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Old 12-05-2010, 11:24 AM   #1

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Default Pas anfas?

Do I need permission from a Shaykh to practice the Pas anfas method of dhikr?
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Old 12-06-2010, 12:58 AM   #2

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You do not need permission to do it.

It would be better for you to consult with a Shaykh as different temperaments can't handle some types of zikr. A shaykh will be able to advise you on dhikr that is suitable for you to do and that would bring the desired results.
dhikr is suitable for everyone. It depends on a persons committment to it. Some are more difficult to do and maintain than others.

What do you mean by desired results? Dhikr is Allah's rememberance and for HIS closeness ALONE. It is solely for the sake of Allah and there are no 2 ways about it.
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:10 PM   #3

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Do I need permission from a Shaykh to practice the Pas anfas method of dhikr?
What is your objective for doing it? Why did you choose paas anfaas and not something else? Have you done azkaar that are before paas anfaas? How do you know that your time spent in doing paas anfaas could be better utilized elswhere?

To answer all of those questions with one answer, ya, you need permission from a shaikh to do paas anfaas.
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Old 12-06-2010, 11:47 PM   #4

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Yes dhikr in it of itself is suitable for everyone, in fact we have all been commanded to do dhikr and to remember Allah. I'm not saying to not do dhikr at all. I'm saying that certain forms of dhikr have been prescribed by mashaaikh in order for people with certain temperaments and at certain levels to progress. A shaykh looks at the whole picture and then prescribes dhikr for the betterment of one who is asking. It's sort of like a doctor prescribing medicine for you, he will look at the whole picture and then tell you what to do. These days the majority of us have weak hearts and can't handle some of the methods of zikr written in books of tasawwuf, sometimes too much dhikr could result in dryness of temperament and then turn a person away from Allah. Like you said, the purpose for dhikr is to please Allah, obviously, what i'm saying is dhikr is the sword, you need an expert who knows how to handle it in order to make the proper cut, that is if we want to know how to become closer to Allah we find someone who is already close to Allah and knows how to get there, and commit ourselves to his instructions. If we were sick we wouldn't down a bunch of bottles of random medicines because of course, medicine is for everyone to become healthier, we would ask a doctor which medicine is suitable for us and for our particular disease
I agree with you sister.Pase anfas is more like a treatment,If some one is interested in Zikre per se,there are many masnoon azkar,tilawat,durood etc which our beloved Prophet (pbuh) has shown umma,and are therefore safe for every one,this can not be said about Azkar of mashaikh.The reason being,mashaikh advise these azkar for a particular purpose,the purpose being the achievement of the quality of "Ehsan",obviously the treatment varies according to the condition of patient.One kind of tablet safe for one person,may cause an allergic reaction in another person.That is why the ame shaikh would advise pase anfas to one mureed,zikre qalbi to another and Zikre Jeher to the third.So it would be advisable for the brother to ask a shaikh.
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Old 12-06-2010, 11:51 PM   #5

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What is your objective for doing it? Why did you choose paas anfaas and not something else? Have you done azkaar that are before paas anfaas? How do you know that your time spent in doing paas anfaas could be better utilized elswhere?

To answer all of those questions with one answer, ya, you need permission from a shaikh to do paas anfaas.
MashaAllah brother,you summarized it in a wonderful way.You should ba a shaikh !!!
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Old 12-06-2010, 11:55 PM   #6

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It would be better for you to consult with a Shaykh as different temperaments can't handle some types of zikr. A shaykh will be able to advise you on dhikr that is suitable for you to do and that would bring the desired results.

Russian Spetsnaz use Naqshbandi Muraqaba and Pan-Anfas for training and they are not even Muslims.

They use it to stay alert and focused in extreme circumstances etc.

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Old 12-07-2010, 01:10 AM   #7

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Very interesting colonel,at least it shows its usefullness.
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Old 12-07-2010, 05:54 AM   #8

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Yes dhikr in it of itself is suitable for everyone, in fact we have all been commanded to do dhikr and to remember Allah. I'm not saying to not do dhikr at all. I'm saying that certain forms of dhikr have been prescribed by mashaaikh in order for people with certain temperaments and at certain levels to progress. A shaykh looks at the whole picture and then prescribes dhikr for the betterment of one who is asking. It's sort of like a doctor prescribing medicine for you, he will look at the whole picture and then tell you what to do. These days the majority of us have weak hearts and can't handle some of the methods of zikr written in books of tasawwuf, sometimes too much dhikr could result in dryness of temperament and then turn a person away from Allah. Like you said, the purpose for dhikr is to please Allah, obviously, what i'm saying is dhikr is the sword, you need an expert who knows how to handle it in order to make the proper cut, that is if we want to know how to become closer to Allah we find someone who is already close to Allah and knows how to get there, and commit ourselves to his instructions. If we were sick we wouldn't down a bunch of bottles of random medicines because of course, medicine is for everyone to become healthier, we would ask a doctor which medicine is suitable for us and for our particular disease
Hmm i agree what you are saying. In our silsila they make us start from pas anfas or zikr -e-khafi which is meant to be the best zikr.

It is reported in tafsir Mazhari

The Prophet SAW said that Zikr e Khaffi which cannot be heard by the Kiraman Katibeen is 70 times better than other types of zikr.

Also from the verse in the quran

Remember thy lord in your soul humbly and with awe and not in the loudness of words. [7:205]

What is your objective for doing it? Why did you choose paas anfaas and not something else? Have you done azkaar that are before paas anfaas? How do you know that your time spent in doing paas anfaas could be better utilized elswhere?

To answer all of those questions with one answer, ya, you need permission from a shaikh to do paas anfaas.
See post above. the order is in the quran to do it.

If some1 desires to do it and they can do it then why stop them. God forbid some1 ends up with a fake peer they will never do pas anfas their whole life but will be restricted to oral zikr.

Russian Spetsnaz use Naqshbandi Muraqaba and Pan-Anfas for training and they are not even Muslims.

They use it to stay alert and focused in extreme circumstances etc.

Its not the pas anfas method that makes the zikr powerful. But its Allahs name + pas anfas. Combining of Allahs name to ones breath and soul. That what makes the zikr. Take Allahs name out of the equation and the method itself holds little merit.

A bit like if kaafir acts upon shariah they will obtain worldy benefit but no benefit in the hereafter. A Muslim acts on shariah for the sake of Allah resulting in reward in this world and the hereafter. Take for the sake of Allah out and only worldly benefit remains.

Pas anfas zikr is the method used by highest ranked sufis in history .
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Old 12-07-2010, 11:17 AM   #9

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welcome back mundo saheb. Your point does not really make sense. You are saying that a fake shaykh will restrict one to loud zikr. Well I have news for you. There have been many people in history whose lataif have been activated just by loud zikr...what do you have to say about that? These kind of azkaar are prescriptions and vary from individual to individual. Name me 1 shaykh in history who said pas anfaas can be done without the permission of a shaykh. It is not like saying Subhanallah, ALLAH hu akbar etc...A shaykh once said to me...the sunnah azkaar are like vitamins i.e. can be utilized by anybody but the azkaar and ashgaal of the sufiya like pas anfaas, habs dams, zikr qalbi, muraqabahs etc are like medicine and can only be prescribed.

Please tell me where you got the proof that pas anfaas is the method utilized by the highest ranking sufis in history? Actually the preferred method utilized by the mashaikh varied......yes some utilized pas anfaas, others utilized zikr qalbi with no focus on the breath but the sole focus was the heart etc etc....
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Old 12-07-2010, 06:08 PM   #10

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Isn't permission to do this given in the text itself

“Take a deep breath. When inhaling concentrate on the word Allaah.

When exhaling concentrate on the syllable Hu.

Do this repeatedly. In the beginning, practice this exercise in solitude until you feel a warm sensation. Thereafter, perform it at all times.”
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Old 12-07-2010, 08:36 PM   #11

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Its not the pas anfas method that makes the zikr powerful. But its Allahs name + pas anfas. Combining of Allahs name to ones breath and soul. That what makes the zikr. Take Allahs name out of the equation and the method itself holds little merit.

A bit like if kaafir acts upon shariah they will obtain worldy benefit but no benefit in the hereafter. A Muslim acts on shariah for the sake of Allah resulting in reward in this world and the hereafter. Take for the sake of Allah out and only worldly benefit remains.

Pas anfas zikr is the method used by highest ranked sufis in history .

I am pretty sure that Russian Soldiers are not trying to get close to Allah (SWT) by incorporating methods of Naqshbandi-Mujaddadi Tareeqa in their training.
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Old 12-08-2010, 04:00 AM   #12

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welcome back mundo saheb. Your point does not really make sense. You are saying that a fake shaykh will restrict one to loud zikr. Well I have news for you. There have been many people in history whose lataif have been activated just by loud zikr...what do you have to say about that? These kind of azkaar are prescriptions and vary from individual to individual. Name me 1 shaykh in history who said pas anfaas can be done without the permission of a shaykh. It is not like saying Subhanallah, ALLAH hu akbar etc...A shaykh once said to me...the sunnah azkaar are like vitamins i.e. can be utilized by anybody but the azkaar and ashgaal of the sufiya like pas anfaas, habs dams, zikr qalbi, muraqabahs etc are like medicine and can only be prescribed.

Please tell me where you got the proof that pas anfaas is the method utilized by the highest ranking sufis in history? Actually the preferred method utilized by the mashaikh varied......yes some utilized pas anfaas, others utilized zikr qalbi with no focus on the breath but the sole focus was the heart etc etc....
Please look at dalail us sulook under the chapter "zikr"

Oral zikr is only words. Generally, words are not sufficient to give the necessary tawajjuh to illuminate ones lataif. I say generally because they are exceptions but they are very rare and only happen to odd 1 or 2 people. Very very very rare.

Zikr e qalbi is for everyone and its order is in the quran. Quran addresses all muslims. I posted the verse earlier.

Muraqqabba is Allahs gift to someone. He gives it to whome HE wills. He knows when some1 is ready for it.

Zikr is more than medicine. It is like food itself. Gives ur Imaan strength. Food is not given to selective people but is the need of every muslim.
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Old 12-08-2010, 10:19 PM   #13

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Asalaam Alaikum brothers/ sisters

I think we forget the ultimate aim of any form of zikr and other forms of permissable forms of worship and that is to beocome an Obedient of Servant of Alimghty Allah SWT. All of the amaal are without consequennce if there is no change in the practical life and this includes spending time about debating and arguing about pointless things. All forms of Zikr are allowed by Shariah are acceptable and they will get us to our destination which is the GRAVE. The problem is that we have let Shaytan and Nafs get in the way and we are ready to slit each other''s throats with sladnerous words and accusations. May Allah swt open our eyes! Let Allah swt be the Judge and sufficient is HE as a witness. May Allah swt protect us from Shaytan and his comrades. Please stop the bickering and al the debating. The Holy Prophet SAWS did not allow debationg as this can lead ultimatley to Kufr. The Holy Prohpet SAWS also said the a Believer is a mirror for another Believer. Please let's stick to the facts. May Allah swt bless all the Ulema e Haq. may Allah SWT bless all the Mashaikh e Haq and all the Silsillas which teach the true Prophetic teaching. May Allah SWT bless Hazrat Mualana Allah Yaar Khan RehmatUllah Alai and may Allah SWT protect and preserve Silisillah Naqshabndia Owaisiah and our sheikh Hazrat Sheikh ul Mukarram Muhammad Akram Awan (db). And may Allaw swt make us all TRUE and OBEDIENT SLAVES and protect us from Shaytan and his evil whispertings and the base desires within our Nafs. Ameen.
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Old 12-09-2010, 03:10 AM   #14

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when you ask ppl from nra why do we need guns they always respond by "its our constitutional right thats why." they never really answer the question.

but from reading other responses on this thread i figure that this persons objective is to open lataif. so the objective of doing paas anfaas is nulled then.

Its funny to me that people think paas anfaas is some big secret or some big practice in sulook. its one way, out of many many ways, to make zikr.

anyways, the method described above to make paas anfaas isnt even totally accurate. mashaikh have mentioned that simple method in books yes but to properly do paas anfaas you would need sohbat of shaikh and sit in front of him and he will demonstrate the complete way.

i highly doubt that russian soldiers are sitting around in russian military khanqahs making paas anfaas.

in conclusion, you need a shaikh. i wondered why this person is so stuck on paas anfaas but now i know, the poor fellow thinks its gonna open his lataif fast.
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Old 12-09-2010, 11:02 AM   #15

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yes fususoos you hit the nail on the head. Pas anfaas is just one of the azkaar and ashgaal prescribed by the sufiya. The point is instead of pas anfaas, why don't we all recommend zikr qalib, or some muraqabah or something else...like habs dams or habs nafi etc. The point is each of these azkaar are medicine for the seeker and the dr (shaykh) has to prescribe it. Also who said the maqsood is opening up the lataif. What will you say to imam sirhindi who gave khilafat to a person on the first latifah?
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Old 12-09-2010, 04:24 PM   #16

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yes fususoos you hit the nail on the head. Pas anfaas is just one of the azkaar and ashgaal prescribed by the sufiya. The point is instead of pas anfaas, why don't we all recommend zikr qalib, or some muraqabah or something else...like habs dams or habs nafi etc. The point is each of these azkaar are medicine for the seeker and the dr (shaykh) has to prescribe it. Also who said the maqsood is opening up the lataif. What will you say to imam sirhindi who gave khilafat to a person on the first latifah?
it seemed like when the mention of lataif came that there was a change in the intention or possibly the underlying intention was brought up.

I love Shaikh Mujadid Alf Thaani Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi (ra), I really enjoy his maktubaat. Why did he give khilafath to a person on the first latifah? I dont know, you will have to ask him. Shaikh gives khilafath for many different reasons known only to Allah swt and the shaikh.
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Old 12-09-2010, 04:33 PM   #17

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shaykh fusoos saheb. Did you get my email?
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Old 12-09-2010, 04:37 PM   #18

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shaykh fusoos saheb. Did you get my email?
please dont call me shaykh bro.

ya i did but i didnt quite understand it please elaborate. i think you already know what you are looking for.
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Old 12-09-2010, 04:47 PM   #19

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That's not a problem inshallah. Make dua for me. Please keep posting on the forum especially with regards to tasawuff related matters. I shall send you another email now.

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Old 12-09-2010, 05:16 PM   #20

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That's not a problem inshallah. Make dua for me. Please keep posting on the forum especially with regards to tasawuff related matters. I shall send you another email now.

i just recently started posting on here. i didnt know this forum was so informative. this forum is too addictive. too much to read on here, there are lots of knowledgeable people on here. i was following thread on 'isteywa' - brother abuhajirah recently posted entire risalah of moulana thanvi ra, the debate on 'isteywa' was intense. no diss to other forums but this is probably the best forum i have seen around on internet. you can find beneficial discussion on just about any topic ppl keep it clean. very good forum. ill check for ur email iA. make dua for me too bro i need duas big time!
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