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Old 09-07-2010, 08:33 PM   #1

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Default To SASLAMS n co.

To SASLAMS/sh.Abdoeragmaan,Colonel_Hardstone n co.

I have noticed that there is a trend developing here,that whenever I post something,people deem it necessary to derail the thread by bringing The Majlis into the picture.I encourage people to read The Majlis for amongst others:

the author generally does not pass any fatwa under any pressure.he does not care who it is,and says it as he sees it.

as far as I know,he is financially independent,which allows him to do what he does.

I have found very few ulama who have researched and authored as extensively as he has done.hence I quote from him many times.

I have no affiliation with him,and have only met him twice or thrice,coupled with greeting him when I see him at the eid gah.

If I follow a different mufti's fatwa on a certain issue than it would be really ludicrous to make claims like 'the majlis crowd are 2 faced'.besides it is downright stupid to suggest that it is hypocracy to acknowledge and promote the fatwa of a scholar whith who there are difference on another issue.I wonder where the ummah will be if we all the scholars adopt this approach.

A certain member of SF posted this:

'One of their affiliates in one lecture spoke against secular education in totality including the islamic schools. It’s easy for a millionaire mufti with a change stores all over the country selling clothing that entices men. He doesn’t want dunyawi knowledge but his dunya is built on haraam clothing.'[/QUOTE]
I challenge this member to tell us who this majlis affiliate is or at least name the 'change' store he has.It's easy to go around making blanket unsubstatiated slanderous,sensationalistic and scandalous statements regarding a particular group to play with people's emotions and score cheap points.I'd also challenge this individual to provide proof that majlis has sanctioned the supposed wrong actions of the said aalim.Don't throw around words like swine,varkvleis and petticoats e.t.c. without context.They should be reproduced with the sentence they were placed in and their respective contexts.
[edit:]on that point, Is this the criteria of halal/haraam that the MJC uses when raising funds?

This is the advice of Mufti Ebrahim- http://www.askimam.org/fatwa/fatwa.p...3f423e610832d4

It should also be pointed out that differences of opinions among academics is regarded as academic honesty. This is common even among academics in secular qualifications. The different views among the Ulama, based on academics is a mercy upon the ummah and should be tolerated. If other Ulama have differing views from Hazrath’s views and both are based on academic substantiations, then it will be incorrect to brand any one view as being an extreme view. While we concur with Hazrath on the issue of television and open wrongs of television and radio stations, we may differ with him on other issues. However, we will respect his view and tolerate it as Hazrath’s views are generally substantiated by Shariah. I've personally heard Mufti A.K.Hoosein and read the writings of Mufti Elias,both who have come under severe cticism from the majlis,definitely more than that directed at Mufti Taqi and iirc,more than that directed to even Ml.Taha,stating to the effect that Ml. is a scholar of high calibre and praising his scholarship.btw,because that a similar view was shared to me by Ml.Ighsaan Hendriks days before the MJC condemned the majlis at a press conference.
Ml.Desai did not appear on the scene last night.His been serving the deen for decades and at 71,is one of the senior ulama.You might not know,but in the days when Islamic literature were few and far between,and many of us were not yet born,and when most of our parents and grandparents were ignorant of the deen,and when the community was completely infested with bid'aat,those were the days when majlis was either translating/publishing/authoring books on aqidah,fiqh,ahlaaq e.t.c. which were used to teach children in madressah or which were used in the publishing of later books by others.The days when ulama were not open against bid'aat e.t.c. those were the days majlis openly condemned it,and today we are where we are.multitudes learnt how to perform salaah,ghusl and aqidah from the efforts of the majlis in S.A. and abroad.He even spent time in prison and had his liberties curtailed because of his service to the deen.As far as I am concerned,I won't take part in condemning the man and I make an effrot not to take part in condemning any aalim for that matter.Majlis has nothing to prove to anyone,he has done his fair share for the ummah.

I do not need a mufti on SF or SASLAMS and his like to indicate to me that I should not consider the particular scholar.I would also challenge the mufti to spend half the wealth and time Ml.Desai has spent in the service of the deen and to match the scholarship of Mufti A.K. before he deems appropriate to indicate whether anybody should consider the said scholar or not.

My parting point is that please do not derail threads in which I post by deflecting attention to irrelatives.And I frankly don't care if you don't care what majlis says.my above post is in defence of an aalim of the deen and Allah will reward me for it.

was salaam.
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Old 09-07-2010, 10:28 PM   #2

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Ml.Desai did not appear on the scene last night.His been serving the deen for decades and at 71...
was salaam.

Is Mufti Desai 71 years old ?

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Old 09-07-2010, 10:32 PM   #3

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Ml.Desai did not appear on the scene last night.His been serving the deen for decades and at 71,is one of the senior ulama.You might not know,but in the days when Islamic literature were few and far between,and many of us were not yet born,and when most of our parents and grandparents were ignorant of the deen,and when the community was completely infested with bid'aat,those were the days when majlis was either translating/publishing/authoring books on aqidah,fiqh,ahlaaq e.t.c. which were used to teach children in madressah or which were used in the publishing of later books by others.The days when ulama were not open against bid'aat e.t.c. those were the days majlis openly condemned it,and today we are where we are.multitudes learnt how to perform salaah,ghusl and aqidah from the efforts of the majlis in S.A. and abroad.He even spent time in prison and had his liberties curtailed because of his service to the deen.As far as I am concerned,I won't take part in condemning the man and I make an effrot not to take part in condemning any aalim for that matter.Majlis has nothing to prove to anyone,he has done his fair share for the ummah.
This is a very important point I believe that always gets left out.

For all the rights and wrongs which I have no idea of, but this is a general point.

people should atleast aknowledge the sacrifces which the elders made so that life could be made easier for us.

Im talking about the life in the UK. It is our fathers and grand fathers that came from the sub continant, yes to aquire money, but alhamdulillah, they had th worry and concern for their generations to come. they worked hard, chipped in together to buy houses to be used for prayers and madrassa for the children. they made worry and concern about halal butchers.

in short, regardless of their short comings, we should always aknowledge the debt we owe to the older generations. they instilled certain values and morals in us which has kept the fitna at bay until now.

we now see(in the UK) that as those generations are slowly passing away, thus our morals are also going with them. because of the elders, people used to have a sense of shame and modesty. that is slowly evaporating.

Old 09-07-2010, 10:48 PM   #4

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This is a very important point I believe that always gets left out.

For all the rights and wrongs which I have no idea of, but this is a general point.

people should atleast aknowledge the sacrifces which the elders made so that life could be made easier for us.

Im talking about the life in the UK. It is our fathers and grand fathers that came from the sub continant, yes to aquire money, but alhamdulillah, they had th worry and concern for their generations to come. they worked hard, chipped in together to buy houses to be used for prayers and madrassa for the children. they made worry and concern about halal butchers.

in short, regardless of their short comings, we should always aknowledge the debt we owe to the older generations. they instilled certain values and morals in us which has kept the fitna at bay until now.

we now see(in the UK) that as those generations are slowly passing away, thus our morals are also going with them. because of the elders, people used to have a sense of shame and modesty. that is slowly evaporating.
Little are we grateful, many, especially myself are "born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth", and are extremely ungrateful with regards to the progress made by our elders in such a short period of time.

I was recently reading a piece on Sheikh Saleem Dhorat's father (R.A), and pondered the thought of creating a thread where we can discuss non-ulama elders who have been pioneers in there respective community's. Many spring to mind may Allah shower them all with his countless mercies!
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:11 PM   #5

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Is Mufti Desai 71 years old ?

I am sure the brother is mistaken. Ml. AS Desai is definitely under 60, probably around 55.
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:26 PM   #6

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Little are we grateful, many, especially myself are "born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth", and are extremely ungrateful with regards to the progress made by our elders in such a short period of time.

I was recently reading a piece on Sheikh Saleem Dhorat's father (R.A), and pondered the thought of creating a thread where we can discuss non-ulama elders who have been pioneers in there respective community's. Many spring to mind may Allah shower them all with his countless mercies!

I believe in the UK(1960'S1970'S), it was generally the non ulema who took the vital steps in establishing our communities,which we take for granted, and we now have the masajids,madrassas etc.

Old 09-07-2010, 11:26 PM   #7

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Mufti saheb,I might be wrong.The only place where I could find his DOB was in an academic paper on the University Of Cape Town's website:


Desai’s Training & Works
Ahmed Sadeq Desai was born in Port Elizabeth on the 25th of December 1939.
Having grown up in the Desai family who originally hail from India, he was
encouraged by his elders to pursue theological education in India. At an early age, he
set off to Jalalabad where he enrolled at the well-known Miftah ul-Ulum theological
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:32 PM   #8

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Mufti saheb,I might be wrong.The only place where I could find his DOB was in an academic paper on the University Of Cape Town's website:


Ahmed Sadeq Desai was born in Port Elizabeth on the 25th of December 1939. Almost like a conspiracy :P

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Old 09-07-2010, 11:36 PM   #9

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Almost like a conspiracy :P

for the correction.I wonder what his age is-he has to be definitely over 50,because my mother remembers The Majlis being around since the 70's iirc.
Ml. must have started his effort at a young age.
was salaam
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:39 PM   #10

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for the correction.I wonder what his age is-he has to be definitely over 50,because my mother remembers The Majlis being around since the 70's iirc.

was salaam

inshAllah i will ask his son in law when I get to speak with him today or tomorrow.

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Old 09-07-2010, 11:42 PM   #11

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Can you plz direct me to a online biography of this Mufti Desai of the Majlis. I just read someone calling him a wannabe Mufti in another thread!! I simply couldnt beleive it!!! Maybe forums should be closed for Ramadhan...
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:52 PM   #12

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brother,I cannot find an authentic biography.

was salaam
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:56 PM   #13

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brother,I cannot find an authentic biography.

was salaam

Never mind. But am i correct in believing that all his studies were in Miftah al-Uloom, Jalalabad, and that he has ijazah (in tasawwuf) from Shaykh Maseehullah Khan Sherwani . Did he not study in Deoband or anything, or did he study Ifta in Jalalabad too?
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Old 09-08-2010, 12:37 AM   #14

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Never mind. But am i correct in believing that all his studies were in Miftah al-Uloom, Jalalabad, and that he has ijazah (in tasawwuf) from Shaykh Maseehullah Khan Sherwani . Did he not study in Deoband or anything, or did he study Ifta in Jalalabad too?
I do not know.If I'm not mistaken he was a hard-working student and Ml.Maseehullah(r.a.) was fond of him and that he completed his studies in a short span of time.I am not sure about ijazah(tasawwuf),because iirc,I've heard from some that he has ijazah,while I've heard from others,Allah knows best and May Allah Forgive me if I'm wrong,he did not accept the ijazah.Also,I don't think he did ifta. Ml.AbuHajira should please find out.

was salaam
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Old 09-08-2010, 12:38 AM   #15

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for the correction.I wonder what his age is-he has to be definitely over 50,because my mother remembers The Majlis being around since the 70's iirc.
Ml. must have started his effort at a young age.
was salaam

The Majlis started in 1978, the year I was born : )

My father has a collection of the first few editions of the Majlis. It looked very different.
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Old 09-08-2010, 12:40 AM   #16

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Never mind. But am i correct in believing that all his studies were in Miftah al-Uloom, Jalalabad, and that he has ijazah (in tasawwuf) from Shaykh Maseehullah Khan Sherwani . Did he not study in Deoband or anything, or did he study Ifta in Jalalabad too?

Apparently his Ifta consisted of Mawlana Masih Allah telling him that you are my mufti or something to that effect.
This is a popular story, which is why some don't accept him as a Mufti. Allah Ta'ala knows best how accurate the story is though.
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Old 09-08-2010, 12:58 AM   #17

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Info on him is difficult to find and it's very difficult to ascertain what is true and not.There are a lot of stories about his life,and I've heard a few only to hear that it's not true later on.I think Ml.AbuHajira and Mufti Hussein can author the first ever biography on one of the most controvercial aalims of S.A./of the times.

was salaam
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Old 09-08-2010, 04:28 AM   #18

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Info on him is difficult to find and it's very difficult to ascertain what is true and not.There are a lot of stories about his life,and I've heard a few only to hear that it's not true later on.I think Ml.AbuHajira and Mufti Hussein can author the first ever biography on one of the most controvercial aalims of S.A./of the times.

was salaam

Yeah, would be good! At least it won't be full of bias and hatred like the one is in the link you gave earlier in this thread...
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Old 09-08-2010, 05:23 AM   #19

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Info on him is difficult to find and it's very difficult to ascertain what is true and not.There are a lot of stories about his life,and I've heard a few only to hear that it's not true later on.I think Ml.AbuHajira and Mufti Hussein can author the first ever biography on one of the most controvercial aalims of S.A./of the times.
that! would be really nice..i dont no to much about mufi desai bt i like how he stands up for wha t he believes in & he does not care what others think of him...

he was also one of the few mls who at the beginning claimed commercial chicken in SA haram(i no this argument is stil gng on but this guy must hav a lot of guts to tel SA muslims not to eat nandos )
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Old 09-08-2010, 01:36 PM   #20

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In the early 70's there were 2 publications around:

Awake to the call of islam: very much in the style of the mujlis in terms of the tone adopted in the articles.

The muslim digest: under the auspices of ml abdul aleem sidiqque

The mujlis as stated by mufti saheb started in the late 70's

I have 10 copies of the first 2 and they are quite an interesting read.
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