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Old 07-04-2011, 03:16 PM   #21

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Excuse me for seeming harsh, but I hope to just express this issue clearly insha Allah:

Let us not pretend that by being able to write a 50 page report rather than a one page essay, a person will convert to Islam. The uncles of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and leaders of Makka KNEW Muhammad's (saaw) character was unimpeachable, impeccable, of the highest and most noblest in all of Arabia. They KNEW the Quran was miraculous in its arabic style and nature and that it ordered for Man to submit to his Creator. But they resisted and rebelled because in their hearts, they deemed themselves superior, more deserving of adulation, self sufficient, and so forth. Many of the same arguments that Iblis made against Adam:

Translation of the Holy Quran Sura/chapter 38:
The angels fell down prostrate, every one, (73) Saving Iblis; he was scornful and became one of the disbelievers. (74) He said: O Iblis! What hindereth thee from falling prostrate before that which I have created with both My hands? Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted? (75) He said: I am better than him. Thou createdst me of fire, whilst him Thou didst create of clay. (76) Iblis KNEW Allah was the Lord of the Worlds, and yet he rebelled. Thus, it was NOT a matter of reasoning.

God addresses the Prophet's uncle and Quraishi leaders of Makka specifically in the Quran which uniquely elevates them to be among the worse disbelievers and rulers in human history, along with the notorious Pharoah who rivalled Moses (as), Nimrod who rivalled Abraham (as), and others.

Disbelief is about the heart felt notions of self sufficiency, superiority, rebelliousness.

Sura/chapter 96:
Nay, but verily man is rebellious (6) That he thinketh himself independent! (7) Lo! unto thy Lord is the return(8)" BTW, this surah, 96, titled Alaq, or Iqra, has a main archenemy who is targetted by Allah for punishment in the next life. This is Abu Jahl, a Makkan Quraishi tribal leader who tortured and murdered Muslims, attacked and assaulted and tried to murder Muhammad (saaw) and killed and starved Muslims while trying to sustain a regime of tyranny and corruption of financial enslavement by maintaining idols in Makka and inventing new ones for Arabs to worship and pay new religious fees from which Abu Jahl and his cabal of elite tribal leaders profitted.

The issue of conversion is about man overcoming his lower inclinations, his base character, much like zen Buddhism claims for man to overcome.

I converted to Islam years ago without reading or studying the Quran or studying much about Muhammad (saw). One of the closest companions of Muhammad (saaw) Umar (rah), knew of Muhammad (saw) but resisted converting to Islam until he listened to a single sura/chapter, Taha. number 20. Umar was 35 years old or there abouts when he converted to Islam.


The issue of conversion is an entire conversion of mind, heart, being, body, spirit. It is not merely an intellectual inquiry, though anyone is welcome to inquire.

I examined zen Buddhism and my father was a mild practitioner of Zen Buddhism of which I read about and studied, though I was raised a unitarian Christian like my mother.

Buddhism does not address the reality of the Creator, of an all powerful Lord who offers love, mercy, forgiveness, who knows of each person's intimate affairs and yet still forgives and loves.

It essentially obliverates the concept of God at the moment that the mind should approach it:

dharmakaya [is] the equivalent of God ... The Buddha also speaks of no time and no space, where if I make a sound there is in that single moment a million years. It is spaceless like radio waves, like electric space - intrinsic. The Buddha said that there is a mirror that reflects consciousness. In this electric space a million miles and a pinpoint - a million years and a moment - are exactly the same. It is pure essence ... We call it 'original consciousness' - 'original akasha' - perhaps God in the Christian sense. I am afraid of speaking about anything that is not familiar to me. No one can know what IT is

To define more exactly the Buddhist notion of the highest being, it may be convenient to borrow the term very happily coined by a modern German scholar, 'panentheism', according to which God is ... all and one and more than the totality of existence Thus, by examining reality and nature, Buddhists claim that all of existence has in common the essence of what?

Here, common sense must be used. All existance has in common dependency, limitation in dimensions. There is no 'god' inside creation. All creation is dependent upon a Creator, a Designer, a being of Self Sufficiency, as all creation is designed, created, dependent.

"Awareness" is the cognition and sense of the existence of the All Powerful God.

Zen Buddhism attempts to keep the matter clean, but buddhism elsewhere does NOT keep the notion of panentheism, rather it allows people to descend into worshipping Buddha himself, so that while there may be a few monks capable of sustaining the doctrine, the vast majority of Buddhists resort to idol worship. And thus, the natural instinct of religiosity is mismanaged in Buddhism so that the society succumbs to irrational idol worship so that people in Thailand and elsewhere have idols for ancestor worship and worship of animals even phalluses.

Islam presents all of humanity, the highly disclipined and intelligent to the common man, a simple reality consistent with nature and creation and human nature: there is no multitudes of gods or god in all things; rather there is a single God, a single Creator, who is utterly self sufficient and Independent of all of this creation.

Before I converted to Islam, I struggled between the conceptualizations of zen Buddhism and Abrahamic monotheism of which I had known only through the bible.

Was there an enlightened nothingness of which only Buddha had acquired and for which he should be eternally revered, or the God of Abraham (as) who created the universe and to whom all humanity must face on the Day who should alone be revered?

Islam settled the issue of the spiritual awareness arriving at 'nothingness' of creation as there was only the Creator, the All Powerful One before creation, not nothingness.

The Message of Islam is the answer to mankind's fundamental dilemma.
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Old 07-04-2011, 07:20 PM   #22

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Assalam alaykum,

I am a Christian revert with background in Buddhism as well. It took me at least a year to revert. The Buddhist view of the cosmos is so different than ours that I think the Brother needs some time to absorb the Islamic view of the universe.

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Old 07-05-2011, 07:21 AM   #23

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Brother Umar I for one stand conquered. I'll tell another story. A friend spent a year in Italy and came back. We were together in a retirement party. I made few statements in Italian. The statements were just meaningless joining of Italian phrases but the accent was real Italian. This brother just could not take it and choked so badly on food that I had to stop my fake Italian conversation.

Lol, where did you learn those statements in Italian? Have you ever been here?

Also since we are slightly away from that thread where you have complained about conflicting advices by Shaikh London I can add my two cents here. I'll prefer you to stay in Italy. There is lots of work to be done there.
Yes, I was just messing with London Sahab because we like to discuss about these issues, but it seems that I'm going to remain here, especially since it was the same advice my Shaykh gave me.

Thus I personally take those British and American brothers who have come to Islam and are endowed with this blessing of particular colour. (I hope I do not get labeled racist.)
How is it a blessing? Do you mean in a "functional" way, i.e. that people with an inferiority complex will pay attention to a "white convert"? Well, that's true, but "unfortunately".
Personally I'm more prone to try to destroy this inferiority complex mentality rather than "using" (although for a good cause).

I'll also like Euro-Sunni to active forum. During my last few visits it was silent like graveyard. May be you can start a couple of exciting (psst! inciting) threads there.
Actually we were considering to shut down that forum..

Maripat Sahab for your kind attention and your good advices, please remember me in your du'a's.

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Old 07-05-2011, 12:09 PM   #24

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Lol, where did you learn those statements in Italian? Have you ever been here?
Been to Trieste.
How is it a blessing? Do you mean in a "functional" way, i.e. that people with an inferiority complex will pay attention to a "white convert"? Well, that's true, but "unfortunately".
Blessing in the sense that a white guy communicating Islam to white guys will have a better chance of being heard.
Personally I'm more prone to try to destroy this inferiority complex mentality rather than "using" (although for a good cause).
Actually we were considering to shut down that forum..
SF is for relaxing. Take ES to be like work. As I said the task of communicating Islam to European people is still left undone. It is more of a shame on us than anything else.
Maripat Sahab for your kind attention and your good advices, please remember me in your du'a's.
Your most welcome brother-nay you are an inspiration. May Allah(SWT) grant you aafiyah and ease and increase your stature.
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Old 07-05-2011, 03:01 PM   #25

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Assalam alaykum,

I am a Christian revert with background in Buddhism as well. It took me at least a year to revert. The Buddhist view of the cosmos is so different than ours that I think the Brother needs some time to absorb the Islamic view of the universe.


Nice to meet you brother. You are most welcome.
I agree with your observations and I do not intend to rush anyone. But I am only encouraging honesty with both Truthfinder and Muslims reading this thread.

Reliance of the Traveller is not appropriate for nonMuslims as it is neither definitive, nor geared for nonMuslims, nor does is it address the depth of jurisprudence.

It makes me wonder WHY a nonMuslim who is honestly studying about Islam would want to read this book. Comparison and contrast of laws serves as a venue for ideological and moral judgement usually bereft of common sense or reasonable inquiry. "You make THAT forbidden?"

Perhaps I am overly suspicious.

I would like to know the above, but I guess my ultimate question, what is the basis of truth according to sunni muslim? How do you determine truth from falsehood? And is there an ultimate truth? As for the determination of Truth, it is a valid question which is sidetracked today by an overemphasis on the chain of authenticity. The chain of authenticity among various orders may have had greater significance at a time in history when information and sources of information where not readily available to the public or average common man. Hence, for most of human history, books were NOT widely available for the public. They were the reserves of a few people among the masses and individuals could masquerade as authentic sources of knowledge without people being able to verify this until they obtained authentic sources. But today, this is no longer a major conflict. Today is the Information Age.

Truth must have a reality which is observable through our senses combined with previous information.

Truth is not merely that that coencides with a previous thought.

We exist because we observe our existance in this reality. That is our starting point to reaching the Truth. Its pointless to debate one possible reality of other than our existance, or surmise that we are mere illusions, or that we are nothingness. Just as it is pointless to debate or ponder the essence of what preceded this existance of which we cannot fathom or observe.

As for the Ultimate Truth:

Translation of the Holy Quran

Chapter/Sura 22:

O mankind! if ye are in doubt concerning the Resurrection, then lo! We have created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a little lump of flesh shapely and shapeless, that We may make (it) clear for you. And We cause what We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed time, and afterward We bring you forth as infants, then (give you growth) that ye attain your full strength. And among you there is he who dieth (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the most abject time of life, so that, after knowledge, he knoweth naught. And thou (Muhammad) seest the earth barren, but when We send down water thereon, it doth thrill and swell and put forth every lovely kind (of growth). (5) That is because Allah, He is [al Haqqu] the Ultimate Truth and Lo! He quickeneth the dead, and Lo! He is Able to do all things; (6) And because the Hour will come, there is no doubt thereof; and because Allah will raise those who are in the graves.(7)

...That is because Allah, He is [al Haqqu] the Ultimate Truth, and that whereon they call instead of Him, it is the false, and because Allah, He is the High, the Great. (62) Seest thou not how Allah sendeth down water from the sky and then the earth becometh green upon the morrow? Lo! Allah is Subtile, Aware. (63) Unto Him belongeth all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Lo! Allah, He verily is the Absolute, the Owner of Praise. (64) Hast thou not seen how Allah hath made all that is in the earth subservient unto you? And the ship runneth upon the sea by His command, and He holdeth back the heaven from falling on the earth unless by His leave. Lo! Allah is, for mankind, Full of Pity, Merciful. (65)


Chapter/Sura 23:

Now Allah be Exalted, the King, [al Haqqu] the Ultimate Truth! There is no God save Him, the Lord of the Throne of Grace. (116)


Chapter/Sura 24:

On that day Allah will pay them their just due, and they will know that Allah, He is [Al Haqqu] the Manifest Truth . (25)

And there are multitudes of verses showing that one of the attributes of Allah (God) is "Al Haqqu" the Ultimate Truth.

He is the author and creator of Truth. And is the Ultimate Truth.

Chapter/Sura 2:

Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His Sovereignty) for men of understanding, (190)
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Old 07-05-2011, 03:35 PM   #26

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... what is the basis of truth according to sunni muslim? How do you determine truth from falsehood? And is there an ultimate truth?
Greetings in return brother.
I'll take above things in reverse order.
There is an attributive name of Allah (SWT) it is Al-Haq. The Truth.
The should answer your last question.
I had a Budhist protegee. She told me that it is atheistic-I mean Budhism. If that is the case then existence of God himself will be a big stumbling block for you. This will take lots of effort both on your part and on our part. You can continue your interaction here and slowly the things should start getting absorbed. Since you have read the Holy Qur'an you should focus on Signs of Allah mentioned there. Abdullah Yusuf Ali even has an index entry about them in his translation. Corresponding verses might see you through-if you ponder over them. Lord willing that will help you to make your decision. On my part, as it might have become clear to you, It is my earnest desire to see you in Islam-Lord willing. Here you might see some miserable attempts by the present sinner if you search for Signs of Allah.

Now coming to the other question. What is our basis of finding the truth.
It is common sense.

I can not resist bringing a joke here. In case you are American or have got even minimal western exposure you'd know about American comedian Grouco Marx. Here is a joke from him. He said:
If a black cat crosses your path then it signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
Joke over.

So if you have come here then I'll conclude that you have some interest in Islam.
If you go to the super market I'll assume that you want to do shopping.
If you say that you have got headache then to me it will signify that you have got headache.

If a husband comes home and asks his wife to cover him in a sheet then I'll assume that he is not feeling well. That is what happened around 1442 years ago in Makkah.

Prophet Muhammed (SAW) came home one day shivering and asked his wife Khadija (RA) to cover him with a sheet. That is the day he had an encounter with Archangel Gabriel (AS). Before that for six months he was getting indication of some thing special in dreams. Perhaps you know the story of first revelation of Qur'anic verses.

People in his times had given Prophet Muhammed (SAW) the title of As-sadiq=the truthful and Al-amin=the trustworthy.

So when a person who was already known to be truthful and trustworthy says that he has been declared a Prophet (SAW) by Lord Almighty then what is the significance of it?
Well it signifies that he is the Prophet (SAW) of Lord Most High.
Those who say that are called Muslims.
And then there were people (ultimately very few) who did not accept his prophet hood. But this I say only for sake of completeness.

I hope it illustrates the way we decide what is truth and what is falsehood. I'll stop here for the time being. Please reply back ASAP.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:48 AM   #27

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I do NOT recommend those books for the purpose of understanding Islam for conversion.
I assume you know who the prophet Muhammad (saaw) is, correct?
Do you know who God is and that He calls himself Allah?
And do you know what the Quran is?

If you have information about these, then you have enough information to convert to Islam.
Maybe for you, but I'm not you. Everybody is different.

Thanks for your advice.
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Old 07-06-2011, 06:08 AM   #28

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Been to Trieste. The world is so small..
Please let me know in case you should come back in Italy even for a little period; it would be a great pleasure to meet you.

Blessing in the sense that a white guy communicating Islam to white guys will have a better chance of being heard. Got it and agreed.

SF is for relaxing. Take ES to be like work. As I said the task of communicating Islam to European people is still left undone. It is more of a shame on us than anything else. We will still work to present Islam to everyone insha'Allah, but we're not sure about the utility of that forum, given the circumstances.
Since it's in English, we don't need a bad clone of SF; SF is more than enough and English-speaking non-Muslims can come here.
Those speaking local languages can come on the respective forums, as our italian one (www.islam.forumup.it).

Your most welcome brother-nay you are an inspiration. May Allah(SWT) grant you aafiyah and ease and increase your stature.
Wassalam Amin wa iyyak; you must have seen something which is not there, so may Allah grant me that thing.

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Old 07-06-2011, 06:19 AM   #29

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I hope it illustrates the way we decide what is truth and what is falsehood. I'll stop here for the time being. Please reply back ASAP.
I'm not ignoring your reply. Let me reflect on everything and then I'll reply shortly.
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Old 07-06-2011, 12:09 PM   #30

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Maybe for you, but I'm not you. Everybody is different.

Thanks for your advice.
My point is that to KNOW who Allah is, who Muhammad (saaw) is, what the Quran is, is the foundation of Islam and fundamental basis of thought in Islam. It is to know how Sunni Islam approaches the Truth.

To get to know only the Shafii jurisprudence according to only one Shafii reference book is NOT representative of Islam. It is representative of a codified, jurisprudential interpretation often without examination of the revelational text. And that is what the Reliance of the Traveller is.

Truthfinder, what is it that you are seeking regarding Reliance of the Traveller?

As for Tafsir Jalalayn, what is it that you seek that commentaries and translations of the Quran from Yusuf Ali or Pickthall or Asad do not provide?
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Old 07-06-2011, 01:54 PM   #31

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My point is that to KNOW who Allah is, who Muhammad (saaw) is, what the Quran is, is the foundation of Islam and fundamental basis of thought in Islam. It is to know how Sunni Islam approaches the Truth.

To get to know only the Shafii jurisprudence according to only one Shafii reference book is NOT representative of Islam. It is representative of a codified, jurisprudential interpretation often without examination of the revelational text. And that is what the Reliance of the Traveller is.

Truthfinder, what is it that you are seeking regarding Reliance of the Traveller?

As for Tafsir Jalalayn, what is it that you seek that commentaries and translations of the Quran from Yusuf Ali or Pickthall or Asad do not provide?

It is alright brother Usama. Brother TruthFinder is taking his time to reflect which is good. You can also take time to plan as to how to present the things in a nutshell to him. Aftar all guidance is from Allah Most High. May He guide us and brother TF to the right path.
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Old 07-06-2011, 02:10 PM   #32

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The world is so small..
Please let me know in case you should come back in Italy even for a little period; it would be a great pleasure to meet you.
Got it and agreed.
We will still work to present Islam to everyone insha'Allah, but we're not sure about the utility of that forum, given the circumstances.
Since it's in English, we don't need a bad clone of SF; SF is more than enough and English-speaking non-Muslims can come here.
Those speaking local languages can come on the respective forums, as our italian one (www.islam.forumup.it).
Amin wa iyyak; you must have seen something which is not there, so may Allah grant me that thing.

brother for the reply thanks for kind words and invitation. I'll let you know if and when I go there. I have not seen all of or even much of Italy but henceforth I'll dedicate all the spare time for Dawah, Insha Allah.

I'll still request for keeping ES alive because you never know when someone more ingenuous than us might turn up to steer the things into clear waters.

I had not seen the other Italian forum. 40grand messages and 2 grand users is no small thing .
It will be very nice if a google translate button can be added there so that we too can get something out of there. It feels nice when sons and daughters of Adam (AS) are gathering together as a family.
Moreover there should be an official thread here in which you or some one else from that forum keeps reporting some sort of weekly report for the benefit of the people here. I'll like the same thing for the German forum-a google translate button there and a thread for weekly report here. (But I have to find corresponding brother for this request-I think it is AlFaruqi if I am not mistaken.)

I can also see that you people have not been able to muster enough Muslim advertisers to save us from some common European sitings!

Thanks a lot and once again.
Duon ki darkhwast hai. (Supplications requested.)
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Old 07-06-2011, 03:34 PM   #33

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brother for the reply thanks for kind words and invitation. I'll let you know if and when I go there. I have not seen all of or even much of Italy but henceforth I'll dedicate all the spare time for Dawah, Insha Allah.

That's great masha'Allah!

I had not seen the other Italian forum. 40grand messages and 2 grand users is no small thing .
It will be very nice if a google translate button can be added there so that we too can get something out of there. It feels nice when sons and daughters of Adam (AS) are gathering together as a family.
You may try this way:

The resulting translations can't be said to be reliable, but just to give an idea..

I can also see that you people have not been able to muster enough Muslim advertisers to save us from some common European sitings!
Unfortunately.. We have no funds and the site is not owned, we're just hosted for free an a forum platform and have no choice in the ads.

Thanks a lot and once again.
Duon ki darkhwast hai. (Supplications requested.)
Indeed I will insha'Allah, and from you too, please.

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Old 07-06-2011, 04:02 PM   #34

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brother Umar. Used the link here under Forum-Foray-Fora
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Old 07-06-2011, 11:33 PM   #35

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My point is that to KNOW who Allah is, who Muhammad (saaw) is, what the Quran is, is the foundation of Islam and fundamental basis of thought in Islam. It is to know how Sunni Islam approaches the Truth.

To get to know only the Shafii jurisprudence according to only one Shafii reference book is NOT representative of Islam. It is representative of a codified, jurisprudential interpretation often without examination of the revelational text. And that is what the Reliance of the Traveller is.

Truthfinder, what is it that you are seeking regarding Reliance of the Traveller?

As for Tafsir Jalalayn, what is it that you seek that commentaries and translations of the Quran from Yusuf Ali or Pickthall or Asad do not provide?
Wow, you're taking this a little to personal. I told this muslim I know, that I was interested in learning about Islam. I told him, I would like to read books that Muslims actually read and reference. Don't get mad at me, get mad at the muslim who recommended these books.

I want books that Muslim actually read and reference. What's wrong with that???
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Old 07-06-2011, 11:47 PM   #36

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Wow, you're taking this a little to personal. I told this muslim I know, that I was interested in learning about Islam. I told him, I would like to read books that Muslims actually read and reference. Don't get mad at me, get mad at the muslim who recommended these books.

I want books that Muslim actually read and reference. What's wrong with that???
Dear TF,
Relax. Nothing wrong in asking for books. So they have already told. Brother Usama too had a very valid point. The matter is related to making up your mind about Islam. You can take your time-as you shall, Insha Allah. But this is one decision that should be made as soon as possible. Western and western educated people usually want to make a thorough study (about any thing) before making a decision. This might be just as well. So take your time.
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Old 07-07-2011, 12:39 AM   #37

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Wow, you're taking this a little to personal. I told this muslim I know, that I was interested in learning about Islam. I told him, I would like to read books that Muslims actually read and reference. Don't get mad at me, get mad at the muslim who recommended these books.

I want books that Muslim actually read and reference. What's wrong with that???
Assalam alaykum TruthFinder,

Thank you for ordering Schuon's book, Understanding Islam. I am hoping that you will enjoy it and find it beneficial.

Brother Usama2, I think, is concerned that reading advanced books might distract you from the basic principles of Islam that a person needs to know in order to make the decision to revert. In other words, it seems a bit like putting the cart before the horse. But you are right that every individual is different and Allah (SWT) knows best.

It is admirable that your are willing to put so much effort into your study of Islam and perhaps someday you will become a scholar.

Please keep us informed about your progress.

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Old 07-07-2011, 12:58 AM   #38

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brother Umar. Used the link here under Forum-Foray-Fora
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Old 07-22-2011, 12:47 PM   #39

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Greetings in return brother.
I'll take above things in reverse order.
There is an attributive name of Allah (SWT) it is Al-Haq. The Truth.
The should answer your last question.
I had a Budhist protegee. She told me that it is atheistic-I mean Budhism. If that is the case then existence of God himself will be a big stumbling block for you. This will take lots of effort both on your part and on our part. You can continue your interaction here and slowly the things should start getting absorbed. Since you have read the Holy Qur'an you should focus on Signs of Allah mentioned there. Abdullah Yusuf Ali even has an index entry about them in his translation. Corresponding verses might see you through-if you ponder over them. Lord willing that will help you to make your decision. On my part, as it might have become clear to you, It is my earnest desire to see you in Islam-Lord willing. Here you might see some miserable attempts by the present sinner if you search for Signs of Allah.

Now coming to the other question. What is our basis of finding the truth.
It is common sense.

I can not resist bringing a joke here. In case you are American or have got even minimal western exposure you'd know about American comedian Grouco Marx. Here is a joke from him. He said:
If a black cat crosses your path then it signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
Joke over.

So if you have come here then I'll conclude that you have some interest in Islam.
If you go to the super market I'll assume that you want to do shopping.
If you say that you have got headache then to me it will signify that you have got headache.

If a husband comes home and asks his wife to cover him in a sheet then I'll assume that he is not feeling well. That is what happened around 1442 years ago in Makkah.

Prophet Muhammed (SAW) came home one day shivering and asked his wife Khadija (RA) to cover him with a sheet. That is the day he had an encounter with Archangel Gabriel (AS). Before that for six months he was getting indication of some thing special in dreams. Perhaps you know the story of first revelation of Qur'anic verses.

People in his times had given Prophet Muhammed (SAW) the title of As-sadiq=the truthful and Al-amin=the trustworthy.

So when a person who was already known to be truthful and trustworthy says that he has been declared a Prophet (SAW) by Lord Almighty then what is the significance of it?
Well it signifies that he is the Prophet (SAW) of Lord Most High.
Those who say that are called Muslims.
And then there were people (ultimately very few) who did not accept his prophet hood. But this I say only for sake of completeness.

I hope it illustrates the way we decide what is truth and what is falsehood. I'll stop here for the time being. Please reply back ASAP.
Well, Buddhist don't believe in a creator, we believe everything has always existed, just in different forms.

Just because a person is truthful doesn't mean, he is telling the truth, who could believe he is telling the truth, but not have the correct information.

It seems rely heavily on revelation for information, does reason have any say in your determining the truth. Perhaps how a particular verse of the quran is understood. For example, in the Quran, it states that Muhammad is the last prophet. If another prophet appeared, could the verse in the Quran be interrupted as, the last prophet of the middle east, or last prophet abrahamic religions. I say this because the only prophets mentioned in the Quran are Prophets of the Abrahamic faith, and not prophets from other religions.

Also do Muslims believe divine knowledge is cut off after the death of Muhammad. Since your basis for determining the truth is based on what is in the Quran. After the demise of Muhammad, is it possible for a spiritual person to access divine knowledge to confirm if interpretation of the Quran are correct or incorrect, like what I mention about Muhammad being the last prophet.
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Old 07-22-2011, 02:50 PM   #40

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Well, Buddhist don't believe in a creator, we believe everything has always existed, just in different forms.

Just because a person is truthful doesn't mean, he is telling the truth, who could believe he is telling the truth, but not have the correct information.

It seems rely heavily on revelation for information, does reason have any say in your determining the truth. Perhaps how a particular verse of the quran is understood. For example, in the Quran, it states that Muhammad is the last prophet. If another prophet appeared, could the verse in the Quran be interrupted as, the last prophet of the middle east, or last prophet abrahamic religions. I say this because the only prophets mentioned in the Quran are Prophets of the Abrahamic faith, and not prophets from other religions.

Also do Muslims believe divine knowledge is cut off after the death of Muhammad. Since your basis for determining the truth is based on what is in the Quran. After the demise of Muhammad, is it possible for a spiritual person to access divine knowledge to confirm if interpretation of the Quran are correct or incorrect, like what I mention about Muhammad being the last prophet.
Assalam alaykum TruthFinder,

Good to hear from you. Did you read Understanding Islam by Frithjof Schuon?

I am a relatively newer Christian revert, so what I say is subject to correction.

As far as the matter of a Creator is concerned, there are philosophic "proofs" stemming from the necessity of a Creator. But it is my understanding that Islam believes that within His wonderful creation are "signs" of Allah's existence and majesty. From the intricate design on the wings of a moth to the awesome variety of life under the sea to the songs of the mockingbird, to Muslims, Allah's existence is self-evident.

As you have said before, Islam is an Abrahamic religion, but as it says in the Upanishads, God is the Author of all religions and all Scriptures. I personally don't see why great figures such as the Buddha would not be considered a Prophet, although many here might disagree.

We Muslims believe that the Prophet (PBUH) received the Quran from Allah (SWT) through the angel Gabriel in the Arabic language. It is only in Arabic that the true splendour of this Recitation shines through without any diminishment of a translation. Mohammad (SAWS) was a Messenger who brought a way of life to mankind that consists of a total commitment to the pure monotheism that Allah (SWT) revealed to Abraham--that God is a Unity, God is One.

The word "Muslim" means, one who submits to the will of the One God. In prayer (salat) we make prostration as a sign of complete submission. The Muslim believes that every condition of life comes from Allah and his aim is not just to accept His Divine Decree but to love it and be happy in it.

There is much more that others can explain and I am glad you are back here at SF.

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