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Old 07-06-2010, 11:41 PM   #1

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Default Dua for Kashmir
Assalamualykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

I request everyone to please remember our muslim brothers & sisters in Kashmir as the current conditions there are very bad.the kashmiri youth is being targeted...and duas not just for our brothers/sisters in kashmir but also in Palestine, Afghanistan,Pakistan and other war zones...and not only those under going these kind of atrocities but also those struggling with them selves...with different battles going on..some struggling to be good muslims,some struggling for rizq,others battling with illness...and the list goes on.

lets us all make dua for the entire muslim ummah.may Allah bless us with the taufeeq to remember and make duas for our brothers & sisters everywhere.ameen

Hadeeth of the prophet (SAWS): The Prophet (saws) said:

Whenever you make a supplication for another believer and he is not present, an angel will say ‘and same to you.’

Dont underestimate the power of Dua.

may Allah taala accept our duas and protect and guide each muslim.ameen

JazakAllah khair

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Old 07-07-2010, 12:06 AM   #2

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Do you perhaps know of any special duas from the Quran and Sunnah for those in these types of situations mentioned?

In another Islamic forum, members co-ordinated amongst themselves towards recitation of completing the Quran with the intention that the reward/benefit goes towards relieving those in difficult situtions. Such that recitation of certain portions of the Quran will be assigned to different issues, by specific groups/individuals working on completing those parts. Example, a portion for those who are wrongfully imprisoned, another portion would be assigned to those who are ailing from sickness and so forth. It's a good idea.
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Old 07-07-2010, 12:46 AM   #3

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sorry to spoil the moment here but the truth is that these muslims r in allah azaabs. the only way to remove these azaabs is by doing taubah and coming back into islam. i wish the ulema wold stress this point of doing taubah. we muslims r in dire need of it. it is the only way to remove present and forthcoming clamities upon us muslims.
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Old 07-07-2010, 12:48 AM   #4

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Assalamualykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

I request everyone to please remember our muslim brothers & sisters in Kashmir as the current conditions there are very bad.the kashmiri youth is being targeted...and duas not just for our brothers/sisters in kashmir but also in Palestine, Afghanistan,Pakistan and other war zones...and not only those under going these kind of atrocities but also those struggling with them selves...with different battles going on..some struggling to be good muslims,some struggling for rizq,others battling with illness...and the list goes on.

lets us all make dua for the entire muslim ummah.may Allah bless us with the taufeeq to remember and make duas for our brothers & sisters everywhere.ameen

Hadeeth of the prophet (SAWS): The Prophet (saws) said:

Whenever you make a supplication for another believer and he is not present, an angel will say ‘and same to you.’

Dont underestimate the power of Dua.

may Allah taala accept our duas and protect and guide each muslim.ameen

JazakAllah khair

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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Old 07-07-2010, 03:35 AM   #5

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Assalamualykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

I request everyone to please remember our muslim brothers & sisters in Kashmir as the current conditions there are very bad.the kashmiri youth is being targeted...and duas not just for our brothers/sisters in kashmir but also in Palestine, Afghanistan,Pakistan and other war zones...and not only those under going these kind of atrocities but also those struggling with them selves...with different battles going on..some struggling to be good muslims,some struggling for rizq,others battling with illness...and the list goes on.

lets us all make dua for the entire muslim ummah.may Allah bless us with the taufeeq to remember and make duas for our brothers & sisters everywhere.ameen

Hadeeth of the prophet (SAWS): The Prophet (saws) said:

Whenever you make a supplication for another believer and he is not present, an angel will say ‘and same to you.’

Dont underestimate the power of Dua.

may Allah taala accept our duas and protect and guide each muslim.ameen

JazakAllah khair

O ALLAH ! Help our Muslim Brothers & Sisters from the ZULM of KUFFARS & grant us that much authority that we could be able to implement KHILAFAT on our Muslim Countries .... AAMEEN !
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Old 07-07-2010, 08:23 AM   #6

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There is prophet (peace and blessings) dua said at Taif -

اللهم إليك أشكو ضعف قوتي وقلة حيلتي وهواني على الناس
ياأرحم الراحمين أنت أرحم الراحمين
أنت رب المستضعفين وأنت ربي
إلى من تكلني إلى عدو يتجهمني أم إلى صديق مكلته إمري
إن لم يكن بك غضب علي فلا أبالي ولكن عافيتك هي أوسع لي
أعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أضاءت له السموات و الأرض
وأشرقت له الظلمات وصلح عليه أمر الدنيا والأخره
أن ينزل بي غضبك أو يحل علي سخطك

Oh, Allah, I appeal to you for the weakness in my strength,
and my limited power,
and the treatment of contempt and humiliation from people.
To you, the most Merciful of all the Merciful ones,
you are the Lord of the oppressed, and you are my Lord

Under whose care are you leaving me to?
To an enemy oppressing me?
Or to a friend you have given control of my affair?
If there is no anger from you on me I will forever be content.
However, your blessing is vastly important for me

I seek refuge with the glory of your light,
which the heavens and earth are lit form,
your anger will not befall on me,
nor your displeasure descends on me

To you is the supplication until you are pleased,
and there is no control or power except by you
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Old 07-07-2010, 04:39 PM   #7

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very true brother; belonging to one of these regions I can say that what you see is true and sincere taubah is the only respite we have. May Allah give us the tawfeeq.
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Old 07-07-2010, 08:14 PM   #8

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sorry to spoil the moment here but the truth is that these muslims r in allah azaabs. the only way to remove these azaabs is by doing taubah and coming back into islam. i wish the ulema wold stress this point of doing taubah. we muslims r in dire need of it. it is the only way to remove present and forthcoming clamities upon us muslims.

Don't be too hasty:

“And we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient. Who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allaah and indeed to Him we will return.’” (Al-Baqarah: 155-156).
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Old 07-07-2010, 09:54 PM   #9

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sorry to spoil the moment here but the truth is that these muslims r in allah azaabs. the only way to remove these azaabs is by doing taubah and coming back into islam. i wish the ulema wold stress this point of doing taubah. we muslims r in dire need of it. it is the only way to remove present and forthcoming clamities upon us muslims.

Or perhaps these Muslims are dearly Loved By Allah , afterall the people who are closest too Allah are tested the most.

We should have compassion for others and do something to help them, instead of condemning them as sinners worthy of punishment.

I remember Maulana Masood Azhar tackling this question in one of his lectures, when you ask people to ask those to help these oppressed people, the answer given is' Maulana they are being punished for their sins,' Maulana asks if these people are being punished for their sins what makes you so virtuos and free of sins.
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Old 07-07-2010, 10:01 PM   #10

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Or perhaps these Muslims are dearly Loved By Allah , afterall the people who are closest too Allah are tested the most.

We should have compassion for others and do something to help them, instead of condemning them as sinners worthy of punishment.
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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Old 07-07-2010, 11:33 PM   #11

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lol! come on bro, allah does test muslims but when u suffer problems upon leaving the quran and sunnat then that is definetly a punishment. seconly whenever kaffirs r imposed upon muslims it is always a punishement. when ever muslims r being genocided and blood bathed it is because of thier sins. the problem we muslims r suffering from today is not beacuse these muslims r dearly loved by allah it is because allah is very very very unhappy with muslims
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Old 07-07-2010, 11:36 PM   #12

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Don't be too hasty:

“And we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient. Who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allaah and indeed to Him we will return.’” (Al-Baqarah: 155-156).
this verse is reffering to those who follow the quran and sunnat not those who have left the quran and sunnat. we muslims have flushed the quran and sunnat down the toilet and r now suffering punishments from allah. this is why u r seeing the downfall of the ummat toady.
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Old 07-08-2010, 01:40 AM   #13

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They are still Muslims, sure the need is there to perform tawbah and these matters do not have to contradict each other.

when ever muslims r being genocided and blood bathed it is because of thier sins What's the validity of this statement? Does anyone have any measure of certanity that lives that have been lost in wars etc were due to the impure spiritual state of individuals?
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Old 07-08-2010, 09:54 PM   #14

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They are still Muslims, sure the need is there to perform tawbah and these matters do not have to contradict each other.

What's the validity of this statement? Does anyone have any measure of certanity that lives that have been lost in wars etc were due to the impure spiritual state of individuals?

So would I.
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Old 07-08-2010, 10:11 PM   #15

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First of all this accusation was made against the Prophet Ayub

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentions all this. He said, "Prophet Ayyub endured trial for eighteen years. Relatives and acquaintances shunned him except two of his kinsmen. One day one of them said to the other 'I swear to Allah that Ayyub has committed a great and unforgivable sin.' 'Never!' the other answered. 'Can't you see the affliction he is in? Allah did not have mercy on him for eighteen years,' said the first one. The two went to Ayyub and the second man said, 'Do you know what this man was saying? He said you have committed a great sin, so Allah will not forgive you.' Ayyub said, 'I know nothing of what you both are saying, but I know that whenever I passed by two quarrelling people I came back home praying for Allah to conciliate between them, and gave charity for them so Allah would not be disobeyed.' That affected him deeply. (Isr. From Abdullah bin 'Ubaid bin 'Umair).

So lets analyse Kashmir the Subcontinent, was colonised by the British in 1847, during the treaty of Amritsar the British sold Kashmir for 7 million rupees, to a sikh maharajah for his support in helping quell an uprising
against colonial rule.

100 years later when the Subcontinent is divided up, on religious grounds, the British viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten, betrays the Kashmiri, people once more. Some platitudes are given that the Kashmiris will get a free and impartial plebiscite, but to date no plebicite.

Now if the Kashmiris are subjugated because of their sins, then why was the Bengali, sylheti, Punjabi, Baluchi, sindhi, peoples not punished? what made these people less sinful then the Kashmiris?

One could argue that India intial as a whole was Colonised and Subjugated by the Europeans because of the sins of the people.

But too state that during partition the Kashmiris where punished for their sins, and the Punjabi , sindhi, Baluchi, gained his freedom beacuase he was pious is frankly ludicrous.

If indeed the people in Kashmir, chechnya, palestine are being punishmend, for their sins in this Dhuniyah. Then what will be the punishment for those of us who look at the suffering of our brethren with not an ounce of compassion, what will our punishment be in the akhirah? when we are asked why did you do nothing to help your oppressed Brethren?

As all the pious ulemah teach one cannot assume that the unfortunate are being punished by Allah and so ignore their needs. For Allah alone knows best, why he has tested a people, our duty is to help the poor oppressed if we can or at the very least make dua.
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Old 07-09-2010, 06:52 AM   #16

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They are still Muslims, sure the need is there to perform tawbah and these matters do not have to contradict each other.

What's the validity of this statement? Does anyone have any measure of certanity that lives that have been lost in wars etc were due to the impure spiritual state of individuals?
the sahaba r.a fought wars and these were not punishments. how ever i am saying genocides, genocides r always a punishement. whenever a nation is being destroyed it is a sign of azaab. simples!
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Old 07-09-2010, 07:13 AM   #17

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I don't think there is any guarantee that Muslims killed in genocides is a sign of azaab and to say that sounds rather harsh and it's not a very befitting generalizationl!. Like would you apply the same measurement of judgement to the genocide of the Palestinians?!. I am in obvious agreement with the reminder that we do need to rectify ourselves / take heed from the lessons derived from those nations and peoples who have been made to be humbled (in suffering) becuase of their acts in trangressions.
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Old 07-09-2010, 07:16 AM   #18

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First of all this accusation was made against the Prophet Ayub

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentions all this. He said, "Prophet Ayyub endured trial for eighteen years. Relatives and acquaintances shunned him except two of his kinsmen. One day one of them said to the other 'I swear to Allah that Ayyub has committed a great and unforgivable sin.' 'Never!' the other answered. 'Can't you see the affliction he is in? Allah did not have mercy on him for eighteen years,' said the first one. The two went to Ayyub and the second man said, 'Do you know what this man was saying? He said you have committed a great sin, so Allah will not forgive you.' Ayyub said, 'I know nothing of what you both are saying, but I know that whenever I passed by two quarrelling people I came back home praying for Allah to conciliate between them, and gave charity for them so Allah would not be disobeyed.' That affected him deeply. (Isr. From Abdullah bin 'Ubaid bin 'Umair).

So lets analyse Kashmir the Subcontinent, was colonised by the British in 1847, during the treaty of Amritsar the British sold Kashmir for 7 million rupees, to a sikh maharajah for his support in helping quell an uprising
against colonial rule.

100 years later when the Subcontinent is divided up, on religious grounds, the British viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten, betrays the Kashmiri, people once more. Some platitudes are given that the Kashmiris will get a free and impartial plebiscite, but to date no plebicite.

Now if the Kashmiris are subjugated because of their sins, then why was the Bengali, sylheti, Punjabi, Baluchi, sindhi, peoples not punished? what made these people less sinful then the Kashmiris?

One could argue that India intial as a whole was Colonised and Subjugated by the Europeans because of the sins of the people.

But too state that during partition the Kashmiris where punished for their sins, and the Punjabi , sindhi, Baluchi, gained his freedom beacuase he was pious is frankly ludicrous.

If indeed the people in Kashmir, chechnya, palestine are being punishmend, for their sins in this Dhuniyah. Then what will be the punishment for those of us who look at the suffering of our brethren with not an ounce of compassion, what will our punishment be in the akhirah? when we are asked why did you do nothing to help your oppressed Brethren?

As all the pious ulemah teach one cannot assume that the unfortunate are being punished by Allah and so ignore their needs. For Allah alone knows best, why he has tested a people, our duty is to help the poor oppressed if we can or at the very least make dua.
first of all u used hazrat ayubs a.s example. i made it clear that when a person follows islam properly then the problems that come r always a test from god to bring them closer to allah, but when a person or nation leave the quran and sunnat, go against the orders of allah ignore the shariat, then the problems that come r always a punishment. this is the case of of the muslim ummat today. one of the only group of people in the world toady who r being tested r the taliban, as they were sincere to cause of islam, but the invasion of afghanistan is an azaab for the rest of afghanis.

u say why just kashmir is being punished why not bengal, sind, punjab ect..with the bengal, sind punjab ect... they r also in punishments but of different kinds. these floods that u see in bangladesh and the severe poverty, i dont think these r blessings from allah. look at pakistan it is being punished. look at how it has made no progress in the fifty years of independence, look at the corrupt govts, load shedding, lack of water, food ect... large amounts of illiteracy and many more. these r all types of azaabs. with the kashmir region they are commting slightly different sins that why they r having land occupation issues.

also the invasion of indai by the british was infact an azaab not a test from allah

to say that allah tested these peoples is wrong, one must tell the difference between a test and punishment. if u cant then u cant do taubah because everytime a clamity befalls someone, they can just sayit is a test and not consider it a punishment.

i couldnt stop laughing when i heard pakistanis saying that the major earthquake that happened a few years ago in pakistan was test. this was the same with the tsunami. its victims were also saying it was a test. i was just amazaed by this. that they cant understand when they have just been hit by an azaab
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Old 07-09-2010, 07:20 AM   #19

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I don't think there is any guarantee that Muslims killed in genocides is a sign of azaab and to say that sounds rather harsh and it's not a very befitting generalizationl!. Like would you apply the same measurement of judgement to the genocide of the Palestinians?!. I am in obvious agreement with the reminder that we do need to rectify ourselves / take heed from the lessons derived from those nations and peoples who have been made to be humbled (in suffering) becuase of their acts in trangressions.
u must be very strange if u think genocides are a test from allah. when ever nations r being destroyed it is always a punishment, never a test fro alllah. and yes the palestinians r in allahs azaab as well. u c whenever kaffir people r imposed on muslims like in palestine it is an azaab.
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Old 08-03-2010, 09:53 PM   #20

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Assalamulykum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh,

Dear brothers and sisters,,,this is a reminder and a DESPERATE request for your duas for the people in kashmir.

I request you all to make duas...pray nafls ..request your Shaykhs...your families...children...n all pious ppl..to make duas and sadaqah...please.start NOW and spread the word.May Allah taala reward each of you.ameen

mashAllah this forum is full of pious ppl and has much barakah.i have faith when the voices and pleas of duas unite,Allah will accept the duas.inshAllah

may Allah protect and safeguard each and every brother and sister all over.ameen
may Allah forgive us all for our sins and bless us with the taufeeq to recognize our sins and do sincere taubah and istagfar and may Allah accept it.ameen
may Allah bless us all with hidayah and guide us to the right path and choosing the right course of action.ameen
may Allah give us the taufeeq to remember our brothers ans sisters suffering and may we make sincere dua for them and may He accept it.ameen
may we all remember the people suffering while we sleep peacefully,eat and drink and feel safe at home.ameen
may Allah keep us all under His mercy and blessings,always and may He teach us to be truly grateful for all that He has bestowed upon us all.ameen
may Allah give us taufeeq to use all that He has given us to Please Him and not to misuse the blessings.ameen
JazakumAllah Khair katheer

wassalamulykum wrwb
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