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Old 07-07-2011, 11:19 AM   #21

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Seek Guidance from the Quran and Hadith only:

Some Muslims I know read the Bible and try to find guidance in it. Is such behavior permissible? Please explain?

Answer 389

Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied to a similar question by
some of his Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum), 'Do you doubt (in your religion)
just as the Christians and Jews doubted in their religion (during the time
of their Prophets).'

He(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) further mentioned, 'Even if Musa (Alayhis salaam) was alive today, he
would have followed me.' If Musa (Alayhis salaam) would not seek guidance
from the Tawraat (old testament) and Eesa (Alayhis salaam) will follow the
Qur'aan upon his arrival on earth, how then can one we follow the scriptures
of Musa and Eesa (Alayhis salaam). They themselves regard the Qur'aan and
Ahaadith as their superguide despite being the direct recipients of
revelation of the Tawraat and Injeel. It is not permissible for Muslims to
seek any guidance from non-Muslim sources. The Qur'aan and Ahaadith is their
only and best source of guidance.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Assalam alaykum,

I agree that our guidance is found in primarily the Quran and the hadith literature. The Bible ought to be studied for educational reasons, especially in the global era of religion. We ought not to be ignorant of the Bible.

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Old 07-07-2011, 11:23 AM   #22

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But still is a bit of contradiction from our side to try to find "proofs" from a book which we deem having been altered, isn't it?

Its not like that bro. We Muslims believe Bible is corrupt. But Christians believe and follow it for guidance. So for the purpose of Dawah , the scholars quote Bible to Christians to point out the irregularities, and how far present day Christianity has deviated from even the corrupt Bible. Because the Christians will not accepts quotes from Quran. We need to make them understand the present day Bible is no longer reliable.
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Old 07-07-2011, 11:29 AM   #23

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Assalam alaykum,

I agree that our guidance is found in primarily the Quran and the hadith literature. The Bible ought to be studied for educational reasons, especially in the global era of religion. We ought not to be ignorant of the Bible.


Sir, present day Muslims are deficient in our learning of Quran and Hadith. We are far below in terms of Islamic knowledge. On top of that do we really have to spend time ,which we don't even spend enough to Study the Quran, to studying a corrupt book which is already misguiding Millions of people?
Food for thought.
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Old 07-07-2011, 11:39 AM   #24

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Sir, present day Muslims are deficient in our learning of Quran and Hadith. We are far below in terms of Islamic knowledge. On top of that do we really have to spend time ,which we don't even spend enough to Study the Quran, to studying a corrupt book which is already misguiding Millions of people?
Food for thought.
Assalam alaykum,

I agree that the study of the Quran and hadith is of primary importance.

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Old 07-07-2011, 12:51 PM   #25

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...then there was the time I was accosted by a Hare Krishna in the street, and she wouldn't leave me alone until I bought a Bhagavad Gita... or at least the Hare Krishna interpretation of B-G.

I was just curious about what these guys believe. At first it seems that they believe in one supreme god and declare it to be Krishna... But later I decided the B-G translation they have is very strongly biased and slanted towards their sect.
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Old 07-07-2011, 12:52 PM   #26

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translation of Quran 7:162:

"But the transgressors among them [bani israel] changed the word from that which had been given them so we sent on them a plague from heaven. For that they repeatedly transgressed"

Ibn Abbas (rh) commented on this ayah:

("But those of them who did wrong") the sinning people (changed the word which had been told them for another saying) they were commanded to say " hittah [there is no deity except Allah; or as in the other meaning: forgive our sins " ] but instead said " hintah [wheat] " , (and We sent down upon them wrath from heaven) We sent upon them the plague from heaven (for their wrong-doing) for changing what they were commanded to say.

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

Umar ibn al-Khattab brought to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) a copy of the Torah and said:
"Allah's Messenger, this is a copy of the Torah". He (Allah's Messenger) kept quiet and he (Umar) began to read it. The (colour) of the face of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) underwent a change, whereupon AbuBakr said: "Would that your mother mourn you, don't
you see the face of Allah's Messenger?"

Umar saw the face of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) and said: "I seek refuge with Allah from the wrath of Allah and the wrath of His Messenger. We are well pleased with Allah
as Lord, with Islam as religion, and with Muhammad as Prophet. "

Whereupon Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "By Him in Whose hand is the life of
Muhammad, even if Moses were to appear before you and you were to follow him, leaving me aside, you would certainly stray into error; for if (Moses) were alive (now), and he found my prophetical ministry, he would have definitely followed me

Transmitted by Darimi.

There are many verses of misguidance in the bible about fundamental beliefs in Islam of which there is NO DOUBT and of which doubt is bad.
Misguidance about Allah, about the prophets and angels, about the books of revelation. about believers. Its simply untenable for a believer to accept the bible as a integral source of guidance or spiritual study. Allah (SWT) said in many parts of the Quran how Bani Israel changed the recorded texts of the Torah and Injeel, even in the presence of the prophets (as) themselves.
Laa qadara Allah.

For Dawah purposes which include intellectual analysis by dawah carriers, there are ways of studying the bible. But it should be by those who are learned.

As a former Christian, there were too many times when I read the bible and found believe in God only for the next verses to spew kufr and doubt about God and his prophets (as). I cannot repeat the lies spewed forth about prophets of Allah in the bible as they anger me to no end.

And as if the priests and rabbis who recorded and studied the bible (torah and injeel) are a reliable source as they repeatedly defied the prophets of Allah, conspired against them, even fought and killed them.

How then can believers take that legacy and accept it for guidance?
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Old 07-07-2011, 01:56 PM   #27

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...then there was the time I was accosted by a Hare Krishna in the street, and she wouldn't leave me alone until I bought a Bhagavad Gita... or at least the Hare Krishna interpretation of B-G.

I was just curious about what these guys believe. At first it seems that they believe in one supreme god and declare it to be Krishna... But later I decided the B-G translation they have is very strongly biased and slanted towards their sect.

My English teacher Mr Singh had a huge collection of ISKON books. I still can not forget the production quality. And here is quote from some one called GCD :
Bhaktivedanta's rendition is a dull, sectarian, Sunday school textbook, reflecting the Vaishnavite values of Chaitanya. So I know what you found! (Link here.)
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Old 07-07-2011, 02:11 PM   #28

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I've always thought that perhaps the Psalms were the least corrupt book.

However, someone pointed out to me that some Psalms talk about the "spirit" of God going out from Him and Christians use it to justify their trinitarian beliefs.

Someone also pointed out to me that I haven't memorized the Qur'an yet and I said good point and went back to the best book
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Old 07-07-2011, 02:17 PM   #29

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Its not like that bro. We Muslims believe Bible is corrupt. But Christians believe and follow it for guidance. So for the purpose of Dawah , the scholars quote Bible to Christians to point out the irregularities, and how far present day Christianity has deviated from even the corrupt Bible. Because the Christians will not accepts quotes from Quran. We need to make them understand the present day Bible is no longer reliable.

I agree with (Muslims expert in the field) quoting from today's "Bible" in order to point out irregularities when dealing with christians or jews; what I have problem with is in using some quotes from that book to "prove" the truth of Islam.
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Old 07-07-2011, 02:37 PM   #30

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what I have problem with is in using some quotes from that book to "prove" the truth of Islam.

E punto! This attitude makes Bible the Furqan, May Allah (SWT) forgive.
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Old 07-07-2011, 02:39 PM   #31

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Maripat bhai, what's with this E punto.. I see u using it everywhere.

When you have read Quran, it's Tafaseer, All the hadith books and their explanations, then you can move on to read the Bible.

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Old 07-07-2011, 02:40 PM   #32

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I agree with (Muslims expert in the field) quoting from today's "Bible" in order to point out irregularities when dealing with christians or jews; what I have problem with is in using some quotes from that book to "prove" the truth of Islam.

Sach farmaya.. (said the truth)

I also have a problem with that. The next question arises, so the bible is true Word of God If it wasn't you wouldn't be using it to prove Islam is the truth.

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Old 07-07-2011, 02:43 PM   #33

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I agree with (Muslims expert in the field) quoting from today's "Bible" in order to point out irregularities when dealing with christians or jews; what I have problem with is in using some quotes from that book to "prove" the truth of Islam.

That too what i am also concerned about. We don't need Bible for guidance. Also the post by Usama2 is very informative,

translation of Quran 7:162:

"But the transgressors among them [bani israel] changed the word from that which had been given them so we sent on them a plague from heaven. For that they repeatedly transgressed"

Ibn Abbas (rh) commented on this ayah:

("But those of them who did wrong") the sinning people (changed the word which had been told them for another saying) they were commanded to say " hittah [there is no deity except Allah; or as in the other meaning: forgive our sins " ] but instead said " hintah [wheat] " , (and We sent down upon them wrath from heaven) We sent upon them the plague from heaven (for their wrong-doing) for changing what they were commanded to say.

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah

Umar ibn al-Khattab brought to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) a copy of the Torah and said:
"Allah's Messenger, this is a copy of the Torah". He (Allah's Messenger) kept quiet and he (Umar) began to read it. The (colour) of the face of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) underwent a change, whereupon AbuBakr said: "Would that your mother mourn you, don't
you see the face of Allah's Messenger?"

Umar saw the face of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) and said: "I seek refuge with Allah from the wrath of Allah and the wrath of His Messenger. We are well pleased with Allah
as Lord, with Islam as religion, and with Muhammad as Prophet. "

Whereupon Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "By Him in Whose hand is the life of
Muhammad, even if Moses were to appear before you and you were to follow him, leaving me aside, you would certainly stray into error; for if (Moses) were alive (now), and he found my prophetical ministry, he would have definitely followed me

Transmitted by Darimi.

There are many verses of misguidance in the bible about fundamental beliefs in Islam of which there is NO DOUBT and of which doubt is bad.
Misguidance about Allah, about the prophets and angels, about the books of revelation. about believers. Its simply untenable for a believer to accept the bible as a integral source of guidance or spiritual study. Allah (SWT) said in many parts of the Quran how Bani Israel changed the recorded texts of the Torah and Injeel, even in the presence of the prophets (as) themselves.
Laa qadara Allah.

For Dawah purposes which include intellectual analysis by dawah carriers, there are ways of studying the bible. But it should be by those who are learned.

As a former Christian, there were too many times when I read the bible and found believe in God only for the next verses to spew kufr and doubt about God and his prophets (as). I cannot repeat the lies spewed forth about prophets of Allah in the bible as they anger me to no end.

And as if the priests and rabbis who recorded and studied the bible (torah and injeel) are a reliable source as they repeatedly defied the prophets of Allah, conspired against them, even fought and killed them.

How then can believers take that legacy and accept it for guidance?
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Old 07-07-2011, 03:02 PM   #34

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E punto!

Maripat bhai, what's with this E punto.. I see u using it everywhere.

I think he means "appunto", which is "indeed" in Italian.

Italian is going to become the fourth official language of SF, after English, Arabic and Urdu.

If anyone wanna take lessons in order to fit in the new environment, please contact me...
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Old 07-07-2011, 03:07 PM   #35

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I think he means "appunto", which is "indeed" in Italian.
Short term obsession.

If anyone wanna take lessons in order to fit in the new environment, please contact me... Only if........
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Old 07-07-2011, 03:30 PM   #36

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I think he means "appunto", which is "indeed" in Italian.


Now returning to the topic. As usual I'll again add my two cents.

Any Christian brother and sister struggling to make sense out of Christianity and Islam can be give Shaikh Ahmed Deedat's book The Choice. Since Shaikh Deedat benefited Maulana Rehmatullah Kairanvi (RA)'s Izhar-ul-Haq (Truth Revealed) it will be use full to refer to Mufti Taqi Usmani (DB)'s Islam and Christianity.

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Old 07-07-2011, 03:33 PM   #37

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Aur Hazrat ibadat kab karenge?
(When will come the time to indulge in obedience to Allah?)

The time that is used in reading Bible

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Old 07-07-2011, 03:34 PM   #38

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Only if........
Only if?
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Old 07-07-2011, 03:35 PM   #39

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Only if?
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Old 07-08-2011, 06:17 AM   #40

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Actually we don't need to read it. It just creates doubts in our hearts. Quran is enough for us.

lolol no it doesn't, you have to extremely (dont even wanan say the word) to be swayed by contents in the Bible.
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