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Old 12-10-2008, 10:54 PM   #21

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Another exception is the eighth century Punjabi scholar Diya al-din Umar ibn Muhammad al-sunnami, who wrote the nisab al-ihtisab, a very important work in hisba. His teacher was a student of the great Hamid al-Din al-Darir (from central asia).

This work has been published and is an exceptional contribution to the genre. It also shows how ulama before deoband and Shah WaliAllah were acutely aware of the problem of bid'a in india. There are many sections in the work which deal with bid'a in this work, dancing and sama etc etc. which the author tirelessly opposed throughout his life.

May Allah bless him and raise his station in paradise.

Very true.
Nisab al-ihtisab is a truly wonderful and unmatched work, full of valuable texts from the early fuqaha of the madhab on a range of relevant issues.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:18 PM   #22

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What about the commentary on Durr al-Mukhtar by Muhammad Abid Sindhi. It was supposingly in 40 volumes, but not published yet. A student of Shaykh Muhammad Awwama wrote a biography on the author.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:26 PM   #23

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It is named Tawali' al-Anwar, a really magnificent work, combining both fiqh and hadith.
It is in approx. 10000 folios, which translates to over 50 volumes.
I have a manuscript of it, which we use when answering questions and during research.

The one who wrote the book on Sh. Abid Sindhi is Sh. Awwamah's son-in-law, Sh. Sa'id Bakdash. His book is a wonderful read, full of fawaid.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:30 PM   #24

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Here is some info on the book "Tawali' al-Anwar" and its author, selected from Sh. Sa'ids book:

المؤلف: محمد عابد بن أحمد علي الأيوبي الأنصاري السندي المدني، آية الله الباهرة في الحديث والفقه، ولد بالسند سنة 1190هـ تقريبا وتوفي بالمدينة المنورة سنة 1257هـ.

التعريف بالشرح ومزاياه: شرح عظيم وموسع لكتاب «الدر المختار». يمتاز بمزايا عظيمة، انفرد في كثير منها، وقد لا توجد مجتمعة في غيره، منها:
1- التدليل الواسع لغالب المسائل الفقهية الواردة في كتاب الدر المختار، فهو من أعظم كتب أدلة فقه الحنفية، إذ كان الشيخ محمد عابد اهتمام بالغ في تتبع أدلة المسائل والبحث عنها.
2- اهتمام مؤلفه – لاطلاعه الواسع في الحديث- بإيراد روايات عديدة كثيرة من الأدلة، مع الجمع بينها، وإزالة التعارض الظاهر بينها إن كان هناك تعارض.
3- اعتناء مؤلفه بتخريج الأدلة التي يذكرها في الغالب، مع اهتمامه ببيان درجتها وحكمها، ولكن ليس بشكل مطرد.
4- ذكره لفوائد حديثية نادرة منثورة في ثنايا الكتاب، قد لا تجدها عند غيره، أو تجدها لكن في مصادر عزيزة.
5- كتاب طوالع الأنوار هو شرح كامل لنص الدر المختار، وليس بحاشية أو تعليقات على مواضع معينة دون أخرى، كما هو حال حاشية الطهطاوي وابن عابدين والحلبي وغيرها.
6- اطلاع مؤلفه ووقوفه على غالب ما كتب من أعمالٍ علمية على الدر المختار، ونقله عنها، وتضمينه المجمل لفوائدها وتحقيقاتها.
7- التوسع والبسط الكبير في شرح النص الفقهي، مع التحقيق فيه، وإيراده لزيادات وتفريعات وأبحاث كثيرة، لم يذكرها غيره من شراح الدر المختار، ولذا قال صاحب اليانع الجني عن هذا الكتاب:«وهو حافل جدا، استوفى فيه غالب فروع مذهب أصحابه، واستوعب مسائل الواقعات والفتاوى، بحيث إنه لو قيل:لم يفته منها إلا النزر اليسير، لم يُبعِد ذلك كل البعد.»
8- إيراده لتحقيقات لغوية وصرفية وأصولية مفيدة للغاية في بيان الأدلة والاستنباط منها، مما لا تجد عند غيره من شراح الدر المختار.
9- تحقيقه الفقهي الواسع لخلاف فقهاء المذاهب الأربعة في مسائل كثيرة من الكتاب.
10- نقوله النادرة عن رسائل مؤلَّفة في مسائل خاصة، لمؤلِّفين من علماء الهند والسند وغيرهم، غير مشهورة، فيها تحقيقات نادرة، لا تجدها في غير هذا الشرح.
11- ثراء هذا الشرح بالمصادر الكثيرة، والتقاط المؤلف الفوائدَ الغزيرة النادرة منها، إذ كان زمن تأليف الكتاب من أواخر عمره، وقد تحصلت عنده مكتبة عظيمة نادرة، ضَمَّت من الكتب والرسائل العجب العجاب. وإن تتبُّع هذه المصادر ودراستها يحتاج لجهد خاص كبير، لا تسعه هذه العجالة.
12- ذكره للمفتى به المعتمَد المصحَّح في المذهب وتحقيقه لذلك.
13- استدراكه على من سبقه من شراح الكتاب، وهذا وإن كان طبيعياً عند العالم المحقق المتأخر زمنيا عن غيره لكن يبقى مزية تذكر له.
14- إن التوسع الكبير المشهود للمؤلف في كثير من المسائل الفقهية في هذا الشرح يجعل من الممكن أن تفرَد كثير من الأبحاث والإطالات في رسائل مستقلة خاصة بتلك المسائل، حتى لقد بلغ طول إحدى المسائل 40 لوحة من المخطوط!
15- إنه من آخر مؤلفات الشيخ محمد عابد، وذلك بعد أن استقر في المدينة المنورة، وقد بلغ من النُضج العلمي الدرجة القصوى في فنون كثيرة، وبالأخص في فن الحديث والفقه.
16- ومما زاد هذا الشرح أهمية فوق أهمية، وميزة وقوة وتحريراً وتحقيقاً وتدقيقاً، أن مؤلفه قد قام بتدريسه وشرحه للطلاب في درس القراءة خلال ثماني سنين، وهو يشرحه الشرح الأخير الموسّع، من سنة 1243 إلى سنة 1251هـ بالمدينة المنورة، وكان قد شرح الدر المختار من قبل لكن بشكل مختصر.
17- امتازت عبارة الكتاب بكونها سهلة غير صعبة، ولا مغلقة، وذلك مما ييسِّر التعامل مع الكتاب والإقبال عليه،
بالجملة فمِحوَر هذه المزايا هو تفنن الشيخ محمد عابد حديثيا وفقهيا، وهو قد انفرد بهذا عن سائر الشراح الآخرين- أو أغلبهم- فإنهم فقهاء أصوليون.
وأيضا كونه في مركز علمي كبير- الحرمين الشريفين- مع اتصالاته العلمية بالسند وما والاه واليمن ومصر، والعلماء الواردين إلى الحرمين، ورحلاته الكثيرة، مما وسّع دائرة ثقافته ومصادره.

فالحق أن كتاب طوالع الأنوار بحر زاخر، مليء بالدرر والجواهر، وكنز ثمين مخفي، يجب أن يسعى لإظهاره سعيا حثيثا، للكشف عن مكنوناته، وما أودع فيه مؤلفه من تحقيقات نادرة، وإفادات غالية، وإضافات مهمة، يسّر الله تعالى خدمته وإخراجه على أحسن حال، الله آمين.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:43 PM   #25

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MashaAllah, I dont know who narrated it, but when Ibn Abidin found out that such a great Alim wrote a commentary on Haskafi's work, he said something like there was no need for his Hashiya anymore.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:53 PM   #26

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MashaAllah, I dont know who narrated it, but when Ibn Abidin found out that such a great Alim wrote a commentary on Haskafi's work, he said something like there was no need for his Hashiya anymore.
Unfortunately, that is a story, common amongst the Ulama of Sindh, but unheard of in Arab lands.
I heard it from a senior Mufti of Sindh and recently discussed it with Sh. Said Bakdash, who heard it from/via Mf. Zar Wali khan saheb.

It seems very suspicious and after comparing the two works, it is far from the truth.
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Old 12-11-2008, 12:02 AM   #27

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MashaAllah, May Allah guide someone to publish it.
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Old 12-11-2008, 12:18 AM   #28

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A pakistani alim is currently working on it, however a huge work of this sort requires a big group of experienced Muhaqqiqs.
It would take an individual a good few years.
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Old 12-11-2008, 03:18 AM   #29

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It seems very suspicious and after comparing the two works, it is far from the truth. Mufti saheb can you elaborate on this. Is the hashiya of Allamah Ibn Abidin a far greater authority than other sharhs of al-durr.?
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Old 12-11-2008, 02:30 PM   #30

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Mufti saheb can you elaborate on this. Is the hashiya of Allamah Ibn Abidin a far greater authority than other sharhs of al-durr.?

Every book possesses characteristics and peculiarities not found in others.
Tawali' al-Anwar possesses many such characteristics, which I enumerated above.

However, The Hashiyah of Ibn Abidin is a much more detailed and stronger work when the fiqhi aspect is considered.
While Tawali' delves really deep into certain masail and discusses them in an unmatched manner, the average level of fiqhi-research is not up to par with that of Ibn Abidin.
Ibn Abidin would refer to dozens of books most of the time, mention the different views on the issue and attempt to harmonize between them.
Sh. Abid seems to rely on Allamah Tahtawi most of the time, generally not really mentioning much more than him.

So while both books are such that they hold great benefit and both mention weak and unreliable views on occasion, the Hashiyah of Ibn Abidin does handle the fiqhi aspect in a more thorough manner, in my opinion.
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Old 12-11-2008, 07:08 PM   #31

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MashaAllah excellent jawab.
Knowing the maratib al-kutub is a crucial, but neglected aspect, of islamic learning.
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Old 12-11-2008, 07:13 PM   #32

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Is this a subject that is touched on in the Aalim Fadhil?

Unless one has a passion for Kitaabs i have found that most ulama do not have a vast knowledge of classical kutub
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Old 12-11-2008, 07:48 PM   #33

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General graduates from dars nizami, have little knowledge of classical books, but its understandable as the course is not a specialist one. For budding muftis the case is different, and they should have a more indepth knowledge as knowing the source material and its authority is vitally significant in giving the correct answer. I think most ifta courses will teach the basic requirement in this field, using Ibn Abidin's uqud rasm al-mufti and Maulana Abdul Hayy's al-nafi al-kabir, although there is perhaps scope to improve.
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Old 12-11-2008, 08:23 PM   #34

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Tell me more about Rasm al Mufti please

What is it all about? Subject matter etc...
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Old 12-11-2008, 08:40 PM   #35

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In a nutshell, the principles of and aspects to consider when giving Fataawa.
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Old 12-12-2008, 01:43 PM   #36

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And what is Sharh Uqud Rasm al Mufti

Does it have to do with business related fatwa?
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Old 12-12-2008, 02:06 PM   #37

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Allamah Ibn Abidin composed a poem titled "Uqud Rasm al-Mufti", containing guidelines on tarjih and ifta in the madhab.
He then penned a commentary on that poem, so the commentary is known as "Sharh Uqud Rasm al-Mufti".
This is taught in every Dar al-Ifta and is the foremost reference in Hanafi Adab al-Ifta (Fatwa Methodology).

The poem, with some notes on it has been translated into English.
That could be downloaded from here.

The complete Arabic commentary could be downloaded from here.
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:29 PM   #38

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Old 12-15-2008, 01:30 AM   #39

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Allamah Ibn Abidin composed a poem titled "Uqud Rasm al-Mufti", containing guidelines on tarjih and ifta in the madhab.
He then penned a commentary on that poem, so the commentary is known as "Sharh Uqud Rasm al-Mufti".
This is taught in every Dar al-Ifta and is the foremost reference in Hanafi Adab al-Ifta (Fatwa Methodology).

The poem, with some notes on it has been translated into English.
That could be downloaded from here.

The complete Arabic commentary could be downloaded from here.

Mufti Sahib, do you by any chance have Fatawa books? on pdf? preferably in Urdu; like Ahsanul Fatawa, Fatawa e Deoband, and other early Hanafi Fatawa books? my local Imam Sahib is asking me to get them for him.

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Old 12-23-2008, 03:52 AM   #40

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Another exception is the eighth century Punjabi scholar Diya al-din Umar ibn Muhammad al-sunnami, who wrote the nisab al-ihtisab, a very important work in hisba. His teacher was a student of the great Hamid al-Din al-Darir (from central asia).

This work has been published and is an exceptional contribution to the genre. It also shows how ulama before deoband and Shah WaliAllah were acutely aware of the problem of bid'a in india. There are many sections in the work which deal with bid'a in this work, dancing and sama etc etc. which the author tirelessly opposed throughout his life.

May Allah bless him and raise his station in paradise.
By the way, this book has been almost fully been translated and commented in English by a person called Izzi Dien, and published by Gibb Memorial Trust with the following title:

The theory and the practice of market law in medieval Islam : a study of Kitāb Niṣāb al-Iḥtisāb of Umar b. Muḥammad al-Sunāmī (fl. 7th-8th/13th-14th century)

The author certainly is strict on issues he deems as innovation surrounding marriage, funeral, music, dancing etc.
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