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Old 11-02-2009, 03:17 AM   #1

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Default Mysterious Events Surrounding Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan's body

Most have heard of the pakistani Qawali artist Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan ( especially if your from indo-pak).

A couple of people have mentioned a story surrounding his body & death. What suprised me immmensly was that at madrassah our moulanah mentioned it.

Although he didnt get to finish the story as he was interrupted, it was something along the lines of... Nusrat's wife had a bad dream about him after his death and his body had to be moved to another location. So they dug the grave and found his toungue near his feet. His wife apparently now warns people not to buy his songs as they are a mockery of Allah & his rasul (saw).

Is this really true? Anybody else heard this? What exacly are the details?

Jazakallah Khaire
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Old 11-02-2009, 03:38 AM   #2

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Most have heard of the pakistani Qawali artist Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan ( especially if your from indo-pak).

A couple of people have mentioned a story surrounding his body & death. What suprised me immmensly was that at madrassah our moulanah mentioned it.

Although he didnt get to finish the story as he was interrupted, it was something along the lines of... Nusrat's wife had a bad dream about him after his death and his body had to be moved to another location. So they dug the grave and found his toungue near his feet. His wife apparently now warns people not to buy his songs as they are a mockery of Allah & his rasul (saw).

Is this really true? Anybody else heard this? What exacly are the details?

Jazakallah Khaire
salams brother,
I've heard the same but Allah knows best.
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Old 11-02-2009, 03:40 AM   #3

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Most have heard of the pakistani Qawali artist Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan ( especially if your from indo-pak).

A couple of people have mentioned a story surrounding his body & death. What suprised me immmensly was that at madrassah our moulanah mentioned it.

Although he didnt get to finish the story as he was interrupted, it was something along the lines of... Nusrat's wife had a bad dream about him after his death and his body had to be moved to another location. So they dug the grave and found his toungue near his feet. His wife apparently now warns people not to buy his songs as they are a mockery of Allah & his rasul (saw).

Is this really true? Anybody else heard this? What exacly are the details?

Jazakallah Khaire
i heard something similer few years ago, it was said the when they dug his grave for some reason they found a snake around his body.
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Old 11-02-2009, 03:42 AM   #4

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This is scary. May Allah save us all from azab-e-kabar. Ameen.
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Old 11-02-2009, 04:15 AM   #5

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hahaha are u guys serious. how can u even think this is true. muslims these days beleive anything no wonder why were in the state we are
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Old 11-02-2009, 04:43 AM   #6

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Most have heard of the pakistani Qawali artist Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan ( especially if your from indo-pak).

A couple of people have mentioned a story surrounding his body & death. What suprised me immmensly was that at madrassah our moulanah mentioned it.

Although he didnt get to finish the story as he was interrupted, it was something along the lines of... Nusrat's wife had a bad dream about him after his death and his body had to be moved to another location. So they dug the grave and found his toungue near his feet. His wife apparently now warns people not to buy his songs as they are a mockery of Allah & his rasul (saw).

Is this really true? Anybody else heard this? What exacly are the details?

Jazakallah Khaire

Whatever happened or happens to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan makes no difference to the ruling in the Islamic Shariah that Music is Haram.

But I respectfully suggest to ask your own teacher about the Authenticity of the story, If he has that he had verified it then there is no further need to check for Authenticity.

If he says that he has heard it then ask, "Should you be relating stories about someone who has died without confirming it, first"?

NOT ONLY did he engage in Music he also engaged in Shirk in Qawwalees and his Fans popularly called him "The Last Prophet of Qawwali (Astaghfirullah)"

P.S: The story was published in the Jang Urdu Newspapers in Pakistan around 2001 or 2002 with the appeal from his wife not to listen to his songs BUT people who read Jang think that the name of the newspaper is mis-spelled and it should be "J-U-N-K"
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Old 11-02-2009, 04:50 AM   #7

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Lol @ J U N K
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Old 11-02-2009, 05:32 AM   #8

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Whatever happened or happens to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan makes no difference to the ruling in the Islamic Shariah that Music is Haram.

But I respectfully suggest to ask your own teacher about the Authenticity of the story, If he has that he had verified it then there is no further need to check for Authenticity.

If he says that he has heard it then ask, "Should you be relating stories about someone who has died without confirming it, first"?
Inshallah uncle Muadh i will ask him, but thinking over it, i doubt he would have told us if it wasnt true, although i wont reveal his identity, i will let u know he is a mureed of Hadhrat Moulanah Yusuf Motala sahib (ra).

NOT ONLY did he engage in Music he also engaged in Shirk in Qawwalees and his Fans popularly called him "The Last Prophet of Qawwali (Astaghfirullah)" Astaghfirallah, i didnt know this, although isnt it true he was a shia?

P.S: The story was published in the Jang Urdu Newspapers in Pakistan around 2001 or 2002 with the appeal from his wife not to listen to his songs BUT people who read Jang think that the name of the newspaper is mis-spelled and it should be "J-U-N-K" LOL! Ameen to that!
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Old 11-02-2009, 05:55 AM   #9

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Inshallah uncle Muadh i will ask him, but thinking over it, i doubt he would have told us if it wasnt true, although i wont reveal his identity, i will let u know he is a mureed of Hadhrat Moulanah Yusuf Motala sahib (ra).

Astaghfirallah, i didnt know this, although isnt it true he was a shia?

LOL! Ameen to that!

As told to me by some knowledgeable people in Faisalabad, Yes he was a Rafidhi and his lyrics do contain Shirk in them.
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Old 11-02-2009, 06:05 AM   #10

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This might be true.

I can relate a similar story that occured in Bulgaria. During the Communist regime the Muslims had to bury their deceased in Christian manner. But in one village they buried a Muslim woman in the Muslim way. When the officials understood that they said that the grave must be opened. When they opened the grave they found the hair of the woman winded around her body. A hafiz I know was there at that moment and he told me this story.

In another village in an very old graveyard when opening all the graves they found one grave and the man in it as if he had died then, i.e. he hadn't mouldered, but actually 100 years old people don't know how old those graves were.

So Allah shows signs to us. May Allah save us from the torment of the grave!
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Old 11-02-2009, 07:14 AM   #11

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these things happen and there are mass reports about such occurances. Ibn Abi Duniya mentions them in his book "man 3asha b3dal mawt" ( those who lived after death), and Ibn Qaem in his kitab ar ruh (the book on spirits) narrates them also.

there are incidents of a cattle stopping by some grave, placing it ears over them, only to be casted with fright, and made to flee away, of grave robbers opening graves and finding people nailed with spikes that are so strange in structure that did not appear to be man-made, of dead people as they go to their graves snake is seen coiled around their neck, of people who witness those in the graveyards being blazed with fire as if they are inside a glass furnace, of a person who brayed like a donkey from his grave for calling his mother a donkey when he was alive, and the story of Ibn Umar where as he was travelling outside of Madina alone, once passed by the grave of one of the mushriks that was killed in a battle with the sahaba/muslims, and saw that mushrik coming out from his grave in flames and having a chain around his neck that had him dragged towards the grave, and from thirst he was calling for water...

and there are many more different incidents..some of them happening/witnessed recently in the past century..

May Allah protect us from the afflictions of this life, the punishment of the grave, and from a severe reckoning on the Day of judgement, and make our affair in all the three worlds easy.
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Old 11-02-2009, 07:21 AM   #12

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hahaha are u guys serious. how can u even think this is true. muslims these days beleive anything no wonder why were in the state we are
a/w, are you saying that this story is false or there is no azhab e qabr?

Punishment in the Grave

By Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Posted: 6 Sha'ban 1423, 13 October 2002
Q.) Is punishment in the grave a reality?

Most books on life after death and punishment of the grave do not have any supporting authentic hadith clearly stating that there is punishment in the grave. Please provide the Qur'anic/Hadith references.

If there is punishment, what are the forms? How can one save oneself from this punishment? Does punishment in the grave absolve one from subsequent punishment in the hereafter? Are non-muslims subject to punishment in the grave?
A.) According to the Aqaid (beliefs) of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah`, Adhaabul Qabr (punishment in the grave) is Haqq (true and established). (Sharhul Aqaid)

It (punishment of the grave) is proven from the Qur'an and Ahadith. Allah Ta'ala discusses the punishment given to Fir'awn. He says, 'The fire is given to them in the morning and evening and on the Day of Judgment.' The fire before the Day of Judgment refers to the punishment in the grave. (Ibid)

Rasulullah said, 'When a person is buried and the people go away, two angels approach the deceased and ask three questions, a) Who is your lord? b) What is your religion? and c) Who is he (Rasulullah )?. A believer will answer all three questions and he will be honored with the clothing of Jannah. The window of Jannah will be opened for him and he will enjoy the sight of Jannah. On the contrary, a disbeliever will express regret at not being able to answer the questions. Upon that, an angel who is blind and deaf is appointed to punish him. Blind so that the angel does not see the punishment and feel mercy and deaf so that the punishment is not heard. The hammer used to punish a disbeliever is so heavy that it can reduce a mountain to dust. The disbeliever screams with pain and every creation can hear him besides human and Jinns.' (Mishkat)

Rasulullah said, 'The grave is a garden of paradise or a pit of hell.' (Ibid)

Rasulullah said, 'It has been revealed to me that the trial in the grave is similar to the trial of Dajjaal.' (Tirmidhi)

Rasulullah said, 'If you are made to listen to the punishment in the grave, you will stop burying your deceased.' (Tirmidhi)

Rasulullah advised, 'Seek protection from the punishment of the grave.' (Ibid)

In one Hadith, two reasons have been cited for the punishment in the grave:
a) Not exercising precaution from the splashes of urine drops,
b) Gossiping.

It was the noble habit of Rasulullah to make du'a in Salat for protection from the punishment of the grave. May Allah Ta'ala save us, our families and the entire Ummah from the trials of the Qabr. And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.
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Old 11-02-2009, 05:50 PM   #13

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hahaha are u guys serious. how can u even think this is true. muslims these days beleive anything no wonder why were in the state we are

I'm not saying it is or isn't true - I don't know. But there's nothing to say it can't be true as you're making it out.

Allah sends signs. A famous example is the Afghan Russian war in which many signs of Allah were manifest.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:08 PM   #14

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May Allah save all muslims from Azab e kabar....Ameen
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:36 PM   #15

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I humbly advise all those who would like to educate others about this story [as a warning or reminder of the hereafter] not to disclose the name of ‘Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan’ because from authentic hadith we come to know that our prophet[SAW] has said that those who conceal the faults of others[in this world], on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will conceal their faults.

That’s why in the books of hadith, stories of Sahaba or Saints of Allah, we see that when such events or stories are mentioned... the name of the person who have committed the fault or mistake is concealed and isn’t mentioned at all.
And we should remember that its after all Allah who forgives the mistakes of all, and he is always All Forgiving,and we never know when the person who stories we are propagation will be forgiven, may be today or tommorrow and Allah knows the best. Just imagine our situation in the sight of ALlah, when we are propagating a story [by naming a person or mentioning his name], who might have already been forgiven by ALlah himself.

Anyways, for people eager to know about events of afterlife that take place after death, should read ‘Desire For The Aakhirah’ by Maulana Mujaddid Ashraf Ali Thanvi RA, its MashaAllah very inspiring and very scary at the same time.

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Old 11-03-2009, 03:00 AM   #16

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no i dont deny azaab i qabrs its kufr to deny that. but these stories are always made up if they were real why is there another photographic evidence. also world media will be there. also why are they always in pakistan. you must of heard the old school stories about the guy who was addicted to watching tv. cant remember what happend nxt but when he died they couldnt lift his body. they call all the ulema down and they realised they had to bury tv with him

or u may remember the story abt the girl who didnt help her mum at iftar time and got angry when her mum told her she retaliated by kicking the quran and shortly after turned in to a monkey. how can you beleive all this. the jews in isreal and dirty mushriq hindus in india use the quran as toilet paper (nauzubillah min zaalik) and burn the quran yet they dotn get deformed.
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Old 11-03-2009, 07:37 AM   #17

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no i dont deny azaab i qabrs its kufr to deny that. but these stories are always made up if they were real why is there another photographic evidence. also world media will be there. also why are they always in pakistan. you must of heard the old school stories about the guy who was addicted to watching tv. cant remember what happend nxt but when he died they couldnt lift his body. they call all the ulema down and they realised they had to bury tv with him

or u may remember the story abt the girl who didnt help her mum at iftar time and got angry when her mum told her she retaliated by kicking the quran and shortly after turned in to a monkey. how can you beleive all this. the jews in isreal and dirty mushriq hindus in india use the quran as toilet paper (nauzubillah min zaalik) and burn the quran yet they dotn get deformed.
i agree that people have the tendency to makeup/addspice these kind of stories.
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Old 11-03-2009, 09:11 AM   #18

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Grave body is a food of bugs and reptiles if some one think his body will secure advise to his relatives to preserved him by chemicals like ancients kuffaar did in the past.
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Old 11-03-2009, 01:27 PM   #19

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Grave body is a food of bugs and reptiles if some one think his body will secure advise to his relatives to preserved him by chemicals like ancients kuffaar did in the past.

You should always speak good Brother, do not talk like this, as someone may take your advice as something of truth and then you both will be answerable to Allah for it.

Muhammad s.a.w always spoke the truth, even in a joke let's learn something and cut out the sarcasm that is so much instilled in us nowadays
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Old 11-03-2009, 01:44 PM   #20

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Assalamalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu

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