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Old 06-23-2011, 04:39 AM   #1

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Default Perfume with grain alcohol considered halal?

I intended to buy Kandesn Forbidden Parfum because it was certified as Halal "M" by IFANCA (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America.) Just to be sure I called the Sunrider company to verify if their perfume was indeed free of alcohol. The representative said, that their perfume contains natural (not synthetic!) grain alcohol and that the product was certified halal by IFANCA and the expire date of this certification will be until September of 2011.

This is rather strange because as far as I know in Hanafi madhab we are allowed to use but not consume only synthetic alcohol in perfumery.

Today I called IFANCA in their business hours but no one answered.

Does anyone know if it is halal to use perfume with non-synthetic grain alcohol in it?
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Old 06-23-2011, 06:49 AM   #2

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Assalam O Alaikum Br. Verdana,

Someone send me e-mail to answer this question. Grain alcohol is obtained by fermentation method mostly from corn. This perfume is not consider Halal based on Muslim Consumer Group's ulema recommendation and also MCG Criteria for Halal status. I also was telling Muslims on this forum that Halal certification or Halal symbol on the product does not meant Halal. Because many Halal certifying organization keep Muslims in dark by not providing their criteria for Halal status on their websites. You have already provided an example to Muslims on this forum regarding above issue. Many years back Attar is used to be manufactured with alcohol and it is used to comes from Europe for Middle East the Muslims started demanding alcohol free attar, now almost all attar in Saudi Arabia is free of alcohol. In this country you find many perfumes are made without alcohol but sometimes they used Specially Denatured alcohol. I have seen many answers from Ulema that Wadu and Namaz will not be valid if you use alcohol containing perfumes. Our skins contain many porous cells and this is two way street, sweat comes out from our body other things go inside in your body. This is the reason we should avoid perfumes with alcohol.

There is no difference in chemical formula, physical, chemical characteristic and intoxication quality of alcohol obtained from any source such as grape, date, corn, wheat. The synthetic alcohol is given a wrong interpretation for alcohol which is obtained from other than grape and date because there is no synthetic process involved in getting alcohol from other than grape and date sources because same fermentation is used to obtained alcohol from grape, date, corn, wheat, sugar cane, soybean and this is not called synthetic alcohol. In reality synthetic alcohol is made from gas and officially it is called as synthetic alcohol but there is no difference in intoxication quality between alcohol obtained through fermentation of sugar or through gas.

MCG refused to Halal certifying Krispe Kream donuts just because the donut mixes and glazes are made with alcohol. MCG Halal certification is acceptable to every Muslims. Our toll free number 1 877-515-1008 is good for USA and Canada for any Muslim to ask question regarding food ingredients, food products, Cosmetic, Medicine and Personal Care products.

There is big difference between Hanafi and other madhab regarding the acceptance of alcohol from other than grape and date.

I will advice you not to use Kandesn Forbidden Perfume from Sunrider Company just to save your prayers.

Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed
Muslim Consumer Group For Food Products USA/Canada
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Old 06-23-2011, 07:05 AM   #3

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uncle rasheedahmed

I really appreciate your valuable and detailed answer. Thank you very much. May I ask if you came across any high quality halal perfume (not essential oils) preferably that are sold in USA stores? Also can you comment on the Dr. Bronner's liquid soaps?
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Old 06-23-2011, 02:41 PM   #4

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what sort of alcohol is halaal.like some perfumes have alcohols with different names in it likecetyl alcohol,benzyl alcohol,what does all these mean??
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Old 06-23-2011, 02:55 PM   #5

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I would like to know in which hadith is mentioned that using alcohol for other than inner consumption is haram.
Thank you,
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Old 06-23-2011, 02:56 PM   #6

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what sort of alcohol is halaal.like some perfumes have alcohols with different names in it likecetyl alcohol,benzyl alcohol,what does all these mean??

Try this: http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.a...=1564&CATE=269 there's a chart at the bottom that explains what several types of alcohol are.
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Old 06-23-2011, 03:06 PM   #7

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Try this: http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.a...=1564&CATE=269 there's a chart at the bottom that explains what several types of alcohol are.
jzk.i read the whole thing and the chart too in brief all those mentioned in d chart fall under the category of alcohol ,and cannot be used is it??
and this article tells about consumption eh..
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Old 06-23-2011, 03:09 PM   #8

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I would like to know in which hadith is mentioned that using alcohol for other than inner consumption is haram.
Thank you,
alcohol is najis right so you cant pray with najis on you..
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Old 06-23-2011, 03:14 PM   #9

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I would like to know in which hadith is mentioned that using alcohol for other than inner consumption is haram.
Thank you,

Actually no one claimed as such. The problem with Khamr (alcohol derived from dates and grapes), being najs/impure according to all madhabs, is that if it touches your skin or cloth, you can't pray salat unless you wash that area. That touch in itself is permissible, but prayer with it is not. This is just like permissibility of soaking your hands in blood, however you can't pray with it until you wash your hands.

When a company certifies a perfume as "halal", we people take it to mean free of any impurity - alcohol, blood etc.. which doesn't void our prayers. Otherwise what is the point of this certification, to remind us that wiping over your skin with blood, alcohol or any other impurity is permissible?
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Old 06-23-2011, 03:19 PM   #10

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jzk.i read the whole thing and the chart too in brief all those mentioned in d chart fall under the category of alcohol ,and cannot be used is it??
and this article tells about consumption eh..
I don't know much about Shafi'i fiqh, other than it's more strict about Alcohol in products than the Hanafi Madhhab, but I pulled out my copy of Reliance of the Traveler and this is what it said:

"any liquid intoxicant (n: including, for the Shafi'i school, anything containing alcohol such as cologne and other cosmetics, though some major Hanafi scholars of this century, including Muhammad Bakhit al-Muti'i of Egypt and Badi al-Din al Hasani of Damascus, have given formal legal opinions that they are pure (tahir) because they are not produced or intended as intoxicants. (N: Other schools hold they are not pure, but their use is excusable to the extent strictly demanded by necessity.) While it is religiously more precautionary to treat them as filth, the dispensation exists where there is need, such as for postoperative patients who are unable for some time after their surgery to wash away the alcohol used to sterilize sutures. And Allah knows best.)
(N: As for solid intoxicants they are not filth, though they are unlawful to take, eat, or drink)" Reliance of the Traveler section e.14.1 (7) page 95.
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Old 06-23-2011, 03:20 PM   #11

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salam alikum,
it is so helpful to know, the life is much nicer
thank you

w salam
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Old 06-24-2011, 08:00 AM   #12

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Assalam O Alaikum Sister Taliba 23,

This is from our website:


Ethyl alcohol is Haram because of its intoxication quality. But not all alcohol are ethyl alcohol although word alcohol is written with their name. Here are some examples:

1. Sugar alcohols do not contain ethyl alcohol but they called sugar alcohol because of their chemical formula. Sugar Alcohols or Polyols are carbohydrate. All the sugar alcohols are Halal except Erythritol(made through alcoholic fermentation) and if Lactittol is made from non Halal whey then it is not Halal. But if Lactitol is made from sucrose then it is Halal.

2. isopropyl alcohol is also used in many processes as well as in home cleaning products and skin lotions and it is also known as "Rubbing alcohol". This is a Halal alcohol because it does not cause intoxication.

3. Methyl alcohol or methanol or wood alcohol is also a Halal alcohol but it is a toxic alcohol . It is used in denatured ethanol or alcohol to denatured ethyl alcohol.

4. Benzyl Alcohol is a organic compound and used as solvent in ink, paint, resin coating. It is a Halal alcohol.

5. Specially Denatured Alcohol and Completely Denatured alcohol are ethyl alcohols to which denaturing materials are added to denature ethyl alcohol for purpose of not intended for consumption. They are used in cosmetic, pharmaceuticals products. They are allowed for skin application by many ulema.

6. Butyl alcohol is not ethyl alcohol and used as solvent in paints

7. Cetyl alcohol is also not ethyl alcohol but a fatty alcohol or wax and it is Halal only if it is obtained from vegetable fat and it is a Haram ingredient if it is obtained from pork fat. It is used in cosmetic products. The manufacturer of cosmetic is the only one who know the source of cetyl alcohol. So you have to call the manufacturer.

8. Stearyl Alcohol is manufactured from fat based stearic acid and it is not ethyl alcohol. It is also used in cosmetic products. it is Halal only if it is obtained from vegetable fat based stearic acid and it is a Haram ingredient if it is obtained from pork fat. It is used in cosmetic products. The manufacturer of cosmetic is the only one who know the source of stearyl alcohol. So you have to call the manufacturer.

Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed
Muslim Consumer Group For Food Products USA/Canada
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Old 06-24-2011, 08:45 AM   #13

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Assalam O Alaikum Sister Taliba 23,

This is from our website:


Ethyl alcohol is Haram because of its intoxication quality. But not all alcohol are ethyl alcohol although word alcohol is written with their name. Here are some examples:

Different Madhhabs have different views of what (if any) types of alcohol are permissible, you can't make blanket statements like that.
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Old 06-24-2011, 01:03 PM   #14

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i've hearrd of this [as in there is halal n haram alcohol not a detaild one wit names] and this was the answer i was looking for but how do i know whethr it is pork fat or vegetable fat i mean the difference?? is there a way to identify that too?? sorry for asking so much but u'r answers are really useful.!! jazakallah
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Old 06-24-2011, 01:27 PM   #15

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The Hanafi view:


Prayer with alcohol based perfume

Perfume that contains alcohol

Ask Imam (Mufti Ebrahim Desai)

Can someone use a perfume that alcohol is one of its ingredients?

Both sites are basically saying the same thing - the perfume is pure and halal to wear for Hanafis if the alcohol in it doesn't come from dates or grapes.
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Old 06-24-2011, 01:38 PM   #16

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The Hanafi view:


Prayer with alcohol based perfume

Perfume that contains alcohol

Ask Imam (Mufti Ebrahim Desai)

Can someone use a perfume that alcohol is one of its ingredients?

Both sites are basically saying the same thing - the perfume is pure and halal to wear for Hanafis if the alcohol in it doesn't come from dates or grapes.
*sob* any idea about the shafi mazhab??
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Old 06-24-2011, 01:53 PM   #17

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*sob* any idea about the shafi mazhab??
According to the Shafi’i madhhab, khamr (alcoholic beverage made of grape juice) and nabīdh (alcoholic beverages that are made from other type of juices beside grape) are haram and impure (al-Tuhfah, al-Nihayah). Therefore, ethanol derived from alcoholic beverages is also haram and impure.

The synthetic alcohol is produced through the hydration of ethylene or hydroxylation of ethyl sulphate to yield ethanol and regenerate the sulphuric acid. Here, there is no fermentation process, thus, the synthetic alcohol is pure.

Therefore, synthetic alcohol would be permissible to use and will not cause body or clothing become impure. However it is not permissible for oral intake.
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Old 06-24-2011, 01:58 PM   #18

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Salam alikum,

so how shall I check perfumes in shop, what names of alcohol are making parfume haram and what is allowed? (taking into consideratin rules on prayer and oral use of course)
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Old 06-24-2011, 02:01 PM   #19

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jazakallah that was very clear
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Old 06-24-2011, 02:04 PM   #20

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Salam alikum,

so how shall I check perfumes in shop, what names of alcohol are making parfume haram and what is allowed? (taking into consideratin rules on prayer and oral use of course)

As mentioned above the alcohol that is 'najis'(causes impurity by contact) is the alcohol made by fermenting grapes and other fruits. As the alcohol used in the perfumes is synthetic and made by a different process it is not classified as 'najis' by the Scholars. But its not allowed for oral consumption.

But on top of this as mentioned in the sunnipath link, one is allowed to be rigorous to avoid all such product.
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