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Old 01-03-2008, 06:33 PM   #21

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i will reccomend you to read Shaikh Muhammed Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani's works about the prayer of the prophet (s.a.w) also read fiqh us sunna by shiekh syed sabbiq inshallah this should help you a great deal.
Asslamo Allaikum Dear Respected Brother in Islam,

I love you for the sake of Allah (SWT) and you are my brother in Islam, Insha'Allah.

1) If you choose to do Taqleed-Shakhsi of Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) then you are welcome to follow an opinion which has no basis in the Qur'aan & Sunnah i.e. Allah (SWT) has commanded me to follow Ulama and NOT stick to one scholar from the twentith century and make him the basis of my Islam.

2) Shaykh Al-Albani (RA)'s book is refuted by his contemporaries and fellow Salafees:

a) Here is refutation by Hamud al-Tuwayjiri's (Shaykh Bin-Baaz's student) refutation on al-Albani's (RA) Sifatus Salah


b) Here is refutation by Shaykh Uthaymeen (RA) about various positions within al-Albani's (RA) Sifatus Salah

About joining ankle-to-ankle:


About Tashahudd:

The Shaykh Faqeeh Muhammed Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen discusses this issue in his highly beneficial book 'Ash-Sharh Al-Mumti: 3/150-151.

His words can be summarised in the following:

a. Saying: 'Assalaamu Alayka’ in the Tashahhud is not the same as when the people convey salaams to one another, as if this was the case the prayer would be null and void, because all human speech is prohibited in the prayer.

b. The companions used to say in the Tashahhud: 'Assalaamu Alayka' and the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ‘Alayhi was Salam) would be in one land and they in another.

c. As for the narration found in Bukhari upon the authority of Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood; 'That they used to say after the death of the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ‘Alayhi was Salam), ‘Assalaamu 'Alan Nabiyy', then this is considered his ijtihaad, which was opposed by someone of greater knowledge than him, none other than 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab.

It is reported that 'Umar gave a sermon whilst upon the minbar of the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ‘Alayhi was Salam), saying in his Tashahhud:
'Assalaamu Alayka Ayyuhan Nabiyy'. This is reported by Malik in Muwatta with one of the most authentic chains of narrations. 'Umar said this in the presence of the companions and they accepted this.

So again you are welcome to follow an opinion which is weak and refuted by Shaykh (RA)'s contemporaries and against the Jamhoor of the Ummah;

3) Your post contains contradiction i.e. Shaykh Al-Albani (RA)'s book on Salah & & Fiqhus-Sunnah disagree on many parts, if you choose to debate please start a new thread and lets go over the whole thing, Insha'Allah for your benefit without having any hard feelings.

4) Habibi! Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) himself REFUTED Fiqhus-Sunnah in a book called, “Tamaam ul-Minnah Fit-Ta'liq alaa Fiqh us-Sunnah”, English translation by Brother Dawud Burbank and it is available in English languages as “Notes on Fiqhus-Sunnah of as-Sayyid Sabiq”; I will simply quote the beginning as,

Note: References to page no’s are to the English translation of Muhammad Sa’eed Dabas and Jamalud-Deen M. Zarabozo

Volume One
(43) P. vi "This book deals with the fiqh questions and provides supporting evidence to them from the clear [text of the] Book (of Allaah), and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ’alaihi wa sallaam." This is a claim true for the most part, however the book does contain many weak (Da’eef) ahaadeeth – some of which he remained silent about, and the others he thought to be saheeh or hasan – following others in that and being mistaken therein. And it contains more than a few questions for which he does not mention a proof – rather for some of them, the proof is against them. And this will be more fully explained in its correct places inshaa-Allaah.

Please search on google and read it yourself, Insha'Allah.

I prefer to follow the Salaf and the Kabair of Ulama of Islam as opposed to Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) and no disrespect intended to the Shaykh (RA) and may Allah (SWT) reward him in this world and the next for his service to his Deen.

P.S: By combining Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) book and Fiqhus-Sunnah in one post, it is clear that you are in a confused state of mind.
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Old 01-03-2008, 09:02 PM   #22

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Br Muadh, for the last post

very infomrative.

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Old 01-03-2008, 09:16 PM   #23

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Brother Muadh, do you possess the english translation to the rebuttal of Al albani's work by Hamud al-Tuwayjiri?

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Old 01-04-2008, 01:17 AM   #24

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Now lets look at the Hadeeth of Wai'l Ibn Hujr (RA) starting with Imam Nawawi (RA)'s opinion:

Imam Nimawi says, 'It's isnad is questionable and the additional wording 'on his chest' is inauthentic and not established.'
Looks like you meant Imam Nimawi not Nawawi. BTW - Please quote the Mursal Sahih narration on Salah differences between the two sexes. Shukran.
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Old 01-04-2008, 01:22 AM   #25

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thank you brother muadh you've made some good points but firstly let's discuss your own opinion:
Wa alaikum salam

It looks like most of what you mentioned are take from the views of Abdur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri's Tuhftaul Ahwazi. Shaykh Abul Hasan has already answered parts of what you posted and he told us in a lesson that he will Insha'allah write a comprehensive reply to all of that article and post it on a forum.. If he completes his reply and posts it, i'll let all the readers know here Insha'allah.
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Old 01-04-2008, 03:07 AM   #26

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BTW - Please quote the Mursal Sahih narration on Salah differences between the two sexes. Shukran. Is it this one?

Yazid bin Abi Habib reports that the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wassallam) passed by two women who were praying salah. He said, 'When you prostrate, let part of your body cling to the earth, for women are unlike men in this regard'.

(Abu Dawood in his al Maraseel pl8 (Muassasah al Risalah edition), and Baihaqi 3201)

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Old 01-04-2008, 03:55 AM   #27

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Is it this one?

Yazid bin Abi Habib reports that the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wassallam) passed by two women who were praying salah. He said, 'When you prostrate, let part of your body cling to the earth, for women are unlike men in this regard'.

(Abu Dawood in his al Maraseel pl8 (Muassasah al Risalah edition), and Baihaqi 3201)

It may well be, unless there is another Mursal narration on this issue. Wallahu a'lam. Thanks.
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Old 01-04-2008, 05:53 PM   #28

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It may well be, unless there is another Mursal narration on this issue. Wallahu a'lam. Thanks.
Asslamo Allaikum,

The brother has quoted the correct narration, Masha'Allah.

1) For full details of Salah of women, please see:




2) Salafi objections have been discussed in this thread:


I really need to translate the commentary of Hadeeth of Saheeh Bukhari in FULL, Insha'Allah but you will get the summary.
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:33 AM   #29

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asslamualaikum brother in no way am i in a confused state of mind and i know what shiekh albani (ra) said about fiqh us sunna , however i never said these books are 100% correct and that follow them word for word niether i said they are wrong or that they agree with each other which they do more often that not. You look at both books and the opinions you will find in them are very authentic the authors of both books were merely human so they could make mistakes but they have mafe a great contribution and we ask allah (swt) to reward them both.

Also brother im not giving taqleed to anyone just to make it clear rather im telling you that if you read the two books i mentioned analyse them then you will see that the hanafi fiqh of salah is not correct in many aspects even being born a hanafi myself i would say this its quite weak actually.

brother if u give me your e-mail adress we could talk more in detail on the matter and if i made any mistakes im sorry im a student of knowlegde you may well be highly qualified in this field

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Old 01-05-2008, 06:20 AM   #30

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Br Omar

if your retorting that they were men and they made mistakes then whats the difference in me following a Tabi'ee Imam Abu Hanifa [Ra] who was a real salafi?

whats the point of reading the books which you have posted because Allah [Azza Wa Jal] hasn't made it obligatory upon me to swift through the sources of Shariah to come to a ruling! Nor do i possess the capacity to know who is wrong and who is right

rather its obligatory upon me [the layman] to follow a Scholar whom the whole Ummah has agreed upon to follow...i.e. the Four Imams

Imam Ibn-Al Qayyim states in his book

I’ilam Al-Muwaqi’een [Vol. 2 p. 187 to 291]:

“…a Muslim is not straight on the guidance of Allah until he follows what Allah and His messenger decreed. So, we ask the Muqallid if he knows what Allah and His messenger said, in that case he is not a Muqallid [and there is no need to ask any body]. But, if he doesn’t know what Allah and His messenger said, then he admits he is ignorant and stray person, hence, how would he know that those whom he trusts are on the right guidance?! This is an answer to any questions they [Muqallids] provide in this issue"

hope that is sufficiant

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Old 01-05-2008, 06:31 AM   #31

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brother lets stop this now because its a minor issue it shouldn't divide muslims
as its doing, its has gone way too far instead of discussing the minor aspects of salah lets concentrate on actually preforming it as there are many brothers and sisters who dont preform thier salah.

This is something which falls into the category of sunnah and the actual preformance in fardh(compulsory) and unity is fardh so lets concentrate on the main points inshallah.

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Old 01-05-2008, 06:50 AM   #32

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brother lets stop this now because its a minor issue it shouldn't divide muslims
as its doing, its has gone way too far instead of discussing the minor aspects of salah lets concentrate on actually preforming it as there are many brothers and sisters who dont preform thier salah.

This is something which falls into the category of sunnah and the actual preformance in fardh(compulsory) and unity is fardh so lets concentrate on the main points inshallah.

at last Alhamdulillah the first Salafi [that i come across] that is willing to reconcile for the sake of Unity!



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Old 01-05-2008, 12:21 PM   #33

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Great Work, all of you!
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Old 01-05-2008, 06:15 PM   #34

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Also brother im not giving taqleed to anyone just to make it clear rather im telling you that if you read the two books i mentioned analyse them then you will see that the hanafi fiqh of salah is not correct in many aspects even being born a hanafi myself i would say this its quite weak actually.

With all due respect - are you Hanafi in what suits you from your personal readings of such works? Or are you a follower of al-Albani's fiqh? Anyway, do you read pure arabic? If you do not then how can you claim the Hanafi fiqh of Salah is not correct in many aspects - just by reading works by 2 non-Hanafi's? There exist rudud on al-Albani's book of Salah as well as critiques on the contents of Fiqhus-Sunna of al-Sabiq.

What are the precise weakness' you have spotted in Hanafi Salah? Your objections on these so called weakness' and their answers can usually be found in the 18 volume I'la al-Sunan by Allama Zafar Ahmed al-Uthmani (d. 1974 ) and the one volume Athar al-Sunan by Shaykh al-Nimawi (died about a century ago) - insha'allah. Have you read the "Salah of the Believer" by Shaykh Riyadh al-Haq - as it is a good intro providing Hanafi dala'il for Salah?
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Old 01-05-2008, 06:25 PM   #35

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With all due respect - are you Hanafi in what suits you from your personal readings of such works? Or are you a follower of al-Albani's fiqh? Anyway, do you read pure arabic? If you do not then how can you claim the Hanafi fiqh of Salah is not correct in many aspects - just by reading works by 2 non-Hanafi's? There exist rudud on al-Albani's book of Salah as well as critiques on the contents of Fiqhus-Sunna of al-Sabiq.

What are the precise weakness' you have spotted in Hanafi Salah? Your objections on these so called weakness' and their answers can usually be found in the 18 volume I'la al-Sunan by Allama Zafar Ahmed al-Uthmani (d. 1974 ) and the one volume Athar al-Sunan by Shaykh al-Nimawi (died about a century ago) - insha'allah. Have you read the "Salah of the Believer" by Shaykh Riyadh al-Haq - as it is a good intro providing Hanafi dala'il for Salah?
I very Much have to agree with Brother Sunni Muslim on this.

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Old 01-06-2008, 07:13 AM   #36

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brother i have read riadh ul-haq's book and personally i dont agree with alot of his opinions and you should read of some of his extreme opinions never mind about his book.Anyway ive told you my opinion and i know yours so lets stop whats the point we should look at our own selves we are all muslims here alhamdulillah and we are bickering so lets show the character of a muslim that for the sake of allah the minor issue is left aside and the major issue is being implimented ie. unity.

So please we have our opinions alhamdulillah and we have our proofs but just push this aside and concentrate on unity inshallah.
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Old 01-06-2008, 07:28 AM   #37

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That's all well and good Omar, but when you make provocative statements like you've done about Shaikh Riyadh ul Haq (DB), you can't complain if you get a reaction. Either criticise and be prepeared to be questioned and challenged or don't criticise at all. You give with one hand and take away with the other. Mind you, its not the first time you Salafis have maligned the great Shaikh.
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Old 01-06-2008, 07:41 AM   #38

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As for your evidences for placing the hands on the chest in prayer (on page 2), then most of it was answered by Shaykh Riyadh (DB) so just consult his book and read it carefully.
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Old 01-06-2008, 09:11 AM   #39

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brother i have read riadh ul-haq's book and personally i dont agree with alot of his opinions and you should read of some of his extreme opinions never mind about his book.Anyway ive told you my opinion and i know yours so lets stop whats the point we should look at our own selves we are all muslims here alhamdulillah and we are bickering so lets show the character of a muslim that for the sake of allah the minor issue is left aside and the major issue is being implimented ie. unity.

So please we have our opinions alhamdulillah and we have our proofs but just push this aside and concentrate on unity inshallah.
Asslamo Allaikum Respected Brother,


1) First you attacked the Hanafi position

2) Then you tryed to defend the narrations about placing the hands on the chest and came up with the absurd combinaton of Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) & Fiqhus-Sunna...I have placed my comments on a public forum with the name of the book and translation of Shaykh Al-Albani (RA)'s book about Fiqhus-Sunnah, you or anyone else is free to google it.

The other objections to Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) are also in public and you or anyone else is free to google it.

Please note that I have not used any Sufi sources in any of my discussion to you

3) When you couldn't prove/back-up either you came up with a "unity plan"

4) Then you object to "many things" of Shaykh Riyadhul-Haq and try to broaden the scope of the discussion which is beyond this thread

I love you for the sake of Allah (SWT), I spoke to another brother years ago who also objected to "many things" of Shaykh Riyadhul-Haq...

My advice to him was, "I have Shaykh's Mobile (Cell-Phone for Americans/Canadians ); lets go see him and present your objections to him & about the book personally" and let him answer it...That way you will be saved from Gheeba and you will give him a chance to reply as it is only fair...

The brother never spoke about this matter again but fortunately he is now a Hanafi like many "Salafees" of early & late ninetees.

Please call your friends and scholars and lets go see Shaykh Riyadhul-Haq and give him a chance to answer your queries; he is a kind, hospitable and poliet person and has no aversions to meeting anyone.

None of this is meant as a disrespect to you in anyway whatso-ever, Insha'Allah.

All you are asked is speak from Qur'aan & Sunnah and with evidence and refrain from generalisations.
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Old 01-06-2008, 06:25 PM   #40

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I personally do not know Shaykh Riyadhul Haq [DB], but i do know alot of Brothers that personally do know him...and MashaAllah the way he speaks is so unique and calm, he never screams or shouts to get something across, he is marvellous...unlike green lane masjid, where they scream and shout when talking about fiqh and Hadith, trying to forcefully shuv ther opinions down your throat.

I think Br Muadh is right, just because you have personal objections with him[like all salafis do] it doesn't mean that you cant personaly go to him and get some answers.

infact the Shaykh in that book rarely gives his own opinion, he quotes Quran and Hadith and Scholars...so whats the problem?

anyway the latest one i heard from a salafi recently is Shaykh Riyadhul Haq [DB] is not a Shaykh...meaning not an Alim lol, i started laughing!

the Shaykh is a Shaykhul Hadith at his young age...not only that he was given Khilaafat at the age of 19 [some say] and was a Khateeb at a big masjid at the age of 21...now which salafi accomplished this???

Subhan-Allah, please abstain from backbiting the Ulama ul Haq for your betterment

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