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Old 07-06-2011, 05:08 PM   #1

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Default Changing madhab...possibly
I am a Shafi'i however lately I have been thinking of changing to the Maliki madhab - I know many will say but they are all sound, however I'd like to dispense with that argument.

My reason for changing is that I believe the school of Imam Malik to be sounder on a number of issues than that of Imam Shafi'i, and at times vice versa. There are also a number of rulings in the Shafi'i madhab, that I simply don't agree with, but agree with their opposite in Maliki fiqh ie circumcision.

In light of the above is it permissible for me to change madhab? I have probably the same amount of access to Maliki materials and scholars, as I do to Shafi'i ones, as such I wouldn't be losing anything per se.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:25 PM   #2

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Brother can you please tell us why you "simply don't agree with" with the Shafi'i opinion of circumcision? Is your disagreement based upon Qur'an and Sunnah and not on your own aql and nafs?

I would highly recommend you to speak to some Shafi'i ulama and clarify your doubts before making such a change. If doubts persist, then speak to Maliki ulama.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:27 PM   #3

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Dear Brother, GlesgaMuslim

Do whatever you feel best for yourself.

But don't leave Taqwa and don't become lax in deen.

Try to follow all Sunnahs of our Belovedest Prophet and try to increase your ibadats.

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Old 07-06-2011, 05:29 PM   #4

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Brother can you please tell us why you "simply don't agree with" with the Shafi'i opinion of circumcision? Is your disagreement based upon Qur'an and Sunnah and not on your own aql and nafs?

I would highly recommend you to speak to some Shafi'i ulama and clarify your doubts before making such a change. If doubts persist, then speak to Maliki ulama.
As far as I am aware and the school of Imam Malik agrees there is no basis for it in Qur'an, and as such it is only regarded as Sunnah in the Maliki madhab, yet compulsory in the Shafi'i madhab.

Also, on a personal note I find it barbaric. However the point of this thread is not to discuss circumcision and I won't further. I am merely looking to know if in the opinion of those reading this thread I have legitimate reasons for changing madhab. One further point however, it should be noted that circumcision is not my only problem with the Shafi'i madhab.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:31 PM   #5

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Dear Brother, GlesgaMuslim

Do whatever you feel best for yourself.

But don't leave Taqwa and don't become lax in deen.

Try to follow all Sunnahs of our Belovedest Prophet and try to increase your ibadats.

JazakAllah khair for your reply. I appreciate your thoughts and opinion.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:36 PM   #6

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Also, on a personal note I find it barbaric.

Brother, you should change your views and become more sympathetic towards this and other actions that you may or may not find barbaric but were recommended and preferred by Rasoolullah . I know this is not the only issue you have with the Shafi'i madhhab, but you do realize that both the madhahib think positively of this "barbaric" activity.

Female circumcision (I assume you're talking about this...) is from the sunnah but as has been mentioned before, the way this is carried out in many African countries is contrary to the sunnah. The form of circumcision performed in some African countries is the form that was practiced by non-Muslim Africans (and still is), where an entire organ is excised from the female genitalia. This is not permissible in Islam at all. Please seek clarification about what is meant by female circumcision from Shafi'i scholars.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:43 PM   #7

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Brother, you should change your views and become more sympathetic towards this and other actions that you may or may not find barbaric but were recommended and preferred by Rasoolullah . I know this is not the only issue you have with the Shafi'i madhhab, but you do realize that both the madhahib think positively of this "barbaric" activity.

Female circumcision (I assume you're talking about this...) is from the sunnah but as has been mentioned before, the way this is carried out in many African countries is contrary to the sunnah. The form of circumcision performed in some African countries is the form that was practiced by non-Muslim Africans (and still is), where an entire organ is excised from the female genitalia. This is not permissible in Islam at all. Please seek clarification about what is meant by female circumcision from Shafi'i scholars.
I believe both male and female circumcision to be barbaric. However, as I said, this isn't a thread about circumcision - it's about changing madhabs, please respect that and stop diverting the thread.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:45 PM   #8

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Also, on a personal note I find it barbaric. bro,

Modern medicine promotes circumcision as it decreases urinary tract infections and genital cancers. It even decreases the chances of cervical cancer in the female partner.

Moreover as mentioned above it was recommended by Rasoolullah . As you mentioned this thread is not about it.

I have probably the same amount of access to Maliki materials and scholars, as I do to Shafi'i ones, as such I wouldn't be losing anything per se That is very important, you need access to scholars of whichever Madhab you want to follow. So changing Madhab won't be a problem for you. But have in mind what Moulana Taliban mentioned above. Ya Allah, guide all of us in the right path. Ameen.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:53 PM   #9

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Modern medicine promotes circumcision as it decreases urinary tract infections and genital cancers. It even decreases the chances of cervical cancer in the female partner.

Moreover as mentioned above it was recommended by Rasoolullah . As you mentioned this thread is not about it.

That is very important, you need access to scholars of whichever Madhab you want to follow. So changing Madhab won't be a problem for you. But have in mind what Moulana Taliban mentioned above. Ya Allah, guide all of us in the right path. Ameen.
JazakAllah khair for your reply.

I am truly undecided and in two minds - there are pros and cons to both Madhabs, as there are with all four of the Sunni madhabs. At the end of the day my opinion is that they are a means to an end and not the end result. I suppose I just need to decide which one I would feel most comfortable practicing. I have always been Shafi'i, but in the past couple of years I have been having niggling doubts and have been drawn more towards the school of Imam Malik.
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Old 07-06-2011, 06:02 PM   #10

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I have been brought up learning Shafi'i school of thought. I had thought of changing my Madhab to Hanafi in the past. But when i thought about it, i haven't even taken the proper effort to study Fiqh in Shafi'i Madhab, then how will i be able to cope up with studying Hanafi Madhab from the beginning . Then i realized the difference in Madhabs are often exaggerated by many people. In the end, as you said all these are different paths which leads to the same result. Whats important is reaching the Aim.
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Old 07-06-2011, 08:31 PM   #11

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a person who calls a sunnah barbaric has possibly lost their imaan. discussions on mathaahib are then irrelevant.

"Very soon a time of such mischief will come when in the morning a person will be a believer and in the evening he will be a kaafir, except for that person whom Allah Ta'aala will save on account of knowledge." (Daramy)
In this Hadeeth the phrase appears: "on account of knowledge." This can only mean one thing; viz, that the person be acquainted with the limits of kufr and Imaan (faith). It means that he knows what those requirements are which makes a person a Muslim and what makes him a kaafir. (Al-Eti'daal)

As far as I am aware and the school of Imam Malik agrees there is no basis for it in Qur'an, and as such it is only regarded as Sunnah in the Maliki madhab, yet compulsory in the Shafi'i madhab.

Also, on a personal note I find it barbaric. However the point of this thread is not to discuss circumcision and I won't further. I am merely looking to know if in the opinion of those reading this thread I have legitimate reasons for changing madhab. One further point however, it should be noted that circumcision is not my only problem with the Shafi'i madhab.
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Old 07-06-2011, 08:38 PM   #12

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I agree with brother adamson. It is pointless to discuss which madhhab to choose when the illness is something else entirely. To call a sunnah "barbaric" and then to say not to change the topic reveals a lot more than should be revealed. There is consensus that mocking sunnah is an expression of kufr. Same line of reasoning is applicable to those that consider hijab to be repressive to women, sunnah beards to be ugly, sunnah clothing to be horrible, etc.

This sunnah is not even something exclusive to our shari'ah. It has been the sunnah of the prophets, ever since Ibraaheem . He performed circumcision when he was commanded by Allah to do so - and he was 80 years old.

Circumcision is a sunnah in the Maliki madhhab as well. If a Hanafi mocks something that may not be obligatory in his madhhab but is a sunnah, he is also expressing his kufr. Same applies to all the other madhahib.
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Old 07-06-2011, 08:50 PM   #13

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So, according to your own research, does circumsicion have a basis in the sunnah, as the Malikis state? If so, how can you call in 'barbaric'? If not, then you don't agree with the maliki madh-hab.

Madha-hib developed as means to codify the rulings of the qur'an and sunnah, not as a means to put each and every intellect at rest.

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Old 07-06-2011, 09:18 PM   #14

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As-salamu ´alaykum,

To call the sunnah "barbaric" sounds like an "unhealthy" approach to have towards Allah and His Rasul (salla Llahu ´alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam), unless of course you mean something entirely different than what I understand from it. If you really want to change your madhhab it should be based on it being closer to truth, not being more accomodating to your desires. If not, does it really matter what madhhab you follow, as you will still contravene it whenever you see fit?

Beloved brother, please share with us some of the issues you have (or think you have) with the madhhab of Al-Imam Ash-Shafi´i, rahmatuLlahi ´alayh. That way it is easier for us to advice you, if our advice is of any worth.

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Old 07-07-2011, 02:08 AM   #15

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I believe both male and female circumcision to be barbaric.

The point is not about Madhahib; rather, it's about 'Aqidah.

Deeming any part of the Shari'ah or any Sunnah to be "barbaric" is kufr; I strongly suggest you to make up your mind and review your opinions and understanding.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:08 AM   #16

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The point is not about Madhahib; rather, it's about 'Aqidah.

Deeming any part of the Shari'ah or any Sunnah to be "barbaric" is kufr; I strongly suggest you to make up your mind and review your opinions and understanding.
It looks like op is in effect following HIMSELF rather than any imam,may that be Imam Shafi or Imam Malik. When it comes to your own liking and disliking,who can guarantee that tomorrow you will not find something WRONG with maliki fiqh and try to switch to Hanafi or Hanbali?There is nothing wrong with changing Fiqhi madhab but there should be solid ilmi grounds for it and not just your own wishes.Please don,t mind if i say that this is not a healthy approach towards your faith.All Fiqhi madhahib have one thing in common,their great respect for the ASAAR of Rasool ullah swallaho alaihe wa sallam and his Suhaba.Your post clearly shows disrespect for the Sunna of Rasool Ullah swallallaho alaihe wa sallam.With this state of mind you should be more worried about your basic aqeeda and eeman rather than trivial differences of madhahib.Being your brother in Islam,i feel it as your right on me to pray for you and ask Allah swt for your maghfira.Some times we say or write things which we consider very light but that is a heavy crime in the eyes of Allah swt.Using the word which you used for a sunna may constitute one such blunder.May Allah forgive us all and put us on the right path of Din.Moreover such statements are against the basic norms of love,and who can be more dear to a Muslim than our beloved prophet swallaho alaihe wa sallam.Brother,i have husne dhan that you did not mean what your post reflected and inshaAllah you are on the right path of eeman and Hubbe Rasool sawallaho alaihe wa sallam! still i request you to reconsider what you wrote in the heat of a particular moment and ask Allah swt for maghfira,indeed HE is tawwab.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:23 AM   #17

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I am a Shafi'i however lately I have been thinking of changing to the Maliki madhab - I know many will say but they are all sound, however I'd like to dispense with that argument.

My reason for changing is that I believe the school of Imam Malik to be sounder on a number of issues than that of Imam Shafi'i, and at times vice versa. There are also a number of rulings in the Shafi'i madhab, that I simply don't agree with, but agree with their opposite in Maliki fiqh ie circumcision.

In light of the above is it permissible for me to change madhab? I have probably the same amount of access to Maliki materials and scholars, as I do to Shafi'i ones, as such I wouldn't be losing anything per se.

1. Make dua to Allah to guide you (and us) as He guides others. Allahumahdini fiman hadayt. He will guide you (and us) towards the best of path, whichever it is. Pray istikharah.

2. Clear your mind about any personal opinions regarding Islamic rulings. Be humble in terms of religion. This is not physics or chemistry or social sciences where someone can say that I'm better than your are, etc. This is Islam, only Allah knows who is better and who is not. When we start to say "my opinion is..." or "I think..." this is not what person who wants to learn deen would always say. In Islam, we should be careful what we say and what not. Reserve the opinion to ourselves and start to say "That person/scholar may be true and I may be wrong" much often. This way we will benefit the knowledge of deen much better

Wallahu a'lam.

To other brothers, he (and all of us) are learning, so maybe a little bit of cool would help.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:41 AM   #18

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There are also a number of rulings in the Shafi'i madhab, that I simply don't agree with, but agree with their opposite in Maliki fiqh ie circumcision.
bro, you may better read first usool book of both madhab, then choose the one which you can more trust and the sources are availble to you or not.
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:11 AM   #19

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JazakAllah khair for your reply.

I am truly undecided and in two minds - there are pros and cons to both Madhabs, as there are with all four of the Sunni madhabs. At the end of the day my opinion is that they are a means to an end and not the end result. I suppose I just need to decide which one I would feel most comfortable practicing. I have always been Shafi'i, but in the past couple of years I have been having niggling doubts and have been drawn more towards the school of Imam Malik.
السلام عليكم

What I fear is that people would change their Madhab to make their life easier. If you have researched enough and feel confident about your decision and are not doing it just to run away from circumcision or things of this nature then go ahead...
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Old 07-07-2011, 05:24 PM   #20

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السلام عليكم

What I fear is that people would change their Madhab to make their life easier. If you have researched enough and feel confident about your decision and are not doing it just to run away from circumcision or things of this nature then go ahead...
JazakAllah khair, an answer without pre-judgement. A pity many others on this thread do not have the same courtesy.
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