs are on about all day becauze of one main reason.
Generally speaking obviously....the trend in Pakistan is that the maulanas are people who did not want to study ...... did not want to go to skool....so their mothers would put them in madrasas to become mullahs....and it is these very mullahs that run the clergy and run around giving fatwas on the most important part of our lives. Weird eh? In the time of the prophet and after that it to the time of Imam Abu Hanifa, Hanbal, Malik, Shafiaa; the scholors were the cream of society; the most educated people in matters of religion, sciences mathematics.....people would travel by land for months to be inspired by knowledge uncomparable of any doctor professor or what have you. Then to say that the scholors should be followed would be correct because they have a working vast mind embedded deep in knowledge of faith ....... not that you find nowadays among the pakistani maulanas.. to the extent that i was extremly annoyed when in one of my visits to pkstan the entire jummah khutbah was on if you get the same hasanah if you walk to the masjid or drive! i mean come on.......lets get on w/ that when i left pkstan 6 years ago...this is what i heard....and after i visited 6 years later this is again what i heard!!!
* remember i am speaking in a generality of only the pakistani mullahs. I'd been living a life of sin for 20 years, and in the feet of these mullahs did I find peace. There's a common saying , "buray ko bura mun nazar ata hay"(Ugly sees Ugly face).

I can even today, show hundreds of scholars, who do not induldge into any debates, hold extensive knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and still people curse them. This is not because they do not possess knowledge. Me, being a computer guy, knows how much mind does it require to understand one book, and these "mullahs" have memorized hundreds of books.

The reason why you did not find the kind of mullahs in Pakistan, is because you never searched.

But the topic is not the Mullahs , rather the Orientalist-Taught Mullani. So did you know she abbrogated the book of a Deobandi Hanafi Muqallid Sheikh?
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:00 AM   #15

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i knw they do,the one where they condemn zikr jehri in one of the commentries
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #16

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y she is so populer is because thats what ''some'' people want who power the media and rent out big and famous hotels so upper class is attraced and also the midle class girls that coudnt even think of goin into thses hotels some day
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Old 03-07-2006, 08:00 AM   #17

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I am glad someone has started this thread as it is something that I wanted to discuss as well.

The reason being that she caused a bit of controversy in Bradford when one her recorded speech was played by the local radio station that is aired during the month of Ramadhan. It was the usual "Muslims commit shirk" rhetoric that you hear from so many of the wahabiya.

A lot of women listened to her programmes and her speeches were quite popular. This is a general trend that people who have little in-depth knowledge of Islam are quite impressed by the speeches of the ghair-muqalideen.

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Old 03-20-2006, 08:00 AM   #18

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One of here greatest adventures of seeking cheap fame, is that she ammended a paragraph in the book of Mufti Muhammad Shafi AL-Deobandi (Rahimahullah), named "Wahdat-e-Ummat" which was written for the unity of the ummah. This served her two purposes ,
1) Those who had utmost respect for the Mufti, started getting deviated.
2) When found, every major Islamic magazine, and newspaper, mentioned her name (now aint that clever?).

Later on, her cassettes were sold at every major recording Centre, including "Ilmi Cassette Ghar" whose 13 out of 13 brothers are Ghayr Muqallid, and largest vendors of Maulana Tariq Jameel's cassettes. They also put right in the front of the shelf, her cassettes.

Pak recording centre, another top cassette house in Pakistan, are just money greedy people, so they did the same. They are the 2nd largest vendors of her cassettes and CDs after Farhat Hashimi.

Another thing, that shocked me the most, is that a relative of Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahib, right in front of Ashraful Madaris, Owner of Baytul Kutub, also sells her stuff.

Now today, she has a really big name, does her "Dars" on FM-100 Pakistan, Online classes on paltalk.

What else would a woman want? eh?

Anyway, this is the story of her game to fame. And the name of her institute is "Al-Huda"............Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiyoon.
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Old 03-28-2006, 08:00 AM   #19

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"This is one of the reasons why I wouldn't go out of my country to learn deen . When there are thousands of Islamic schools, and Universities in Pakistan, what led a Muslimah to go to Glassgow "

"Just take example of every "modern" "moderate" and selfmade "alim"or "alimyani", they are given full fledged coverage, while scholars are willingly being ignored. "

who can make that claim that a specific scholor is self appointed or not? Is it a requirement in the Quran that any authority on Islam must be a student of some corner Dar-u-salam madrasah in pakistan.....?????

"Fun point : a brother at an islamic shop told me , that most of the people we saw listening to Dr. Hashimi are men. The way she says "Hazrat Moooossaaaaa", if Hazrat Musa (Alaihi Salaam) were there, would show her some manners."

Brother Usman what is exactly the meaning of this......From your posts that I have read you dont like the guy who disrespects and makes sick jokes like this
even though unfortunetly i do say stuff i know i shouldnt when im really mad
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Old 03-29-2006, 08:00 AM   #20

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as Salaamu `alykum bro

The name of a book in question is Wahdat-e-Ummat by Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee` rahimahullah copyright Dar ul Isha'at Karachi.

Alhuda published a version of that book without permission.
They added two paragraphs in that book which totally change the intended meaning of the author.
The failed to clarify that those two paragraphs were their own additions (that is, If we accept that they did not intend to mislead people, which I do not due to other reasons)

So their three crimes were:

1- Piracy
2- Tahreef in the meaning
3- Tahreef in the words

Out of these three crimes al-Huda apologized from crime no.3 (a long time after it was brought to their notice) and claimed that due to the printer's mistake, a line showing that the added information was a footnote was left out. Even if we accept that (which I do not ), they're still guilty of stealing copyrighted works and trying to change the authors intended meaning.
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