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Old 07-26-2011, 09:28 PM   #21

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As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah

Your problem is due to the whisperings of Shaytaan.
Highly recommend Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (RA)'s book : 'COMBATTING THE WHISPERINGS OF SHAYTAAN"

Insha-Allah, you will find it to be an excellent prescription for 'wasaawis'.
Download from yunuspatel.co.za
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:12 PM   #22

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Salaamualaykum sister Nabila,
I am so sad to read what you are going through. Oh sister i hate shaytan he can be a real bug. Please sister ignore him whatever he says try your utmost best to ignore him and continue with what your doing. Its extremely hard at first but then it just gets easier. And sister make plentiful of DUA. This whole expierience of waswasa has taught me soooooo much and one of those things are:
1. i will make dua in sujood if not every second rakat in a four rakat prayer then at least once in every single one of the 5 daily prayers. Sister beg Allah SWT to help you beg him to make you strong in your deen
2. AstagfirAllah ask Allah for forgiveness all throught the day as much as you possibly can
3.Darood send as many blessings as you can on the beloved Prophet alayhimasalaam
Im having the same problem with sleep. Before this horrible nightmare started with me it was almost impossible for me to stay up after 10/11pm maximum,now somedays i just cannot sleep till after midnight. I must make dua for help.
Sister your special to me and i love what you wrote its true its the beauty of Islam that brought us to one another. I want you to know that i will definetly have you in my duas no doubt inshaAllah (unless that ugly horrible rejected shaytan will make me forget)
When i remember what i went through it makes me terrified for the muslim ummah and it makes me not only want to make dua for myself and my children but for every single human being that is muslim.
For me having that horrible expierience made me realise why The beautiful Prophet Alayhimasalaam cried for His ummah. Sister we must be strong. Tell yourself daily im strong and i WILL beat you. Sister shaytan (the ugly horrible thingy)HATES when we ignore him. so do exactly waht he hates what Allah SWT loves and i pray for your happiness. I will email you tomorrow inshAllah.
You take care sister and please be strong ok please do it for yourself.
IGNORE please nabila try your best ok sister
Take care my darling
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Old 07-27-2011, 12:30 AM   #23

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Assalam alaykum,

I believe that you have a clinical case of OCD. In the short run, you need to see a psychiatrist and get on some meds because of the intensity of your symptoms. Please do that.

You know that Allah SWT is in control of the universe. Whether the bus crashes is His Divine Decree. He knows we are imperfect and I believe He makes allowances for that. You should do your wudu and salat one time only without repeating them. If you understand a passage in what you are reading, studying, or reciting, move on to the next. Put the results of the matter in the hands of Allah. Remember that Allah is the Forgiver and He wants our Deen to be easy.

wr wb. I concur. That very very probably is OCD. I've had a relative of mine who had the same problem, but she's out of it now.
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Old 07-27-2011, 01:27 AM   #24

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wr wb. I concur. That very very probably is OCD. I've had a relative of mine who had the same problem, but she's out of it now.
brother Pluto How are you?

Can you please shed some light on how she cured from it?

I already said OP for taking treatment but she is refusing as she is thinking it may have side effect. its great to see all our brothers and sisters are helping her in all possible ways (in deen), if we impel her in a politely manner for taking treatment then she will soon come into action. Then with the will of Allah(s.w.t) she will be and lead normal life

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Old 07-27-2011, 01:46 AM   #25

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Before this all started, it would take me 5 minutes to complete wudu and it would last me for many hours, so that I didn’t need to keep on making wudu for each prayer. Now, it’s completely different. It can take me up to 20 minutes to make wudu, and on some days, it can even reach 30 minutes. When making wudu, I’ll get thoughts telling me that I have only gargled twice or washed my face once, so I will do the whole thing again, even though I know that I have done everything correctly, but I will still doubt it. I use so much water, which I know is sinful, but I just can’t stop. My clothes are nearly always wet, and I use so many towels in one day too. Not only this, but as soon as I start praying I’ll think that my wudu is broke, even though it hasn’t, so I will go back and do my wudu again. Another problem I have is that because I use so much water, which makes my clothes wet, I nearly always sneeze after I come out of the bathroom, after I sneeze I think that my wudu has broken, so I will go back and repeat again, which makes it even worse, because I will sneeze more. Also, I have to do my wudu before each prayer, no longer does it last me for 2 or 3 prayers.

The same problem with increased time occurs when I am praying too. Previously, to give you an example, Dhuhr and Esha would take me about 15-20 minutes, now it can take up to 45 minutes. I honestly feel no goodness inside me when I pray. It’s like I’m a robot, I just say the words, perform the actions and that’s it and it really really frustrates me. I have so many problems in prayer; it’s hard for me to remember them all. One of them relates to the fact that I live on a very busy road, with buses going up and down. I pray in my bedroom, which faces the main road, so for example, I will start praying, a bus will drive by and I will get a thought saying that if I don’t start my prayer again, the bus will crash and it will all be my fault. I know this sounds crazy, but it is what I really think and I’ll just try to ignore it, but then I will think; what if it really does crash? The same thing happens if I see an ordinary person on the road, or if a family member goes down the stairs. I repeat my prayer because I will think that if I don’t, something terrible will happen. Another issue is that I just cannot concentrate when I pray, I want to but I can’t. I’m so worried that my wudu will break that I don’t focus on Allah. I think about absolutely everything except for Him. And I’m just fed up of it now. I don’t know how much longer this can last. In all my life, I don’t think I have ever prayed properly, I can’t even remember when I last prayed Fajr on time. This is such a huge problem because for the last two years I have tried to make up all the prayers that I missed when I was younger. At the start of this year I was about halfway through as I had made up 360 or so prayers, but now, I am only on 410 or something like that, because for the past few months I have not been performing my make up prayers, simply because it would take me even longer to pray, and I would be making wudu more and more times each day. I can’t concentrate in any prayer, so I read the absolute minimum.

salaams. oh boy...does this sound familiar!!! well sis, i dont know what to say... but i can tell you i experienced the exact same thing about a year or two back and i can sympathise with you! i was going totally crazy,, there were times when i used to repeat my salaah 7 times over and sometimes i used to repeat my taraweeh 3 times - yes you reading right! and then i realised that i need help desperately so somebody suggestested that i wright to ml desai of the majlis and ask him to advise me regarding this problem,,, oh i forgot to mention that i also used to repeat my umrahs whenever we used to go because i used to feel that my wuzu or sumthin was'nt right (and thats like heticc!) yeah so anyway i wrote and got advise and guess what... im reading salah with one wuzu most of the time! lol! so i suggest you take advise from sum1 b4 this problem gets worse - bcoz bleive me it does!!! (dont mean to disencourage you!!) hope you read esha wit one wuzu!
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Old 07-27-2011, 01:56 AM   #26

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i wright to ml desai of the majlis and ask him to advise me regarding this problem,,-----
so i suggest you take advise from sum1 b4 this problem gets worse - bcoz bleive me it does!!!
Can you please write what he advised you so that the sister/or whoever facing this may () get rid of it.?
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Old 07-27-2011, 02:09 AM   #27

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brother Pluto How are you?

Can you please shed some light on how she cured from it?

I already said OP for taking treatment but she is refusing as she is thinking it may have side effect. its great to see all our brothers and sisters are helping her in all possible ways (in deen), if we impel her in a politely manner for taking treatment then she will soon come into action. Then with the will of Allah(s.w.t) she will be and lead normal life

wr wb, Shuaib bhai, I'm fine by the grace of Allah SWT.

Regd. that relative of mine, Allah SWT made her go to an allopathic doctor.
I don't understand the OP's fear, OCD isn't rare, even David Beckham has it or had it at one point in time

P.S: by any chance are you Shoeb Momin from Bombay (changed your username)?
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Old 07-27-2011, 02:15 AM   #28

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oh sorry, yeah sure i can tell you what ml advised me...but obviously the masala is going to differ with each individual. anyway wen i wrote to ml i just wrote just regarding wuzu and salah, (as this was the major problem with me!)he said that i shud consider myself ma'zoor if i continue repeating wuzu so much! so i just started tellin myself : no need to repeat your wuzu coz you ma'zoor...lolol! and after doing this i stopped feeling as if i must repeat my wuzu constantly,i guess when you going thru sumthing like this part of the problem is hypertention! but yeah im quite fine nw alhamdoolillaahhhh! (and oh yes, ml said that i shud make wuzu and read my salah just before the salah time expires.)
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Old 07-27-2011, 09:06 AM   #29

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P.S: by any chance are you Shoeb Momin from Bombay (changed your username)?
Na! I'm msmirza
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Old 07-27-2011, 09:28 AM   #30

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wr wb, Shuaib bhai, I'm fine by the grace of Allah SWT.

Regd. that relative of mine, Allah SWT made her go to an allopathic doctor.
I don't understand the OP's fear, OCD isn't rare, even David Beckham has it or had it at one point in time

P.S: by any chance are you Shoeb Momin from Bombay (changed your username)?
It definitely sounds like the OP has OCD. I believe up to 40 percent of the population suffers from some form, mild to extreme. I've had different degrees of it over my life
never escalating to anything serious. The important thing with this is to break the chain of your obsessive thoughts since they build on each other and also to recognize that your mind will act in ways that is sometimes beyond your control. Let it but don't identify with the negative thought. Once you stop identifying with the thought and recognize it's transient nature, these thoughts will start to dissipate. In fact, you're aware enough to understand that your thoughts are sometimes ridiculous, this is good, next time you have one, label it in your mind, that way instead of letting it dictate you, you have now dictated it and dismissed it. Interestingly, in the Thomas Cleary translation of the Quran, Satan, is translated as the obsessor. In buddhism, Mara, has the same function. The great news is that you have complete control over this, if you continue to remember your position of control. If this does not work please go get some professional help, the fact that you are breaking out in rashes indicates the degree of the situation. But again, don't think this makes you crazy, every human being is capable of letting their mind get the best of them. Good luck.
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Old 07-27-2011, 09:53 AM   #31

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I think tht u need to not just care (respectfully) try to remember that u will not be punished for this only rewarded for trying

cry to the al mighty allah for his showering of mercy cry to our prophet to look upon u and make dua
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Old 07-27-2011, 05:08 PM   #32

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Na! I'm msmirza
wr wb, we also had a bro with that username 'msmirza' - are you that same person, bro?
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Old 07-27-2011, 05:10 PM   #33

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wr wb, we also had a bro with that username 'msmirza' - are you that same person, bro?
Yes I'm msmirza.
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Old 07-27-2011, 05:24 PM   #34

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It's all from Sheytan and yourself. Chill out with familiy and friends. Make Duaa to Allah to get rid of this thoughts and talk about this problem with your friends. Concact a psycholog if the problem won't solve because this can be seriously damaging for your mental healt. I will make Duaa for you. Good luck =)
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Old 07-27-2011, 06:09 PM   #35

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Thank you all for giving up your time to reply. Insha'Allah I am going to print this thread out, so I can keep it with me and remember all the advice that's been given. Insha'Allah.

Sister munawwarah: I agree, I have the read the book a few years ago and it was very good Alhumdulillah, like I said before, I think I should read it again Insha'Allah.

Sister nin99a: Thank you so much for your reply. I tried to ask Allah for help in sujood yesterday, but most of the time I forgot to and only remembered after the prayer had ended. This is another thing I have noticed, my memory has just been getting weaker and weaker since this all started. The sleeping problem is really really horrible. It causes so much stress and anxiety for me. I pray for all of us who are having this same problem Insha'Allah. I just want to say that I have really enjoyed emailing you and getting to know you Alhumdulillah, you have helped me out a lot. Jazak'Allah, Insha'Allah I will keep you in my duas too.

Sister mmb786: I'm in shock that you had to repeat your prayers 7 times over! I thought I had it bad! I'm so happy to hear that you are better now Alhumdulillah and I pray to Allah that He always keeps you happy in this world and the next Insha'Allah.

Brother suliman71: Thanks for your post. Yeah, I was also given similar advice, to reject the thought, rather than accepting it.

Brother chaid and Brother AbdulQadir90: Thank you for your posts and advice. I know that I have to change, I just don't know where to start sometimes. Everyday I wake up and I think to myself, 'Insha'Allah today will be the day where I start making things better' and it never works. Everyday I find myself slipping back into the same bad routine.

Brother شعيب‎ محمد and Brother pluto: I don't want to take medicines simply because I don't think they will help, they might change the chemicals in my brain or whatever it is that they do, but I don't know if they will get to the root of the problem. For me, I feel that this whole thing has started because I've just stayed stagnant with regards to my religion, I haven't tried to get to the next level or improve myself, so perhaps, the solution to all of this is to try and improve my faith and taqwa Insha'Allah?

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Old 07-27-2011, 06:16 PM   #36

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Na! I'm msmirza

How about your Hifz? How many juz have you memorized, bro?
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Old 07-27-2011, 06:30 PM   #37

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Assalaamu 'alaykum sister nabila.
i have not read the whole thread so I may be repeating this, if so please forgive me I feel that to combat this perhaps Insha Allah it will help to remember the mercy of Allah subhaanhu wata'ala. Each time you make wudhu, keep telling shaytaan,

"My Allah is so merciful, so merciful. He has made it so easy for me. I just have to follow the method our Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam showed and my Allah will accept my wudhu. Why should I beleive you and make things difficult for myself? Why should I displease my Allah by listening to you?"

May Allah subhaanhu wata'al make it easy for you sister. Thoughts/wasaawis are like guests. If you entertain them they'll return but if you ignore them they will eventually cease.
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Old 07-27-2011, 06:51 PM   #38

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Brother شعيب‎ محمد and Brother pluto: I don't want to take medicines simply because I don't think they will help, they might change the chemicals in my brain or whatever it is that they do, but I don't know if they will get to the root of the problem. For me, I feel that this whole thing has started because I've just stayed stagnant with regards to my religion, I haven't tried to get to the next level or improve myself, so perhaps, the solution to all of this is to try and improve my faith and taqwa Insha'Allah?

If you don't want to take treatment then its okay, even I had not took any treatment (I just went one-two times and he advised me to completely overlook it Allah(s.w.t) loves more than 70 mothers) followed his prescription and after some days I'm feeling very much sleepy during my classes and can't able to concentrate more. So I went him again but this time with ma sweetest momma. After the consultation she told me NOW YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE ANY MEDICINE (btw at that time I don't have that much wasawis, Only ghusl wuzu and namaz which later gone alhumdullillah when I took advice of Mufti Nawal-ur-Rahmaan Sahab).I have not even completed that course of taking medicines and my problems solved alhumdulillah. So If you make yourself brave with Your Nafs, Your Mind and Shaytaan and try as much as possible to overlook it soon it will vanish but you have to agree that it will take some time. Initially it will be very difficult.

I will advice you 2 things.
1. Whenever you are going for wuzu,tell someone at your home/your working place to stand in front of you and check whether you are doing wuzu right or wrong.

2. Tell someone at your home/your working place about your wuzu problem that (You are forgetting in between whether that part is wet or dry or whether I have poured water on that place or not). Tell them to check you secretly when you are doing wuzu. I mean to say you should not be known that someone is watching you doing wuzu because If you came to know then at that time you will do your wuzu properly(at once).
Try this ...
May Allah(s.w.t) helps you. Ameen!
Whenever you get sufficient time then read this http://www.ubqari.org/Two_priceless_treasures.pdf

@Zahed Bhai
Alhumdulillah it is going great with sustyness (laziness) but alhumdulillah completed many juzs. I'm also feeling great. But needed daus for ths slave. Please remember me in your precious prayers .At present we have to give this sister as much as we can. Our personal issues can be discuss in on other time in other threads inshallah... .....
(Sorry all for off posts and personal issues)
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Old 07-27-2011, 06:58 PM   #39

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Yes I'm msmirza.
nah, sorry for that. it should've been 'have'
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:03 PM   #40

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Assalam alaykum,

I have noticed that students with this afflictiom have it more intensely during their breaks because they temporarily lose what structure they had in their lives.

I believe that you have a clinical case of OCD. In the short run, you need to see a psychiatrist and get on some meds because of the intensity of your symptoms. Please do that.

You know that Allah SWT is in control of the universe. Whether the bus crashes is His Divine Decree. He knows we are imperfect and I believe He makes allowances for that. You should do your wudu and salat one time only without repeating them. If you understand a passage in what you are reading, studying, or reciting, move on to the next. Put the results of the matter in the hands of Allah. Remember that Allah is the Forgiver and He wants our Deen to be easy.

no disrespect but sister PLEASE IGNORE THIS POST.

I dont think you have anything psychologically wrong with you, and meds from the kuffar will ruin your life. Please try to deal with the situation with some like minded people and try to work on it before going near any meds or kafir phschiatrists. What is akafir going to say when you tell them you keep repeating your wudhu and salaah? They will probabily try to make you abandon islam. Please do not go to the kuffar in this instance. I have been through similar problems and they are solved by being strong ad [utting precautions in place. I really believe you can get through this inshAllah if we all put our heads together and figureout a good plan. Pleas edont go to the kuffar for help and definitely dont take no meds, i know people who took meds and it ruined their lives. A lot of thos meds are experiemental and serioulsy hazardous to your health.

I dont believe there is anything wrong with you, mashAllah you are a sincere and decent sister who just need ssome good adice and some pepole to talk to and listen to who understand you probelm inshAllah
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