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Old 07-06-2010, 03:21 AM   #21

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Old 07-06-2010, 03:35 AM   #22

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@ My brother ahlezikr,

:Jazak: for the karguzari. As for your request, consider it done. They also came back to the Masjid to play some basketball. I'm gonna go run with them .
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Old 07-06-2010, 03:39 AM   #23

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(4) What can be said about joining Tabligh Jama'at and touring America, England, Europe, Asia and other countries under the pretext of making ghusht and responding to the verse of the Qur'an that states: "Proceed (in the path of Allah) when light or heavy." Is this type of ghusht wajib, sunnah, or mustahab in the light of the Shari'ah?


(4) If the person's intention is merely to tour and is using the veil of Tabligh, he is making a grave mistake. One of the most fundamentals of the Tabligh Jama'at is the correction of intention. It is then incorrect to use the verse "proceed (in the path of Allah) when light or heavy" to encourage people to join such a tour. The verse has other connotations.

Written by the servant Mahmud (may Allah forgive him)
Darul Uloom Deoband
17/08/1390 A.H.


The second factor is that we find errors in belief and errors in action. In my understanding, an error in action is not as serious an error in belief. Although these people (of the Tabligh Jama'at do correct errors in action, they create errors in belief, which is much more harmful. The first error is that they regard a mustahab as being fardh. They interpret the virtues of jihad as the virtues of Tabligh. By your interpretation, the highest status that can be deduced is that of being mustahab. However, these people accord it the status of sunnah mu'akkadah.....


One factor has been omitted. It is the reply to your statement that the Ahadith stating the virtues of jihad have been accredited to the work of Tabligh. This is quite in order. The reason for this is commonly understood. There are two factors to be understood here. The first is that actually fighting the enemies of Islam is usually referred to as jihad. It has its own virtues and enjoys a very high status. The second thing is to exhort oneself for the Deen of Allah, even though this does not culminate actual fighting. A study of the Qur'an and the Ahadith will reveal that this is also referred to as jihad. In his commentary of Bukhari entitled Fathul Bari, Hafidh Ibn Hajar has stated that acquiring the knowledge of Deen (learning), imparting it (teaching) as well as enjoining good and forbidding evil are all forms of jihad. In the like manner, writing books of Deen, explaining masaa'il to people, responding to those who object to the Deen and debating with them are also forms of jihad. In fact, Imam Nawawi has mentioned approximately thirteen forms of jihad. Allah states in a verse of the Qur'an:

"O Nabi Wage jihad against the Kuffar and the Munaafiqin..."

Although this verse instructs the waging of jihad against the Kuffar and the Munafiqin, the sword was never drawn against the Munafiqin. Allah says in another verse:

"We shall definitely show Our avenues to those who exert themselves in our cause..."
'Ankabut: 69

Even in this verse, the term jihad does not refer to fighting with the sword.

The term 'khurooj fee sabeelilllah' ( going out in the path of Allah) is not exclusively used for fighting. In his Chapter of jihad (pg. 394), Imam Bukhari has reported a hadith that states:

"The fire (of Jahannam) will not touch the feet of the person whose feet became dusty in the path of Allah."

Imam Bukhari has also quoted the Hadith in his Chapter of Jumu'ah (pg. 124) with the words:

"Allah has forbiden the fire (of Jahannam) from the person whose feet have become dusty in the path of Allah."

This makes it evident that this term is not used exclusively for fighting (because the person proceeding for the Jumu'ah salah is also classified as someone who is in the path of Allah).

It should also be noted that the purpose of fighting in jihad is not to merely to spill blood, but to elevate the Deen. Then too, fighting with the sword will take place only when such an obstacle stands in the path of the elevation of the Deen which can be removed only by fighting with the sword. The procedure is that people are first invited to accept Islam. If they refuse, the sword is not yet drawn. They are then given the option of paying the jizya. If they accept this, they sword will not be necessary. If not the sword will be used as a last measure because there now stands an obstacle to the flourishing of the Deen. While there are great rewards for this (fighting with the sword), it stands to reason that the rewards for achieving the objectives of this fighting with the sword should be much greater. And Allah Knows best.

Written by the servant Mahmud (may Allah forgive him)

Taken from the book, Mufti Mahmud Hasan Sahib Gangohi and the Tabligh Jama'at
Jazak'Allah Khayr, Brother!

Is the book you are quoting from available online by any chance?
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:20 AM   #24

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Jazak'Allah Khayr, Brother!

Is the book you are quoting from available online by any chance?
Yes it is brother. You can purchase it from here:


You should also try to get Tabligh Made Easy by Mufti Afzal Husein Ilyas

Self Reformation and the Tabligh Jamat by Qari Tayyib

Unity of the Ummah by Mufti Muhammad Shafi

Words and Reflections of Maulana Ilyas

and most importantly, Hayaatus Sahaabah . (best to get Mufti Afzal Husein's translation)

This site has a selection also:

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Old 07-06-2010, 05:44 AM   #25

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the heaviest tashkeel will be made by the angel of death

any moment anywhere

we have seen peoples lives,widows orphans carry on

when we leave allah will still be taking care of things regardless
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:57 AM   #26

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Tableegh Made Easy (pdf) - by Mufti Afzal Hoosen Ilyas

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Old 07-06-2010, 06:46 AM   #27

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There is no escape! .. till all muslims become tableeghis! Insha Allah! ...
and then the world! Insha Allah! Allaaahu Akbar!
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Old 07-06-2010, 07:10 AM   #28

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the heaviest tashkeel will be made by the angel of death

any moment anywhere

we have seen peoples lives,widows orphans carry on

when we leave allah will still be taking care of things regardless
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Old 07-06-2010, 10:53 AM   #29

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I don't know how many of you have encountered those pushy and heavy Tashkeel by our Tableeghi brothers wherein you are left red faced for not being able to pack your bags and leave with them on a short notice, but I just experienced one such Tashkeel and I am sorry to say that I didn't quite like it. I reckon that it might not be the Brothers intention to cause that situation but it just happened.

I would like to ask veterans TJ Saathis about what do Usool-at-Tableegh and Akabireen have to say about it. Up to what extent should Saathis try to convince others to go out in the path of Allah?

And how does one respectfully refuse if he/she is not prepared to go for whatever personal reason?

P.S - I am in no way criticizing the work and dare I ever say anything against it. I love and respect this work. I must also mention that I do have a desire [not just intention] to go for 4 months, but I would only go according to my own Tarteeb.

May Allah Ta'ala accept me for this work. Ameen!
Well, this is quite simple my friends. Just say no politely with a smile. The problem with us in Dawah & Tabligh today is we seem to have forgotten the object of this noble effort. We can not expect brothers to come on sacrifice of Time, Energy & Resources if we don't win their hearts.
Once we can win a person over, then he/she begins to trust us.
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Old 07-06-2010, 10:57 AM   #30

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When a person begins to trust his fellow brother, then it becomes easy to understand the problems preventing him from going out in Jamat. This is where the togetherness( brotherhood) comes in.
Hafiz Patel always said "never give dry dawat". We TJs have forgotten the sunnnah of helping one another and sometimes we get so occupied in Taskeeling that we forget we are dealing with Human Beings.
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:03 AM   #31

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Tashkeel must be done with love, understanding, compassion etc. Sometimes when we get a "No" we shouldn't take it to heart. In my community there was a brother that we were working with for 9 years, he had many reservations about TJ, but we continued the ikram with hikmah. Allhamdolillah he spent 3 days in TJ. After coming back he told us it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Point i am trying to make is:
1. Those who are tashkeeling, be easy
2. Those who are being tashkeeled, Allah knows best about our situation. Don't be ashamed to simply say next time
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:04 AM   #32

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^ ^

That is true. Sometimes Nafs and Shaitan makes one forgetful of simple and basic things by confusing the intricate things. This work is the effort of the hearts.
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:12 AM   #33

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@ My brother ahlezikr,

:Jazak: for the karguzari. As for your request, consider it done. They also came back to the Masjid to play some basketball. I'm gonna go run with them .
Keep making dua for me brother. I spent some time with Maulana Ismail (db) last night, the journey ahead is very hard and I am not sure if I'll make it
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:17 AM   #34

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Keep making dua for me brother. I spent some time with Maulana Ismail (db) last night, the journey ahead is very hard and I am not sure if I'll make it

That means you are taking the same meezaj as giant Sahaabah like Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu Dhar
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:27 AM   #35

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That means you are taking the same meezaj as giant Sahaabah like Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu Dhar

Allahu Akbar! May Allah accept your good intentions and make me like that. I am nowhere close. Maulana Ismail (db) said that the main, best, most intelligent student of Sufyan Thauri (rah) was in the pangs of death. Sufyan Thauri (rah) went to see him and started reciting some Qur'an there, the student objected with a high tone and said, "Stop, no one is to recite that Qur'an here". Everyone was baffled. He passed away. Sufyan Thauri (rah) saw him in a dream afterwards and asked him, what happened to you? He said, I used to be jealous of my fellow students thats why my fate was such.

I am a bag full of worms bro, make dua. Hope the sleeping issue is solved.

Sorry for deviating from the topic of the thread
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:42 AM   #36

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Allahu Akbar! May Allah accept your good intentions and make me like that. I am nowhere close. Maulana Ismail (db) said that the main, best, most intelligent student of Sufyan Thauri (rah) was in the pangs of death. Sufyan Thauri (rah) went to see him and started reciting some Qur'an there, the student objected with a high tone and said, "Stop, no one is to recite that Qur'an here". Everyone was baffled. He passed away. Sufyan Thauri (rah) saw him in a dream afterwards and asked him, what happened to you? He said, I used to be jealous of my fellow students thats why my fate was such.

I am a bag full of worms bro, make dua. Hope the sleeping issue is solved.

Sorry for deviating from the topic of the thread
Man that's frightening......Jealousy shaves off the Deen according to the hadith. May Allah protect us and give us ikhlas, istiqaamah, and husnul khaatimah.

I made some istighfar and salawaat and after that Allah made half an hour of sleep suffice. for the reminder.
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Old 07-06-2010, 01:12 PM   #37
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Yes it is brother. You can purchase it from here:


You should also try to get Tabligh Made Easy by Mufti Afzal Husein Ilyas

Self Reformation and the Tabligh Jamat by Qari Tayyib

Unity of the Ummah by Mufti Muhammad Shafi

Words and Reflections of Maulana Ilyas

and most importantly, Hayaatus Sahaabah . (best to get Mufti Afzal Husein's translation)

This site has a selection also:

Just wanted to add that Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias' English translation of the Quran (Quran Made Easy) is in my opinion, THE BEST!
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Old 07-06-2010, 04:24 PM   #38

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Just wanted to add that Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias' English translation of the Quran (Quran Made Easy) is in my opinion, THE BEST!
can you give me a quick review of it and why it is better thn say the Tafsir Jalalayn recently released by sister Aisha Bewley?

I want to know as Ive been speaking to a athiest and have managed to convince him to read the Quran(translation). So I want to direct him to a good translation. he has also accepted my opinion of doing wudhu before he will start to read along with other adab.

So I want to direct him to a good translation. Theres two so far I would like him to look at. One is tafsir Jalalayn and also tafsir Majidy.
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:39 PM   #39

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There is no escape! .. till all muslims become tableeghis! Insha Allah! ...
and then the world! Insha Allah! Allaaahu Akbar!
i hope you are joking brother.
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:45 PM   #40

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Sheikh Yunus once used the term Tablighi brothers are fana. He wasnt criticising them, rather he was making a point that some of them are literally fana in their work.
If you encounter one of them (fana people) let it be tablighi, jihadi, sufi or any group you will find them extreme in some ways, especially if your moderate.

Truth be told most people strive a whole lifetime to get fana in thier work.

Personally i wouldnt knock it, just learn to accept it.
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