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Old 08-26-2011, 06:34 PM   #1

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Default @ karu-89

I wish others don't respond here.

The thread is closed. Anyway you just can't laugh away the things like that..

Before pointing out what Indian Muslims were doing when riots. Let's think practically

Let's not forget the difference of Muslim Government and Non-Muslim government.

There is no surprise Muslims being tortured by Non-Muslims. But why the hell are Muslim (or Shia) government of Pakistan is doing the same act (in your opinion)
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Old 08-26-2011, 07:34 PM   #2

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I wish others don't respond here.

The thread is closed. Anyway you just can't laugh away the things like that..

Before pointing out what Indian Muslims were doing when riots. Let's think practically

Let's not forget the difference of Muslim Government and Non-Muslim government.

There is no surprise Muslims being tortured by Non-Muslims. But why the hell are Muslim (or Shia) government of Pakistan is doing the same act (in your opinion)
think practically ? how can u ask me to think practically ? the masjid was being desecrated and the "muslims" in india were busy in merry making .. not even one voice was raised to call for fight against the stone worshippers ? why

what u mean there is no surprise Muslim are being tortured by Non Muslim ? will they be left without without giving justice ? thats why i say the Muslims in India have done nothing but brought shame to the ummah ... same act ? and kindly will u tell which foreign Muslim land has Pakistan invaded ?
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Old 08-26-2011, 07:46 PM   #3

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There's no point to this thread. Both countries are at fault.

However what makes it worse is Pakistan is a 'Muslim' country. We shouldn't try to justify wrongs. What has Pakistan given to those who needed the most? My father in law, a former Colonel of Pak army, sits in his house without electricity for 6-8 hours. Is this what Pakistan was made for? And his condition is actually a good one!

We shouldn't compare India with Pakistan. India is ruled by Kuffar. Pakistan being a Muslim country should be way ahead of India.

As for what were Muslims doing during Babri Masjid... maybe you need to ask the Muslims who were there are that time... men being killed, women raped, children burnt alive.

There is two sides to every story.
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Old 08-26-2011, 07:58 PM   #4

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think practically ? how can u ask me to think practically ? the masjid was being desecrated and the "muslims" in india were busy in merry making .. not even one voice was raised to call for fight against the stone worshippers ? why

what u mean there is no surprise Muslim are being tortured by Non Muslim ? will they be left without without giving justice ? thats why i say the Muslims in India have done nothing but brought shame to the ummah ... same act ? and kindly will u tell which foreign Muslim land has Pakistan invaded ?

now, this can be called a joke of year 2011 ...

Thumb rule for many people like you.. "Blame India first to safeguard Pakistan's mistakes"

There are scholars giving fatwa "Pakistan cannot be called a Islamic country" and this hero talks about shame of India.

What will be more shameful that a country where 95% of citizens are muslim and still it is not an Islamic country

On a side note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZkxKc8Fq2s
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Old 08-26-2011, 08:15 PM   #5

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Well could you brethren explain the point of this thread, other then fermenting hatred towards fellow muslims who live in a different country?

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Old 08-26-2011, 09:09 PM   #6

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Well could you brethren explain the point of this thread, other then fermenting hatred towards fellow muslims who live in a different country?

ask him he made the thread not me
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Old 08-26-2011, 09:18 PM   #7

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now, this can be called a joke of year 2011 ...

Thumb rule for many people like you.. "Blame India first to safeguard Pakistan's mistakes"

There are scholars giving fatwa "Pakistan cannot be called a Islamic country" and this hero talks about shame of India.

What will be more shameful that a country where 95% of citizens are muslim and still it is not an Islamic country
what can be called a joke of 2011 ? that the muslims in India are not even voicing their concerns over the safety of Fellow Muslims ! haha sorry mister but i dont blame india to hide the mistakes of Pakistan but its people like u who refuse to view a thing that is clear cut ! i know Pakistan has its share of mistakes but none is bigger than India for they have invaded a Muslim land and they are violating the honor of our Muslim women ! i wont reply to the remaining half of the post as its u are trying to deviate the actual topic of debate !

giving the video ay .. i know Dr.Green is right but he talked about India and Pakistan both why do u use his statement to just bad mouth Pakistan ! why dont u watch the video of Dr.Israr Ahmad about Pakistan clearly says Pakistan was a Gift of ALLAH S.W.T which the Muslims of India are refusing to accept !!!
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Old 08-26-2011, 09:46 PM   #8

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There's no point to this thread. Both countries are at fault.

However what makes it worse is Pakistan is a 'Muslim' country. We shouldn't try to justify wrongs. What has Pakistan given to those who needed the most? My father in law, a former Colonel of Pak army, sits in his house without electricity for 6-8 hours. Is this what Pakistan was made for? And his condition is actually a good one!

We shouldn't compare India with Pakistan. India is ruled by Kuffar. Pakistan being a Muslim country should be way ahead of India.

As for what were Muslims doing during Babri Masjid... maybe you need to ask the Muslims who were there are that time... men being killed, women raped, children burnt alive.

There is two sides to every story.
Well said.
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Old 08-26-2011, 09:47 PM   #9

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Dr.Israr Ahmad about Pakistan clearly says Pakistan was a Gift of ALLAH S.W.T which the Muslims of India are refusing to accept !!!
ohh it seems its a riwayah of bukhari which cant be disputed.
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Old 08-26-2011, 09:52 PM   #10

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Well could you brethren explain the point of this thread, other then fermenting hatred towards fellow muslims who live in a different country?

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Old 08-26-2011, 09:52 PM   #11

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ohh it seems its a riwayah of bukhari which cant be disputed.
well u have any doubts watch the lecture then u will get ur answer .. or u can continue in ur ignorance
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Old 08-26-2011, 09:56 PM   #12

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what can be called a joke of 2011 ? that the muslims in India are not even voicing their concerns over the safety of Fellow Muslims ! haha sorry mister but i dont blame india to hide the mistakes of Pakistan but its people like u who refuse to view a thing that is clear cut ! i know Pakistan has its share of mistakes but none is bigger than India for they have invaded a Muslim land and they are violating the honor of our Muslim women ! i wont reply to the remaining half of the post as its u are trying to deviate the actual topic of debate !
Yes you will not reply because... you are not willing to accept the situation of Pakistan...

Regarding Muslim land... why do you bother only about Kashmir... our Hyderabad also has majority of Muslims and there are hundreds of villages in India where there is only Muslim dominance.. Why is the Pak government not interested in these villages and their people ?

giving the video ay .. i know Dr.Green is right but he talked about India and Pakistan both why do u use his statement to just bad mouth Pakistan ! why dont u watch the video of Dr.Israr Ahmad about Pakistan clearly says Pakistan was a Gift of ALLAH S.W.T which the Muslims of India are refusing to accept !!! This should be the Second joke of 2011....

A shia government rule on Muslims ? Do you consider this as the gift ?

Killings among various sects, various regions, various languages etc...Do you consider this as the gift ?

If we consider above things.. India is much more united

Being a non-muslim country. India has Muslim Personal Shariah Law board where Muslims have the right to follow the rules according to Islamic Shariah...
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Old 08-26-2011, 09:58 PM   #13

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Well could you brethren explain the point of this thread, other then fermenting hatred towards fellow muslims who live in a different country?


that shouldn't effect the person who is neutrally speaking truth...

Edit: @ other brothers.. please don't post provocative statements and trigger moderators to close this thread
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Old 08-26-2011, 10:04 PM   #14

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well u have any doubts watch the lecture
you better quote the hadith number of bukhari rather than telling me to watch whole lecture.
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Old 08-26-2011, 10:05 PM   #15

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Yes you will not reply because... you are not willing to accept the situation of Pakistan...

Regarding Muslim land... why do you bother only about Kashmir... our Hyderabad also has majority of Muslims and there are hundreds of villages in India where there is only Muslim dominance.. Why is the Pak government not interested in these villages and their people ?
Astagfirullah ! u are accusing me here and Prophet S.A.W said that Accusing someone falsely is similar to the murder of someone's character

i very well know the Fault of Pakistanis ! but this is not the debate the debate is what u are hiding ! that the muslims in india are doing nothing for the Muslims being murdered in Kashmir ! instead u are continuously ignoring this thing as if u dont want to talk about it ! haha .. firstly Kashmir was invaded and we as muslim have to raise our concern in this matter regarding Hyderabad no one there is being murdered persecuted so we dont talk about it and again i say are u trying to deviate this debate i dont want to get into the INDO-PAK political matter my concern is the safety of Kashmir which u are afraid to talk about !
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Old 08-26-2011, 10:11 PM   #16

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that shouldn't effect the person who is neutrally speaking truth...

Edit: @ other brothers.. please don't post provocative statements and trigger moderators to close this thread
I once saw a programme concerning an English journalist living in Hong Kong some years ago ,He states that he was once claiming who was claiming how the BRitish press, where always Neutral.

So a chinese man asked him.

"Where were you born.?"

"Britain" replied the Englishman."

"Where were you educated?"


"And your parents?"

" Britain"

So replied the China Man, " Your parents were British, you were born British, You were educated in Britain, and you were taught to think British naturally the views you express in your articles are British, So on what basis can you say you are Neutral?"

And the Journalistic was forced to concede that on reflection his views were clouded with biases and prejudices of an Englishman.
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Old 08-26-2011, 10:12 PM   #17

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the purpose of a debate, if there is to be one at all, is to bring one another closer to Allah swt. If we argue to serve our Nafs, if we argue, not in search of truth, but in search of 'winning' a discussion, we're already going down the wrong path. If you read this, consider that I am talking you directly, and not to anyone else.
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Old 08-26-2011, 10:14 PM   #18

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This should be the Second joke of 2011....

A shia government rule on Muslims ? Do you consider this as the gift ?

Killings among various sects, various regions, various languages etc...Do you consider this as the gift ?

If we consider above things.. India is much more united

Being a non-muslim country. India has Muslim Personal Shariah Law board where Muslims have the right to follow the rules according to Islamic Shariah...
Shia rule came in ? 2009 ? Pakistan was created in 1947 ? so not always pakistan had shia rule ! and what proof do u have that this government is shia ? mind u the prime minister belong to the sufi sect and is multan based

SubhanAllah u ignore my question on kashmir and here u go on talking about Pakistan wow !! various sects ! its all being done by the U.S agents who want to trigger a secterain war in Pakistan if u dont believe check this statement of Ben Gurion

" The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.

This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.

Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work therefrom against Pakistan.

It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”

see how he stresses the fact to destroy Pakistan ! shall i say more now ? India is united ? how ? u ignore the victims of Kashmir Gujrat riots ! is this unity u dont even dare say anything about india's regarding war crimes saying " we cant betray India " is this unity ? this is cowardliness cowardliness!

Shariah board ? whaaatt ?lol ! now this is a joke ! Shariah that allows muslims to partake in the Hindu Festivals where as Hazrat Umar R.A said avoid the festivals of Kuffar so that the Wrath of Allah S.W.T doesnt fall on u !
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Old 08-26-2011, 10:15 PM   #19

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the purpose of a debate, if there is to be one at all, is to bring one another closer to Allah swt. If we argue to serve our Nafs, if we argue, not in search of truth, but in search of 'winning' a discussion, we're already going down the wrong path. If you read this, consider that I am talking you directly, and not to anyone else.

Agreed! Jazak'Allah khair for the reminder.
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Old 08-26-2011, 10:15 PM   #20

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the purpose of a debate, if there is to be one at all, is to bring one another closer to Allah swt. If we argue to serve our Nafs, if we argue, not in search of truth, but in search of 'winning' a discussion, we're already going down the wrong path. If you read this, consider that I am talking you directly, and not to anyone else.
i say again he made this thread tell him i am just voicing my concern for the Kashmiris which he doesnt even care about !
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