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Old 12-11-2010, 01:38 AM   #21

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please dont call me shaykh bro.

ya i did but i didnt quite understand it please elaborate. i think you already know what you are looking for.
Brother fusus,even if London786 stop calling you a shaikh,i will not stop.You are a shaikh and you will have to admit it.
chamak sooraj me kiya baqi rahegi
agar mayoos ho apni kiran se?
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Old 12-11-2010, 02:14 AM   #22

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i just recently started posting on here. i didnt know this forum was so informative. this forum is too addictive. too much to read on here, there are lots of knowledgeable people on here. i was following thread on 'isteywa' - brother abuhajirah recently posted entire risalah of moulana thanvi ra, the debate on 'isteywa' was intense. no diss to other forums but this is probably the best forum i have seen around on internet. you can find beneficial discussion on just about any topic ppl keep it clean. very good forum. ill check for ur email iA. make dua for me too bro i need duas big time!
This is the best forum. The other forums are comatose compared to this one.
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Old 12-11-2010, 05:02 AM   #23

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It's a bit too addictive for sure. I have some questions regarding
tasawuff perhaps i should ask them here ??
there r lots of knowledgeable experieced people on here you should definitely ask you will get many angles
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Old 12-11-2010, 06:11 AM   #24

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Those brothers who are warning you against taking on this adhkar should be listened to

While spending time with my sheikh learning Quranic Therapy, several patients came in who were not Majnoon, but were what my sheikh called Mahsoon - these people decided the Sheikh was taking too long in prescribing them a mamlat, and either made a program up for themselves, or took another talibs prescribed mamlaat as his own - the consequenses are dire - these people were not ready (thats why the Sheikh didnt prescibe a mamlaat to them), so they lost themselves, the tajaliyat was too much for them to handle, and they became like vegetables - the dhikr these mahsooni people decided to do without permission was much like Pas Anfus in asociation with concentration of the IsmHoo and ismAllah.
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Old 12-15-2010, 03:34 PM   #25

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Brother fusus,even if London786 stop calling you a shaikh,i will not stop.You are a shaikh and you will have to admit it.
chamak sooraj me kiya baqi rahegi
agar mayoos ho apni kiran se?
This is me:

'O Allah swt have mercy upon my bad condition, help me because my condition is now out of my hands'
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Old 12-15-2010, 05:41 PM   #26

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MashaALLAH Brother,you should think exactly like this,but those who are asking you to be a shaikh are not wrong either.From your posts igot the same impression.And when your shaikh has given you khilafat and ejazat,then you are qualified.Look brother,see the posts in the thread" crazy stuff in masjid".We need mashaikh Haq.Take your responsibilities seriously brother,we need people like you.
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Old 12-15-2010, 08:37 PM   #27

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Asalaam Alaikum

The method of Zikr termed, 'Pas Anfas' is used by the Naqshbandia Owaisiah silsilah. This is a method of breathing in Allah Subhan's Name into the heart and then exhaling the Name, 'Hu' onto the outside of the heart(Qalb). In this way the Salik is guarding every breath and this is exactly what the Persian term, 'Pas anfas' means. With this method, the Salik is never in heedlessness of his/ her Creator.

It is a very powerful form of zikr and it is done on all of the 7 Lataif in one Zikr majlis sitting. The actual Zikr is Zikr-e-Qalbi also known as Zikre-Khafi.

Owaisiah zikr majalis are held all over the UK.

JazakAllah khairun

'Ya Illahi dil badal de..'
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Old 12-15-2010, 08:53 PM   #28

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pase anfas and other such methods are only tools to constantly remember Allah,actual ziker is to keep away from sin and adhere to sunna and sharia.unfortunately most of us take these tools as a purpose in themself,Pase anfas without adherence to sharia will not help any one in akhera.Tassawuf is an art of tazkia e nafse,all the rest are acceseries,and not a part of the actual art.Ignoring this basic fact has ,unfortunately,given an altogether different shape to this noble tariqa.
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Old 12-15-2010, 10:26 PM   #29

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pase anfas and other such methods are only tools to constantly remember Allah,actual ziker is to keep away from sin and adhere to sunna and sharia.unfortunately most of us take these tools as a purpose in themself,Pase anfas without adherence to sharia will not help any one in akhera.Tassawuf is an art of tazkia e nafse,all the rest are acceseries,and not a part of the actual art.Ignoring this basic fact has ,unfortunately,given an altogether different shape to this noble tariqa.
Asalaam Alaikum

I agree with this. The Salik knows when the zikr is effective when there is a positive change in his/ her practical life. Adherance to Quran and Sunnah and ultimately Shariah becomes easy for the Salik. He/she strives to earn Halal rizq and and follow the Sunnah and Shariah. Individuals are fooling themselves if they believe that they can do Zikr and not follow Shariah. Also there is need for guidance from a Teacher/ Sheikh as this is the Sunnah tariqah. No none has ever taught themselves, please remember this. So may Allah SWT protect us from such erronous beliefs amd keep us on Siraat ul Mustaqim. May Allah SWT bless us all with Istaqamah and the ability to recognise Shaytan the Accursed for what he is. And may our efforts be ongoing and totally for the pleasure of Allah SWT in this life, Barzakh, Akhiraah/ Yaumal Qiyamaah. Ameen.
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Old 12-15-2010, 10:52 PM   #30

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I agree with this. The Salik knows when the zikr is effective when there is a positive change in his/ her practical life. Adherance to Quran and Sunnah and ultimately Shariah becomes easy for the Salik. He/she strives to earn Halal rizq and and follow the Sunnah and Shariah. Individuals are fooling themselves if they believe that they can do Zikr and not follow Shariah. Also there is need for guidance from a Teacher/ Sheikh as this is the Sunnah tariqah. No none has ever taught themselves, please remember this. So may Allah SWT protect us from such erronous beliefs amd keep us on Siraat ul Mustaqim. May Allah SWT bless us all with Istaqamah and the ability to recognise Shaytan the Accursed for what he is. And may our efforts be ongoing and totally for the pleasure of Allah SWT in this life, Barzakh, Akhiraah/ Yaumal Qiyamaah. Ameen.

Jazak Allah khairan brother,May Allah bless you.
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Old 12-16-2010, 01:12 AM   #31

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pase anfas and other such methods are only tools to constantly remember Allah,actual ziker is to keep away from sin and adhere to sunna and sharia.unfortunately most of us take these tools as a purpose in themself,Pase anfas without adherence to sharia will not help any one in akhera.Tassawuf is an art of tazkia e nafse,all the rest are acceseries,and not a part of the actual art.Ignoring this basic fact has ,unfortunately,given an altogether different shape to this noble tariqa.
yup you hit it on target. Hazrat jalalabadi moulana masihullah khan sherwani ra used to say that every obedient servant of Allah swt is a zaakir.
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Old 12-16-2010, 01:29 AM   #32

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Asalaam Alaikum

The method of Zikr termed, 'Pas Anfas' is used by the Naqshbandia Owaisiah silsilah. This is a method of breathing in Allah Subhan's Name into the heart and then exhaling the Name, 'Hu' onto the outside of the heart(Qalb). In this way the Salik is guarding every breath and this is exactly what the Persian term, 'Pas anfas' means. With this method, the Salik is never in heedlessness of his/ her Creator.

It is a very powerful form of zikr and it is done on all of the 7 Lataif in one Zikr majlis sitting. The actual Zikr is Zikr-e-Qalbi also known as Zikre-Khafi.

Owaisiah zikr majalis are held all over the UK.

JazakAllah khairun

'Ya Illahi dil badal de..'
we used to do this with entire kalimah not just ism e zaat
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Old 12-16-2010, 02:05 AM   #33

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asalam alay kum
Dear brother FususAlHikam i was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me your e-mail, as i was looking for some information
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Old 12-16-2010, 02:22 AM   #34

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asalam alay kum
Dear brother FususAlHikam i was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me your e-mail, as i was looking for some information
you are already an Arif, what information can a small person like me give to you? I got in trouble last time I gave out my email addy.
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Old 12-16-2010, 05:53 AM   #35

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we used to do this with entire kalimah not just ism e zaat
MashAllah Hazrat. I was once told by an Alim e deen that Sidiq e Akbar Hazrat Abu Bakr RA did this. Allah Hu Allim if this correct?

In our silsillah Owaisiah, the Mashaikh have prescribed the pas anfas method with Isme Zaat to be done morning and evening. JazakAllah.
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Old 12-16-2010, 07:11 AM   #36

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MashAllah Hazrat. I was once told by an Alim e deen that Sidiq e Akbar Hazrat Abu Bakr RA did this. Allah Hu Allim if this correct?

In our silsillah Owaisiah, the Mashaikh have prescribed the pas anfas method with Isme Zaat to be done morning and evening. JazakAllah.
Whats all this hazrat hazrat business? Ok, ok I will admit, I am a shake, a milk-shake

Hey bro tell me about your tareeqah, I have heard about it but dont know much. I have never met any Naqshbandi Owaisi bros. How is the tarteeb of suluk in your tareeqa? What do the mashaikh emphasize? Is it true you guys do bayt straight to Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam? Do you guys also line up the lataif in a circle like the Naqshbandi Mujadidis? Do you have the same asbaaq? Any reading material you can recommend?
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Old 12-16-2010, 12:37 PM   #37

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dear fusoos saheb the owaisi silsila has been discussed in detail on this forum previously. If you search for it you shall find many answers to your questions. Hazrat Yusuf Ludhianvi rh has written on the issue especially about the owaisi concept of 'bayt with Rasulullah sallahuwaslam' being a criterion for a kamil shaykh and anyone who does not have this is basically a fraud. This concept has been thoroughly analyzed by maulana Yusuf ludhianvi rh. The way of the present khalifah Akram Awan saheb is not on the 'mansha' of the ulema of deoband due to various issues which no deobandi will ever agree with. 2 views come to mind instantly...trousers below the ankles and pictures though upon deeper analysis there are other issues. ALLAH knows best
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Old 12-16-2010, 02:09 PM   #38

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dear fusoos saheb the owaisi silsila has been discussed in detail on this forum previously. If you search for it you shall find many answers to your questions. Hazrat Yusuf Ludhianvi rh has written on the issue especially about the owaisi concept of 'bayt with Rasulullah sallahuwaslam' being a criterion for a kamil shaykh and anyone who does not have this is basically a fraud. This concept has been thoroughly analyzed by maulana Yusuf ludhianvi rh. The way of the present khalifah Akram Awan saheb is not on the 'mansha' of the ulema of deoband due to various issues which no deobandi will ever agree with. 2 views come to mind instantly...trousers below the ankles and pictures though upon deeper analysis there are other issues. ALLAH knows best
ya i always heard its very controversial and to find a proper shaikh in this particular tareeqah is very difficult.
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Old 12-16-2010, 02:19 PM   #39

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fusoos man what can I say....See there is some quote by hazrat sultan bahu that a kamil shaykh should take a seeker to the majlis of Rasulullah sallahuwasalam (do you know anything about the majlis, darbar, diwan or related subject)..now I spoke to one shaykh and he said this refers to taking a mureed to the sunnah/shariat of Rasulullah sallahuwasalam not anything else? Anyway I don't know about these matters maybe you might have heard/read something?
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Old 12-16-2010, 03:01 PM   #40

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fusoos man what can I say....See there is some quote by hazrat sultan bahu that a kamil shaykh should take a seeker to the majlis of Rasulullah sallahuwasalam (do you know anything about the majlis, darbar, diwan or related subject)..now I spoke to one shaykh and he said this refers to taking a mureed to the sunnah/shariat of Rasulullah sallahuwasalam not anything else? Anyway I don't know about these matters maybe you might have heard/read something?
he is speaking on many levels - majlis of Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam i am thinking means both. meaning to take taleem of sunnah and adopt that and also the physical majlis of Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam (which a person cannot enter without being on strict sunnah/shariat)

darbar i have heard from moulana tanvir he even wrote a book on it called darbar i have not gotten a hand on this book yet i been looking for it for 2 years. my friend recently went to pak and i asked him if he meets moulana to get it. moulana tanvir told him he has some copies he was gonna give but there was some flight conflict and my friend couldnt get around to meeting him before he left. darbar is the majlis of Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam that elite shuyookh visit in ruhani state. i have heard that this darbar meeting takes place at tahajjud time. but i have also heard of a ghaus al waqt visiting there after asr time. Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam is seated there on his throne and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq ra to his right, Hazrat Umar ra to his left, Hazrat Ali kw on the side of him and Hazrat Bilal ra infront of him. The elite buzrughs attend there and the ghaus al azam gets his instructions from there. other than that i dont know much about it. i have to get that book but so far ive come up with blanks. Moulana Hakeem Akhtar sahib db refers to it in his poetry if i remember correctly in that poem he has "ay khuda e khaliq e kouno makaan" there is a mention that "dont take me away from the darbar after taking me there" -i was listening to it and i heard that line i kept repeating it, i found it strange that he included this in his poetry, out of nowhere the mention of a darbar, so i guessed he is hinting to the darbar of Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam but i could be wrong. there are darbari buzrughs but i think they rarely make it apparent. except moulana tanvir db he openly discusses it which leads me to believe he is a darbari buzrugh.
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